300 research outputs found

    Poly(Alkylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate) polyesters: A new class of bio-based high-performance polymers for sustainable packaging

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    In the present study, 100% bio-based polyesters of 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylic acid were synthesized via two-stage melt polycondensation using glycols containing 3 to 6 methylene groups. The so-prepared samples were characterised from the molecular point of view and processed into free-standing thin films. Afterward, both the purified powders and the films were subjected to structural and thermal characterisation. In the case of thin films, mechanical response and barrier properties to O2 and CO2 were also evaluated. From the results obtained, it emerged that the length of glycolic sub-units is an effective tool to modulate the chain mobility and, in turn, the kind and amount of ordered phases developed in the samples. In addition to the usual amorphous and 3D crystalline phases, in all the samples investigated it was possible to evidence a further phase characterised by a lower degree of order (mesophase) than the crystalline one, whose amount is strictly related to the glycol sub-unit length. The relative fraction of all these phases is responsible for the different mechanical and barrier performances. Last, but not least, a comparison between thiophene-based homopolymers and their furan-based homologues was carried out

    Segmental relaxation in semicrystalline polymers: a mean field model for the distribution of relaxation times in confined regimes

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    The effect of confinement in the segmental relaxation of polymers is considered. On the basis of a thermodynamic model we discuss the emerging relevance of the fast degrees of freedom in stimulating the much slower segmental relaxation, as an effect of the constraints at the walls of the amorphous regions. In the case that confinement is due to the presence of crystalline domains, a quasi-poissonian distribution of local constraining conditions is derived as a result of thermodynamic equilibrium. This implies that the average free energy barrier ΔF\Delta F for conformational rearrangement is of the same order of the dispersion of the barrier heights, δ(ΔF)\delta (\Delta F), around ΔF\Delta F. As an example, we apply the results to the analysis of the α\alpha-relaxation as observed by dielectric broad band spectroscopy in semicrystalline poly(ethylene terephthalate) cold-crystallized from either an isotropic or an oriented glass. It is found that in the latter case the regions of cooperative rearrangement are significantly larger than in the former.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures .ep

    Tight Regulation of Mechanotransducer Proteins Distinguishes the Response of Adult Multipotent Mesenchymal Cells on PBCE-Derivative Polymer Films with Different Hydrophilicity and Stiffness

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    : Mechanotransduction is a molecular process by which cells translate physical stimuli exerted by the external environment into biochemical pathways to orchestrate the cellular shape and function. Even with the advancements in the field, the molecular events leading to the signal cascade are still unclear. The current biotechnology of tissue engineering offers the opportunity to study in vitro the effect of the physical stimuli exerted by biomaterial on stem cells and the mechanotransduction pathway involved in the process. Here, we cultured multipotent human mesenchymal/stromal cells (hMSCs) isolated from bone marrow (hBM-MSCs) and adipose tissue (hASCs) on films of poly(butylene 1,4-cyclohexane dicarboxylate) (PBCE) and a PBCE-based copolymer containing 50 mol% of butylene diglycolate co-units (BDG50), to intentionally tune the surface hydrophilicity and the stiffness (PBCE = 560 Mpa; BDG50 = 94 MPa). We demonstrated the activated distinctive mechanotransduction pathways, resulting in the acquisition of an elongated shape in hBM-MSCs on the BDG50 film and in maintaining the canonical morphology on the PBCE film. Notably, hASCs acquired a new, elongated morphology on both the PBCE and BDG50 films. We found that these events were mainly due to the differences in the expression of Cofilin1, Vimentin, Filamin A, and Talin, which established highly sensitive machinery by which, rather than hASCs, hBM-MSCs distinguished PBCE from BDG50 films

    Serum antioxidant capacity and peroxide level of seven healthy subjects after consumption of different foods

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    This article reports experimental data related to the research article entitled \u201cDifferent effectiveness of two pastas supplemented with either lipophilic or hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants in affecting serum as evaluated by the novel Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance approach\u201d (M.N. Laus, M. Soccio, M. Alfarano, A. Pasqualone, M.S. Lenucci, G. Di Miceli, D. Pastore, 2016) [1]. Antioxidant status of blood serum of seven healthy subjects was evaluated during four hours after consumption of two functional pastas, supplemented with either bran oleoresin or bran water extract obtained from durum wheat. For comparison, the effect of a non-supplemented reference pasta was also evaluated, as well as the effects of glucose, of the wheat grain dietary supplement Lisosan G, and of the reference pasta consumed together with Lisosan G. Serum antioxidant status was evaluated by measuring both the serum antioxidant capacity, using LOX-FL, ORAC and TEAC methods, and the serum oxidant status, assessed as peroxide level

    Effects of the blending ratio on the design of keratin/poly (Butylene succinate) nanofibers for drug delivery applications

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest in the use of proteins as biocompatible and environmentally friendly biomolecules for the design of wound healing and drug delivery sys-tems. Keratin is a fascinating protein, obtainable from several keratinous biomasses such as wool, hair or nails, with intrinsic bioactive properties including stimulatory effects on wound repair and excellent carrier capability. In this work keratin/poly (butylene succinate) blend solutions with functional properties tunable by manipulating the polymer blending ratios were prepared by using 1,1,1,3,3,3‐hexafluoroisopropanol as common solvent. Afterwards, these solutions doped with rho-damine B (RhB), were electrospun into blend mats and the drug release mechanism and kinetics as a function of blend composition was studied, in order to understand the potential of such mem-branes as drug delivery systems. The electrophoresis analysis carried out on keratin revealed that the solvent used does not degrade the protein. Moreover, all the blend solutions showed a non‐ Newtonian behavior, among which the Keratin/PBS 70/30 and 30/70 ones showed an amplified orientation ability of the polymer chains when subjected to a shear stress. Therefore, the resulting nan-ofibers showed thinner mean diameters and narrower diameter distributions compared to the Ker-atin/PBS 50/50 blend solution. The thermal stability and the mechanical properties of the blend elec-trospun mats improved by increasing the PBS content. Finally, the RhB release rate increased by increasing the keratin content of the mats and the drug diffused as drug‐protein complex

    ATP-sensitive cation-channel in wheat (triticum durum Desf.): Identification and characterization of a plant mitochondrial channel by patch-clamp

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    Indirect evidence points to the presence of K + channels in plant mitochondria. In the present study, we report the results of the first patch clamp experiments on plant mitochondria. Single-channel recordings in 150 mM potassium gluconate have allowed the biophysical characterization of a channel with a conductance of 150 pS in the inner mitochondrial membrane of mitoplasts obtained from wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The channel displayed sharp voltage sensitivity, permeability to potassium and cation selectivity. ATP in the mM concentration range completely abolished the activity. We discuss the possible molecular identity of the channel and its possible role in the defence mechanisms against oxidative stress in plants

    Loss of zmlipoxygenase4 decreases fusarium verticillioides resistance in maize seedlings

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    Fusarium verticillioides is one of the most relevant fungal species in maize responsible for ear, stalk and seedling rot, as well as the fumonisin contamination of kernels. Plant lipoxygenases (LOX) synthesize oxylipins that play a crucial role in the regulation of defense mechanisms against pathogens and influence the outcome of pathogenesis. To better uncover the role of these signaling molecules in maize resistance against F. verticillioides, the functional characterization of the 9\u2010LOX gene, ZmLOX4, was carried out in this study by employing mutants carrying Mu insertions in this gene (named as UFMulox4). In this regard, the genotyping of five UFMulox4 identified the mutant UFMu10924 as the only one having an insertion in the coding region of the gene. The impact of ZmLOX4 mutagenesis on kernel defense against F. verticillioides and fumonisin accumulation were investigated, resulting in an increased fungal susceptibility compared to the inbred lines W22 and Tzi18. Moreover, the expression of most of the genes involved in the LOX, jasmonic acid (JA) and green leaf volatiles (GLV) pathways, as well as LOX enzymatic activity, decreased or were unaffected by fungal inoculation in the mutant UFMu10924. These results confirm the strategic role of ZmLOX4 in controlling defense against F. verticillioides and its influence on the expression of several LOX, JA and GLV genes

    Pioglitazone Enhances the Beneficial Effects of Glucocorticoids in Experimental Nephrotic Syndrome

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    Glucocorticoids are the primary therapy for nephrotic syndrome (NS), but have serious side effects and are ineffective in ~20-50% of patients. Thiazolidinediones have recently been suggested to be renoprotective, and to modulate podocyte glucocorticoid-mediated nuclear receptor signaling. We hypothesized that thiazolidinediones could enhance glucocorticoid efficacy in NS. We found that puromycin aminonucleoside-induced proteinuria in rats was significantly reduced by both high-dose glucocorticoids (79%) and pioglitazone (61%), but not low-dose glucocorticoids (25%). Remarkably, pioglitazone + low-dose glucocorticoids also reduced proteinuria (63%) comparably to high-dose glucocorticoids, whereas pioglitazone + high-dose glucocorticoids reduced proteinuria to almost control levels (97%). Molecular analysis revealed that both glucocorticoids and pioglitazone enhanced glomerular synaptopodin and nephrin expression, and reduced COX-2 expression, after injury. Furthermore, the glomerular phosphorylation of glucocorticoid receptor and Akt, but not PPARγ, correlated with treatment-induced reductions in proteinuria. Notably, clinical translation of these findings to a child with refractory NS by the addition of pioglitazone to the treatment correlated with marked reductions in both proteinuria (80%) and overall immunosuppression (64%). These findings together suggest that repurposing pioglitazone could potentially enhance the proteinuria-reducing effects of glucocorticoids during NS treatment

    Lipolysis drives expression of the constitutively active receptor GPR3 to induce adipose thermogenesis

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    Thermogenic adipocytes possess a therapeutically appealing, energy-expending capacity, which is canonically cold-induced by ligand-dependent activation of β-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we uncover an alternate paradigm of GPCR-mediated adipose thermogenesis through the constitutively active receptor, GPR3. We show that the N terminus of GPR3 confers intrinsic signaling activity, resulting in continuous Gs-coupling and cAMP production without an exogenous ligand. Thus, transcriptional induction of Gpr3 represents the regulatory parallel to ligand-binding of conventional GPCRs. Consequently, increasing Gpr3 expression in thermogenic adipocytes is alone sufficient to drive energy expenditure and counteract metabolic disease in mice. Gpr3 transcription is cold-stimulated by a lipolytic signal, and dietary fat potentiates GPR3-dependent thermogenesis to amplify the response to caloric excess. Moreover, we find GPR3 to be an essential, adrenergic-independent regulator of human brown adipocytes. Taken together, our findings reveal a noncanonical mechanism of GPCR control and thermogenic activation through the lipolysis-induced expression of constitutively active GPR3