845 research outputs found

    Reduced mental capacity and behavior of a rider of a bicycle simulator under alcohol stress or under dual task load

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    Experiments were carried out on a bicycle simulator with alcohol administration and a binary choice task in separate sessions, intending to reduce the subject's mental capacity. Before and after such sessions a visual evoked response measurement was done. The subject's performance was analyzed with describing function techniques. The results indicate that the alcohol affects the course-following task as well as the balancing task. The binary choice task is more specifically influencing the course-following task. The dual task shows a more pronounced effect on the recovery of the evoked response. The alcohol is delaying the recovery curve of the evoked response. A tentative explanation can be given which agrees with the performance data

    Introduction to telemedicine. Second edition

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    Reproductive management in pigs: emphasis on the different roles of the boar and on optimal insemination management

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    Boars have different roles in the reproductive management in pigs. Boar contact can stimulate follicle development and thereby induce oestrus, both in gilts and sows. Boar contact during oestrus is essential for good oestrus expression, which is essential for the correct timing of insemination and the proper use of boar contact during insemination can stimulate sperm transport and thereby fertilisation. Stimulation by boars clearly has an olfactory component (the boar smell), but can also have an auditory, visual and evn tactile component. The background of the different roles and some of these different components of the boar are discussed. To enable a good farrowing rate and litter size, sows should be inseminated between 0 and 24h before ovulation. However, it is not possible to accurately predict the time of ovulation in sows. Although ovulation takes place at a relatively fixed 60-75% of the duration of oestrus, the duration of oestrus varies considerably between sows and between farms, resulting in a variable ovulation time from onset of oestrus. Therefore, most farmers inseminate their sows every day of oestrus to ensure insemination within the optimal period. Since post-ovulation inseminations should be avoided, it is adviced to only inseminate sows while they still show an optimal standing respons

    IEA WIND 2012 Annual Report

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    Contribution to this annual report of the IEA Wind Implementing Agreement. Here the JRC, as representative of the Commission, exposes the achievements in wind R&D supported by the Commission programmes (FP7, IEE). Subchapters 2, 3 and 4 of chapter 20 are the Commission's responsibility whereas subchapters 1 and 5 are EWEA's responsibilityJRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    An Economic Analysis of Blast Fishing on Indonesian Coral Reefs

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    Characteristics, impacts and economic costs and benefits of blast fishing have been little investigated and they were therefore studied in Indonesia, at the scale of individual fishing households and of Indonesian society as a whole. Although illegal and highly destructive to coral reefs, blast fishing provides income and fish to a vast number of coastal fishers who claim that they have no alternative to make a living. Crew members in small-, medium- and large-scale blast fishing operations earned net incomes per month of US55,146and197respectively.BoatownersinthesametypesofoperationsearnedUS55, 146 and 197 respectively. Boat owners in the same types of operations earned US55, 393 and 1100 respectively. These incomes were comparable to the highest incomes in the conventional coastal fisheries. At the individual household level, the differences between the three types of operations show clear incentives for scale enlargement. The cost-benefit balance at the society level was calculated with an economic model. This analysis showed a net loss after 20 years of blast fishing of US$306,800 per k

    PR test melkmeters voor ICAR

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    Het PR heeft in de loop der jaren de werking van een aantal elektronische melkmeters onderzocht. Het PR verzorgt de laboratoriumtest waarin de werking onder verschillende omstandigheden wordt bekeken. Het NRS voert de praktijktest uit waarbij de werking onder praktijkomstandigheden wordt beoordeeld. Als de meter de testen goed heeft doorstaan, wordt een voorlopige goedkeuring door het Internationaal Comité Animal Recording (ICAR) verleend

    Systeemidentificatie van een gasturbine in een warmte/kracht installatie

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