915 research outputs found

    School psychology in Portugal: practitioners’ characteristics and practices

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    Little empirical evidence is available on the professional characteristics and practices of school psychologists in Portugal. This study surveyed a total of 477 Portuguese school psychologists employed in public (80%) and private schools (20%). Portuguese school psychologists are described with regard to demographic, professional, and educational backgrounds, school settings, roles performed, and main target populations served. Evaluating and counseling regular education students, vocational guidance, and special education-related activities emerged as the most time-consuming professional practices. A professional practice primarily focused on students, mainly from the highest education levels, was also observed. Results are compared with findings of previous surveys and reviewed in the context of the current literature on the school psychologist’s role. Implications for the field are also provided.Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, University of Minho, Braga, PortugalSchool Psychology Program, School of Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

    Polymeric micellar drug carriers with fluorescent properties

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    Self-assembling polymeric surfactants, based on amphiphilic block copolymers into nanosized aggregates in aqueous solution, are of great interest in the biomedical fields as one class of promising carrier systems, for drug delivery, gene therapy and diagnostic biosensors.[1] The incorporation of fluorescent probes into polymeric micelles has been fulfilled either by physically encapsulation or chemically attachment of fluorophores. [2] These micelle-based fluorescent probes not only facilitate better dispersion of fluorophores in biological environments, but also reduce their cytotoxicity by avoiding direct contact with normal cells or tissues. In this work we present new water soluble amphiphilic polymers, poly(acrylic acid) macroRAFT (PAA) 1 and poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(9-vinylanthracene) (PAA-b-P9VA) 2, for the production of the mixed fluorescent micelles. Fluorescence assays were performed to monitoring the effect of their ratio on the formation of mixed micelles and to determine 1’s critical micelle concentration (cmc). The cmc was also evaluated by surface tension measurements

    Entrapment of CdTe quantum dots in polymeric micelles

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    Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have attracted increasing interest to their unique sizedependent optical and electronic properties. Some of the most promising applications are imaging and biological sensing, acting as fluorescent probes.[1] However, for these purposes QDs need to be attached to other species. Thus, amphiphilic polymers, displaying both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, are interesting systems to encapsulate QDs.[2] The entrapment of hydrophobic QDs into surfactant micelles results in the formation of fluorescent nanoparticles composed by a QD core and a surfactant shell. This results in improved QDs dispersion in biological environments, lowering their toxicity. The present work investigates the entrapment of CdTe QDs in micelles formed by poly(acrylic acid) macroRAFT (PAA), a new water soluble amphiphilic polymer. The results obtained indicate that the PAA/QDs ration plays an important role not only in the dispersion of the nanoparticles in aqueous systems but also in the optical properties of the QDs

    A study of the ethical dilemmas experienced by school psychologists in Portugal

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    Published online: 06 Apr 2015This study examines the ethical dilemmas and difficulties encountered by Portuguese school psychologists. As part of a larger survey, participants were asked about ethical issues faced in daily practice and asked to describe ethical incidents. Of the 477 respondents, 274 reported 441 ethically troubling or challenging situations. Responses were coded into a six-category system based on the code of ethics of Portuguese psychologists. Most of the reported dilemmas concerned privacy and confidentiality principles (53%). Results are discussed in light of relevant literature and international findings. Implications for the development of the profession and future research are provided.This research was financially sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Doctoral grant, SFRH/BD/78646/2011)

    Cysteine allows ovarian cancer cells to adapt to hypoxia and to escape from carboplatin cytotoxicity

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG) for partially funding the project. We would also like to acknowledge Dr Dialina Brilhante and Dr. Teresa Guerreiro (Servico de Imuno-hemoterapia, IPOLFG) for providing blood donors samples; to Dr Humberto Goncalves (Pharmacy, IPOLFG) for paclitaxel and carboplatin preparation, and Marta Teixeira (IBET) for the technical support in 3D models. The study was also funded by Projecto TVI. This research was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) (PhD ProRegeM program, PD/BD/105893/2014, FCT fellowship, PD/BD/105768/2014). iNOVA4Health - UID/Multi/04462/2013, a program financially supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia/Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement is acknowledged.Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecologic malignancy and the main cause of death from gynaecologic cancer, due to late diagnosis and chemoresistance. Studies have reported the role of cysteine in cancer, by contributing for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) generation and as a precursor of glutathione (GSH). However, the role of cysteine in the adaptation to hypoxia and therapy response remains unclear. We used several ovarian cancer cell lines, ES2, OVCAR3, OVCAR8, A2780 and A2780cisR, to clarify cysteine relevance in ovarian cancer cells survival upon hypoxia and carboplatin. Results show that ES2 and OVCAR8 cells presented a stronger dependence on cysteine availability upon hypoxia and carboplatin exposure than OVCAR3 cells. Interestingly, the A2780 cisR, but not A2780 parental cells, benefits from cysteine upon carboplatin exposure, showing that cysteine is crucial for chemoresistance. Moreover, GSH degradation and subsequent cysteine recycling pathway is associated with ovarian cancer as seen in peripheral blood serum from patients. Higher levels of total free cysteine (Cys) and homocysteine (HCys) were found in ovarian cancer patients in comparison with benign tumours and lower levels of GSH were found in ovarian neoplasms patients in comparison with healthy individuals. Importantly, the total and S-Homocysteinylated levels distinguished blood donors from patients with neoplasms as well as patients with benign from patients with malignant tumours. The levels of S-cysteinylated proteins distinguish blood donors from patients with neoplasms and the free levels of Cys in serum distinguish blood from patients with benign tumours from patients with malignant tumours. Herein we disclosed that cysteine contributes for a worse disease prognosis, allowing faster adaptation to hypoxia and protecting cells from carboplatin. The measurement of serum cysteine levels can be an effective tool for early diagnosis, for outcome prediction and follow up of disease progression.publishersversionpublishe

    Descriptive?Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in adults with imported severe Plasmodium falciparum?malaria: A 10 year-study in a Portuguese tertiary care hospital

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe complication of malaria that remains largely unstudied. We aim to describe the development of ARDS associated with severe P. falciparum malaria, its management and impact on clinical outcome.B910-DDDF-6BB2 | Lu?s Carlos Carvalho da Gra?aN/

    Development and validation of HPLC method with fluorometric detection for quantification of bisnaphthalimidopropyldiaminooctane in animal tissues following administration in polymeric nanoparticles.

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    A simple, sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantification of bisnaphthalimidopropyldiaminooctane (BNIPDaoct), a potent anti-Leishmania compound, incorporated into poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles was developed and validated toward bioanalysis application. Biological tissue extracts were injected into a reversed-phase monolithic column coupled to a fluorimetric detector (λexc = 234 nm, λem = 394 nm), using isocratic elution with aqueous buffer (acetic acid/acetate 0.10 M, pH 4.5, 0.010 M octanesulfonic acid) and acetonitrile, 60:40 (v/v) at a flow rate of 1.5 mL min-1. The run time was 6 min, with a BNIPDaoct retention time of 3.3 min. Calibration curves were linear for BNIPDaoct concentrations ranging from 0.002 to 0.100 μM. Matrix effects were observed and calibration curves were performed using the different organ (spleen, liver, kidney, heart and lung) extracts. The method was found to be specific, accurate (97.3-106.8% of nominal values) and precise for intra-day (RSD 88.4%. The LOD and LOQ for biological matrices were ≤0.8 and ≤1.8 nM, respectively, corresponding to values ≤4 and ≤9 nmol g-1 in mice organs. The method developed was successfully applied to biodistribution assessment following intravenous administration of BNIPDaoct in solution or incorporated in PLGA nanoparticles

    Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)

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    We discuss the concept of an array with Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) for muon detection in ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) experiments. RPC have been used in particle physics experiments due to their fast timing properties and spatial resolution. The operation of a ground array detector poses challenging demands, as the RPC must operate remotely under extreme en- vironments, with limited power and minimal maintenance. In its baseline configuration, each MARTA unit includes one 1.5x1.2 m 2 RPC, with 64 pickup electrodes (pads). The DAQ sys- tem is based on an ASIC, allowing one to read out the high number of channels with low power consumption. Data are recorded using a dual technique: single particle counting with a simple threshold on the signal from each pad and charge integration for high occupancy. The RPC, DAQ, High Voltage and monitoring systems are enclosed in an aluminum-sealed case, providing a com- pact and robust unit suited for outdoor environments, which can be easily deployed and connected. The RPCs developed at LIP-Coimbra are able to operate using very low gas flux, which allows running them for few years with a small gas reservoir. Several full-scale units are already installed and taking data in several locations and with different configurations, proving the viability of the MARTA concept. By shielding the detector units with enough slant mass to absorb the electro- magnetic component in the air showers, a clean measurement of the muon content is allowed, a concept to be implemented in a next generation of UHECR experiments. The specificities of a MARTA unit are presented, which include particle counting with high efficiency, time resolu- tion and spatial segmentation. The potential of the MARTA concept for muon measurements in air showers is assessed, as well as tentative methods for calibration and cross-calibrations with existing detectors.Peer Reviewe

    Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Infections Associated with Immunosuppressive Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases

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    We propose a guideline about the risk, prevention and treatment of infection in the patient under immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive therapy in the context of autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease. It is divided into three sections: drugs and associated risk of infection; immunizations; risk, prevention, and treatment of specific infections. The treatment of autoimmune diseases involves the use of immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory therapies, with an increasing number of new drugs being used. It is associated with an increased risk of infection, which may be present globally or only for specific agents, varying widely depending on the pharmacological class and even within the same class. The prevention strategy and clinical management need to be individually tailored and there are several key factors: characterization of the disease that prompts the immunosuppression, understanding of the mechanism of action of the immunosuppressive drug, knowledge of previous infections, recognition of risk factors, laboratory test results, vaccine administration, monitoring of clinical signs and symptoms and patient education.O presente protocolo aborda o risco, prevenção e tratamento da infeção no doente sob terapêutica imunomoduladora ou imunossupressoraem contexto de doença autoimune ou autoinflamatória. Subdivide-se nas seguintes secções: fármacos e risco associado de infeção; imunizações; risco, prevenção e tratamento de infeções específicas. Com um número crescente de novos fármacos em utilização nos últimos anos, o tratamento de doenças autoimunes envolve a utilização de terapêuticas imunossupressoras ou imunomoduladoras e associa-se a aumento do risco de infeção, que pode estar presente de uma forma global ou apenas para infeções por agentes específicos, variando amplamente consoante a classe farmacológica e mesmo dentro desta. Na estruturação da estratégia preventiva são fundamentais a caracterização da patologia que motiva a imunossupressão, a compreensão do mecanismo de ação do imunossupressor, a aferição de infeções prévias, o reconhecimento de fatores de risco, a realização de rastreios laboratoriais, a administração de vacinas, a educação do doente e a monitorização de sintomas e sinais clínicos, na dependência de uma gestão clínica necessariamente individualizada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atribuciones causales y nivel educativo familiar en la comprensión del desempeño escolar en alumnos portugueses

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    Este artigo analisa o contributo específico do nível educativo familiar e das atribuições causais para o bom e fraco rendimento escolar dos alunos na explicação do seu desempenho nas disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemática numa amostra de 2.082 alunos do ensino público de 11 escolas de Portugal, incluindo as Regiões Autónomas dos Açores e da Madeira. As atribuições causais foram avaliadas por meio do Questionário das Atribuições Causais para os Resultados Escolares (QARE). O nível educativo familiar foi estimado levando em conta o nível escolar do progenitor com maior habilitação escolar. As classificações obtidas pelos alunos nas disciplinas de língua portuguesa e matemática foram também examinadas. Os resultados apontam para correlações estatisticamente significativas, destacando as atribuições na capacidade para a explicação do rendimento escolar, situação que contrasta com a atribuição dos níveis de rendimento a variáveis externas ao aluno. A análise de regressão permite associar 34,5% da variância no rendimento conjunto em Língua Portuguesa e em Matemática no ensino básico, assim como 21,3% no ensino secundário, às dimensões atribucionais e ao nível educativo familiar. Implicações educacionais são derivadas a partir dos achados.This paper analyzes the contribution of both family educational level and causal attributions in explaining students´ academic performance in Mathematics and Portuguese Language in a sample of 2.082 public school students from mainland Portugal and the Azores and Madeira regions. Causal attributions were assessed by the Causal Attributions Questionnaire for School Results (QARE). The family educational level was estimated taking into account the educational level of the parent with higher academic degree. The academic grades obtained by students in mathematics and portuguese language were also considered. The results show statistically significant correlations between variables. Internal causal attributions such as capacity and study methods were predominant to explain school performance in the sample and stood out in contrast to external attributions explanations. Regression analyses revealed that 34.5% of the variance in the combined achievement on Portuguese Language and Mathematics in primary education and 21.3% in secondary education could be explained by both the attributional dimensions and family education level. Some educational implications are present taking these data.Este artículo analiza la contribución específica del nivel educativo familiar y de las atribuciones causales para el buen y el flaco rendimiento escolar de los alumnos en la explicación de su desempeño en las disciplinas de Lengua Portuguesa y Matemáticas en una muestra de 2.082 alumnos de enseñanza pública de 11 escuelas de Portugal, incluyendo las Regiones Autónomas de Açores y Madeira. Las atribuciones causales fueron evaluadas por medio del “Questionário das Atribuições Causais para os Resultados Escolares” (QARE). El nivel educativo familiar fue estimado teniendo en cuenta el nivel escolar del progenitor con mayor habilitación escolar. Las clasificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos en las disciplinas de lengua portuguesa y matemáticas fueron también examinadas. Los resultados señalaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas, destacando las atribuciones en la capacidad para la explicación del rendimiento escolar, situación que contrasta con la atribución de los niveles de rendimiento a variables externas al alumno. El análisis de regresión permite asociar 34.5% de la variancia en el rendimiento conjunto de la Lengua Portuguesa y las Matemáticas en la enseñanza básica, así como 21.3% en la enseñanza secundaria, a las dimensiones de atribución y al nivel educativo familiar. Implicaciones educacionales son derivadas a partir de los hallazgos.Editora Universitária São Francisc