13 research outputs found

    Designing Samples Of Reading Materials Based Onctl By Using Local Legends Of Dayak Pesaguan

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    The purpose of this research is to design the samples of the narrative reading materials by using local legend. The method of this research is developmental research. The validating of the materials applied is triangulation method. This research involved two informants and 34 students of the eighth grade in second semester as the practicioner. The informans are the teacher as materials users and Mr. Fransiscus Rajiin as the expert of local legend editor. The proccess of materials development consisted of collecting the four possible documents [Merondau:AdatAgungDayakPesaguan (2003),HukumAdat: NikahKawinJadiSuntung (2009), KanjanSerayong: Ritual KematianDalamTradisiDayakPesaguan (2007), 12 CeritaSetengahSejarah : Cerita Rakyat wilayahPesaguan (2009)], selecting the document which appropriate for the learners based on teacher interview [LegendaPanjiLawah and Legenda Batu Menanti], adapting the materials into classroom, and veryfying the materials to the infromans.Thestudentsand teachers perception gained through teachers questionnaire showed that the narrative reading materials designed by the writer had followed CTL approach


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    Abstrak:Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmerancangcontohbahanajarmembacapadawacananaratifmenggunakanlegendasetempat. Pendekatanpadapenelitianiniadalahpendekatanpengembangan.Keabsahancontohbahan ajar ditentukandenganmenggunakanmetodetriangulasi.Narasumber yang dilibatkanadalah guru kelasVIIIdanpenulislegendasetempat, serta, 34 siswakelas VII SMP N 1 TumbangTitisebagaipenggunabahan ajar. Tahapanpengembanganbahan ajar dimulaidenganpengumpulandokumen[Merondau: AdatAgungDayakPesaguan (2003),HukumAdat: NikahKawinJadiSuntung (2009), KanjanSerayong: Ritual KematianDalamTradisiDayakPesaguan (2007), 12 CeritaSetengahSejarah : Cerita Rakyat wilayahPesaguan (2009)], kemudianpemilihandokumen yang sesuaiberdasarkanwawancara guru [LegendaPanjiLawah and Legenda Batu Menanti],setelahitumenyesuaikanbahan ajar dengankebutuhankelas, danterakhiradalahmemverifikasibahan ajar kepadanarasumberdenganmaksudbahan ajar naratiftelahsesuaidenganpendekatanpembelajarankontekstualmenurut guru kelasdan siswa kelas VIIIsebagaipengguna. Kata Kunci: CTL, Legenda Daerah Abstract: The purpose of this research is to design the samples of the narrative reading materials by using local legend. The method of this research is developmental research. The validating of the materials applied is triangulation method. This research involved two informants and 34 students of the eighth grade in second semester as the practicioner. The informans are the teacher as materials users and Mr. Fransiscus Rajiin as the expert of local legend editor. The proccess of materials development consisted of collecting the four possible documents [Merondau:AdatAgungDayakPesaguan (2003),HukumAdat: NikahKawinJadiSuntung (2009), KanjanSerayong: Ritual KematianDalamTradisiDayakPesaguan (2007), 12 CeritaSetengahSejarah : Cerita Rakyat wilayahPesaguan (2009)], selecting the document which appropriate for the learners based on teacher interview [LegendaPanjiLawah and Legenda Batu Menanti], adapting the materials into classroom, and veryfying the materials to the infromans.Thestudentsand teachers perception gained through teachers questionnaire showed that the narrative reading materials designed by the writer had followed CTL approach. Keywords: CTL, Local legen

    Masalah Psikologis Wanita Pascahisterektomi: Literatur Review

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    Latar Belakang: Histerektomi merupakan suatu tindakan pembedahan dengan melakukan pengangkatan rahim akibat suatu penyakit ginekologi. Wanita merasa bahwa histerektomi menyebabkan kehilangan kepercayaan dan menyebabkan kurangnya harga diri sebagai seorang wanita.Tujuan: penulisan literatur review ini adalah memahami masalah-masalah psikologis yang dapat terjadi dan dialami oleh wanita pasca histerektomi.Metode: Metode menggunakan pendekatan literatur review. Pencarian artikel melalui PubMed, Science Direct, EBSCO, dan ProQuest dengan kata kunci “psychological issues after hysterectomy”.  Kriteria artikel harus dari jurnal internasional dan full text serta terpublikasi 8 tahun terakhir. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 16 artikel yang disesuaikan dengan kriteria.Hasil: Hasil yang telah didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa histerektomi dapat menyebabkan gejala depresi seperti keputusasaan, kecemasan, ketakutan, citra tubuh dan harga diri rendah, masalah PTSD akibat stressor berkelanjutan, hingga masalah psikoseksual yang dapat terjadi pada sebagian besar wanita karena penurunan hasrat seksual pascahisterektomi.Kesimpulan: Literatur review ini menggambarkan masalah psikologis pada wanita pascahisterektomi seperti kejadian depresi, PTSD, dan masalah psikoseksual. Masih minimnya penatalaksanaan pada masalah psikologis, mengharuskan penerapan terapi psikologis cognitive dan behavior pada pelayanan kesehatan untuk wanita pascahisterektomi

    Mobile-Based Defense Equipment Recognition Application Using Augmented Reality (AR): Aplikasi Pengenalan Alutsista Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Augmented Reality (AR)

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    Indonesia as a sovereign state has made significant progress in increasing its capacity for defense. Since then, Indonesia has continued to work together to increase the capacity of defense equipment as the main support of the Indonesian National Army. In this strategic position, Indonesia has open sea and land borders with several neighboring countries. This makes Indonesia vulnerable to security threats resulting in national instability. This research aims to develop a Mobile-Based Defense Equipment Recognition Application using Augmented Reality (AR) which is able to recognition defense equipment models in the field of education, which is used as a means of learning media, so that people who don't know about defense equipment in AR form can find out. With the ability to scan objects in three dimensions, so that they can explore the introduction of defense equipment digitally through applications and can increase knowledge

    Respons Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jagung Semi (Zea mays L.) Dengan 1 Penambahan Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Eceng Gondok dengan Aktivator 2 Trichoderma sp.

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    Pemanfaatan lahan di Kalimantan Timur sebagai lahan pertanian dihadapkan pada kendala tingkat kesuburannya, terutama 13 dalam mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman jagung semi. Upaya perbaikan tingkat kesuburan tanah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan 14 bahan organik berupa pupuk eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) yang diolah dengan aktivator Trichoderma sp. 15 Trichoderma sp merupakan aktivator dan biodekomposer yang dapat mengubah eceng gondok menjadi kompos yang lebih bermutu, 16 sehingga tanaman jagung yang ditambahkan pupuk eceng gondok ini dapat menghasilkan produksi yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian 17 adalah mengetahui respons pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung semi terhadap penambahan berbagai dosis pupuk eceng gondok 18 dengan aktivator Tricoderma sp. dan dosis terbaik pupuk eceng gondok dengan aktivator Tricoderma sp. yang dapat menghasilkan 19 pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung semi terbaik. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan faktor perlakuan 20 dosis pupuk eceng gondok, yang terdiri atas 5 taraf, yaitu: 0; 3,5; 7; 10,5; dan 14 kg per-petak pupuk eceng gondok. Data dianalisis 21 dengan Uji F. Data yang menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil pada taraf 5%. Respons 22 tanaman jagung semi dengan perlakuan berbagai macam dosis pupuk eceng gondok dengan aktivator Trichoderma sp. 23 ditunjukkan melalui pengaruh nyata pada variabel tinggi tanaman umur 30 hari setelah tanam (HST) dan pada saat panen, diameter 24 batang umur 30 HST dan pada saat panen, berat tongkol tanpa kelobot, dan panjang tongkol tanpa kelobot. Dosis pupuk eceng gondok 25 dengan aktivator Trichoderma sp. sebesar 14 kg per-petak atau setara dengan 20 Mg per-hektar mampu menghasilkan berat tongkol 26 tanpa kelobot sebesar 17,95 g per-tanaman

    Attributes of Coffee Shop as Antecedent of Customer Satisfaction

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    Purpose – This study   was conduct  to examine the effect of attributes coffee shop to customer satisfaction in Indonesian coffee shop industry.  Furthermore, this study is also examined  customer loyalty as consequences of customer satisfaction   Research Design – Five attributes of coffee shop were identified as having potential to be antecedent of customer satisfaction. The five attributes were: store atmosphere, employee attitude, IT service, coffee quality, and price fairness. Research Methodology – This study used online questionnaire which is adopted from the previous studies. The online questionnaires were used Google Form and shared through various social media platform. A total 851 respondents from 34 province in Indonesia were involved but only 350 respondents were qualified. KMO Factor analysis and regression analysis were  performed to identify the validity of items and examine the relationship among variables. Findings – The results revealed that five of  six hypothesized were statistically significant. Coffee quality was recognized as attribute of coffee shop which is produce the highest effects to customer satisfaction. Moreover,  the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was found positive

    Towards Indonesia Halal Tourism

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    The background of this research is the increasingly halal phenomenon of halal tourism development. This study aims to determine and criticize the nature of halal tourism and know the indicators that can be used to measure the happiness of a kosher tourist destination. The research method used in this research is qualitative method. This study concludes that there has been a change in the nomenclature of sharia tourism into halal tourism. The concept of halal tourism has principles derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah. At the beginning of its development in 2013, the Ministry of Tourism with DSN-MUI has determined the criteria of halal tourism that includes nine principles, namely the benefit of the ummah; enlightenment, refreshment and tranquility; avoid idolatry, khurafat and immoral; maintaining the behavior, ethics and noble values of humanity; maintaining trust, safety and comfort; universal and inclusive; preserving the environment; and respect for sociocultural values and local wisdom. DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v17i2.624310.15408/ajis.v17i2.6243</div

    Towards Indonesia halal tourism

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    The background of this research is the increasingly halal phenomenon of halal tourism development. This study aims to determine and criticize the nature of halal tourism and know the indicators that can be used to measure the happiness of a kosher tourist destination. The research method used in this research is qualitative method. This study concludes that there has been a change in the nomenclature of sharia tourism into halal tourism. The concept of halal tourism has principles derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah. At the beginning of its development in 2013, the Ministry of Tourism with DSN-MUI has determined the criteria of halal tourism that includes nine principles, namely the benefit of the ummah; enlightenment, refreshment and tranquility; avoid idolatry, khurafat and immoral; maintaining the behavior, ethics and noble values of humanity; maintaining trust, safety and comfort; universal and inclusive; preserving the environment; and respect for sociocultural values and local wisdo

    Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Psikologis Wanita Pascahisterektomi

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    Histerektomi adalah tindakan pembedahan atau prosedur operatif melalui pengangkatan rahim baik pengangkatan sebagian (subtotal) maupun keseluruhan (total) termaksud dengan pengangkatan serviks uteri. Tindakan histerektomi di indikasikan karena banyak alasan. Salah satu studi menunjukkan bahwa tindakan histerektomi dilakukan dengan indikasi yang paling umum yaitu mioma uteri dengan atau tanpa perdarahan uterus abnormal, diikuti oleh endometrium, perdarahan pascamenopause, massa panggul, nyeri panggul dan prolaps uterus. Sebagian besar wanita pascahisterektomi menganggap histerektomi sama dengan kehilangan kewanitaan. Wanita cenderung menganggap bahwa rahim merupakan simbol kewanitaan. Sehingga operasi pengangkatan rahim akan membuat wanita merasa bukan lagi seorang perempuan. Wanita pascahisterektomi juga merasakan tubuh sudah tidak utuh dan menggambarkan perasaan ketidaklengkapan akibat kehilangan organ tubuhnya tetapi wanita pascahisterektomi juga memandang bahwa hidup mereka akan berisiko jika tidak menjalani histerektomi. Dukungan sosial keluarga terdekat seperti suami dan anak membuat wanita cenderung dapat menerima keadaannya. Wanita pascahisterektomi juga memiliki tujuan hidup dengan cenderung lebih meningkatkan iman dan menyerahkan seluruhnya pada Tuhan. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi mengenai pengalaman psikologis wanita pascahisterektomi dengan pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan fenomenologi interpretive menggunakan analisis Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita pascahisterektomi. Partisipan dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 6 (enam) orang yang telah disesuaikan dengan kriteria yang ada. Teknik pengambilan data dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan analisis data yang dilakukan pada 6 (enam) partisipan menggunakan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), ditemukan 11 (empat belas) tema sebagai berikut; (1) Pertumbuhan tumor penyebab histerektomi yang mengancam nyawa, (2) Upaya lain dilakukan sebelum mengambil keputusan terakhir, (3) Belum menerima kondisinya diawal operasi, (4) Kehilangan kodrat sebagai seorang wanita, (5) Perilaku seksual berkurang, (6) Berpikir suami akan meninggalkannya, (7) Tidak berdaya dengan situasi yang terjadi, (8) Menutup diri dari lingkungan luar diawal operasi, (9) Suami dan keluarga sebagai sumber koping, (10) Pasrah dengan semua yang telah terjadi, (11) Memiliki harapan untuk bisa selalu sehat dan bahagia. Sebelas tema tersebut diuraikan berdasarkan tujuan khusus yang telah ditetapkan oleh peneliti, berupa; (1) Mengeksplorasi pemahaman wanita terkait histerektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, (2) Mengeksplorasi pemikiran wanita pascahisterektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, (3) Mengeksplorasi perasaan wanita pascahisterektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, (4) Mengeksplorasi perubahan perilaku wanita pascahisterektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, (5) Mengeksplorasi dukungan sosial pada wanita pascahisterektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, dan (6) Mengeksplorasi harapan wanita pascahisterektomi di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen

    Judical Review Of The Crime Of Narcotics Abuse Category I: (Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Tindak Pidana Penyalagunaan Narkotika Golongan I)

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    This study describes the basis for the application of material criminal law to criminal acts of drug abuse and to determine the judge's consideration in making a decision on case No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla. This research was conducted in the city of Namlea, namely in the Namlea District Court using primary and secondary data methods. Data (interview) directly with the parties concerned. Meanwhile, secondary data collection techniques are carried out by reading documents or regulations and literature books related to the material to be presented in the thesis. After all the data is collected, the data is processed and analyzed qualitatively and then presented descriptively, that is, searching for and collecting data related to the object and the problem under study, then systematically arranging it to get a clear and complete picture, so that an answer is obtained as a conclusion to the problem. researched. Based on the results of research and discussion, it shows that: 1) in Decision No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the Public Prosecutor uses the second indictment, namely Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics the elements in the indictment have been deemed proven by the Public Prosecutor. that is, the acts and elements of the article match each other, and according to the author, the application of material criminal law in this case is not in accordance with the applicable criminal law in Indonesia. 2) in Decree No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the author does not agree with the Panel of Judges in implementing Article 127 because the elements are not proven and do not match each other, the Panel of Judges is wrong in making decisions without looking at Articles 54, 55 and 103 of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution No.35 Years 2009 About Narcotics. Thus, in relation to the convictions of the defendants, both criminal sanctions and complementary rehabilitation measures. Keywords: Criminal. Narkotika, Namle