11 research outputs found


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    In the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affair Decree No. 45/2014 stated that an environmental consideration should take into account in controlling waste in fishing port area, including ship-generated waste. Marine pollution is one of the factors cause environmental damage including marine environment. Fishing activities is one of activites that has the potential to cause pollution of the sea. The objective of this research was to identify the waste type generated by fishing vessels and identify fishermens’s behavior patterns on the waste handling. The research was conducted in PPN Palabuhanratu (Palabuhanratu Nusantara Fishing Port). The data of waste type were collected from all kind of fishing vessels that grouped base on their dimension. The results show that, organic waste dominated the waste compotition, and from the fishers habit point of view most fishers still ignore the importance of marine pollution prevention effort. It showed from their habit to dispose waste not in the rigt place.    Keywords: : fishing boats, marine pollution, organic waste, PPN Palabuhanrat

    Inventing damage fishing results on pole and line ship

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    In this study there are three objectives studied namely; characteristics of the vessels used, ways of catching and handling of fish on board, as well as knowing the opinions of ABK by using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire and tested using a Likert scale. Based on the results of the study note that the characteristics of the ship used are the ships used are traditional designs or following the design of the WWF-Indonesia TEAM (2015) where the location of the pila (angler) is on the bow of the ship. The method of catching is carried out namely, boy or bait thrower attracts fish's attention by using live bait and spray water to fool the fish's view. Fish that have been obtained are directly raised to the ship by throwing at different heights. The results of calculations using the Likert scale note that the percentage of opinions of the respondents who filled out the questionnaire was 48%. The percentage is at the normal point where the way of arrest can be dangerous or can be safe

    Performa Pelelehan Es Pada Bentuk Es Yang Berbeda (Performance of Diffrent Ice-forms Melting Process)

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    Ice as a cooling medium in the handling of fresh fish is widely used. Information about the rate of temperature change and the rate of melting of ice in the fish storage box is not available. Therefore, this research needs to be conducted to determine the ability of different forms of ice to decrease the temperature of the ice box where they are placed. The objectives of this research are to calculate the rate of ice melting and the rate of temperature change in the box that contains the bulk ice and crushed ice, and compare the ability of bulk ice and crushed ice to cool temperature inside the storage box fish. Experimental method was applied in this research, which data collection consisted of a total volume of ice melted and the temperature in the box per unit time. The research results showed that the bulk ice has the ability to cool the space they occupy much faster when compared with crushed ice. In addition, bulk ice melt faster when compared with crushed ice

    PERFORMA PELELEHAN ES PADA BENTUK ES YANG BERBEDA (Performance of Diffrent Ice-Forms Melting Process)

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    ABSTRACTIce as a cooling medium in the handling of fresh fish is widely used. Information about the rate of temperature change and the rate of melting of ice in the fish storage box is not available. Therefore, this research needs to be conducted to determine the ability of different forms of ice to decrease the temperature of the ice box where they are placed. The objectives of this research are to calculate the rate of ice melting and the rate of temperature change in the box that contains the bulk ice and crushed ice, and compare the ability of bulk ice and crushed ice to cool temperature inside the storage box fish. Experimental method was applied in this research, which data collection consisted of a total volume of ice melted and the temperature in the box per unit time. The research results showed that the bulk ice has the ability to cool the space they occupy much faster when compared with crushed ice. In addition, bulk ice melt faster when compared with crushed ice.Keywords: ice, the rate of melting of ice, the rate of temperature change-------ABSTRAKPenggunaan es sebagai media pendinginan dalam penanganan ikan segar merupakan yang paling umum digunakan. Informasi tentang laju perubahan suhu dan laju pelelehan es di dalam boks penyimpanan ikan belum tersedia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan es dalam bentuk yang berbeda untuk menurunkan suhu boks dimana es tersebut ditempatkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghitung laju pelelehan es dan laju perubahan suhu di dalam boks yang berisi es curah dan es hancuran serta membandingkan kemampuan es curah dan es hancuran untuk mendinginkan suhu di dalam boks tempat penyimpanan ikan. Pengambilan data dilakukan terhadap jumlah volume lelehan es dan suhu di dalam boks per satuan waktu dengan menggunakan metode experimental. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa es curah memiliki kemampuan untuk mendinginkan ruang yang ditempatinya lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan es hancuran. Selain itu, es curah lebih cepat meleleh jika dibandingkan dengan es hancuran.Kata kunci: es, laju pelelehan es, laju perubahan suh

    KARAKTERISTIK PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI PERAIRAN LAUT KABUPATEN SIMEULUE (Characteristics of Capture Fisheries in Simeulue Districts Sea Waters Area)

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    ABSTRACTSimeulue Regency has ± 9.968,16 km2 marine waters area consist of 64 islands (large and small) with high potentials of capture fisheries. However, the management of sustainable fisheries in Simeulue Regency has not optimal yet. Informations about catch composition, diversity index and fishing gear productivity are needed as a reference in policy management decision. The purpose of this research are to determine the compositions of catch, to calculate the fish biodiversity and fishing gear productivity. The research was conducted in Simeulue Regency from December 2013 to January 2014. The method used was purposive sampling survey. Fishing units which observed such as lift net, beach seines, longlines and other collecting gears. Result in five research locations are Simeulue Timur, Teupah Selatan, Teluk Dalam, Simeulue Barat and Teupah Tengah, there were 50 fish species which dominated by Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru), slipmouths (Leiognathus spp), Indian anchovy (Stolephorus spp), scad (Selar spp) and frigate tuna (Auxis thazard). Biodiversity index (H ') value was beetween 1.40 to 2.67 with average of 1.87, it describes that biodiversity was in the moderate category. Furthermore, the evenness index (E) was in the category of relatively even from 0.58 to 0.89 with the average of 0.74. Dominance index values (D) was beetween 0.09 – 0.33 with average of 0.24, which means that there were not any dominating species. The highest value of productivity (CPUE) was lift net with 603.3 kg/trip and the lowest was lobster or sea cucumber collecting gears with 81.8 kg/trip.Key words: composition, diversity index, productivity, Simeulue-------ABSTRAKKabupaten Simeulue memiliki luas wilayah perairan laut ± 9.968,16 km² dengan 64 pulau besar dan kecil. Wilayah tersebut memiliki potensi perikanan tangkap yang sangat tinggi, meskipun pengelolaan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutannya masih belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, informasi mengenai komposisi hasil tangkapan, indeks keragaman dan produktivitas alat tangkap sangat diperlukan sebagai acuan dalam pengambilan kebijakan pengelolaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan komposisi jenis hasil tangkapan, indeks keragaman jenis ikan dan produktivitas alat penangkapan ikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Simeulue antara bulan Desember 2013 - Januari 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei secara purposive sampling. Jenis alat tangkap yang menjadi objek penelitian berupa bagan, pukat pantai, rawai dan alat pengumpul. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada lima lokasi yang berbeda, yaitu Kecamatan Simeulue Timur, Teupah Selatan, Teluk Dalam, Simeulue Barat dan Teupah Tengah, diperoleh 50 spesies ikan yang didominasi oleh lemuru (Sardinella lemuru), peperek (Leiognathus spp.), teri (Stolephorus spp.), selar (Selar spp.) dan tongkol (Auxis thazard). Indeks keragaman (H’) berkisar antara 1,40 – 2,67 dengan rata-rata 1,87 yang berada pada kategori keanekaragaman sedang. Selanjutnya, nilai indeks kemerataan (E) berada pada kategori lebih merata 0,58 – 0,89 dengan rata-rata 0,74. Sementara nilai indeks dominansi (D) berkisar antara 0,17 - 0,33 dengan rata-rata 0,24 atau tidak terdapat spesies yang mendominasi. Nilai produktivitas (CPUE) tertinggi terdapat pada bagan sebesar 603,3 kg/trip dan terendah pada alat pengumpul lobster/tripang 81,8 kg/trip.Kata kunci: komposisi, indeks keragaman, produktivitas, Simeulu

    Karakteristik Perikanan Tangkap Di Perairan Laut Kabupaten Simeulue (Characteristics of Capture Fisheries in Simeulue Districts Sea Waters Area)

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    Simeulue Regency has ± 9.968,16 km2 marine waters area consist of 64 islands (large and small) with high potentials of capture fisheries. However, the management of sustainable fisheries in Simeulue Regency has not optimal yet. Informations about catch composition, diversity index and fishing gear productivity are needed as a reference in policy management decision. The purpose of this research are to determine the compositions of catch, to calculate the fish biodiversity and fishing gear productivity. The research was conducted in Simeulue Regency from December 2013 to January 2014. The method used was purposive sampling survey. Fishing units which observed such as lift net, beach seines, longlines and other collecting gears. Result in five research locations are Simeulue Timur, Teupah Selatan, Teluk Dalam, Simeulue Barat and Teupah Tengah, there were 50 fish species which dominated by Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru), slipmouths (Leiognathus spp), Indian anchovy (Stolephorus spp), scad (Selar spp) and frigate tuna (Auxis thazard). Biodiversity index (H ') value was beetween 1.40 to 2.67 with average of 1.87, it describes that biodiversity was in the moderate category. Furthermore, the evenness index (E) was in the category of relatively even from 0.58 to 0.89 with the average of 0.74. Dominance index values (D) was beetween 0.09 – 0.33 with average of 0.24, which means that there were not any dominating species. The highest value of productivity (CPUE) was lift net with 603.3 kg/trip and the lowest was lobster or sea cucumber collecting gears with 81.8 kg/trip


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    Ikan pelagis yang tertangkap pukat cincin dengan ukuran mata jaring 3,81 cm dan 4,46 cm memperlihatkan sebaran dan ukuran jenis ikan yang berbeda. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedalaman renang dan sebaran ukuran ikan madidihang, cakalang dan layang yang tertangkap pukat cincin di perairan Pacitan. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 trip pada bulan Oktober dan Desember 2013. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah selektivitas celah pelolosan pada pukat cincin mengunakan model Holt. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata ikan yang tertangkap pada ukuran mata jaring  3,81 cm sebesar 33,74 untuk ikan madidihang 33,74 cm, cakalang 49,5 cm dan layang 23,5 cm. Sedangkan pada ukuran mata jaring 4,46 cm untuk madidihang 37,34 cm, cakalang 52 cm dan layang 29,5 cm. persamaan regresi antara ikan madidihang Y =0,697x – 2,477 nilai ã2 = 0,933, ikan cakalang = 0,611x – 2,758 nilai ã2 = 0,922 dan ikan layang Y = 1,358x – 4,241 nilai ã2 = 0,954. Terdapat selektivitas optimum yang berbeda pada ukuran mata jaring 3,81 cm dan 4,36 cm yang tertangkap


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    Pukat cincin merupakan alat tangkap yang efektif untuk menangkap ikan pelagis. Keberhasilan operasi penangkapan pukat cincin dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor teknis penangkapan seperti kecepatan relatif kapal saat melingkari gerombolan ikan (schooling), kecepatan tarik tali kolor (purse line), kecepatan tenggelamnya jaring sedangkan faktor lain relatif sama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor teknis penangkapan terhadap hasil tangkapan pukat cincin di Perairan Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari – Desember 2013 pada 57 kapal pukat cincin dengan 291 stasiun penangkapan. Metode penelitian dengan eksperimental fishing dengan mengunakan persamaan analisis regresi linear berganda dan menghasilkan persamaan: Y = - 61801,5 + 12.846,9 X1 + 14.132,5 X2+ 358,02 X3. Kecepatan melingkar dapat meningkatkan hasil tangkapan sebesar 12.846,9 kg pertrip, penarikan purse line 14.132,46 kg per trip dan kecepatan tenggelam jaring 358,02 kg per trip. Koefisien determinasi faktor teknis terhadap hasil tangkapan sebesar 87,86 %, sehingga faktor teknis dapat menjelaskan seberapa besar pengaruhnya pada hasil tangkapan pukat cincin. Purse seine is an effective fishing gear for catching pelagic fish. Some technical factors influencing success of  purse seine fishing operations are the relative speed of fishing vessel to encircle fish schools, the speed of pulling the drawstring (purse line), and sinking speed of the net, while there are insignificant effect of other factors. The study aims to determine the influence of technical factors of purse seine fishing operation on fish catches in Pacitan waters, East Java. The study was conducted in February-December 2013 onboard of 57 purse seine vessels consisting of 291 stations. Experimental fishing method was used in this study following multiple linear regression equation hence obtaion the equation Y = - 61,801.5 + 12,846.9 X1 +14,132.5 X2 + 358X3. Encircling speed increases fish catches up to 12,846.9 kg per trip, pulling speed of drawstring 14,132.46 kg per trip, and sinking speed of the net 358.02 kg per trip. The coefficient of determination of technical factors on fish catches reach 87.86%, therefore the degree of impacts was explained.


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    Setelah tragedi tsunami, Provinsi Aceh kehilangan banyak aset mulai dari infrastruktur, armada, dan jiwa manusia. Kondisi ini harus dibangun kembali normal. Untuk membangun kembali data dari armada  penangkapan ikan perlu mendaftar ulang untuk menghindari praktek IUU Fishing dan praktek penurunan harga dan juga biaya tinggi ternak. Masalah umum dalam pendaftaran kapal perikanan adalah konflik kepentingan antara incharges lembaga seperti Departemen Perhubungan dan Departemen Perikanan dan Kelautan Affair, karena kapal penangkap ikan pendaftaran di Indonesia dijalankan oleh institusi keduanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui masalah lain pada  pendaftaran kapal perikanan di Provinsi Aceh. Kapal perikanan sistem pendaftaran dihadapkan dengan banyak rumit dan kompleks, sehingga solusi melalui pendekatan analisis sistem (Burch, 1992). Dalammenerapkan sistem analisis langkah-langkah yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah: (1) menganalisis kebutuhan, (2) merumuskan masalah, (3) mengidentifikasi sistem, dengan membuat lingkaran diagram sebab akibat (causal loop) dan input-output diagram. Kesimpulan dari analisis sistem yang dilakukan adalah bahwa sistem pendaftaran saat ini belum terintegrasi, data itu tidak akurat karena pemahaman tentang metode pengukuran yang berbeda, proses dokumen informasi penyelesaian tidak dapat ditelusuri, pelaksanaan peraturan yang belum transparan baik dalam administrasi dan keuangan.Kata kunci: registrasi kapal ikan, pendekatan siste


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    Penelitianpada pancing tonda berdasarkan musim penangkapan ikan dan penangkapan ikan tuna di sekitar rumpon ini dilakukan dari bulan April sampai Juli 2012 di selatan perairan Palabuhanratu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan komposisi CPUE tuna danmemetakan penangkapan tuna dengan rumpon pada musim yang berbeda. Analisis Varians (ANOVA) digunakan untuk membandingkan CPUE di setiap musim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan musim memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap CPUE tuna. Persentase ikan tuna yang ditangkap di sekitar rumpon pada musimrata-rata terdiri dariyellowfin (42%), cakalang (36%) dan bigeye (22%). Musim tangkapan terendah terdiri dari yellowfin (44%), cakalang (30%) dan bigeye (25%). Musim puncak terdiri dariyellowfin (34%), cakalang (46%) dan bigeye (21%). Penangkapan ikan tuna di wilayah selatan Palabuhanratu pada posisi 070-080300 LS and 1060-1070 BT dengandaerah penangkapan ikan yang berbeda untuk setiap musim.Kata kunci: rumpon, daerah penangkapan ikan, musim penangkapan, pancing tonda, tun