143 research outputs found

    Potentilla x nebulosa (Rosaceae), a new intersectional nothospecies from the Altai Mountains

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    Potentilla x nebulosa nothosp. nova from the Dzhazator River valley in the Altai Mts. (Russian Federation) is described and illustrated. We suggest that it is a result of hybridization between P. chrysantha and P. pensylvanica

    Design of machine tool turntable

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    Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje konstrukci otočného stolu obráběcího stroje. Jsou zde popsány jednotlivé komponenty, které se při konstrukci běžně používají a jsou k dostání na našem trhu. Dále jsou zde zmíněni nejvýznamnější výrobci otočných stolů. V další části je provedena konstrukce otočného stolu s nepřímým pohonem pro vertikální frézku.This bachelor thesis deals with the construction of the rotary table of machine tool. There are all components that are normally used in construction and are available in our market. Also, there are mentioned the most important manufacturers of rotary tables. In the next section is a construction rotary table with indirect drive for vertical milling machine.

    Certification processes for experimental aeroplanes

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    Práce obsahuje souhrn certifikačních postupů pro experimentální letouny. Jednotlivé úkoly, které musí výrobce splňovat pro správný postup certifikace. Úkoly jsou dané úřadem ÚCL, který kontroluje výrobní postupy letounu. Součástí práce jsou formuláře (žádostí, potvrzení, atd.), které je potřeba plnit a podávat. Součástí je také VUT 001 MARABU a technické parametry daného letounu.Work includes certification procedures for experimental aeroplanes. Producer must answer individual work for right procedure certification. Office UCL give works and control production procedure aeroplane. Stationery (applications, confirmation, tec.) are part of work and is need make and feed. Part of work is VUT 001 MARABU and technical characteristics aeroplane.


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    katedra: KVM; přílohy: 9 výkresů, 1 CD-ROM, 1 datasheet fotodiody; rozsah: 29Bachelor work describes the construction of an optical measuring device of particles in the exhaust gases of combustion engines, using the light scattering on particles. There is also an appreciation of the present state of measuring smoke index. In the conclusion is practically verified the protection of optical components from particles, high temperatures and vibrations.Bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukcí optického měřícího zařízení částic ve výfukových plynech spalovacích motorů, s využitím rozptylu světla na částicích. Práce obsahuje také rešerši současného stavu měření kouřivosti. V závěru práce je prakticky ověřena ochrana optických komponentů před částicemi, vysokými teplotami a vibracemi

    The design of a two-axis manipulator

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    Tato diplomová práce se věnuje konstrukci dvouosého manipulátoru dle zadaných parametrů. V úvodní kapitole jsou popsány kinematické struktury průmyslových robotů a manipulátorů a jejich pracovní prostory. Dále se práce věnuje rešerši v oblasti používaných komponent, výrobců manipulátorů a současných konstrukcí manipulátorů ve společnosti JCEE s.r.o. Lanškroun. Praktická část se zabývá návrhem a vlastní konstrukcí manipulátoru a jeho cenovou kalkulací.This master thesis deals with the design of a two-axis manipulator according to entered parameters. In the first chapter provides description of kinematics structures of industrial robots and manipulators and their workspaces. Next parts focus on search in the used components, producers of manipulators and of current design manipulators at JCEE s.r.o. Lanškroun. The practical part deals with the design and construction of custom manipulator and its price calculation.

    Terénní výuka na PdF MU

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    Title in English: Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU: Support for the Use of Technology and the Implementation of Research Activities in the Undergraduate Education of Future Teachers The teaching material “Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU. Support for the Use of Technology and the Implementation of Research Activities in the Undergraduate Education of Future Teachers“ is the outcome of the project OP VVV Development of the process of undergraduate education at PdF MU: thorough preparation for good practice. One of the outcomes of the project was the preparation of innovative educational materials and courses. The courses were to reflect the educational areas within the updated Framework Educational Programme. In their content, there was to be a maximum connection of teaching with the use of cross-curricular topics. In the course of these, modern strategies for managing learning activities were to be adequately included

    Training in infectious diseases across Europe in 2021 - a survey on training delivery, content and assessment

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    Objectives: To define the status of infectious diseases (ID) as an approved specialty in Europe; to enumerate the number of specialists (in general and in relation to the overall population) and specialist trainees and describe the content, delivery and evaluation of postgraduate training in ID in different countries.Methods: Structured web-based questionnaire surveys in March 2021 of responsible national authorities, specialist societies and individual country representatives to the Section of Infectious Diseases of the European Union for Medical Specialties. Descriptive analysis of quantitative and qualitative responses.Results: In responses received from 33/35 (94.3%) countries, ID is recognized as a specialty in 24 and as a subspecialty of general internal medicine (GIM) in eight, but it is not recognized in Spain. The number of ID specialists per country varies from <5 per million inhabitants to 78 per million inhabitants. Median length of training is 5 years (interquartile range 4.0–6.0 years) with variable amounts of preceding and/or concurrent GIM. Only 21.2% of countries (7/33) provide the minimum recommended training of 6 months in microbiology and 30% cover competencies such as palliative care, team working and leadership, audit, and quality control. Training is monitored by personal logbook or e-portfolio in 75.8% (25/33) and assessed by final examinations in 69.7% (23/33) of countries, but yearly reviews with trainees only occur in 54.5% (18/33) of countries.Conclusions: There are substantial gaps in modernization of ID training in many countries to match current European training requirements. Joint training with clinical microbiology (CM) and in multidisciplinary team working should be extended. Training/monitoring trainers should find greater focus, together with regular feedback to trainees within many national training programmes.peer-reviewe