36 research outputs found

    Greece in limbo: Post-election 2015 scenarios. EPIN Commentary No. 22/ 21 January 2015

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    In the run-up to elections in Greece on January 25th, this EPIN commentary explores the likelihood and consequences of four potential post-election scenarios: 1. Syriza single-party majority government or Syriza-led coalition government with anti-austerity parties 2. Syriza-led coalition government with pro-austerity parties or Syriza minority government 3. New Democracy government or ND-led coalition government 4. No government is formed

    Greece as an example of “post-politics” in the eurozone. EPIN Commentary No. 28/9 November 2015

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    The negotiations between Greece and the EU and IMF tested the unity, limits, stamina and financial interdependence of eurozone member states. Greece emerged wounded from the fray, but Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has established beyond doubt his dominance in Greek politics, in defiance of partisan competitors at home and his counterparts’ wishes in the rest of Europe. In this EPIN Commentary the authors argue that – beyond the political significance of SYRIZA’s third electoral victory in seven months – this vote of confidence brings certain characteristics of both Greek and EU politics into sharper relief. The high-risk political activism undertaken by Syriza’s leadership in the first half of 2015 has (re)opened the debate about what kind of EU we live in, and contributed to the creation of another type of discourse in Europe – one that has so far been the preserve of established elites

    Reshaping politics of the left and centre in Greece after the 2014 EP election. EPIN Commentary No. 21/10 September 2014

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    The political landscape in Greece is confused and volatile at the moment; the right and extreme- right-wing parties are accorded a disproportionately large place in political debate, while the radical left-wing SYRIZA party is attempting to maintain a ‘leftist’ profile and demonstrate its capacity to govern through a strategy of image normalisation. These tensions make it very difficult for the Greek government to stick to the EU’s tough reform agenda. The governing coalition is trying to conceal the social effects of implementing structural policy reforms, even postponing some measures to avoid bearing their political cost. At the same time, it is adopting a very rushed, and thus quite worrying, attitude towards a fast-track growth agenda, without taking into consideration the conditions for sustainable economic development

    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Psychiatric Emergencies in Two Different Settings: Emergency Room and Community Mental Health Service

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic caused a public health emergency with profound consequences on the physical and mental health of individuals. Emergency Rooms (ER) and Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) played a key role in the management of psychiatric emergencies during the pandemic. The purpose of the study was to evaluate urgent psychiatric consultations (UPCs) in the ERs of the General Hospitals and in the CMHS of a Northern Italian town during the pandemic period. Methods: This monocentric observational study collected UPCs carried out in ER from 01/03/2020 to 28/02/2021 (the so-called “COVID-19 period”) and the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who required UPCs in the 12-months period, comparing these data with those collected from 01/03/2019 to 29/02/2020 (the so-called “pre-COVID-19 period”). The same variables were collected for UPCs carried out in CMHS from 01/03/2020 to 31/01/2021 and compared with those collected from 01/03/2019 to 31/01/2020. The data were statistically analyzed through STATA 12-2011. Results: In ER, we reported a 24% reduction in UPCs during the COVID-19 period (n = 909) in comparison with the pre-COVID-19 period (n = 1,194). Differently, we observed an increase of 4% in UPCs carried out in CMHS during the COVID-19 period (n = 1,214) in comparison with the previous period (n = 1,162). We observed an increase of UPCs in ER required by people who lived in psychiatric facilities or with disability pension whereas more UPCs in CMHS were required by older people or those living in other institutions compared to the previous period. In the COVID-19 period, the most frequent reasons for UPCs in ER were aggressiveness, socio-environmental maladjustment and psychiatric symptoms in organic disorders whereas in CMHS we reported an increase of UPCs for control of psychopharmacology therapy and mixed state/mania. Conclusion: In light of our findings, we conclude that the most vulnerable people required more frequent attention and care in both ER and CMHS during pandemic, which disrupted individuals’ ability to adapt and induced many stressful reactive symptoms. In order to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, psychological support interventions for the general population should be implemented, having particular regard for more psychologically fragile people

    prĂĄticas artĂ­sticas no ensino bĂĄsico e secundĂĄrio

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    A inclusão, a desmaterialização, a difusão das pråticas artísticas para novos campos mais além das manualidades, as novas abordagens não formais pelos museus, trouxeram desafios acrescidos à educação artística. O panorama de pesquisa pelos investigadores é cada vez mais exigente e as propostas apresentam abordagens ao Museu sem lugar, ao emtrosamento cultural das pedagogias criticas, a aproximação às identidades, à complexidade da hibridação dos média, à ameaça dos cortes políticos nas esferas de decisão ou à crescente urbanização dos imaginårios culturais contemporùneos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Fröken, jag förstĂ„r inte?” - en kvalitativ undersökning om hur lĂ€rare ser pĂ„ matematikens sprĂ„k och dess begrepp

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    Sammanfattning: Syftet med examensarbetet Àr att undersöka lÀrares kunskaper och erfarenheter om matematikens sprÄk och dess begrepp. Tidigare forskning visar att elever har svÄrt med matematikens sprÄk och begrepp. Vad innebÀr matematiskt sprÄk och dess begrepp? Hur kan eleven anvÀnda sina kunskaper om matematikens sprÄk i andra Àmnen och i vardagen? Vad har sprÄket för betydelse för elevens lÀrande? Syftet Àr att ta reda pÄ dessa frÄgor med hjÀlp av en kvalitativ undersökning, och litteratur. Intervjusvaren kommer relateras till och jÀmföras med aktuell forskning, litteratur och en teoretiskt anknytning. Reliabilitet förutsÀtter att mÀtningen vid senare tillfÀlle ska fÄ samma resultat, problemet blir dock utifrÄn vÄr undersökning att resultatet möjligtvis inte kommer visa samma resultat om nÄgra Är framöver. Skolkultur Àndras, lÀrares erfarenheter och kunskaper Àr egenÀgt, lÀrarlagen förnyas och Àndras och lÀroplanen uppdateras. KÀrnan i detta arbete Àr att undersöka lÀrares personliga kunskaper och erfarenheter, vilket gav likvÀl varierade som lika svar. LÀrarna var enade och uttryckte sig pÄ varierande sÀtt att matematikens sprÄk och dess begrepp Àr viktigt för elevens lÀrande inom Àmnet. Det handlar om att skapa förutsÀttningar till att förstÄ Àmnet. Med variation kunde lÀrarna se hur eleven kan anvÀnda matematiska kunskaper i andra Àmnen och i vardag. Att bidra i sin undervisning till att eleven utvecklar matematikens sprÄk och förstÄr begreppen visar sig ha en viktig, ibland avgörande, roll att lyckas inom matematik. SprÄket visar sig Àven ha en stor betydelse i lÀroprocesser

    NÀtverkandets pÄverkan pÄ organisationssammansÀttningen

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    Networking is an important part, for organizations, in the recruitment process. This since the emergence of Internet networking has become more common and the organizations finds that networking is applied more frequently in the recruitment process. Organizations have noticed that networking often is a more cost efficient option compared to traditional recruitment. Since networking in the recruitment process has increased, we intend to investigate if and how it affects the composition of organizations. This thesis aims to examine networking in the recruiting process, and aims to make no differences between networking offline and online. The aim is, further to explore and create a greater understanding of how networking is affecting the recruitment process and therefore organizations and their composition. To answer the purpose of the thesis, three questions were held. The first one is why networking has become increasingly more important for the organizations in their recruitment process. The second deals with how and when networking is used in the organization's recruitment process. The third and final question is why and to what extent the organizations use networking in the recruitment process. The method used in this thesis was qualitative methods and took the form of interviews. The respondents are describing that networking is common in the recruitment process and that they generally have a good knowledge into how this might affect the organizational composition. We find that a result of networking in the recruitment process is that the organizational composition may be more homogeneous

    Den svÄra balansgÄngen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollÀrares syn av barns integritet och inflytande i dokumentationsarbetet

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    Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie behandlar Àmnet barns integritet och inflytande i förskolans dokumentationsarbete, utifrÄn förskollÀrarnas perspektiv. Studiens syfte Àr att undersöka hur förskollÀrare beskriver att de arbetar med barns integritet och inflytande i dokumentationsarbetet utifrÄn yngre och Àldre barn. Den datainsamlingsmetod som anvÀnds för studien bygger pÄ semistrukturerade intervjuer bestÄende av en intervjuguide, dÀr följdfrÄgor har tillkommit under intervjuernas gÄng. I studien har sammanlagt Ätta förskollÀrare frÄn tre kommunala förskolor blivit intervjuade, dÀr de har fÄtt möjlighet att berÀtta om arbetet med dokumentation, barns integritet och inflytande utifrÄn sina egna tankar och Äsikter. I analysen av datainsamlingen anvÀnds ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv och dess tillhörande begrepp, barnperspektiv, barns perspektiv, agens samt Harts stegmodell. Resultatet av studien kan visa att det finns olika arbetssÀtt att arbeta med dokumentation, barns integritet och inflytande i förskolan. Samtliga förskollÀrares beskrivningar framhÀver komplexiteten i arbetet, dÄ det Àr en svÄr balansgÄng att möta styrdokument, lagkrav och samtidigt respektera barns integritet och inflytande. UtifrÄn förskollÀrarnas beskrivning kan en tolkning pÄvisa att de vill involvera barnen i hela dokumentationsprocessen, och pÄ det sÀttet arbeta efter barns perspektiv. Tidsbristen som nÀmns tolkas dÀremot göra arbetet svÄrt och att involveringen av barnen inte alltid Àr möjlig att uppnÄ. Resultatet visar dÀrför att dokumentationsprocessen istÀllet utgÄr frÄn ett barnperspektiv. PÄ sÄ sÀtt tolkas att barnens agens blir synligt i reflektionen av dokumentationen, men att förskollÀrarnas agens vÀger tyngre i hela processen. UtifrÄn Harts stegmodell tolkas det att förskollÀrna lÄter barnen involveras till viss del i dokumentationsarbetet, och dÀrför ligger barnens makt pÄ nivÄ ett och tvÄ i denna modell. FörskollÀrarnas grundtanke om hur de önskade involvera barnen tolkas dock kunna ligga pÄ nivÄ tre och fyra, men att detta inte Àr möjligt just nu

    Implementation of an automatic tangential flow filtration system for latex immunoassay production

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    To diagnose patients suffering from blood clotting disorders latex immununoassays (LIA) can be used. A time consuming manual tangential flow filtration (TFF) process suggests the implementation of an automatic TFF system to improve the efficiency, profitability, and expandability of the production facility of LIA at Nordic Biomarker. Tests were made of the automatic TFF system's ability to perform the desired steps of concentration, dilution and diafiltration, both with purified water and mimicked product. The mimicked product of micro particles (MP) mixed with monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was also used to further test the system's pressure control, safety alarms and stops, and to determine a permeate flux by a critical flux experiment. The results imply a functional TFF system able to automatically concentrate the process fluid and maintain a stable volume during diafiltration, although an additional permeate pump was ordered to be able to attain a fully functional performance of the automatic TFF process. The final part of the implementation was to initiate a validation draft including a risk assessment, OQ plan and PQ plan that resulted in a plan of the main tests to be performed. To conclude, the essential part of the implementation of a high quality and efficient automatic TFF process was conducted to facilitate future expansion of the production of LIA