86 research outputs found

    Διαχείριση στερεών αποβλήτων και επιχειρηματικές ευκαιρίες- σύνταξη επιχειρηματικού σχεδίου κατασκευής μονάδας ανακύκλωσης λαμπτήρων

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΒΑ)

    Multilobular tumour of the caudal cranium causing severe cerebral and cerebellar compression in a dog

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    Multilobular tumour of bone (MTB) is an uncommon tumour and is usually located in the skull. A 13-year-old mixed breed dog was presented with a two-week history of progressively worsening vestibular dysfunction and cognitive abnormalities; it appeared demented and showed asymmetric ataxia and hypermetria of all limbs. The owner opted to have the animal euthanised. Necropsy revealed a large mass occupying the right occipital, parietal and temporal bones, severely compressing the cerebellum and the right occipital lobe. Histologically, it was characterised by the presence of multiple lobules containing osteoid or cartilage and separated by fibrous septae, features typical of MTB. Lung metastases were evident. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an MTB causing both severe cerebral and cerebellar compression and the second detailed report of an MTB of the occipital bone. MTB should be included in the differential diagnosis of bone tumours as well as in cases with central vestibular disease

    Interpersonal interactions for haptic guidance during maximum forward reaching

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    Caregiver-patient interactions rely on interpersonal coordination (IPC) involving the haptic and visual modalities. We investigated in healthy individuals spontaneous IPC during joint maximum forward reaching. A 'contact-provider' (CP; n=2) kept light interpersonal touch (IPT) laterally with the wrist of the extended arm of a forward reaching, blind-folded 'contact-receiver' (CR; n=22). Due to the stance configuration, CP was intrinsically more stable. CR received haptic feedback during forward reaching in two ways: (1) presence of a light object (OBT) at the fingertips, (2) provision of IPT. CP delivered IPT with or without vision or tracked manually with vision but without IPT. CR's variabilities of Centre-of-Pressure velocity (CoP) and wrist velocity, interpersonal cross-correlations and time lags served as outcome variables. OBT presence increased CR's reaching amplitude and reduced postural variability in the reach end-state. CR's variability was lowest when CP applied IPT without vision. OBT decreased the strength of IPC. Correlation time lags indicated that CP retained a predominantly reactive mode with CR taking the lead. When CP had no vision, presumably preventing an effect of visual dominance, OBT presence made a qualitative difference: with OBT absent, CP was leading CR. This observation might indicate a switch in CR's coordinative strategy by attending mainly to CP's haptic 'anchor'. Our paradigm implies that in clinical settings the sensorimotor states of both interacting partners need to be considered. We speculate that haptic guidance by a caregiver is more effective when IPT resembles the only link between both partners

    Dancers entrain more effectively than non-dancers to another actor's movements

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    For many everyday sensorimotor tasks, trained dancers have been found to exhibit distinct and sometimes superior (more stable or robust) patterns of behavior compared to non-dancers. Past research has demonstrated that experts in fields requiring specialized physical training and behavioral control exhibit superior interpersonal coordination capabilities for expertise-related tasks. To date, however, no published studies have compared dancers’ abilities to coordinate their movements with the movements of another individual—i.e., during a so-called visual-motor interpersonal coordination task. The current study was designed to investigate whether trained dancers would be better able to coordinate with a partner performing short sequences of dance-like movements than non-dancers. Movement time series were recorded for individual dancers and non-dancers asked to synchronize with a confederate during three different movement sequences characterized by distinct dance styles (i.e., dance team routine, contemporary ballet, mixed style) without hearing any auditory signals or music. A diverse range of linear and nonlinear analyses (i.e., Cross-correlation, Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (CRQA), and Cross-Wavelet analysis) provided converging measures of coordination across multiple time scales. While overall levels of interpersonal coordination were influenced by differences in movement sequence for both groups, dancers consistently displayed higher levels of coordination with the confederate at both short and long time scales. These findings demonstrate that the visual-motor coordination capabilities of trained dancers allow them to better synchronize with other individuals performing dance-like movements than non-dancers. Further investigation of similar tasks may help to increase the understanding of visual-motor entrainment in general, as well as provide insight into the effects of focused training on visual-motor and interpersonal coordination

    Modification of the conditions of the authorisation of BioPlus® 2B (Bacillus licheniformis DSM 5749 and Bacillus subtilis DSM 5750) for turkeys for fattening

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the modification of the terms of the authorisation of BioPlus\uae 2B (Bacillus licheniformis DSM 5749 and Bacillus subtilis DSM 5750) in feeds for turkeys for fattening to allow the simultaneous use with a battery of permitted coccidiostats (diclazuril, halofuginone, monensin sodium, robenidine hydrochloride, maduramicin ammonium, lasalocid sodium) and with the preservative formic acid. The proposed modification in the conditions of the authorisation would not modify the conclusions previously drawn regarding the safety of the additive. The additive is safe for the target species, consumers and the environment. The additive should be considered a potential respiratory sensitiser, but the Panel could not conclude on the irritancy of the additive to skin and eyes or its dermal sensitisation. Conclusions previously drawn by the FEEDAP Panel on the compatibility of the additive for chickens for fattening apply to the current application provided that the maximum authorised concentration of the coccidiostats semduramycin, maduramicin ammonium, lasalocid sodium and the preservative formic acid for turkeys for fattening (when maximum authorised concentrations exist), are equal or lower than those for chickens for fattening. Considering the data submitted, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that BioPlus\uae 2B (B. licheniformis DSM 5749 and B. subtilis DSM 5750) is compatible with diclazuril and monensin sodium. Based on the data provided, no conclusion can be drawn for robenidine hydrochloride. In the absence of data, no conclusion can be drawn for halofuginone

    Assessment of the application for renewal of authorisation of Bactocell ® (Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622) as a feed additive for all fish and shrimps and its extension of use for all crustaceans

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    Bactocell \uae is the trade name for a feed additive based on viable cells of a strain of Pediococcus acidilactici. Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on Bactocell \uae  in the context of the renewal of the authorisation for shrimps, salmonids and fish other than salmonids. In addition, the applicant requested the extension of use for all crustaceans. The applicant has provided evidence that the additive currently in the market complies with the existing conditions of authorisation. The FEEDAP Panel concludes that Bactocell \uae Aqua 10 Md/100 Md is safe under the current conditions of authorisation for the target species (all fish, shrimps and all crustaceans), consumers of products from animals fed the additive and the environment. Bactocell \uae Aqua 10 Md/100 Md is non-irritant to skin and eyes and is not a dermal sensitiser, but should be considered a potential respiratory sensitiser. Exposure of users by inhalation is very likely. There is no need for assessing the efficacy of Bactocell \uae in the context of the renewal of the authorisation. The Panel concludes that the additive at the minimum inclusion level of 1  7 10 9  CFU/kg feed has the potential to be efficacious in salmonids and in the new species proposed, i.e. all crustaceans

    Safety and efficacy of Natuphos® E (6-phytase) as a feed additive for laying hens, minor poultry and other avian species for laying

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of Natuphos\uae E (6-phytase) as a feed additive for laying hens, minor poultry and other avian species for laying. The additive Natuphos\uae E consists of 6-phytase (phytase; Enzyme Commission Number and is intended to be used as a feed additive for laying hens, minor poultry and other avian species for laying as a zootechnical additive, functional group of digestibility enhancers. This additive was previously assessed by the FEEDAP Panel in 2017 for avian and porcine species. The production strain of the phytase present in the product is a genetically modified strain of Aspergillus niger. Based on the previous opinion, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that the genetic modification of the production strain does not give rise to safety concerns. The production strain and its DNA were not detected in the concentrate used to formulate the products. The FEEDAP Panel previously concluded that the additive was safe for the target species, consumers and the environment when used at 200 FTU/kg feed. The additive Natuphos\uae E is not considered to be toxic by inhalation or irritant for skin or eye; however, it should be regarded as a dermal sensitiser and a potential respiratory sensitiser. The additive has the potential to be efficacious in improving the performance and/or the phosphorus utilisation in laying hens at 200 FTU/kg feed; the conclusions drawn in laying hens can be extrapolated to all minor poultry and other avian species for laying

    Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis DSM 28343 as a zootechnical additive (gut flora stabiliser) for calves for rearing

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    Bacillus subtilis DSM 28343 is a preparation of viable spores of a single strain of B. subtilis intended to be used as a zootechnical additive (functional group: gut flora stabilizer) in feed for calves for rearing to increase growth. In 2018, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) delivered a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of Bacillus subtilis DSM 28343 as a feed additive for calves for rearing. This species is considered by EFSA to be suitable for the qualified presumption of safety (QPS) approach to safety assessment. In that opinion, the FEEDAP Panel was unable to conclude on the efficacy of the additive, under the condition of use as proposed by the applicant, due to insufficient data provided. In the current opinion, additional data to demonstrate the efficacy of Bacillus subtilis DSM 28343 were assessed. Based on one study of this application and two studies submitted in the previous application, the Panel concluded that Bacillus subtilis DSM 28343 has the potential to be efficacious as gut flora stabiliser used in feed for calves for rearing at the proposed use level