730 research outputs found

    Zeb1 and Zeb2 : master regulators of mononuclear phagocyte development and homeostasis

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    Kurikulum pada Mata Pelajaran IPA kelas X Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan terdapat Standart Kompetensi Memahami gejala-gejala alam melalui pengamatan. Salah Satu Kompetensi Dasar yang harus ditempuh guru dan siswa adalah Mengidentifikasi obyek secara terencana dan sistematis untuk memperoleh informasi gejala alam abiotik. Kondisi nyata yang ada di SMK Negeri 1 Temayang Bojonegoro pada materi gempa bumi  adalah siswa merasa kesulitan dalam memahami materi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah gambar di LKS masih bersifat hitam putih belum dapat dikatakan gambar yang nyata. Dengan adanya satu sumber tersebut, menjadikan proses pembelajaran kurang bervariatif, siswa merasa tidak adanya semangat dalam menjalani proses belajar mengajar hal itu dikarenakan metode yang digunakan masih bersifat sederhana serta media yang digunakan belum ada hanya menggunakan bahan ajar berupa LKS. maka terdapat beberapa masalah pendidikan yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran, khususnya pada standart kompetensiMemahami gejala-gejala alam melalui pengamatan.. Untuk itu perlu adanya variasi dalam pembelajaran agar siswa merasa senang mengikuti pelajaran IPA Metode pegembangan yang digunakan dalam media modul ini adalah Arif Sadiman yang pengembangannya tidak sampai pada produksi media massal karena hanya bersifat uji formatif. Data yang diperoleh dari uji coba produk media modul ini adalah data kualitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari angket pada ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli pembelajaran berupa tanggapan dan saran yang hasilnya digunakan untuk memperbaiki media modul. Data Hasil pengembangan divalidasi melalui evaluasi formatif yang terdiri dari penilaian ahli dan uji coba. Hasil analisis data dan pengembangan, terhadap uji ahli materi I dan II yakni 100 tergolong baik, ahli media I yakni 100 baik, ahli media II yakni 100 tergolong baik, dan ahli pembelajaran yakni 100 tergolong baik, sedangkan uji coba peserta didik kelompok besar yakni 89% tergolong baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dengan menggunakan modul dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi serta cara penanggulangan dan antisipasi ketika terjadi gempa bumi. Kata kunci: pengembangan, media modul, gempa bumi, mata pelajaran IP

    A matlab program for plastic analysis of 2-d frames

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    This paper describes a program for plastic analysis of 2-d frames written in matlab programming language. The program is developed using the object oriented programming approach as an alternative to traditional procedural programming. A step by step incremental linear analysis is used for the solution. The two node frame element represents the finite element. The element stiffness matrix for frame element is constructed by super imposing both axial and bending stiffness. Hermite polynomials are used as interpolation functions for the solution of the finite element analysis. Element nodal forces and stiffness matrices are obtained using Gauss quadrature scheme as a numerical integration technique. This integration scheme for polynomial functions leads in a very accurate solution. Matlab library has served for the solution of systems of linear equations. The two most important classes in the program are the cstruct_lin_static_preprocess class which calculates all preprocess data and the cstruct_lin_plastic_postprocess class, which gets as input argument the object of preprocess class and calculates all postprocess data. A simple frame structure under lateral loads is presented as an example and solved by the program. The stress state represented by internal moment diagram, shear force diagram and axial force diagram is given for each step and the final step. The presentation of this data is in tabular form and graphical form. A plot of the deformed shape for every step is also provided by the program. The history of force-displacement and the plot of plastic hinges is displayed

    The Role Of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) Isoforms In The Pathogenesis Of Type 1 Diabetes In Male Non-Obese Diabetic (Nod) Mice [RA645.D5 G614 2008 f rb].

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    PPAR merupakan faktor transkripsi yang boleh meredakan tindakbalas imun apabila diaktifkan oleh ligan. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) is a transcription factor that was observed to suppress the immune response when activated with ligands

    Myths And Facts About Student Surveys Of Teaching The Links Between Students Evaluations Of Faculty And Course Grades

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    The present study sought to examine the justification of faculty claims regarding bias in students’ assessments of faculty performance that stem from external factors which do not include the quality of their teaching. Specifically, we sought to examine the hypothesis that there is a correlation between lecturer ranking and grades given by lecturers and between lecturer rankings, grades, and background variables. The framework of the research is the combination of three different stages: faculty, course, lecturer and the statistical manipulation, creating a complex image of reality and thereby offering an answer to the most classical question in the research literature. Findings of this study indicate that the alleged correlation between the students’ grades and the lecturers is non-existent, and nothing but a myth amongst the academic body. However, the research still points out that there are some additional elements which are beyond the efficiency of teaching as we tap into different levels of interaction between student and lecturer

    Student Surveys And Their Applications In Promoting Academic Quality In Higher Education

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    The present study focuses on an examination of the differences in students’ ratings of instructors, comparing voluntary and optional survey participation modes. The study hypothesis stated that differences in participation modes may adversely affect the authenticity of assessments, due to concerns that students would retaliate against the mandatory nature of the task. To examine the study hypothesis, we sampled 46,205 student assessments in 2008/9 and 103,164 assessments completed in 2009/2010. The assessments involved 534 instructors who taught the same 1,014 courses in both years. Differences were measured in students’ overall ratings of the instructors, course structure and organization, clarity of lectures, instructors’ encouragement to ask questions, instructors’ attitudes toward students, and correspondence between lectures and tutorials. A significant unequivocal finding to emerge from this study is the absence of any association between the participation mode and students’ rating. Findings thus eliminate any concerns regarding lack of authenticity of the assessments in the mandatory participation mode. Due to the importance of student assessments, the academic privilege should be transformed into a requirement to allow academic institutions to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching more precisely

    Teaching Civics And Instilling Democratic Values In Israeli High School Students: The Duality Of National And Universal Aspects

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    Civic studies in Israel and elsewhere are unlike any other school subject. This course of study has a higher purpose – to transform students into good citizens. In contrast to other core subjects, civics, in essence, strives to realize ethical goals. While other subjects perceive the instilling of values as a secondary outcome, in civics the ultimate goal is to teach values. In Israel, civic studies are currently a compulsory subject for high school students and they are required to learn, know, and understand essential values, principles, and characteristics of Jewish Israeli democracy (since Israel is defined as a Jewish Democratic State). The operational objective of this process is to teach good citizenship and proper involvement in public life. In the current study, the authors examined to what degree students assimilate these values in practice. For this purpose, the authors administered a questionnaire measuring views on values. It consisted of 16 items on the significance of various values, ranging from the national to the universal. The questionnaire was administered to over 1,300 students at public high schools. In addition, the authors also administered the questionnaire to about 260 teenagers active in a youth movement, with the aim of comparing the value mix of the two populations. Research findings indicated that both groups placed universal values highest, followed by values of self-realization, Zionism, and Judaism, respectively. Research conclusions show a compatibility between the significance accorded to these values in the curriculum and the significance attributed to them by students

    Predicting Academic Success Using Admission Profiles

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    This study, conducted at a tertiary education institution in Israel, following two previous studies, was designed to deal again with a question that is a topic of debate in Israel and worldwide: Is there justification to the approach that considers restrictive university admission policies an efficient tool for predicting students’ success at the end of their first year of studies and at the conclusion of their requirements for an undergraduate degree. This study reviews the spread of higher education in and outside Israel in recent years, and discusses the institution of admission policies as a response to the gap between the high demand for studies and the limited supply. This study discusses a diverse list of admission policies that offered admission based on students’ success at the end of their first year of studies and at the fulfillment of their requirements for an undergraduate degree. This study also reviews the debate in and outside Israel on whether restrictive admission policies have fulfilled the hopes pinned on them. Finally, the study conducted a detailed study of the effectiveness of different admission policies in the various faculties of the institution in question, and found no systematic connection between admission policies and students’ actual achievements (measured by the grade average at the end of their first year and their grade average for their degree)

    The challenges of Holocaust instruction and remembrance - Particular and universal aspects in formal and informal interdisciplinary curricula in Israel and abroad

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    The challenges of Holocaust instruction and remembrance - Particular and universal aspects in formal and informal interdisciplinary curricula in Israel and abroadThe present article examines Holocaust instruction in Israel and in France, addressing formal and informal aspects of teaching practices. Specifically, the article examines whether Holocaust instruction constitutes a unifying factor that stresses what is common to human beings, among adolescents at schools in Israel and abroad, or whether it is a continuation of the methodic axis of the general model of the school and its credo. The study was conducted as part of a large-scale project evaluating 20 years of journeys to Poland by Israeli youth. It is based on a qualitative research apporoach that included analysis of interviews with policymakers, representatives of Holocaust institutes and foundations, teachers, students and guides. It also made use of field observations and official documents. The qualitative analysis revealed that that the dominant didactic models in Israel and France differ from one another in the importance that they attribute to universal versus the particular elements. Each of the models was built based on a didactic foundation of educational and teaching activity at the school in general, and Holocaust instruction in particular. The study findings indicate that in general, the Holocaust instruction in Israel continues to emphasize the particular. It serves as a tool for strengthening the unique values of the event, and stresses Israeliness, Zionism, and Jewishness. The climax of the modal is an eight-day journey to Poland, centering on a visit to Auschwitz. In contrast, Holocaust instruction in France emphasizes the universal. The curriculum positions the journey as the climax of the scholastic experience but, unlike the Israeli curriculum, it emphasizes the historical and universal aspects of the Holocaust and represses the singularity of the event in the context of the Jewish people. A comparison of the two countries underlines the substantive differences separating the two different educational systems, which have adopted different sets of values.The present article examines Holocaust instruction in Israel and in France, addressing formal and informal aspects of teaching practices. Specifically, the article examines whether Holocaust instruction constitutes a unifying factor that stresses what is common to human beings, among adolescents at schools in Israel and abroad, or whether it is a continuation of the methodic axis of the general model of the school and its credo. The study was conducted as part of a large-scale project evaluating 20 years of journeys to Poland by Israeli youth. It is based on a qualitative research apporoach that included analysis of interviews with policymakers, representatives of Holocaust institutes and foundations, teachers, students and guides. It also made use of field observations and official documents. The qualitative analysis revealed that that the dominant didactic models in Israel and France differ from one another in the importance that they attribute to universal versus the particular elements. Each of the models was built based on a didactic foundation of educational and teaching activity at the school in general, and Holocaust instruction in particular. The study findings indicate that in general, the Holocaust instruction in Israel continues to emphasize the particular. It serves as a tool for strengthening the unique values of the event, and stresses Israeliness, Zionism, and Jewishness. The climax of the modal is an eight-day journey to Poland, centering on a visit to Auschwitz. In contrast, Holocaust instruction in France emphasizes the universal. The curriculum positions the journey as the climax of the scholastic experience but, unlike the Israeli curriculum, it emphasizes the historical and universal aspects of the Holocaust and represses the singularity of the event in the context of the Jewish people. A comparison of the two countries underlines the substantive differences separating the two different educational systems, which have adopted different sets of values