247 research outputs found

    The Interaction of NAture and Man in the Philosophy of the Living Ethics

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    В статье рассматривается проблема взаимоотношений природы и человека, как она понимается в философской системе Живой Этики; анализируются понятия энергообмена, ритма, красоты, синтеза; понимается вопрос актуальности сотрудничества человека и природы и их взаимопомощи.The article deals with the problem of interrelation between nature and man, as understood in the philosophical system of the Living Ethics; it analyzes the concepts of energy exchange, rhythm, beauty, synthesis; it raises the actual question of cooperation between man and nature and their mutual assistance

    Category of Thought in the Philosophy of Living Ethics

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    В статье рассмотрены особенности категории мысли в контексте знаний, которые содержатся в философской системе Живой Этики. Проанализирована важность очищения мышления и контроля над мыслями, показана роль мысли в познании и эволюционном развитии человека.The article considers the features of the category of thought in the context of knowledge contained in the philosophical system of Living Ethics. The importance of purifying thinking and controlling thoughts is analyzed, and the role of thought in human cognition and evolutionary development is shown

    A Comparison of the Dynamics of S100B, S100A1, and S100A6 mRNA Expression in Hippocampal CA1 Area of Rats during Long-Term Potentiation and after Low-Frequency Stimulation

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    The interest in tissue- and cell-specific S100 proteins physiological roles in the brain remains high. However, necessary experimental data for the assessment of their dynamics in one of the most important brain activities, its plasticity, is not sufficient. We studied the expression of S100B, S100A1, and S100A6 mRNA in the subfield CA1 of rat hippocampal slices after tetanic and low-frequency stimulation by real-time PCR. Within 30 min after tetanization, a 2–4 fold increase of the S100B mRNA level was observed as compared to the control (intact slices) or to low-frequency stimulation. Subsequently, the S100B mRNA content gradually returned to baseline. The amount of S100A1 mRNA gradually increased during first hour and maintained at the achieved level in the course of second hour after tetanization. The level of S100A6 mRNA did not change following tetanization or low-frequency stimulation

    Резервы пропускной способности железных дорог

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    For the English full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT Reserves for increasing the capacity of railways, among other things, are associated with the possibilities of reducing the length of block sections and reducing the spatial and temporal inter-train interval. The actual length of the block sections, determined by the inter-train interval, is considerably greater than the estimated length required for traffic safety. The similar arrangement of traffic lights leads to an underestimation of the available throughput. To bring the lengths of the block sections into line with the braking distance, it is suggested to consider the movement of trains at the yellow indication of the traffic light without reducing the speed. Reducing the braking distance, the length of the block sections and their number will increase the carrying capacity, especially in the areas of freight traffic. Satellite radionavigation systems that regulate traffic without floor traffic lights and rail chains can help to ensure the minimum required interval between trains. Keywords: railway, throughput, length of the block-section, braking distance of the train, inter-train interval, arrangement of passing traffic lights, satellite navigation.Полный текст на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Резервы увеличения пропускной способности железных дорог, помимо прочего, связаны с возможностями уменьшения длины блок- участков и сокращения пространственного и временного межпоездного интервала. Фактическая длина блок-участков, определяемая по межпоездному интервалу, оказывается значительно больше расчётной длины, необходимой для безопасности движения. Сообразная расстановка светофоров приводит к занижению наличной пропускной способности. Для приведения длин блок- участков в соответствие с тормозным путём предлагается рассмотреть следование поездов на жёлтое показание светофора без снижения скорости. Уменьшение тормозного пути, длины блок-участков и их числа позволит увеличить пропускную способность, прежде всего на грузонапряжённых участках. Обеспечить минимально нужный интервал между поездами могут помочь спутниковые радионавигационные системы, регулирующие движение без напольных светофоров и рельсовых цепей

    Filamentation of collimated Ti:sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source

    Multiple filamentation Ti:Sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source

    Течение Covid-19 у вакцинированных пациентов

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    Aim of study. To conduct a retrospective analysis of treatment outcomes for COVID-19 in unvaccinated and vaccinated patients.Material and methods. The present retrospective single-center study included 209 patients who were vaccinated in history and hospitalized at the City Aleksandrovskaya Hospital for infection with COVID-19 in the period from April 5, 2020 to July 9, 2021. The average period between vaccine administration and hospitalization was 18.0 ± 11.0 days. In all cases, a positive result of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 was obtained. These patients were included in Group 1. The comparison group included 475 unvaccinated patients with comparable lung tissue damage according to multispiral computed tomography of the chest (MSCT) and a positive PCR result for the presence of SARS-CoV-2, selected randomly over the same observation period.Results. The lesions of the lung tissue according to the results of chest MSCT upon admission of the group were comparable (p=0.55). All deaths were observed in the group of unvaccinated patients (n=46; 9.7%; p<0.0001). In all cases, the cause was an increase in multiple organ failure. In the same cohort of patients, there was a statistically significantly greater number of deep vein thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities (p=0.02). In the group of vaccinated patients (1st), arterial thrombosis of various location was not diagnosed, while in the 2nd group (comparison), this pathology was detected in every 10th patient. At the same time, thrombosis of the arteries of the lower extremities developed statistically more often (n=52; 10.9%; p><0.0001). This condition was accompanied by an increase in laboratory parameters of the inflammatory reaction and coagulopathy with the progression of lung tissue damage to the 3–4th degree according to the results of MSCT. However, in 37 (7.8%) cases, open thrombectomy was not possible, and on the first day after the operation, repeated thrombosis developed, followed by amputation of the limb. In 23 (4.8%) cases, a fatal outcome was observed. Conclusion Vaccination prevents the severe course of covid-19: the progression of pneumonia, coagulopathy, and inflammatory syndrome. In vaccinated patients, no deaths, pulmonary embolism were observed, which demonstrates the absence of a severe course of the disease. All arterial thrombosis associated with covid-19 develops in unvaccinated patients and is accompanied by a high incidence of repeated thrombosis, requiring subsequent amputation of the limb. The widespread introduction of vaccination will help reduce the severity of the course and prevent complications of the new coronavirus infection. Key words: COVID-19, novel coronavirus infection, thrombosis, SARS-CoV-2, vaccine>˂0.0001). In all cases, the cause was an increase in multiple organ failure. In the same cohort of patients, there was a statistically significantly greater number of deep vein thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities (p=0.02). In the group of vaccinated patients (1st), arterial thrombosis of various location was not diagnosed, while in the 2nd group (comparison), this pathology was detected in every 10th patient. At the same time, thrombosis of the arteries of the lower extremities developed statistically more often (n=52; 10.9%; p˂0.0001). This condition was accompanied by an increase in laboratory parameters of the inflammatory reaction and coagulopathy with the progression of lung tissue damage to the 3–4th degree according to the results of MSCT. However, in 37 (7.8%) cases, open thrombectomy was not possible, and on the first day after the operation, repeated thrombosis developed, followed by amputation of the limb. In 23 (4.8%) cases, a fatal outcome was observed.Conclusion. Vaccination prevents the severe course of covid-19: the progression of pneumonia, coagulopathy, and inflammatory syndrome. In vaccinated patients, no deaths, pulmonary embolism were observed, which demonstrates the absence of a severe course of the disease. All arterial thrombosis associated with covid-19 develops in unvaccinated patients and is accompanied by a high incidence of repeated thrombosis, requiring subsequent amputation of the limb. The widespread introduction of vaccination will help reduce the severity of the course and prevent complications of the new coronavirus infection. Цель. Провести ретроспективный анализ исходов лечения COVID-19 у невакцинированных и вакцинированных пациентов.Материал и методы. В настоящее ретроспективное одноцентровое исследование вошли 209 пациентов, вакцинированных и госпитализированных в СПб ГБУЗ «Городская Александровская больница» по поводу заражения COVID-19 в период с 5 апреля 2021 по 9 июля 2021 г. Средний период между введением вакцины и госпитализацией составил 18,0±11,0 суток. Во всех случаях был получен положительный результат полимеразной цепной реакции (ПЦР) на наличие SARS-CoV-2. Данные пациенты были включены в 1-ю (основную) группу. В группу сравнения вошли 475 невакцинированных больных с сопоставимым поражением легочной ткани по данным мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки (МСКТ ОГК) и положительным результатом ПЦР на наличие SARS-CoV-2, подобранных рандомизированным способом за тот же период наблюдения.Результаты. Поражения легочной ткани согласно результатам МСКТ ОГК на момент поступления группы были сопоставимы (р=0,55). Все смертельные исходы были зафиксированы в группе невакцинированных пациентов (n=46; 9,7%; р<0,0001, статистически значимо). Во всех случаях причиной стало нарастание полиорганной недостаточности. В этой же когорте больных отмечалось статистически значимо большее количество тромбозов глубоких вен верхних и нижних конечностей (р=0,02). В группе вакцинированных пациентов (1-я) артериальные тромбозы разной локализации не диагностировались, тогда как во 2-й группе (сравнения) данная патология была выявлена у каждого 10-го больного. При этом статистически значимо чаще развивался тромбоз артерий нижних конечностей (n=52; 10,9%; р><0,0001). Данное состояние сопровождалось нарастанием лабораторных показателей воспалительной реакции и коагулопатией с прогрессированием поражения легочной ткани до 3–4-й степени по результатам МСКТ. Однако в 37 случаях (7,8%) открытая тромбэктомия оказалась невозможной, и в первые сутки после операции развился повторный тромбоз с последующей ампутацией конечности. В 23 случаях (4,8%) был зафиксирован смертельный исход. Заключение Вакцинация предупреждает тяжелое течение COVID-19: прогрессирование пневмонии, коагулопатии и воспалительного синдрома. У вакцинированных пациентов не наблюдалось смертельных исходов, тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, что демонстрирует отсутствие тяжелого течения заболевания. Все артериальные тромбозы на фоне COVID-19 развиваются у невакцинированных пациентов и сопровождаются высокой частотой повторных тромбозов, требующих последующей ампутации конечности. Широкое внедрение вакцинации будет способствовать уменьшению тяжести течения и профилактике осложнений новой коронавирусной инфекции. Ключевые слова: COVID-19, новая коронавирусная инфекция, тромбоз, SARS-CoV-2, вакцина >˂ 0,0001, статистически значимо). Во всех случаях причиной стало нарастание полиорганной недостаточности. В этой же когорте больных отмечалось статистически значимо большее количество тромбозов глубоких вен верхних и нижних конечностей (р=0,02). В группе вакцинированных пациентов (1-я) артериальные тромбозы разной локализации не диагностировались, тогда как во 2-й группе (сравнения) данная патология была выявлена у каждого 10-го больного. При этом статистически значимо чаще развивался тромбоз артерий нижних конечностей (n=52; 10,9%; р˂ 0,0001). Данное состояние сопровождалось нарастанием лабораторных показателей воспалительной реакции и коагулопатией с прогрессированием поражения легочной ткани до 3–4-й степени по результатам МСКТ. Однако в 37 случаях (7,8%) открытая тромбэктомия оказалась невозможной, и в первые сутки после операции развился повторный тромбоз с последующей ампутацией конечности. В 23 случаях (4,8%) был зафиксирован смертельный исход.Заключение. Вакцинация предупреждает тяжелое течение COVID-19: прогрессирование пневмонии, коагулопатии и воспалительного синдрома. У вакцинированных пациентов не наблюдалось смертельных исходов, тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, что демонстрирует отсутствие тяжелого течения заболевания. Все артериальные тромбозы на фоне COVID-19 развиваются у невакцинированных пациентов и сопровождаются высокой частотой повторных тромбозов, требующих последующей ампутации конечности. Широкое внедрение вакцинации будет способствовать уменьшению тяжести течения и профилактике осложнений новой коронавирусной инфекции.

    The optical identifcation of events with poorly defined locations: The case of the Fermi GBM GRB140801A

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    We report the early discovery of the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 140801A in the 137 deg2^2 3-σ\sigma error-box of the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). MASTER is the only observatory that automatically react to all Fermi alerts. GRB 140801A is one of the few GRBs whose optical counterpart was discovered solely from its GBM localization. The optical afterglow of GRB 140801A was found by MASTER Global Robotic Net 53 sec after receiving the alert, making it the fastest optical detection of a GRB from a GBM error-box. Spectroscopy obtained with the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the 6-m BTA of SAO RAS reveals a redshift of z=1.32z=1.32. We performed optical and near-infrared photometry of GRB 140801A using different telescopes with apertures ranging from 0.4-m to 10.4-m. GRB 140801A is a typical burst in many ways. The rest-frame bolometric isotropic energy release and peak energy of the burst is Eiso=5.540.24+0.26×1052E_\mathrm{iso} = 5.54_{-0.24}^{+0.26} \times 10^{52} erg and Ep,rest280E_\mathrm{p, rest}\simeq280 keV, respectively, which is consistent with the Amati relation. The absence of a jet break in the optical light curve provides a lower limit on the half-opening angle of the jet θ=6.1\theta=6.1 deg. The observed EpeakE_\mathrm{peak} is consistent with the limit derived from the Ghirlanda relation. The joint Fermi GBM and Konus-Wind analysis shows that GRB 140801A could belong to the class of intermediate duration. The rapid detection of the optical counterpart of GRB 140801A is especially important regarding the upcoming experiments with large coordinate error-box areas.Comment: in press MNRAS, 201


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    Results of the ice and hydrological measurements carried out in the winter of 2014/15 in theTiksiGulf(Buor-KhayaBay) are described. These data served a basis for development of a conceptual thermodynamic model of seasonal freezing of the sea water layers and underlying bottom sediments in the sea-shore zone. The model uses two methods of localization of the phase transition zones: a classical (frontal) one is used for water, while another one within the range of temperatures – for the bottom. For real atmospheric conditions, we investigated specific features of the water freezing through in the shallow coastal zone of theLaptev Sea. The quantitative characteristics of the process were obtained. The calculations demonstrated that the distinguishing feature of the process is a stabilization of the ice thickness, taking place due to essential increasing of a salinity of the sea water. As a result of this, a shallow water body does not frozen through down to the bottom at even the very low air temperatures. Cooled salt waters does not allow liquid to be frozen in pores of the bottom ground. Salinization of the under-ice water layer can cause the melting of fast ice in the shallow water with its simultaneous increase away from the coast. Ice formation in water layers and bottom sediments begins at the same time, although it proceeds differently at different depths. Due to salinization of the bottom ground a continuous frozen zone is not formed, and the whole layer of freezing precipitation is a two-phase (partially frozen) area. As a whole, the model estimates of the process parameters including the motions of the phase fronts agree with known data of direct measurements. Despite such conformity, the model data should be considered as only evaluative ones. If a bottom is flat, the horizontal mixing and advection, which are not reproduced by a one-dimensional model in principle, the actual salinity parameters will most likely not reach the calculated values. However, for small values of the tides in theBuor-KhayaBayand insignificant reverse flows of salt, effect of the last ones does not apparently exert significant influence on the intensity of cooling of the under-ice water layer as well as on the ice formation in upper layers of the bottom within such time scales as a season.Представлены и проанализированы данные стандартных ледовых наблюдений зимой 2014/15 г. в бухте Тикси (губа Буор-Хая, южная часть моря Лаптевых). Описаны особенности изменчивости поля температур в припайном льду и подлёдном слое моря. Данные наблюдений дополнены модельными оценками замерзания слоя воды и верхних слоёв донных отложений