10 research outputs found

    Continuous Innovation: A Literature Review and Future Perspective

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    — Continuous Innovation (CI) has become one of the hot topics in innovation management field. However, studies focusing on the comprehensive and detailed explanation of CI concept are still limited. This paper aims to elaborate on CI concept using three fundamental questions: WHAT (what is the definition of CI and what are the determining factors?), WHY (why do companies need CI?), and HOW (how can companies develop CI?). The purpose of this paper is also to contribute in giving an understanding that is more exhaustive on CI definition, the importance of CI for companies, necessary elements in determining CI capability, and various strategies for CI development. From this literature study, a new and more comprehensive definition of CI was found, which categorized the reason why the companies need the CI and identified essential elements in determining CI capability. In addition, the mapping process produced a description of the proportion of CI development strategy as follows: technology-based (11%), People based (15%), organizational & system based (32%), strategic-based (11%), knowledge-based (22%) and collaborative & connectivity based (9%). It can be observed that current CI development strategies still focus on organizational, system based approach, and most of them (81%) rely on the internal resources of the company. Future perspectives, in this digital and internet era, which provides connectivity and the shift of the concept of, own economy to sharing economy; companies will have big potentials to work on innovation collaboratively. CI concept development should consider open innovations instead of today’s “do-it-yourself” mentality (closed innovation)

    A holistic model for measuring continuous innovation capability of manufacturing industry: a case study

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    Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive continuous innovation capability (CIC) measurement model in manufacturing sectors Design/methodology/approach The development of this CIC model was conducted through three stages of research, i.e. identification of manufacturing continuous innovation measures (MCIMs), development of measurement model, followed by model evaluation and validation. MCIMs were identified using systematic literature review and focus group discussion. Selection process for MCIMs employed the fuzzy Delphi method. To develop measurement model, contextual relationships between MCIMs were assessed using total interpretive structural modeling, followed by measurements of MCIMs weight with the analytical network process method. Then, assessment indicators for each MCIM and criteria were determined as well as mathematical model to measure CIC scores. Model evaluation and validation were performed in two case studies: in an automotive company and an electronics company. Findings This research produced 50 criteria and 103 assessment indicators, as well as mathematical model to measure CIC scores. The validation process showed that currently developed model was deemed valid. Practical implications The results of this research are expected to provide a practical input for manufacturing company managers in managing their innovation activities systematically and comprehensively. Originality/value The CIC model is a new comprehensive measurement model; it integrates three fundamental elements of CI capability measurement, considering all important dimensions in a company and also able to explain contextual relationships between measured factors

    Modelling the continuous innovation capability enablers in Indonesia’s manufacturing industry

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and screen continuous innovation capability enablers (CICEs) in Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors, develop a relationship among these enablers and determine their driving power and dependence power in the sector. Design/methodology/approach – The initial CICEs identification process is based on a literature review, while a fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) was used for the screening process of CICEs. Total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) was used to develop contextual relationships among various CICEs. The results of the TISM are used as an input for the matrix of cross-impact multiplications applied to classification (MICMAC) to classify the driving power and dependence powers of the CICEs. Findings – This paper selected 16 CICEs classified in seven dimensions. TISM results and MICMAC analysis show that leadership, as well as climate and culture, are enablers with the highest driving power and lowest dependence powers; followed by information technology. The results of this study indicate that efforts to continuously develop innovation capabilities in the Indonesian manufacturing industries are strongly influenced by their leadership capability, climate and culture, also information technology-related capability. Practical implications – The framework assessed in this study provides business managers and policymakers to obtain a bigger picture in developing policies with evidence-based strategy and priority in regard to continuous innovation capability. Originality/value – The results will be useful for business managers and policymakers to understand the relationship between CICEs and identify key CICEs in Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors, which were previously non-existe

    Thin Wall Ductile Iron Castings

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    The use of austempered ductile iron (ADI) as an alternative material has increased, and it is predicted that it will reach 300,000 tons by the year of 2020 due to its characteristics especially design flexibility. When the reduction in weight is considered as a parameter for energy saving, ADI is presented as thin wall austempered ductile iron (TWADI). To produce a good quality TWADI, a good quality thin wall ductile iron (TWDI) must be used as a raw material. Good quality TWDI is produced by casting design. This chapter discusses the production of thin wall ductile iron, including its characterisation and defect. The discussion includes the background of thin wall casting (TWC) and TWDI, applying TWC in general casting, the problems in producing TWDI, characterisation of the TWDI and specific defects

    The Study of Multiaxial Loading and Damage to the Structure and Materials in the PWR Steam Generator of Nuclear Reactor

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    In Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), the steam generator is crucial for transferring heat from the primary to secondary cooling systems, vital for steam production to drive turbines, and central to nuclear power safety. This study explores recent research on multi-axial loading, structural integrity, and material durability in PWR steam generators, shedding light on key factors affecting these systems. Common corrosion-related degradation in steam generators often arises from design, material, and water chemistry factors. However, the shift to All Volatile Treatment (AVT), the development of advanced material alloys, and enhanced water quality control in primary and secondary systems have significantly reduced instances of steam generator degradation. These findings promise to enhance the reliability and safety of steam generators in future nuclear applications.

    Дослідження продуктивності двовальних гібридних вертикальних турбін з використанням направляючих лопатей

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    The current direction of wind turbine development is more on horizontal wind turbine types because of its efficiency, which is better than vertical wind turbines. But there are some advantages of this vertical wind turbine in the kind of array turbines and small-sized turbines. In this paper, the research focuses on developing a vertical wind turbine between Savonius and Darrieus turbines and has a dual shaft on one wind energy generating unit.Vertical turbine design with two turbine shafts placed close together is intended to increase turbine efficiency and increase power density. But this design also affects the omnidirectional nature of the vertical single shaft turbine.This research investigates the change in the omnidirectional nature of the hybrid vertical turbine dual shaft design and the influence of models of a fin to restore the properties of the omnidirectional turbine. Then tests the performance between prototype using the directional fins and without using the directional fins.Omnidirectional nature is one of the advantages in vertical turbines, but in the design with two axes, the omnidirectional nature changes and can affect the overall vertical turbine performance.The experiment results show that the vertical shaft hybrid turbines still have omnidirectional properties, and the use of fins increases the TSR (Tips Speed ratio) value of wind speed, increases the Cp (Power coefficient) of the wind turbine and increases the mechanical power potential of the turbine.Современное направление развития ветровых турбин больше направлено на горизонтальные типы ветровых турбин благодаря их эффективности, превышающей эффективность вертикальных ветровых турбин. Однако существуют некоторые преимущества вертикальных ветровых турбин в виде массивных и малогабаритных турбин. В данной статье основное внимание уделяется разработке вертикальной ветровой турбины между турбинами Савониуса и Дарье, имеющей двойной вал на одном ветроэнергетическом агрегате.Вертикальная конструкция турбины с двумя близко расположенными турбинными валами предназначена для повышения эффективности турбины и увеличения удельной мощности. Однако такая конструкция также влияет на всенаправленный характер вертикальной одновальной турбины.В данной работе исследуется изменение всенаправленного характера гибридной вертикальной двухвальной турбины и влияние моделей лопасти для восстановления свойств всенаправленной турбины. Также проводится оценка производительности прототипа с использованием направляющих лопастей и без.Всенаправленный характер является одним из преимуществ вертикальных турбин, однако в конструкции с двумя осями всенаправленный характер меняется и может влиять на общую производительность вертикальной турбины.Результаты эксперимента показывают, что вертикальные гибридные турбины по-прежнему обладают всенаправленными свойствами, а использование лопастей увеличивает значение TSR (окружная скорость концов лопастей) относительно скорости ветра, повышает Cp (коэффициент мощности) ветротурбины и механический энергетический потенциал турбиныСучасний напрямок розвитку вітрових турбін більше направлений на горизонтальні типи вітрових турбін завдяки їх ефективності, що перевищує ефективність вертикальних вітрових турбін. Однак існують деякі переваги вертикальних вітрових турбін у вигляді масивних і малогабаритних турбін. У даній статті основна увага приділяється розробці вертикальної вітрової турбіни між турбінами Савоніуса і Дар'є, що має подвійний вал на одному вітроенергетичному агрегаті.Вертикальна конструкція турбіни з двома близько розташованими турбінними валами призначена для підвищення ефективності турбіни і збільшення питомої потужності. Однак така конструкція також впливає на всенаправленний характер вертикальної одновальної турбіни.У даній роботі досліджується зміна всенаправленного характеру гібридної вертикальної двовальної турбіни і вплив моделей лопаті для відновлення властивостей всенаправленної турбіни. Також проводиться оцінка продуктивності прототипу з використанням направляючих лопатей і без.Всенаправленний характер є однією з переваг вертикальних турбін, проте в конструкції з двома осями всенаправленний характер змінюється і може впливати на загальну продуктивність вертикальної турбіни.Результати експерименту показують, що вертикальні гібридні турбіни як і раніше володіють всенаправленними властивостями, а використання лопатей збільшує значення TSR (окружна швидкість кінців лопатей) щодо швидкості вітру, підвищує Cp (коефіцієнт потужності) вітротурбіни і механічний енергетичний потенціал турбін

    Ramie Fiber-Reinforced Polylactic-Acid Prepreg: Fabrication and Characterization of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Laminates

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    The fabrication of a natural prepreg with poly-lactic acid (PLA) matrix and ramie fiber reinforcement was engineered on a laboratory scale by impregnating the unidirectional and bidirectional ramie fiber with PLA matrix solvent on a glass die. The obtained composite prepreg has been stored at a very low temperature to maximize its shelf life. Tensile and biodegradability tests of the composite laminates prepared by the hot-pressing method have also been conducted. Tensile test results show that the freezer-stored bidirectional 0/90° prepreg laminate specimen has the highest tensile strength of 71.44 MPa with a modulus of 2.70 GPa on average. Meanwhile, the unstored bidirectional 0/90° prepreg laminate specimen has the highest level of elasticity, with a modulus of 1.29 GPa on average. The biodegradability test shows the decomposition process of the composite laminate under actual composting conditions. Microscopic observation of the damaged specimen results shows good adhesion between the PLA matrix and ramie fiber and the decomposition of the biodegradability test samples

    Development of total hip joint replacement prostheses made by local material : an introduction

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    Total Hip Joint Replacement Surgery is the procedure of surgical removal of cartilage in the hip joints damaged by disease osteoarthritis to replaced with artificial components. Total Hip Joint Replacement has been indicated to relieve pain in the pelvis due to degenerative joint disease. In Indonesia, this procedure has been practised, but due to the cost of expensive products resulting in limited only to upper classify patients. The high prices caused by importing prostheses products, the technological capabilities and the difficulty to meet the standards of medical devices. The regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52, 2016 for standard rates in organising health services Health Assurance Program, explained that the action of these operations entered into the insurance claims BPJS program, but not for the prostheses. This paper discusses the introduction of the development of the hip joint prostheses made from a local material that’s SS 316L, PEEK and Ceramic Dental Stone. The result of this development is the product of the hip joint prostheses has a reasonable price with good quality so that it can become affordable for middle to lower patients

    Development of Total Hip Joint Replacement Prostheses Made by Local Material: An Introduction

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    Total Hip Joint Replacement Surgery is the procedure of surgical removal of cartilage in the hip joints damaged by disease osteoarthritis to replaced with artificial components. Total Hip Joint Replacement has been indicated to relieve pain in the pelvis due to degenerative joint disease. In Indonesia, this procedure has been practised, but due to the cost of expensive products resulting in limited only to upper classify patients. The high prices caused by importing prostheses products, the technological capabilities and the difficulty to meet the standards of medical devices. The regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52, 2016 for standard rates in organising health services Health Assurance Program, explained that the action of these operations entered into the insurance claims BPJS program, but not for the prostheses. This paper discusses the introduction of the development of the hip joint prostheses made from a local material that’s SS 316L, PEEK and Ceramic Dental Stone. The result of this development is the product of the hip joint prostheses has a reasonable price with good quality so that it can become affordable for middle to lower patients