53 research outputs found

    ”A difficult and delicate process that is not simply a matter of the head, but more so of the heart” : Om försoning

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    Reconciliation research consists of two practices, one focusing on the emotional and healing aspects of the process and another that focus on the political and legal actions. Yeudith Auerbach created a theory, the reconciliation pyramid, which aims to manage both aspects. The purpose of this thesis is to apply Auerbach's theory to the reconciliation process in two empirical cases, the Rwandan genocide and the war in former Yugoslavia, Bosnia-Hercegovina. The aim is to assess the empirical processes' functionality on an individual level. By the concept of functionality we refer to the extent to which individuals have achieved reconciliation in reference to steps in the reconciliation pyramid. The reconciliation pyramid consists of seven different steps, each step brings the individual closer to reconciliation: 1. Acquaintance with Clashing Narratives 2. Acknowledging the Other’s Narratives, Without Necessarily Accepting Them as True 3. Expressing Empathy for the Other’s Plight 4. Assuming (at Least) Partial Responsibility for the Other’s Alleged Plights 5. Expressing Readiness for Restitution or Reparation for Past Wrongs 6. Publicly Apologizing and Asking for Forgiveness for Past Wrongs 7. Striving to Incorporate Opposite Narratives into Accepted Mutual Accounts of the Past By analyzing scientific texts and interviews with locals in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina their individual narratives of the conflict and reconciliation process, are made clear. The narratives are interpreted in order to deduce the degree of functionality of the process among the locals. Thus, the reconciliation process in Rwanda is constructed in a manner that requires participation by the local population, e.g the Gacaca courts. The extent of individual functionality in Bosnia-Hercegovina is less due to international actors, who designed the reconciliation model in Bosnia-Hercegovina, lack of resources and their inability find a way to incorporate the local population in the process. Auerbach's reconciliation pyramid and the functionality analysis can, however, be used to explain why the individual functionality in the Bosnia-Hercegovina model is so low. Keywords: reconciliation, Rwanda, Bosnien-Hercegovina, functionality, individual, narrative Words: 6 99

    To safeguarding traditional basket making for the future

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    ABSTRACT Korgen lyfter [Raising Basket knowledge] is a Swedish national project started by handicraft consultants from three different regions in 2019. The project aims to promote basket making and knowledge by strengthening contemporary basket makers, make the diversity of domestic basket traditions visible and increase the interest of basket making. Through efforts in training, inventory work, seminars, lectures and networking, nationally and internationally, the project has made knowledge available and problem­atized the question of the fragile position of basket making. Among other things, the project has been in­volved in developing shorter courses in basket making and started a basket appeal related to the UNESCOs convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Through a traveling ex­hi­bi­tion, different events as well as high digital presence, the project has reached many people

    Tamoxifen and Flaxseed Alter Angiogenesis Regulators in Normal Human Breast Tissue In Vivo

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    The incidence of breast cancer is increasing in the Western world and there is an urgent need for studies of the mechanisms of sex steroids in order to develop novel preventive strategies. Diet modifications may be among the means for breast cancer prevention. Angiogenesis, key in tumor progression, is regulated by the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors, which are controlled in the extracellular space. Sampling of these molecules at their bioactive compartment is therefore needed. The aims of this study were to explore if tamoxifen, one of the most used anti-estrogen treatments for breast cancer affected some of the most important endogenous angiogenesis regulators, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), angiogenin, and endostatin in normal breast tissue in vivo and if a diet supplementation with flaxseed had similar effects as tamoxifen in the breast. Microdialysis was used for in situ sampling of extracellular proteins in normal breast tissue of women before and after six weeks of tamoxifen treatment or before and after addition of 25 g/day of ground flaxseed to the diet or in control women. We show significant correlations between estradiol and levels of VEGF, angiogenin, and endostatin in vivo, which was verified in ex vivo breast tissue culture. Moreover, tamoxifen decreased the levels of VEGF and angiogenin in the breast whereas endostatin increased significantly. Flaxseed did not alter VEGF or angiogenin levels but similar to tamoxifen the levels of endostatin increased significantly. We conclude that one of the mechanisms of tamoxifen in normal breast tissue include tipping of the angiogenic balance into an anti-angiogenic state and that flaxseed has limited effects on the pro-angiogenic factors whereas the anti-angiogenic endostatin may be modified by diet. Further studies of diet modifications for breast cancer prevention are warranted

    Kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av sin karriÀrutveckling och sitt ledarskap : En kvalitativ jÀmförelse mellan offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland

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    Introduktion: Kvinnor som ledare Ă€r fortfarande ett fenomen. Statistik, tidigare forskning och teorierstöder att kvinnor möter pĂ„ skadliga konstruktioner formade av individer och samhĂ€llet, ett glastak iarbetslivet. Fördomarna upprĂ€tthĂ„lls av organisationer, vilket försvĂ„rar kvinnors vĂ€g till toppen. Dennaundersökning kommer att analysera upplevelser om att vara kvinna som ledare i ett ”jĂ€mstĂ€llt” land,Finland. Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning Ă€r att jĂ€mföra kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor iFinland. FrĂ„gestĂ€llning: Hur upplever kvinnor som ledare sin egna karriĂ€rutveckling och sitt ledarskap inom denoffentliga- och privata sektorn i Finland? Teori: Teorin och tidigare forskningen i arbetet Ă€r valt för att undersöka kvinnor som ledare.Organisationsteori av bland annat Joan Acker (1990/1992) ur ett genusperspektiv tillsammans medRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J. Mills (1988) och Robin J.Ely och Debra E. Meyerson(2000). Teori och tidigare forskning om offentlig – och privat sektor och ledarskap av J. Norman Baldwin(1987/1990) och Allison T. Graham (1992) kommer att anvĂ€ndas i analyserna. Tidigare forskning hĂ€vdarbland annat att arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn har högre utbildning, men att det inte finns skillnaderi kompetens. Vidare anses ledarskaps omsĂ€ttning större inom den offentliga sektorn pĂ„ grund av reformer. Metod: Undersökningen Ă€r genomförd genom att anvĂ€nda av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestĂ„ende avsemi-strukturerade intervjuer med 14 stycken kvinnliga ledare inom bĂ„de offentlig och privat sektor. Sexrespondenter frĂ„n den privata sektorn och Ă„tta frĂ„n den offentliga sektorn. Slutsats: Min undersökning visar att det inte finns skillnader i upplevd karriĂ€rutveckling eller ledarskapbland kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland. Dock finns det skillnader i upplevelserom organisation och i karriĂ€rutvecklingsfaserna. UngefĂ€r hĂ€lften av respondenterna upplevde att de stöttpĂ„ nĂ„gon form av könsbaserade fördomar eller negativa konstruktioner om kvinnor under sinarbetskarriĂ€r.Introduction: Women as leaders are still a phenomenon. Statistics, previous research and theories supportthat women encounter harmful preconceptions or prejudice shaped by individuals and the society. In otherwords a glass ceiling in the working life. Prejudices are perpetuated by organizations, making it difficultfor women to reach higher positions in a organization. This research will examine experiences of being aleader as a woman in a ”gender-equal” country, such as Finland. Purpose: The purpose of his study is to compare female leaders in the public and private sector in Finland. Research question: How do women as leaders experience their own career development and leadershipin the public and private sector in Finland? Theory: Previous research and theory of this study is chosen to support the examination of women asleaders. Organizational theory by Joan Acker (1990/1992) from a gender persepctive together withRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J.Mills (1988) and Robin J. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson (2000)among others will be presented. Theory and previous research of the public- and private sector andleadership by J. Norman Baldwin (1987/1990) and Allison T. Graham (1992) will be used in the analyzethe results. Previous research claims, among other things, that workers in the public sector have highereducation, but that there are no differences in the skills or expertise of the workers. Furthermore,leadership turnover is considered higher in the public sector due to reforms. Method: The research was completed by using a qualitative research method consisting of semi-structured interviews with 14 female leaders in total from both sectors. Six respondents from the private sector and eight from the public sector. Conclusion: My research shows that there are no differences in perceived career development or leadersipamong female leaders in the public and private sectors in Finland. However, there are differences inexperiences about organisation and the career development phases. About half of the respndents felt thatthey have encountered some form of gender-based prejudice or negative preconceptions about womenduring their working careers. Keywords: Public sector, private sector, career development, career development phases, power,leadership, female leadership, gender, organization, gender segregation, glass ceilin

    Applications of Rice's formula in oceanographic and environmental problems

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    This thesis is based on five papers (A-E), all treating various applications of Rice's formula. The areas of application are oceanographic and environmental problems. The first three papers treat properties of encountering waves, that is, waves that a ship encounters while sailing on the ocean. Paper A addresses the problem of computing the intensity of such waves and, in particular, the intensity of encountering waves that overtake the ship. A general formula for this intensity is given and it is shown that for a Gaussian sea it takes an explicit form. The aim of Paper B is to compute distributions of properties of the overtaking, encountering waves in a Gaussian sea. Besides giving integral formulas for the distribution of wave slope and the joint distribution of waveheight and half-wavelength, we also give interpretation of the results in terms of wave velocity. The results are illustrated by numerical examples. Next, in Paper C, the distribution of waveheight and half-wavelength is further explored. More precisely, we propose an approximation of the distribution, which is inspired by the velocity interpretation in Paper B. This approximation is evaluated for a Gaussian sea having a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. Paper D is devoted to the study of wave intensity and the distribution of slope in a Lagrangian sea model. Two different cases are considered, namely the sea surface observed at a fixed time point and at a fixed location, respectively. Formulas for the wave intensity and slope are given for these two cases, and the results are compared to the Gaussian sea model. In the last paper, Paper E, we consider some aspects of the statistical quality of air quality standards. More precisely, we want to illuminate the danger of not taking the spatial variability of the air pollution concentrations into account in the design of the standards. This is illustrated by computing upper and lower bounds for the distribution of the maximum of the pollutant concentration in a region around the site where the measurement is taken. The maximum is computed conditional on a measurement being exactly at the level prescribed by the standard

    En studie om barns interaktion och samspel i mötet med digitala lÀrmiljöer i förskolan

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    Vi lever i en allt mer digitaliserad vardag och samhĂ€llsförĂ€ndringen frĂ„n industrisamhĂ€llet till ett informations- och tjĂ€nstesamhĂ€lle skapar nya utmaningar för hur vi ser pĂ„ lĂ€randet idag. Pedagoger i förskolan har till uppgift att arbeta med digitala verktyg tillsammans med barnen och bidra till utvecklingen av deras intresse för olika medier. Studiens syfte Ă€r att undersöka hur barn interagerar, kommunicerar och samspelar i en digital lĂ€rmiljö samt att synliggöra barns teckenskapande i en designad digital lĂ€rmiljö. Studien besvarar tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Hur agerar barn och pedagoger didaktiska designers i interaktion med det digitala grĂ€nssnittet? PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt interagerar och samspelar barn i olika teckensystem i en digital lĂ€rmiljö? Vilken betydelse har digitala lĂ€rmiljöer för barn som en meningsskapande aktivitet? För att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ mina frĂ„gestĂ€llningar gjorde jag en kvalitativ studie pĂ„ en förskola i en mellanstor stad. Metoden som anvĂ€ndes var videoobservationer och anteckningar. DĂ€refter transkriberades det insamlade empiriska materialet i ett transkriptionsschema. Med hjĂ€lp av transkriptionsschemat synliggjordes olika mönster som sedan fick bli grunden till analysarbetet.Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten för analysarbetet har varit det multimodala designteoretiska perspektivet som utgĂ„r frĂ„n att se mĂ€nniskan som en teckenskapande varelse. Begrepp som anvĂ€ndes i tolkning av det empiriska materialet var design i lĂ€rande, design för lĂ€rande, meningsskapande och teckensystem utifrĂ„n Kress och Selander, Selander och SvĂ€rdemo- Åberg och KjĂ€llander. Jag har Ă€ven kompletterat med studier av Petersen, Jahnke och Kulmar och WalldĂ©n Hillström som studerat barns interaktioner kring digitala resurser. Resultatet av denna studien visar att pedagoger designar den digitala lĂ€rmiljön och att barnen inbjuds till att utforska och skapa utifrĂ„n sina egna lĂ€rvĂ€gar i mötet med det digitala grĂ€nssnittet. Vad som erbjuder barnen att agera beror bĂ„de pĂ„ pedagogers digitala design samt applikationens design framkommer i studien. Hur barnen anvĂ€nder teckensystem skiljer sig Ă„t beroende pĂ„ hur pedagogen erbjuder den digitala lĂ€rmiljön och olika material. Resultatet av studien visar att barnen interagerar med omkringliggande miljö och material och tillsammans runt lĂ€rplattan för barnen diskussioner och kommer fram med olika kreativa lösningar pĂ„ problem

    Kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av sin karriÀrutveckling och sitt ledarskap : En kvalitativ jÀmförelse mellan offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland

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    Introduktion: Kvinnor som ledare Ă€r fortfarande ett fenomen. Statistik, tidigare forskning och teorierstöder att kvinnor möter pĂ„ skadliga konstruktioner formade av individer och samhĂ€llet, ett glastak iarbetslivet. Fördomarna upprĂ€tthĂ„lls av organisationer, vilket försvĂ„rar kvinnors vĂ€g till toppen. Dennaundersökning kommer att analysera upplevelser om att vara kvinna som ledare i ett ”jĂ€mstĂ€llt” land,Finland. Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning Ă€r att jĂ€mföra kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor iFinland. FrĂ„gestĂ€llning: Hur upplever kvinnor som ledare sin egna karriĂ€rutveckling och sitt ledarskap inom denoffentliga- och privata sektorn i Finland? Teori: Teorin och tidigare forskningen i arbetet Ă€r valt för att undersöka kvinnor som ledare.Organisationsteori av bland annat Joan Acker (1990/1992) ur ett genusperspektiv tillsammans medRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J. Mills (1988) och Robin J.Ely och Debra E. Meyerson(2000). Teori och tidigare forskning om offentlig – och privat sektor och ledarskap av J. Norman Baldwin(1987/1990) och Allison T. Graham (1992) kommer att anvĂ€ndas i analyserna. Tidigare forskning hĂ€vdarbland annat att arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn har högre utbildning, men att det inte finns skillnaderi kompetens. Vidare anses ledarskaps omsĂ€ttning större inom den offentliga sektorn pĂ„ grund av reformer. Metod: Undersökningen Ă€r genomförd genom att anvĂ€nda av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestĂ„ende avsemi-strukturerade intervjuer med 14 stycken kvinnliga ledare inom bĂ„de offentlig och privat sektor. Sexrespondenter frĂ„n den privata sektorn och Ă„tta frĂ„n den offentliga sektorn. Slutsats: Min undersökning visar att det inte finns skillnader i upplevd karriĂ€rutveckling eller ledarskapbland kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland. Dock finns det skillnader i upplevelserom organisation och i karriĂ€rutvecklingsfaserna. UngefĂ€r hĂ€lften av respondenterna upplevde att de stöttpĂ„ nĂ„gon form av könsbaserade fördomar eller negativa konstruktioner om kvinnor under sinarbetskarriĂ€r.Introduction: Women as leaders are still a phenomenon. Statistics, previous research and theories supportthat women encounter harmful preconceptions or prejudice shaped by individuals and the society. In otherwords a glass ceiling in the working life. Prejudices are perpetuated by organizations, making it difficultfor women to reach higher positions in a organization. This research will examine experiences of being aleader as a woman in a ”gender-equal” country, such as Finland. Purpose: The purpose of his study is to compare female leaders in the public and private sector in Finland. Research question: How do women as leaders experience their own career development and leadershipin the public and private sector in Finland? Theory: Previous research and theory of this study is chosen to support the examination of women asleaders. Organizational theory by Joan Acker (1990/1992) from a gender persepctive together withRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J.Mills (1988) and Robin J. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson (2000)among others will be presented. Theory and previous research of the public- and private sector andleadership by J. Norman Baldwin (1987/1990) and Allison T. Graham (1992) will be used in the analyzethe results. Previous research claims, among other things, that workers in the public sector have highereducation, but that there are no differences in the skills or expertise of the workers. Furthermore,leadership turnover is considered higher in the public sector due to reforms. Method: The research was completed by using a qualitative research method consisting of semi-structured interviews with 14 female leaders in total from both sectors. Six respondents from the private sector and eight from the public sector. Conclusion: My research shows that there are no differences in perceived career development or leadersipamong female leaders in the public and private sectors in Finland. However, there are differences inexperiences about organisation and the career development phases. About half of the respndents felt thatthey have encountered some form of gender-based prejudice or negative preconceptions about womenduring their working careers. Keywords: Public sector, private sector, career development, career development phases, power,leadership, female leadership, gender, organization, gender segregation, glass ceilin

    "I got mad about that book" : A study of Vietnamese children's views on reading

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    The aim of this Bachelor thesis and Minor Field Study is, from the perspective of the Vietnamese children at The General Science Library in Ho Chi Minh City, to obtain a deeper understanding of the ways in which the reading environment of The Children's Room supports children's interest in reading and their reading experience. It is assumed that reading is a dynamic and social activity made possible by internal and external conditions. In this context limited freedom of expression is one of the external conditions that is taken into consideration. In order to obtain understanding of Vietnamese children's experiences of reading, I used Aidan Chambers' model of The Reading Circle as a theoretical framework. The methods used in this study were semi-structured interviews with Vietnamese young people at the library, four girls and five boys, aged between 10 and 15 years. The children in this study describe two types of reading experiences: 1) reading that gives feelings of excitement and joy, and makes them want to reread a book, talk about it with others, think of it, remember and analyse it. And 2) reading they describe as developing, either spiritually or intellectually, a form of reading for improvement. Four reading environments are identified that both enable and obstruct reading experiences, their homes, school, library and the bookstore. Primarily, The Children's Room enables reading

    Utformning av företagets visuella identitet

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    Det första intrycket man fĂ„r av ett företag kan ofta vara avgörande och dĂ€rför är den visuella identiteten viktig. Den visuella identiteten har ett större inflytande på konsumenter än vad man kunde tro och dĂ€rför bör den vara sammanhĂ€ngande med varumĂ€rket, för att bĂ€ttre få fram den unika stilen, produkterna och värderingarna, där mĂ„let är att få kunden att kĂ€nna ett kittlande köpbegär. Om företagets visuella identitet inte Ă€r bra, kan man mista kunder och Ă€ven andra viktiga, vĂ€sentliga parter för företaget. Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka hur man bygger upp en stark visuell identitet för ett företag på basen av teorin från böcker, internet samt andra metoder, som workshops tillsammans med företaget. Arbetet tar först upp varumärket samt branding, sedan den visuella identiteten och till sista sjĂ€lva processen om utformningen av den visuella identiteten. Den empiriska delen av arbetet reflekterar kring den inlĂ€rda teorin, med en undersökning, strategi och design. MĂ„let med arbetet är att skapa en röd trĂ„d för företaget Punainen Norsu. I slutet av arbetet presenteras idĂ©er samt en ny grafisk manual för företaget Punainen Norsu som innehĂ„ller bland annat en utvecklad logo, fĂ€rgskala, bildstil och typografi.The first impression you get of a company can often be crucial and therefore the visual identity is an important factor. The company’s visual identity has a greater influence on consumers than you could imagine. The visual identity should be consistent with the whole brand in order to bring out the unique styleand reflect on the values of the company. The goal is to make the customer feel a tickling desire to buy the company’s products or services. If the company’svisual identity is deficient, the companycan losecustomers and other important parties.The purpose of this project is to investigate how to build a strong visual identity on the basis of theory from books, the internet and other methods suchas workshops with the company. I have built up the thesis by studying the brand, the visual identity and the process of designing a visual identity and a strong brand. The last empirical part of this thesis, reflects the company based on thetheory about branding, visual identity and the design process. The aim of this thesis is to create a red line for the company called Punainen Norsu andtobe able to apply the theory learned into practice. The results are presented in the end of this thesis by a graphic manual for the company. The graphic manual consists of color palette, photos, typography and logotype

    En studie om barns interaktion och samspel i mötet med digitala lÀrmiljöer i förskolan

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    Vi lever i en allt mer digitaliserad vardag och samhĂ€llsförĂ€ndringen frĂ„n industrisamhĂ€llet till ett informations- och tjĂ€nstesamhĂ€lle skapar nya utmaningar för hur vi ser pĂ„ lĂ€randet idag. Pedagoger i förskolan har till uppgift att arbeta med digitala verktyg tillsammans med barnen och bidra till utvecklingen av deras intresse för olika medier. Studiens syfte Ă€r att undersöka hur barn interagerar, kommunicerar och samspelar i en digital lĂ€rmiljö samt att synliggöra barns teckenskapande i en designad digital lĂ€rmiljö. Studien besvarar tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Hur agerar barn och pedagoger didaktiska designers i interaktion med det digitala grĂ€nssnittet? PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt interagerar och samspelar barn i olika teckensystem i en digital lĂ€rmiljö? Vilken betydelse har digitala lĂ€rmiljöer för barn som en meningsskapande aktivitet? För att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ mina frĂ„gestĂ€llningar gjorde jag en kvalitativ studie pĂ„ en förskola i en mellanstor stad. Metoden som anvĂ€ndes var videoobservationer och anteckningar. DĂ€refter transkriberades det insamlade empiriska materialet i ett transkriptionsschema. Med hjĂ€lp av transkriptionsschemat synliggjordes olika mönster som sedan fick bli grunden till analysarbetet.Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten för analysarbetet har varit det multimodala designteoretiska perspektivet som utgĂ„r frĂ„n att se mĂ€nniskan som en teckenskapande varelse. Begrepp som anvĂ€ndes i tolkning av det empiriska materialet var design i lĂ€rande, design för lĂ€rande, meningsskapande och teckensystem utifrĂ„n Kress och Selander, Selander och SvĂ€rdemo- Åberg och KjĂ€llander. Jag har Ă€ven kompletterat med studier av Petersen, Jahnke och Kulmar och WalldĂ©n Hillström som studerat barns interaktioner kring digitala resurser. Resultatet av denna studien visar att pedagoger designar den digitala lĂ€rmiljön och att barnen inbjuds till att utforska och skapa utifrĂ„n sina egna lĂ€rvĂ€gar i mötet med det digitala grĂ€nssnittet. Vad som erbjuder barnen att agera beror bĂ„de pĂ„ pedagogers digitala design samt applikationens design framkommer i studien. Hur barnen anvĂ€nder teckensystem skiljer sig Ă„t beroende pĂ„ hur pedagogen erbjuder den digitala lĂ€rmiljön och olika material. Resultatet av studien visar att barnen interagerar med omkringliggande miljö och material och tillsammans runt lĂ€rplattan för barnen diskussioner och kommer fram med olika kreativa lösningar pĂ„ problem
