Understanding procurement methods in practice: an alternative perspective


The aim of this paper is to propose an agency-structure perspective on understanding how procurement methods are enacted in practice. It is argued that procurement methods manifest within a complex web of interconnections between various actors and the industrial structure. As an example, this paper focuses on the interrelations between the quangos' promotions of procurement initiatives and construction firms' responses to these initiatives. An understanding of such interrelations is achieved by integrating three sources of data regarding procurement developments. First, an analysis of the industry is considered as structural forces which influence procurement developments. This knowledge will be obtained through a literature review of the industry, including the overall economic conditions, the state of the industry itself, and the nature of construction demands. Second, the business path development of construction firms is regarded as responses to procurement initiatives. The method of case study will be applied to understand how construction firms' business path is related to procurement initiatives of time. Finally, a review of quango construction reports will be undertaken. Each report's key recommendations and impacts related to procurement initiatives will be identified. The three sources of data will then be plotted onto a timeline graph in order to form a more in-depth analysis. An assessment of the three sources of data at a chosen point/s for interconnections and causal relationships would then be undertaken. It is concluded that considering the interrelations between the three sources of data will offer a greater understanding of procurement methods in practice

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