42 research outputs found

    Czy Protagoras zachęca do mierzenia dobra i zła? Dwa argumenty przeciw

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    In the Protagoras Socrates presents model of knowledge as the measuring art – metretike techne. It allows us to choose correctly between pleasure and pain, identified with good and evil. This paper contains two arguments against the thesis that measuring knowledge plays in the Protagoras role of a true ethical proposal. The first argument refers to sophists’ enthusiasm for measuring knowledge. The second one refers to the distinction between „measuring knowledge” and ethical knowledge in general, present in the dialogue.In the Protagoras Socrates presents model of knowledge as the measuring art – metretike techne. It allows us to choose correctly between pleasure and pain, identified with good and evil. This paper contains two arguments against the thesis that measuring knowledge plays in the Protagoras role of a true ethical proposal. The first argument refers to sophists’ enthusiasm for measuring knowledge. The second one refers to the distinction between „measuring knowledge” and ethical knowledge in general, present in the dialogue

    Nonlinear Analysis of the Hand and Foot Force-Time Profiles in the Four Competitive Swimming Strokes

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    Human locomotion on water depends on the force produced by the swimmer to propel the body forward. Performance of highly complex motor tasks like swimming can yield minor variations that only nonlinear analysis can be sensitive enough to detect. The purpose of the present study was to examine the nonlinear properties of the hand/feet forces and describe their variations across the four competitive swimming strokes performing segmental and full-body swimming. Swimmers performed all-out bouts of 25 m in the four swimming strokes, swimming the full-body stroke, with the arm-pull only and with the leg kicking only. Hand/foot force and swimming velocity were measured. The Higuchi's fractal dimension (HFD) and sample entropy (SampEn) were used for the nonlinear analysis of force and velocity. Both the arm-pull and leg kicking alone were found to produce similar peak and mean hand/foot forces as swimming the full-body stroke. Hand force was more complex in breaststroke and butterfly stroke; conversely, kicking conditions were more complex in front crawl and backstroke. Moreover, the arm-pull and kicking alone tended to be more complex (higher HFD) but more predictable (lower SampEn) than while swimming the full-body stroke. There was no loss of force production from segmental swimming to the full-body counterpart. In conclusion, the number of segments in action influences the nonlinear behavior of the force produced and, when combining the four limbs, the complexity of the hand/foot force tends to decrease.This research was supported by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through the project UID04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burn analysis in adult patients hospitalized in the East Centre of Burn Treatment and Reconstructive Surgery in Łęczna

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    Introduction: Burns are one of the most serious body injuries, which are most frequently sustained by children and older people. In Poland the morality of burn victims is decreasing due to the development of specialized burn treatment centres. Despite huge financial resources and human capital invested in the organization of burn treatment system, the hospitalization time is still long due to the specificity of injuries and their treatment. Material and methods: Records of the adult patients being burn victims hospitalized in the East Centre of Burn Treatment and Reconstructive Surgery in Łęczna were analysed. The analysed data were collected within the period of two years (01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014). Results: Over 70% out of 538 people admitted to the East Centre of Burn Treatment and Reconstructive Surgery in Łęczna were victims of the third-degree burns, among them (over 70%) were men. The average hospitalization time was 21 days and it was longer the higher was the degree of the burns. The depth of burns and body surface area affected by the burns also caused longer hospitalization time. Conclusions: Burn victims are most frequently adult men. Parts of the upper body are most frequently affected by burns. The basic factors determining the survival of the patients are supporting bodily functions after the injury and fast implementation of specialized treatment plan

    Kamica nerkowa – Metody leczenia u pacjentów geriatrycznych = Urolithiasis - Methods of treatment of geriatric patients

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    Radajewski Kamil, Mirlak Izabela, Sokołowska Natalia, Sokołowski Remigiusz, Podhorecka Marta, Stemplowski Wojciech, Zukow Walery. Kamica nerkowa – Metody leczenia u pacjentów geriatrycznych = Urolithiasis - Methods of treatment of geriatric patients. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(8):128-134. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.59898 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3739 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.07.2016. Revised 25.07.2016. Accepted: 28.07.2016. Kamica nerkowa – Metody leczenia u pacjentów geriatrycznych Urolithiasis - Methods of treatment of geriatric patients Kamil Radajewski1, Izabela Mirlak1, Natalia Sokołowska2, Remigiusz Sokołowski2, Marta Podhorecka2, Wojciech Stemplowski2, Walery Zukow3 1Specialist Hospital. Sniadecki in Nowy Sącz, Poland 2Department and Clinic of Geriatrics, Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz NCU, Poland 3WKFZIT, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland Słowa klucze: kamica nerkowa, ESWL, PCNL, RIRS, geriatria. Key words: urolithiasis, ESWL, PCNL, RIRS, geriatrics. Streszczenie Wstęp. Kamica nerkowa jest to obecność w drogach moczowych nierozpuszczalnych złogów, które powstają w wyniku wytrącania się substancji chemicznych zawartych w moczu, gdy ich stężenie przekracza próg rozpuszczalności. Największy wzrost zachorowań obserwowany jest w przedziale wiekowym 60-74 lata. Coraz częściej w leczeniu kamicy stosowane są mało inwazyjne metody leczenia, wśród których wyróżniamy przezskórną nefrolitotrypsję, litotrypsję zewnątrzustrojową falą uderzeniową, oraz wsteczną ureterorenoskopię giętką. Cel. Porównanie mało inwazyjnych metod leczenia kamicy moczowej u pacjentów geriatrycznych. Materiały i metody. Posługując się słowami kluczowymi przeszukano zagraniczne bazy bibliograficze: Embase, Medline, ScienceDirect, Web of Sciense. Przeanalizowano badanie kliniczne opublikowane w języku angielskim i międzynarodowych czasopismach. Wyniki. Najczęściej stosowaną metodą leczenia u pacjentów geriatrycznych jest itotrypsja zewnątrzustrojową falą uderzeniową. Na wybór metody wpływa nie tylko wielkość kamienia ale również choroby współistniejące takie jak cukrzyca, nadciśnienie tętnicze, niewydolność nerek. Wnioski. Z przeprowadzonych dotychczas badań wynika, że sam wiek nie jest czynnikiem determinującym wybór metody. Jakkolwiek, wciąż potrzeba dalszych badań w grupie pacjentów geriatrycznych, aby zmniejszyć liczbę powikłań po leczeniu inwazyjnym kamicy nerkowej. Summary Admission. Urolithiasis is present in the urinary insoluble deposits, which result from precipitation chemicals in the urine when their concentration exceeds the limit of solubility. The highest increase in incidence is observed in the age group 60-74 years. More and more frequently in the treatment of urolithiasis are used in minimally invasive treatments, among which we distinguish percutaneous nephronlithotripsy, lithotripsy extracorporeal shock wave and backward ureterorenoscopy flexible. Objective. Comparison of minimally invasive treatment of urolithiasis geriatric patients. Materials and methods. Using the keywords searched international bibliographic databases: Embase, Medline, Science Direct, Web of Science. We analyzed clinical trial published in English and international journals. Results. The most commonly used treatment for geriatric patients is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. The choice of the method is affected not only the size but also stone co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure. Conclusions. From the studies to date show that age alone is not the determining factor in the choice of method. However, we still need further research in geriatric patients, to reduce the number of complications after invasive treatment urolithiasis

    From a Well-Defined Organozinc Precursor to Diverse Luminescent Coordination Polymers Based on Zn(II)-Quinolinate Building Units Interconnected by Mixed Ligand Systems.

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    Introduction of photoactive building blocks into mixed-ligand coordination polymers appears to be a promising way to produce new advanced luminescent materials. However, rational design and self-assembly of the multi-component supramolecular systems is challenging from both a conceptual and synthetic perspective. Here, we report exploratory studies that investigate the potential of [Zn(q)2]2[tBuZn(OH)]2 complex (q = deprotonated 8-hydroxyquinoline) as an organozinc precursor as well as a mixed-ligand synthetic strategy for the preparation of new luminescent coordination polymers (CPs). As a result we present three new 2D mixed-ligand Zn(II)-quinolinate coordination polymers which are based on various zinc quinolinate secondary building units interconnected by two different organic linker types, i.e., deprotonated 4,4'-oxybisbenzoic acid (H2obc) as a flexible dicarboxylate linker and/or selected bipyridines (bipy). Remarkably, using the title organozinc precursors in a combination with H2obc and 4,4'-bipyridine, a novel molecular zinc quinolinate building unit, [Zn4(q)6(bipy)2(obc)2], was obtained which self-assembled into a chain-type hydrogen-bonded network. The application of the organometallic precursor allowed for its direct reaction with the selected ligands at ambient temperature, avoiding the use of both solvothermal conditions and additional base reagents. In turn, the reaction involving Zn(NO3)2, as a classical inorganic precursor, in a combination with H2obc and bipy led to a novel 1D coordination polymer [Zn2(q)2(NO3)2(bipy)]. While the presence of H2obc was essential for the formation of this coordination polymer, this ditopic linker was not incorporated into the isolated product, which indicates its templating behavior. The reported compounds were characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis as well as UV-Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy

    Oxygen uptake kinetics and biological age in relation to pulling force and 400-m front crawl performance in young swimmers

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    Background: The study aimed to assess differences in the biological age (BA) of 13-year-old swimmers and show their ability, as biologically younger—late mature or older—early mature, to develop fast 60-s oxygen uptake (V˙O2) kinetics and tethered swimming strength. Furthermore, the interplay between swimming strength, V˙O2, and 400-m front crawl race performance was examined.Methods: The study involved 36 competitive young male swimmers (metrical age: 12.9 ± 0.56 years). Depending on BA examination, the group was divided into early-mature (BA: 15.8 ± 1.18 years, n = 13) and late-mature (BA: 12.9 ± 0.60 years, n = 23) participants, especially for the purpose of comparing tethered swimming indices, i.e., average values of force (Fave) and V˙O2 (breath-by-breath analysis) kinetic indices, measured simultaneously in 1-min tethered front crawl swimming. From the 400-m racing stroke rate, stroke length kinematics was retrieved.Results: In the 1-min tethered front crawl test, early-mature swimmers obtained higher results of absolute values of V˙O2 and Fave. Conversely, when V˙O2 was present relatively to body mass and pulling force (in ml∙min–1∙kg–1∙N−1), late-mature swimmers showed higher O2 relative usage. Late-mature swimmers generally exhibited a slower increase in V˙O2 during the first 30 s of 60 s. V˙O2, Fave, BA, and basic swimming kinematic stroke length were significantly interrelated and influenced 400-m swimming performance.Conclusion: The 1-min tethered swimming test revealed significant differences in the homogeneous calendar age/heterogeneous BA group of swimmers. These were distinguished by the higher level of V˙O2 kinetics and pulling force in early-mature individuals and lower efficiency per unit of body mass per unit of force aerobic system in late-mature peers. The higher V˙O2 kinetics and tethered swimming force were further translated into 400-m front crawl speed and stroke length kinematics

    Host-Guest Chemistry Meets Electrocatalysis: Cucurbit[6]uril on a Au Surface as a Hybrid System in CO2 Reduction.

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    The rational control of forming and stabilizing reaction intermediates to guide specific reaction pathways remains to be a major challenge in electrocatalysis. In this work, we report a surface active-site engineering approach for modulating electrocatalytic CO2 reduction using the macrocycle cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]). A pristine gold surface functionalized with CB[6] nanocavities was studied as a hybrid organic-inorganic model system that utilizes host-guest chemistry to influence the heterogeneous electrocatalytic reaction. The combination of surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy and electrocatalytic experiments in conjunction with theoretical calculations supports capture and reduction of CO2 inside the hydrophobic cavity of CB[6] on the gold surface in aqueous KHCO3 at negative potentials. SEIRA spectroscopic experiments show that the decoration of gold with the supramolecular host CB[6] leads to an increased local CO2 concentration close to the metal interface. Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction on a CB[6]-coated gold electrode indicates differences in the specific interactions between CO2 reduction intermediates within and outside the CB[6] molecular cavity, illustrated by a decrease in current density from CO generation, but almost invariant H2 production compared to unfunctionalized gold. The presented methodology and mechanistic insight can guide future design of molecularly engineered catalytic environments through interfacial host-guest chemistry

    Czy Protagoras zachęca do mierzenia dobra i zła? Dwa argumenty przeciw

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    In the Protagoras Socrates presents model of knowledge as the measuring art – metretike techne. It allows us to choose correctly between pleasure and pain, identified with good and evil. This paper contains two arguments against the thesis that measuring knowledge plays in the Protagoras role of a true ethical proposal. The first argument refers to sophists’ enthusiasm for measuring knowledge. The second one refers to the distinction between „measuring knowledge” and ethical knowledge in general, present in the dialogue

    Biological Age in Relation to Somatic, Physiological, and Swimming Kinematic Indices as Predictors of 100 m Front Crawl Performance in Young Female Swimmers

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    Background: Some swimmers reach high performance level at a relatively young age. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between adolescent female swimmers’ 100 m front crawl race (Vtotal100) and several anthropometry, body composition, and physiological and specific strength indices. Methods: Nineteen adolescent female swimmers were examined for biological age (BA) and body composition. Oxygen uptake was measured during water-flume stage-test front crawl swimming with ventilatory thresholds examination. Specific strength indices were assessed during 30 s of tethered swimming. Stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL), and stroke index (SI) were also examined. Results: BA was strongly correlated with anthropometrics and tethered swimming strength indices, and showed moderate to strong correlation with ventilatory thresholds. Speed of swimming in the race was moderately to largely correlated with speed at V˙O2 max−VV˙O2max (r = 0.47–0.55; p < 0.05)—ventilatory thresholds (VAT, VRCP) (r = 0.50–0.85; p < 0.05), SL (r = 0.58–0.62; p < 0.05), and SI (r = 0.79–0.81; p < 0.01). Conclusion: Results confirmed a significant role of biological maturation mediation on body composition and body size, ventilatory indices, and specific strength indices. BA was not a significant mediation factor influencing the swimming kinematics (SL, SI) and speeds of VAT, VRCP or VV˙O2 max, which were strong predictors of the 100 m race