100 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor E- Booking Garuda Indonesia Terhadap Customer Satisfaction

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    Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi mendorong timbulnya berbagai industri untuk meluaskan jaringan bisnisnya dengan menawarkan berbagai kemudahan yang bermanfaat terutama bagi masyarakat dengan tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi di bidang jasa adalah e- booking. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk menggunakan sistem e- booking dan apakah faktor tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif kausal dengan teknik analisis frekuensi, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas serta regresi linear berganda untuk mengetahui variabel bebas yang berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa variabel accessibility dan security masyarakat mempunyai pengaruh yang negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, sedangkan variabel information quality berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction

    Assessment of Infrastructures Assets Induced by Water Level Fluctuation along the Bengawan Solo River

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    The stability of infrastructure along river channel, such as bridges and embankments, is paramount to continuing service and public safety, and therefore, is essential consideration in the design, construction and maintenance. During the design process, infrastructure stability is often assumed to be static, and considered by implementing a safety factor which is produced by an analysis of extreme condition. However, this has failed to consider the variability of natural factors and importantly, the escalating threat of extreme environmental condition, induced by global climate change. This assumption should, therefore, be revisited for developing a more resilient design and maintenance regime. To demonstrate the changing infrastructure stability, an assessment of safety factor of river embankment and bridge foundation as nearby infrastructures along Bengawan Solo River’s channel and estuary is presented. This was undertaken to determine the impact of water level fluctuation during two extreme conditions during dry and rainy seasons in several critical locations. The river characteristics (i.e. morphology, water fluctuations, velocity, and sub-soil characteristics), embankment conditions and bridge pile foundation were investigated in-situ to assess the change of safety factor. The laboratory investigation focused on river and embankment characteristics including the analysis of the drying-wetting conditions. In-situ and laboratory investigations found an extreme condition which the infrastructures are subjected into, where the water level and flow velocity were 3 m and 0.04 - 0.27 m/s during dry season; and 10 m and 0.46 - 0.84 m/s during rainy season. Furthermore, from the analysis, it can be concluded that certain areas in the river do not meet the minimum requirements for bridge foundation and embankment stability

    Studies on the Role of Rumen-Anaerobic Fungi and Protozoa in Fibre Digestion

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    The objectives of this study were: 1. To evaluate the effects of defaunation of the rumen on the growth of rumen anaerobic fungi and on fibre digestion in sheep given high-fibre diets. 2. To determine the contribution of rumen-anaerobic fungi to plant cell wall digestion in vitro. Determination of pool size of anaerobic fungi in the rumen is important in order to study the contribution of these microorganisms to feed digestion relative to other rumen inhabitants. Two methods used in the present studies, viz. counting the numbers of sporangia on feed particles and culturing the zoospores in roll tubes containing agar medium plus antibiotic, resulted in large variations between animals and diets, suggesting that these methods cannot be used to determine the fungal biomass accurately. However, they may be used for comparing the relative numbers of anaerobic fungi present in the rumen between treatments under the same experimental conditions. ... It was concluded that on high-fibre diets the presence of rumen protozoa may be disadvantageous because they appear to reduce the pool size of cellulolytic microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) in the rumen. Although information on enzymic activities of anaerobic fungi on fibre digestion now seems clear from the literature, the major question of the magnitude of the contribution made by fungi to fibre digestion remains to be answered. For these reasons, the development of a reliable method for assessment of fungal biomass in the rumen is a major priority for future research

    Understanding procurement methods in practice: an alternative perspective

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    The aim of this paper is to propose an agency-structure perspective on understanding how procurement methods are enacted in practice. It is argued that procurement methods manifest within a complex web of interconnections between various actors and the industrial structure. As an example, this paper focuses on the interrelations between the quangos' promotions of procurement initiatives and construction firms' responses to these initiatives. An understanding of such interrelations is achieved by integrating three sources of data regarding procurement developments. First, an analysis of the industry is considered as structural forces which influence procurement developments. This knowledge will be obtained through a literature review of the industry, including the overall economic conditions, the state of the industry itself, and the nature of construction demands. Second, the business path development of construction firms is regarded as responses to procurement initiatives. The method of case study will be applied to understand how construction firms' business path is related to procurement initiatives of time. Finally, a review of quango construction reports will be undertaken. Each report's key recommendations and impacts related to procurement initiatives will be identified. The three sources of data will then be plotted onto a timeline graph in order to form a more in-depth analysis. An assessment of the three sources of data at a chosen point/s for interconnections and causal relationships would then be undertaken. It is concluded that considering the interrelations between the three sources of data will offer a greater understanding of procurement methods in practice

    BIM-based LCA and energy analysis for optimised sustainable building design in Ghana

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    Integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is regarded as useful for making design decisions regarding the environmental and health impacts of building products and materials. This research aimed at studying the process of BIM-LCA integration to assist designers in making sustainable material and product selection decisions in Ghana. A guidance framework for implementation of BIM-LCA supported by energy analysis has been developed to aid optimisation of sustainable design solutions based on simulations using Autodesk Revit as a BIM authoring tool, Green Building Studio and Tally to perform energy and LCA simulations on a hypothetical two-bedroom single-family house. The research considers both operational and embodied carbon effects of the design solution. The framework aligns with the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0–2 (i.e. Strategic definition, Preparation and briefing, and Concept design) and presents a systematic approach for BIM-based LCA estimation for the early design stages using the Business Process Modelling Notation. The paper proposes a generic approach which has the potential to incorporate LCA as an integral part to the BIM-enabled design development process. This assists designers in decision-making that consider environmental impacts of materials and energy consumption as part of sustainable building design considerations

    On the duration and cost variability of construction activities: an empirical study

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    The unique nature of construction projects can mean that construction activities often suffer from duration and cost variability. As this variability is unplanned it can present a problem when attempting to complete a project on time and on budget. Various factors causing this variability have been identified in the literature, but they predominantly refer to the nature and/or context of the whole project, rather than their specific activities. In this paper, the order of magnitude of and correlation between activity duration and cost variability is analyzed in 101 construction projects with over 5000 activities. To do this, the first four moments (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) of actual versus planned duration and cost (log) ratios are analyzed by project, phase of execution and activity type. Results suggest that, contrary to common wisdom, construction activities do not end late on average. Instead, the large variability in the activity duration is the major factor causing significant project delays and cost overruns. The values of average activity duration and cost variability gathered in this study will also serve as a reference for construction managers to improve future construction planning and project simulation studies with more realistic data

    HyCon - a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete structural frames

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    Hybrid concrete can provide high quality, cost effective structural frames in a variety of situations when compared to other, more conventional, solutions such as in-situ concrete and steel frames. The key players in the design and construction supply chain process for hybrid concrete are lead frame contractors and design engineers. The use of hybrid concrete, however, is sometimes not considered by contractors and designers during the initial stages of design. This is often because of a lack of reliable and accessible hybrid concrete cost and production time information. Without this information, contractors and designers may disregard hybrid concrete as a design alternative, potentially omitting the most appropriate solution before it has even been considered. This paper reports on a collaborative research project in the United Kingdom which has developed HyCon - a prototype design support tool which allows contractors and designers at the conceptual design stage to carry out "what if?" analysis in a virtual reality environment to consider various hybrid concrete alternatives against a range of 'hard' and 'soft' performance criteria. The 'hard' criteria allow contractors and designers to assess initial and whole life cycle cost and production duration implications. The 'soft' criteria encourage the whole project team to assess and prioritise the importance and performance of design alternatives against criteria such as physical form and space

    Assessing the value of intangible benefits of property level flood risk adaptation (PLFRA) measures

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    © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Studies in the UK and elsewhere have identified that flooding can result in diverse impacts, ranging from significant financial costs (tangible) to social (intangible) impacts on households. At the same time, it is now clear that large-scale flood defence schemes are not the panacea to flood risk, and there is an increasing responsibility on property owners to protect their own properties. Hence, there is an emerging expectation for homeowners to take action in the form of investing in property level flood risk adaptation (PLFRA) measures to protect their properties. However, hitherto the level of uptake of such measures remains very low. The tangible financial benefits of investing in PLFRA measures are generally well understood and have been demonstrated to be cost beneficial for many properties at risk from frequent flooding. Importantly, these estimates tend to take little account of the value of the intangible benefits of PLFRA measures and therefore may be under estimating their full benefits. There remains a need to develop an improved understanding of these intangible benefits, and this research sets out to bridge this knowledge gap. Based on a synthesis of the literature, the contingent valuation method was selected as a means to value intangible impacts of flooding on households. A questionnaire survey of homeowners affected in the 2007 flooding was employed to elicit willingness to pay (WTP) values to avoid the intangible impacts of flooding on their households. The analysis of the questionnaire survey data revealed that the average WTP per household per year to avoid intangible flood impacts was £653. This therefore represents the value of the intangible benefits of investing in PLFRA measures and is significantly higher than previously estimated. This research builds on previous research in suggesting a higher value to the intangible impacts of flooding on households by assessing wider range of intangible impacts and focussing on more experienced individuals. Furthermore, the research indicates that factors which influence the WTP values were principally stress of flood, worrying about loss of house values, worrying about future flooding and age of respondents, with income showing a weak correlation. The establishment of a new value for the intangible impacts of flooding on households in the UK is helpful in the domain of flood risk management when evaluating the total benefits (tangible and intangible) of investing in flood protection measures, thus providing a robust assessment for decision-making on flood adaptation measures at an individual property level
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