135 research outputs found

    Validation of Metacognitive Awareness Inventory in Academic Stage of Undergraduate Medical Education

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    Medical students are expected to improve critical thinking, clinical reasoning and problem solving skills. These cognitive attributes need to be supported with metacognitive skills. Students with better metacognitive ability will be able to synergize their learning with self-reflection strategies to achieve learning target. One of the tools to assess students’ metacognitive skills is Metacognition Awareness Inventory (MAI). This study is aimed to validate Indonesian MAI in the academic stage of undergraduate medical education and was done on May-June 2014 at faculty of medicine Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung. This study used cross-sectional design consisted of 3 stages: language adaptation, pilot study and validation study. Validation study involved 1200 medical students. Factor analysis was conducted to identify factors of MAI. Language adaptation and pilot study produced Indonesian MAI which contains the same number of items. There were 757 MAI questionnaires eligible for analysis. Extraction of the 51-item MAI using principal component analysis (PCA) produced 5 factors which were cognitive preparation, supervision, management, strategy and evaluation. The Cronbach alpha value for the whole Indonesian MAI was 0.904. Indonesian MAI complies to construct validity criteria, specifically content validity and internal consistency. MAI is useful as an instrument to assess metacognitive ability in the academic stage of undergraduate medical education

    Pokok-pokok Pikiran "Integrasi" SDKI, SKRT dan SUSENAS dalam Mendukung Kebutuhan Lnformasi Program Pembangunan

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    SKRT dan SDKI merupakan community based survey yang sifatnya nasional, direncanakan akan dilakukan secara berkala 3 tahunan. Selang pelaksanaan SDKI dan SKRT tidak sampai satu tahun (sebagai misal pengumpulan data SDKI 1994 direncanakan pertengahan 1994 dan SKRT 1995 pada awal 1995). Karena substansi kesehatan di SDKI merupakan pula bagian dari substansi yang ada di SKRT, maka dinilai kurang efisien untuk mengumpulkan data yang sama dalam selang waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Di samping itu sumber daya yang terbatas di Depkes (Badan Litbangkes) dinilai pula tidak efisien untuk melibatkan diri dalam SDKI yang terpisah dengan penanganan SKRT. Upaya "integrasi" merupakan solusi untuk secara efisien memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terbatas tersebut. Dukungan yang baik kepada perencanaan dan penilaian program memerlukan tersedia­nya data yang berkualitas tinggi. Upaya memilih cara mengumpulkan data dengan basil kualitas tinggi perlu ditingkatkan. Di samping itu penilaian kualitas data seyogyanya merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari upaya mengumpulkan data. Hal-hal tersebut dapat diakomodasi dalam "integrasi" SDKI/SKRT/Susenas

    Behavior Risk Factors in Indonesia: National Household Health Survey 2001

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    A series of National Household Health Surveys (NHHS) reported the occurrence of epidemiological transition caused by demographic transition and prolonged economical diversity, Communicable diseases are still prevalent, followed by the emergence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), which are due to an increasing level of behavior risk factors in the population. In the NHHS 2001, a morbidity survey collected information about behavioral risk indicators, whereas the WHO'S STEPwise approach was one of the study instruments. The 'WHO Step 1 questionnaire' was adapted with some modifications. Samples of NHHS, morbidity survey was sub-sample of module sample of National Social Economic Survey (NSES) 2001. A sample of 15,148 people aged 10 years+ were analyzed to identify their behavior regarding smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity. These findings are a representation of the national figures, which were presented by characteristics of the population such as: sex, age, residence, region and economic status. Economic status was divided into 5 strata, which were calculated from a quintile of household expenditure. The results showed that 29.7% of the population aged 10 years+ are daily smokers. This is more prevalent in males than females (58.9% vs. 3.7%). This behavior increases by age group, except for the oldest; there are slightly more smokers in rural areas than urban areas (31% vs. 28%), and no difference among regions (30-31%). Those with better economic status are less likely to smoke than poorer ones. Alcohol consumption is reportedly very low (2.7%), more prevalent in males than females (4.9% vs. 0.8%), and higher in rural areas than urban areas (3.1% vs. 2.1%). Eastern Indonesia, was higher than Sumatra, Java and Bali (6.3%, 4.7%, and 1.2% respectively). There were no differences in alcohol consumption according to economic status'.' Physical inactivity is very high (68%), more prevalent in females than males (73% vs. 63%), and higher in urban areas than rural ones (78.4% vs. 60.6%). Among regions, Java Bali region (72%) was higher than Eastern Indonesia and Sumatra (62% and 59% respectively). Those with a better economic status are more likely to be inactive than their counterparts. These behaviors are a reflection of future diseases , which may cause the morbidity of NCDs. This information on risk factors is essential for future caseload predictions in regards to NCDs and for preventive program planning

    Rice Anther Culture to Develop Double Haploid Population and Blast Resistant Lines

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    Penyakit blas pada padi yang disebabkanoleh cendawan Pyricularia grisea, merupakan salah satukendala dalam produksi beras. Sumber gen ketahanan terhadappenyakit blas dijumpai pada spesies padi liar Oryzarufipogon. Populasi silang ganda (BC2F3) turunan IR64 danO. rufipogon mempunyai QTL untuk sifat ketahanan terhadappenyakit blas. Untuk mempercepat perolehan tanamanhomosigot dari populasi tersebut, dilakukan kultur anterpada dua media induksi kalus: I1 (N6 + NAA 2 mg/l + kinetin0,5 mg/l + sukrosa 60 g/l + putresin 0,16 g/l) dan I2 (N6 +2,4-D 2 mg/l + sukrosa 50 g/l) dan dua media regenerasi: R1(MS + NAA 0,5 mg/l + kinetin 2 mg/l + sukrosa 40 g/l +putresin 0,16 g/l) dan R2 (MS + NAA 1 mg/l + kinetin 2 mg/l+ sukrosa 30 g/l). Kultur anter dilakukan pada sembilan genotipe,di mana tiga genotipe (149-16, 343, 337-13) memberikanrespon terbaik dalam produksi planlet hijau setelahdikulturkan pada media regenerasi R1. Dari 208 planlet hasilregenerasi diperoleh 42 planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe149-16, 11 planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe 343, dan 44planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe 337-13. Skrining ketahananblas di rumah kaca pada populasi haploid gandamenghasilkan 46 tanaman tahan terhadap ras 001, 33 tanamantahan terhadap ras 033, dan 79 tanaman tahan terhadapras 173. Sebanyak 28 tanaman bersifat tahan, baik terhadapras 001, 033, maupun 173 seperti halnya O. rufipogon.Galur-galur homosigot ini akan diuji di lapang untuk ketahanannyaterhadap penyakit blas dan karakter agronominya

    The efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Broj cestovnih vozila povećava se svakoga dana, a sukladno tome povećava se i potrošnja pogonskih goriva. Poznato je kako je izgaranje pogonskih goriva jedan od glavnih uzročnika efekta staklenika te općenito onečišćenja okoliša. Razvojem cestovnih vozila su se postupno razvijale i ideje o ekološkoj svijesti te sukladno tome i ideje o upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivijih pogona i pogonskih goriva. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada je kroz analizu i usporedbu utjecaja na okoliš konvencionalnih i alternativnih goriva za pogon vozila prikazati prednosti i nedostatke svih goriva. Pomoću podataka iz prakse te rezultata računa za emisije CO2 svakog goriva pojedinačno, načinjen je redoslijed najviše, odnosno najmanje pogodnih pogona i pogonskih goriva za korištenje u svrhu očuvanja okoliša.The number of road vehicles increases daily in accordance with the enhancement of the fuel consumption. It is clear that the fuel combustion represents one of the main causes for the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution generally. Development of road vehicles induced the growth of ecological consciousness ideas and also the ideas for using ecologically acceptable drives and fuels. The main objective of this final assignment is to present the positive and negative sides of conventional and alternative fuels through analysis and comparison of each one individually. With the information about CO2 emissions from literature and from results of task computing, it is created order from the least favourable to the most favourable drive and fuel with the aim of environmental protection

    Evaluation of Several Pup1-Lines of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) on Nutrient Solution and at the Field

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    Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of major problems in rice cultivation. Development of a tolerant variety to P deficient soil is expected to reduce the needs of P fertilizer. The aim of this research was to evaluate the agronomic performance of Pup1-introgression rice lines. This research consisted of two separate experiments, an evaluation on rice grown in nutrient solution in the greenhouse of ICABIOGRAD, Bogor; and field evaluation at upland rice screening site Taman Bogo, Lampung. The rice lines used were BC2 F3 derived from crossing of Situ Bagendit with Kasalath and NIL-C443, and from crossing of Batur with Kasalath and NIL-C443. Molecular analysis was conducted to verifiy the Pup1 introgression in the lines used and successfully confirmed the occurance of homozygote Pup1 segment in those lines. Evaluation of rice lines grown in nutrient solution was performed in a split plot factorial design, using the dose of Al (0 and 45 ppm Al3+) as main plots and dose of P (0.5 and 10 ppm P) as subplots. Field evaluation was performed in split plot design, with P fertilization (0 and 500 kg SP-18 ha-1) as main plots and BC2 F3 lines as the subplots. Evaluation using Yoshida nutrient solution showed that the BC2 F3 lines had greater total dry weight under low-P condition (37.5-112.5%), especially under Al-toxicity, compared to the respective parental varieties (Situ Bagendit and Batur). Field evaluation showed that the Pup1-introgression lines had greater shoot dry weight than the respective parental lines (10.5-74.82%). However there was no significnant effect of Pup1 introgression in terms of weight of filled grain