21 research outputs found

    Kemungkinan Pembentukan Kelinci Berbulu Halus dan Kilap

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya kemungkinan pembentukan kelinci berbulu halus dan kilap melalui penggabungan sifat bulu halus pada kelinci Rex (H) dan sifat bulu kilap dari kelinci Satin (K). Materi pokok penelitian adalah F2, keturunan dari hasil perkawinan kelinci Rex jantan dan kelinci Satin betina (F1HK) dan resiprokalnya (F1KH) yang dikawinkan sesamanya menghasilkan F2HKHK dan F2KHKH serta yang disilangkan menghasilkan F2HKKH dan F2KHHK. Dalam kajian ini digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk mengetahui munculnya sifat bulu halus-kilap, semua kelinci F2 umur empat minggu sebanyak 425 diamati. Kelinci F2 dari masing-masing hasil perkawinan dikelompokkan berdasarkan kondisi bulu dengan cara pengamatan makroskopis (meraba dan mengamati kondisi bulu tiap kelinci dengan menggunakan tolok ukur yang telah ditetapkan). Bila ada kelinci yang berbulu halus-kilap, untuk memastikan kebenaran dari hasil pengamatan makroskopis, dilakukan pengamatan mikroskopis pada sampel bulu semua kelinci yang dikatagorikan berbulu halus-kilap. Untuk mengetahui berlaku-tidaknya Hukum Mendel pada F2 dilakukan uji Chi-kuadrat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan: kelinci berbulu halus dan kilap dapat terbentuk pada keturunan kedua (F2) dari hasil perkawinan silang kelinci Rex dengan kelinci Satin. Secara keseluruhan, proporsi kelompok kelinci berdasarkan kondisi bulu pada F2 tidak sesuai dengan Hukum Mendel

    Penerapan Coso ERM Integrated Framework dalam Mendukung Audit Forensik untuk Menanggulangi Tindakan Kecurangan

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    Hal-hal yang menjadi perhatian investigator yang paling utama adalah pada pengendalian internal dalam organisasi. Pengendalian internal ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan berdampak besar terhadap tindakan kecurangan yang terjadi selaras dengan tingkat risiko dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Pada tahun 2016 COSO telah menerbitkan COSO ERM Integrated Framework. Framework tersebut mengembangkan lebih lanjut pada pengendalian internal dengan memberikan perhatian utama pada subjek ERM yang lebih luas. Kesimpulannya integrasi antara lima komponen pengendalian internal dengan ERM memberikan jaminan bagi manajemen bahwa tujuan organisasi akan tercapai secara efektif dan efisien termasuk mencegah terjadinya fraud

    Implementasi Model Audit Pertanggungjawaban Sosial Berbasis Human-Centered Design Pada Organisasi Sektor Publik

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    Previous research has resulted the Model of Audit for Social Accountability based on Human-Centered Design, which is hereinafter referred to HCD. The present study aims to obtain the alternative audit approaches that are more simple, effective, and suitable in connecting people with public sector organizations. Thus, the present study intends to test the model by implementing it in public sector organizations. The research approach is to test the implementation of the audit model in real terms in the field. Feedback on implementation test is conducted by the qualitative approach. Sampling was done by purposive sampling and the public sector organizations studied were CV. Aidrat & General Store of Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Hospital RSAB Soerya Sidoarjo and the University of Widya Kartika Surabaya. These organizations were selected based on the type of public sector organizations covering the business units under religious organizations, health organizations, and educational institutions. On the other side, they are also determined by the willingness to cooperate and the area represented. In the assessment, the results of the audit to the criteria of social responsibility and a legal formal institutional aspect in the preliminary survey show that the University of Widya Kartika and RSAB Soerya have good performance, while CV. Aidrat has an acceptable performance. In terms of internal control, all of these organizations have an acceptable performance, while in terms of social responsibility programs, CV. Aidrat and RSAB Soerya have a good performance

    Sosialisasi Calon Instruktur Pos Paud di Kelurahan Sampangan Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Semarang

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    ?é?á Nowadays PAUD/ pre-school education is really important and urgent to be conducted in any villages or kampongs. Sampangan village Gajah Mungkur Semarang is one the villages that needs to be explored and held by the team of community service. Implementing PAUD is actually already arranged in UU no. 20/ 2003. By that rule, the team try to give some programs such as; socialization and training about what is PAUD, how to be PAUD instructors, how to teach children well. The training was held for 2 days started on 4-5 December 2010 at 08.00 am ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ 04.00 pm, located in?é?á Sampangan Village the office hall, Gajahmungkur Semarang. ?é?áThe main purpose of this program is holding and socializing PAUD in that village in order to have more skills for the instructors in teaching children more interesting. Team used some methods in this training such as giving speech, discussion, simulation, and practice. By having those methods, it is hoped that the candidates of PAUD teachers will understand and comprehend about the materials dealing with what is PAUD and how to teach children more effective and interesting. ?é?

    Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Profesionalisme Guru Paud di Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang

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    The purposes of this study are: (1) to determine the influence of compensation on the professionalism of early childhood teachers in the District of West Ungaran, Semarang Regency; (2) to determine the effect of working motivation in the professionalism of early childhood teachers at the District of West Ungaran, Semarang Regency; (3) to determine the effect of compensation and motivation to work together in the professionalism of the early childhood teachers in the District of West Ungaran, Semarang Regency.The populations of this study are the early childhood teachers who were in the District of West Ungaran Semarang regency as many as 298 people's with samples taken proporsionate stratiefied random sampling as many as 161 people. The methods of data collection use questionnaires. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, test requirements and test hypotheses. Hypothesis test use simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. To analyze the data use SPSS for Windows 21.The results shows that the average of acquisition score is 95.22 professionalism of teachers including professional enough categories, the average acquisition score a compensation of 59.51 medium category, and earned an average score of 75.58, including work motivation medium category. The test results prerequisite research data were normally distributed, linear and does not occur multikolinieritas. Hypothesis tests found to contain a significant influence on the professionalism of teachers represented by the equation of Y = 70.090 + 0424 X1; the strength of correlation of 0.704 with a contribution of 0,496 or 49.6%. A significant difference in the professionalism of teachers' motivation to work with the equation of Y = 24.383 + 0.937 X2; the strength of correlation of 0.682 with a contribution of 0.464 or 46.4%. Compensation and motivation significantly influential work together in the professionalism of teachers represented by the equation of Y = 38.376 + 0.274 X1 + 0.538 X2; the strength of correlation of 0.766 with a contribution of 0.586 or 58.6%


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