17 research outputs found

    Employer Branding i byggindustrin - En studie av tre svenska företag ur ett genusperspektiv

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    Byggbranschen Àr en av de mest könssegregerade branscherna pÄ den svenska arbetsmarknaden, vilket innebÀr att mÀn och kvinnor Äterfinns inom olika yrkesgrupper och dÀrmed har olika möjligheter och villkor. Prognoser berÀknar demografiska förÀndringar de nÀrmsta femtio Ären och ett krympande arbetskraftutbud av individer i arbetsför Älder. DÀrmed blir det allt viktigare för arbetsgivare att utforma hÄllbara HR-strategier och en strategi som kan hjÀlpa dem i den hÄrda konkurrensen kring en krympande arbetskraft Àr Employer Branding. Begreppet myntades 1996 av Tim Ambler och Simon Barrow och grundtanken Àr att marknadsföra företaget som den bÀsta arbetsplatsen att arbeta pÄ, bÄde mot anstÀllda och arbetssökande. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att analysera hur tre företag inom byggindustrin anvÀnder sig av Employer Branding, samt hur strategin anvÀnds för att anstÀlla kvinnor. Genom min studie vill jag ocksÄ synliggöra den horisontella könssegregering som finns i byggindustrin. Studien grundar sig i tre kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer (För intervjuguide se bilaga 1.) med personer som arbetar med Employer Branding pÄ nÄgra av Sveriges största byggföretag. Intervjuerna transkriberades och delades sedan upp efter teman dÀr de kopplades till tidigare forskning och teoretiska begrepp. Studien fann att de tre företagen har ett enormt studentfokus genom sina Employer Branding- strategier och anstÀller frÀmst kvinnor med högskole- och universitetsutbildning. Unga flickor vÀljer i tidig Älder bort gymnasieutbildningar inom bygg och de som vÀljer byggbranschen nischar sig först under sina högre studier. Slutsatsen Àr att Employer Branding idag Àr en strategi som av byggföretagen anvÀndes för tjÀnstemÀn och yrkesarbetare med specialistkompetens och högre eftergymnasial utbildning. Branschen behöver anstÀllda fler kvinnor, dels av jÀmstÀlldhetsskÀl, för att mÀn och kvinnor skall ha lika möjligheter pÄ arbetsmarknaden, att fritt kunna vÀlja yrke efter intressen och begÄvning. Dels visar ocksÄ forskningen tydligt att könsbalanserade organisationer Àr mer lönsamma dÄ rÀtt kompetens hamnar pÄ rÀtt plats

    Towards Immunotherapy of Midgut Carcinoid Tumors

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    Classical midgut carcinoids belong to neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic tract (GEP-NETs) and are associated with serotonin overproduction. The term midgut is derived from the tumors’ embryological site of origin: enterochromaffin cells in the lower jejunum, ileum, caecum and the ascending colon. Despite their rather benign nature, these tumors can metastasize to mesentery and liver, putting patients at risk for the so-called carcinoid syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by flushes, diarrhoea and valvular heart disease due to the excessive serotonin secretion by tumor cells. Treatment of metastatic disease is currently ineffective and T cell immunotherapy has been suggested as a novel approach. We propose a number of midgut carcinoid-associated proteins as potential antigens for immunotherapy. Chromogranin A (CGA), tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH-1), vesicular monoamine transporter 1 (VMAT-1), caudal type homeobox transcription factor 2 (CDX-2), islet autoantigen 2 (IA-2) and survivin represent interesting candidates based on their fairly restricted neuroendocrine tissue expression. In pursuit of potential antigens we identified a novel splicing variant of VMAT-1, lacking the second last exon. The variant, denoted VMAT1Δ15, encodes a differently translated C-terminal compared to the native form, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) instead of large dense core vesicles and is unable to accumulate serotonin. We identify several immunogenic HLA-A*0201-binding peptide epitopes derived from our proposed antigens by analyzing CD8+ T cell responses in blood from midgut carcinoid patients. We demonstrate immune recognition of midgut carcinoid tumors in patients and in vitro generation of activated CD8+ T cells recognizing these peptide epitopes in blood from healthy controls. Patients also exhibit increased frequencies of circulating regulatory T cells (Tregs) with suppressive quality and patient lymphocytes display a decreased proliferative capacity compared to healthy controls. Midgut carcinoid tumors are frequently infiltrated by T cells, however always in the presence of Foxp3-expressing Tregs. Midgut carcinoid-associated antigens recognized by CD8+ T cells are of great interest for cellular therapies such as modified DC vaccines or adoptive T cell transfer. However, the systemic and local suppression of Th1 immunity must be considered and likely corrected in order to obtain clinically effective immunotherapies

    TURISMENS EFFEKT PÅ MILJÖN : - En studie av resebeteende vid Vasa Yrkeshögskolas restonom linje

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    Syftet med detta lĂ€rdomsprov Ă€r att studera hur dagens studerandes behov och motiv till att resa ser ut. Fokus ligger pĂ„ att studera hur vĂ€l de studerande vid Vasa Yrkeshögskolas restonom linje vet om eko turism samt om deras egna förĂ€ndrade behov och motiv i samband med val av resa. I arbetets teoretiska del ingĂ„r det en del bastermer samt begrepp som ingĂ„r i turismbranschen. Termer som turism, turist, turisttypologier, motiv och trend förklaras nĂ€rmare för att fĂ„ ett bĂ€ttre begrepp lĂ€ngre fram under undersökningens gĂ„ng. Slutsatser av undersökningen Ă€r att respondenternas beteende har resebeteende har Ă€ndrat de senare Ă„ren. De flesta vill fĂ„ ut mera av sin vistelse Ă€n de ville ha innan, dvs. de sĂ€tter mervĂ€rde pĂ„ att lĂ€ra sig nĂ„got under resans gĂ„ng samt se nya stĂ€llen, trĂ€ffa nya mĂ€nniskor och utvecklas som person. Det som ocksĂ„ kunde konstateras efter min undersökning Ă€r att mer och mer blir intresserade av ekoturism och dess positiva effekter genom att resa mera ekologiskt samt anvĂ€nda sig av ekologiska varor sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som möjligt.The purpose of this thesis is to study how today's student needs and motives for travelling are. The focus is on studying how well the students at VAMK, University of Applied Science’s hospitality programme know about eco tourism and their own changing needs and motives in the choice of travel products. The theoretical part includes explanations on basic terms and concepts in the tourism industry. Terms such as tourism, tourist, tourist typologies, motives and trends are explained in detail to get a better understanding of the survey. At the end of my work, I notice that the respondents' behavior has changed travel behavior in recent years. Most want to get more out of their stay than they would have before. They add more value to learn along the way during their vacation and see new places, meet new people and develop as a person. It has also occurred, after my study, that more and more people become interested in ecotourism and its positive impacts by traveling more organically and use organic products wherever possible

    Towards Immunotherapy of Midgut Carcinoid Tumors

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    Classical midgut carcinoids belong to neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic tract (GEP-NETs) and are associated with serotonin overproduction. The term midgut is derived from the tumors’ embryological site of origin: enterochromaffin cells in the lower jejunum, ileum, caecum and the ascending colon. Despite their rather benign nature, these tumors can metastasize to mesentery and liver, putting patients at risk for the so-called carcinoid syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by flushes, diarrhoea and valvular heart disease due to the excessive serotonin secretion by tumor cells. Treatment of metastatic disease is currently ineffective and T cell immunotherapy has been suggested as a novel approach. We propose a number of midgut carcinoid-associated proteins as potential antigens for immunotherapy. Chromogranin A (CGA), tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH-1), vesicular monoamine transporter 1 (VMAT-1), caudal type homeobox transcription factor 2 (CDX-2), islet autoantigen 2 (IA-2) and survivin represent interesting candidates based on their fairly restricted neuroendocrine tissue expression. In pursuit of potential antigens we identified a novel splicing variant of VMAT-1, lacking the second last exon. The variant, denoted VMAT1Δ15, encodes a differently translated C-terminal compared to the native form, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) instead of large dense core vesicles and is unable to accumulate serotonin. We identify several immunogenic HLA-A*0201-binding peptide epitopes derived from our proposed antigens by analyzing CD8+ T cell responses in blood from midgut carcinoid patients. We demonstrate immune recognition of midgut carcinoid tumors in patients and in vitro generation of activated CD8+ T cells recognizing these peptide epitopes in blood from healthy controls. Patients also exhibit increased frequencies of circulating regulatory T cells (Tregs) with suppressive quality and patient lymphocytes display a decreased proliferative capacity compared to healthy controls. Midgut carcinoid tumors are frequently infiltrated by T cells, however always in the presence of Foxp3-expressing Tregs. Midgut carcinoid-associated antigens recognized by CD8+ T cells are of great interest for cellular therapies such as modified DC vaccines or adoptive T cell transfer. However, the systemic and local suppression of Th1 immunity must be considered and likely corrected in order to obtain clinically effective immunotherapies

    Till övervÀgande del : En intervjustudie kring betygssÀttningen av betygen B och D i idrott och hÀlsa

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    År 2011 gjordes olika Ă€ndringar inom skolan och ett exempel pĂ„ det var införandet av en ny lĂ€roplan för grundskola och gymnasium. Med den nya lĂ€roplanen infördes ett nytt betygsystem med sex nya betygssteg, A - F, som innehĂ„ller “mellanbetyg” som inte funnits i de tidigare systemen och som Ă€r mindre tydligt definierade Ă€n övriga betygsgrader. Syftet med studien var att öka förstĂ„elsen för betygssĂ€ttningen och förutsĂ€ttningarna för en likvĂ€rdig betygssĂ€ttning i idrott och hĂ€lsa 1, genom att undersöka hur lĂ€rare resonerade kring betygssĂ€ttning av betygen B och D. I studien genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med lĂ€rare pĂ„ olika skolor som undervisar i idrott och hĂ€lsa 1. Empirin frĂ„n intervjuerna analyserades sedan utifrĂ„n likvĂ€rdighet och lĂ€roplansteori. Studiens resultat visade att lĂ€rare resonerar att mellanbetygen B och D kan anvĂ€ndas vid enskilda kunskapskrav eller vid en sammanvĂ€gning av kunskapskraven till ett slutbetyg. LĂ€rare tolkade lĂ€roplanens formulering om till övervĂ€gande del pĂ„ ett kvalitativt, kvantitativt och holistiskt sĂ€tt. Slutsatsen Ă€r att lĂ€rarna anvĂ€nder mellanbetygen pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt och vid olika tillfĂ€llen varför förutsĂ€ttningarna för en likvĂ€rdig betygsĂ€ttning blir sĂ€mre. Det leder till att de mĂ„l om likvĂ€rdighet som skollagen har, inte uppnĂ„s, eftersom att utbildningen inte kan sĂ€gas vara likvĂ€rdig oavsett var i landet den anordnas

    Increased levels of a subset of angiogenesis-related plasma proteins in essential thrombocythemia

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    BACKGROUND: Increased local angiogenesis is important for the growth and dissemination of cancer. The myeloproliferative neoplasm essential thrombocythemia (ET) is known to involve increased bone marrow angiogenesis. Blood levels of several angiogenesis-related proteins are increased in different types of cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a subset of such proteins was elevated in treatment-naĂŻve ET patients. METHODS: Blood plasma from 41 ET patients and 43 healthy aged-matched controls was analyzed for eight different angiogenesis-related proteins. RESULTS: The ET cohort displayed a more homogenous expression pattern of these proteins compared with controls. Five of the eight proteins were significantly increased in ET patients. CONCLUSION: Increased plasma levels of matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9) and endostatin have not previously been reported in ET. In our patients, MMP9 levels correlated positively with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) V617F allele burden and leukocyte count

    Truncation of SNAP-25 reduces the stimulatory action of cAMP on rapid exocytosis in insulin-secreting cells.

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    SNAP-25 is important for Ca(2+)-dependent fusion of Large Dense Core Vesicles (LDCVs) in insulin-secreting cells. Exocytosis is further enhanced by cAMP-increasing agents such as GLP-1 and this augmentation includes interaction with both PKA and cAMP-GEFII. To investigate the coupling between SNAP-25 and cAMP-dependent stimulation of insulin exocytosis we have used capacitance measurements, protein-binding assays and Western blot analysis. In insulin secreting INS-1 cells overexpressing wild-type SNAP-25 (SNAP-25WT) rapid exocytosis was stimulated >3-fold by cAMP, similar to the situation in non-transfected cells. However, cAMP failed to potentiate rapid exocytosis in INS-1 cells overexpressing a truncated form of SNAP-25 (SNAP-251-197) or Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A). Close dissection of the exocytotic response revealed that the inability of cAMP to stimulate exocytosis in presence of a truncated SNAP-25 was confined to the release of primed LDCVs within the Readily Releasable Pool (RRP), especially from the Immediately Releasable Pool (IRP), whereas cAMP enhanced mobilization of granules from the Reserve Pool (RP) in both SNAP-251-197 (P<0.01) and SNAP-25WT (P<0.05) cells. This was supported by hormone release measurements. Augmentation of IRP by cAMP has been suggested to act through the cAMP-GEFII-dependent, PKA-independent pathway. Indeed, we were able to verify an interaction between SNAP-25 with both cAMP-GEFII and RIM2, two proteins involved in the PKA-independent pathway. Thus, we hypothesize that SNAP-25 is a necessary partner in the complex mediating cAMP-enhanced rapid exocytosis in insulin secreting cells. Key words: cAMP, SNAP-25, insulin, INS-1