6,756 research outputs found

    Techniques of Translating Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University

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    The study deals with the techniques of translation on thesis abstracts inEconomics Department. The objectives of study were to identify the types oftranslation techniques, to find out the most dominant type of translationtechniques used, and to describe the reasons of the translation techniques used intranslating thesis abstract. The study used descriptive qualitative design.Nazir(1998: 34) states that descriptive qualitative is a method of research thatmakes the description of the situation of events or occurrences clearer. It isunderstood that descriptive qualitative is a method of research which provides thedescription of situation, events or occurrences, so this method is an intention toaccumulate the basic data. Qualitative research involves analysis of data such aswords and phrases written in abstracts. The data were taken from twentytranslated thesis abstracts of Economic Department. The findings show that therewere eight techniques of eighteen techniques used in thesis abstracts. The mostdominant type of translation techniques was established equivalent due to thetranslator intention to avoid misunderstanding by using the dictionaries andparticular equivalent known by target language. It is recommended that in doingany translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message ofthe source language remains the same when it is being translated into the targetlanguage


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara: (1) siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; (2) siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang tinggi dan rendah; (3) siswa dengan kemampuan berpikir kreatif tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; (4) siswa dengan kemampuan berpikir kreatif rendah yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; dan (5) ada tidaknya interaksi antara model pembelajaran (Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif ) dengan berpikir kreatif (tinggi dan rendah) dalam pencapaian hasil belajar biologi Siswa kelas X SMAN 17 Makassar. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent control group design dengan rancangan penelitian faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 17 Makassar berjumlah 7 rombel. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 60 orang terdiri atas dua kelas yang dipilih secara random kelas yakni X IPA3 dan X IPA4. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara: (1) mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan nilai signifikansi 0,02<0,05; (2) siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang tinggi dan rendah kooperatif dengan nilai signifikansi 0,00<0,05 (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan siswa yang berpikir kreatif tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif kooperatif; (4) siswa dengan berpikir kreatif rendah dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif kooperatif memiliki perbedaan hasil belajar dengan nilai signifikansi 0,025<0,05; dan (5) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran (SM2CLdan kooperatif) denga

    Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from abalone (Haliotis asinina) as a potential candidate of probiotic

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi, menyeleksi dan mengkarakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) dari induk abalon yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik pada sistem budidaya abalon. Isolasi selektif BAL dilakukan menggunakan media de Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar. Isolat BAL yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik diskrining. Pemilihan ini didasarkan atas kemampuannya dalam menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen, resistensi terhadap kondisi asam, resistensi terhadap bile salt (empedu). Selanjutnya dilakukan karakterisasi dan identifikasi untuk mengetahui spesiesnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 2 di antara 10 isolat yang berhasil diisolasi dari abalon berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi bakteri probiotik karena mempunyai kemampuan menghambat beberapa bakteri patogen yaitu Eschericia coli, Bacillus cereus dan Staphylococus aureus, mampu tumbuh pada kondisi asam dan toleran terhadap cairan empedu selama inkubasi 24 jam. Berdasarkan uji API Kit, kedua isolat teridentifikasi sebagai anggota spesies Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei

    Pemaknaan Demokrasi Di Era Reformasi (Opini Masyarakat Jawa Tengah Terhadap Demokrasi Saat Ini)

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    Political reform affects a lot of changes in the socio-political life of society, both in the political understanding and implementation. This study aims to understand how the understanding and implementation of democratic in Central Java at this time. The study used a descriptive approach to the analysis, and involves about 500 informants in Central Java. The conclusion of this study is that the substance of democracy and its implementation in the community is experiencing a change for a new form, where there is a clash of democratic values ​​which sided constructive and destructive. Democracy constructively interpreted by structuring the system of government, social and political systems, the creation of an atmosphere of equality, freedom of togetherness and involvement of people in decision-making, the use of political procedures that allow broad participation. Democratic forms of destructive behavior such intervention against state institutions, violate the rights of others, and are not tolerant of difference

    Penelitian Pengaruh Penggunaan Riklim Politilen Terhadap Sifat Ketahanan Pukul Dan Kekerasan

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    The aim of this research is to know further about the influence ot polyethylene reclaim to the characteristic of impact resistance and high density polyethylene (HDPE) compound.The research is done by making HDPE compound with the addition of polyethylene reclaim with various procentage of quantity.In fact the addition on of HDPE reclaim into pure HDPE doesn\u27t influence the hardness of the compound produced, but it influence the impact resistance to signification phase P 0,05 by linear aquation Y = 10,26 + 0,0887.The compound hardness is approximately 63,2 – 64,0 shore D, and impact resistance is approximately 10,83 – 18,91 kgcm/cm in various variation

    Studi Sumber Timbulan Sampah di Pasar Pa'baeng-baeng Makassar

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    Garbage is one issue that needs serious attention. Garbage from year to year continues to increase along with the growth rate of the total population. Garbage in Makassar has not been managed properly, this is due to embedded systems , both government and society. Market is one of the various systems , institutions , procedures , social relations and infrastructure where businesses selling goods, services and labor. Most market selling daily needs, like ingredient, groceries , clothes , electronic , services and others. Garbage results grading of vegetables and fruit had rotted collected while , then after the merchant closed , janitors will collect the trash and will be discharged to the Dumpster , then transported to the place of final disposal. This study aimed to analyze the volume , composition of waste generation, analyze the management system and operational waste and optimize waste management services particularly waste operational techniques. Waste management systems market pa'baeng - Baeng currently uses the waste collection system with a communal system directly . For waste transportation system is garbage from each source are collected in a container of temporary shelter
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