2,947 research outputs found

    Some clinical aspects of prolonged clinostatic hypokinesia

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    Attendant problems which arise with prolonged confinement of patients to bed are discussed. These disorders are of a hyperkinesic nature, and the symptoms are treated with pharmacological substances

    Methodology of Counteraction of Social Engineering on Objects of Information Activity

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    There are many sources of threats to enterprise information and cybersecurity. Enterprise personnel are always involved in the storage and processing of information. Therefore, it is important to consider the human factor as a real existing vulnerability in the information security of the enterprise. Usually for the convenience of people, most public Wi-Fi networks are left open, making them a good place to conduct various attacks. This fact is what inspired this study

    Irreversible and reversible modes of operation of deterministic ratchets

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    We discuss a problem of optimization of the energetic efficiency of a simple rocked ratchet. We concentrate on a low-temperature case in which the particle's motion in a ratchet potential is deterministic. We show that the energetic efficiency of a ratchet working adiabatically is bounded from above by a value depending on the form of ratchet potential. The ratchets with strongly asymmetric potentials can achieve ideal efficiency of unity without approaching reversibility. On the other hand we show that for any form of the ratchet potential a set of time-protocols of the outer force exist under which the operation is reversible and the ideal value of efficiency is also achieved. The mode of operation of the ratchet is still quasistatic but not adiabatic. The high values of efficiency can be preserved even under elevated temperatures

    Constraints On The Topology Of The Universe From The WMAP First-Year Sky Maps

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    We compute the covariance expected between the spherical harmonic coefficients ama_{\ell m} of the cosmic microwave temperature anisotropy if the universe had a compact topology. For fundamental cell size smaller than the distance to the decoupling surface, off-diagonal components carry more information than the diagonal components (the power spectrum). We use a maximum likelihood analysis to compare the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe first-year data to models with a cubic topology. The data are compatible with finite flat topologies with fundamental domain L>1.2L > 1.2 times the distance to the decoupling surface at 95% confidence. The WMAP data show reduced power at the quadrupole and octopole, but do not show the correlations expected for a compact topology and are indistinguishable from infinite models.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal deformation of concentrators in an axisymmetric temperature field

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    Axisymmetric thermal deformations of paraboloid mirrors, due to heating, are examined for a mirror with a optical axis oriented toward the Sun. A governing differential equation is derived using Mushtari-Donnel-Vlasov simplifications, and a solution is presented which makes it possible to determine the principal deformation characteristics

    Landau thermodynamic potential for BaTiO_3

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    In the paper, the description of the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BaTiO_3 single crystals using Landau thermodynamic potential is addressed. Our results suggest that when using the sixth-power free energy expansion of the thermodynamic potential, remarkably different values of the fourth-power coefficient, \beta (the coefficient of P^4_i terms), are required to adequately reproduce the nonlinear dielectric behavior of the paraelectric phase and the electric field induced ferroelectric phase, respectively. In contrast, the eighth-power expansion with a common set of coefficients enables a good description for both phases at the same time. These features, together with the data available in literature, strongly attest to the necessity of the eighth-power terms in Landau thermodynamic potential of BaTiO_3. In addition, the fourth-power coefficients, \beta and \xi (the coefficient of P^2_i P^2_j terms), were evaluated from the nonlinear dielectric responses along [001], [011], and [111] orientations in the paraelectric phase. Appreciable temperature dependence was evidenced for both coefficients above T_C. Further analysis on the linear dielectric response of the single domain crystal in the tetragonal phase demonstrated that temperature dependent anharmonic coefficients are also necessary for an adequate description of the dielectric behavior in the ferroelectric phase. As a consequence, an eighth-power thermodynamic potential, with some of the anharmonic coefficients being temperature dependent, was proposed and compared with the existing potentials. In general, the potential proposed in this work exhibits a higher quality in reproducing the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of this prototypic ferroelectric substance.Comment: 7 figures, 5 table

    Anharmonicity of BaTiO_3 single crystals

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    By analyzing the dielectric non-linearity with the Landau thermodynamic expansion, we find a simple and direct way to assess the importance of the eighth order term. Following this approach, it is demonstrated that the eighth order term is essential for the adequate description of the para/ferroelectric phase transition of BaTiO_3. The temperature dependence of the quartic coefficient \beta is accordingly reconsidered and is strongly evidenced by the change of its sign above 165 C. All these findings attest to the strong polarization anharmonicity of this material, which is unexpected for classical displacive ferroelectrics.Comment: 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Вам летающий автомобиль-трансформер? Или поезд-самолёт?

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].REVIEW OF THE BOOK: Macheret, D. A., Izmaikova, A. A. The economic role of innovation in the long-term development of rail transport. Monograph. Moscow, MIIT publ., 2016, 162 p. ABSTRACT The book examines the features of innovation-oriented development of rail transport, analyzes theoretical precursors for forthcoming engineering transformations, and assesses its prospects, taking into account innovative factors. Keywords: economy, innovations, transport, railways, economic classification of innovations.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Рецензия на книгу: Мачерет Д. А., Измайкова А. А. Экономическая роль инноваций в долгосрочном развитии железнодорожного транспорта: Монография. - М.: МИИТ, 2016. - 162 с. The English text of the review - p. 258. В монографии рассмотрены особенности инновационно-ориентированного развития железнодорожного транспорта, выполнен анализ теоретических предпосылок к грядущим технологическим преобразованиям, оценены отраслевые перспективы с учетом инновационных факторов

    Phase transitions in open quantum systems

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    We consider the behaviour of open quantum systems in dependence on the coupling to one decay channel by introducing the coupling parameter α\alpha being proportional to the average degree of overlapping. Under critical conditions, a reorganization of the spectrum takes place which creates a bifurcation of the time scales with respect to the lifetimes of the resonance states. We derive analytically the conditions under which the reorganization process can be understood as a second-order phase transition and illustrate our results by numerical investigations. The conditions are fulfilled e.g. for a picket fence with equal coupling of the states to the continuum. Energy dependencies within the system are included. We consider also the generic case of an unfolded Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble. In all these cases, the reorganization of the spectrum occurs at the critical value αcrit\alpha_{crit} of the control parameter globally over the whole energy range of the spectrum. All states act cooperatively.Comment: 28 pages, 22 Postscript figure