239 research outputs found

    The dialects of Marinduque Tagalog

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    <Notes>The Philippine Statehood Movement: A Resurrected Illusion, 1970-1972

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    La ciencia, la lógica y el arte como ejes del pensamiento analítico: el proyecto educativo GPEUX, 2002-2005, en la Universidad de Xalapa, México, y sus repercusiones académicas

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    El presente documento desarrolla una investigación retrospectiva del proyecto Grado Premium Elite de la Universidad de Xalapa (en adelante, G-PEUX), realizado entre mayo de 2002 y junio de 2005, en el cual se pusieron en práctica elementos científicos, lógicos y artísticos, para reforzar y potenciar la formación universitaria en el grado de licenciatura. Esta innovadora experiencia educativa reunió en las aulas a catedráticos de diferentes disciplinas y alumnos seleccionados de distintas carreras, para clases extracurriculares y escenarios públicos de debate, con significativos resultados transdisciplinarios, que a la fecha siguen siendo útiles a la Universidad de Xalapa. Por ello, la reseña del proyecto G-PEUX encuentra su espacio académico natural en la línea temática D: Educación superior, las artes y la creatividad.Peer Reviewe


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    Medición de la percepción de la violencia contra las mujeres en la Escuela de Derecho de la UABC, Campus Valle Dorado

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    [EN] Abstract Despite of the efforts made by civil society and the legal modifications made in the Mexican legislation, the existing violence towards women does not decrease and it shows its normalization in professions like Law that require alternatives based on gender sensitization. This work consists of the results of a survey on perception of violence against women with students of the Law School of the Autonomous University of Baja California in the summer of 2018, which through six dimensions (physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, deprivation, normalization of violence and social capital) tries to understand the factors considered as violent, while presenting a proposal for protocol of attention to this problem in the university campus.[ES] Resumen A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por la sociedad civil y las modificaciones legales hechas en la legislación mexicana, la violencia existente contra las mujeres no disminuye y muestra su normalización en profesiones como la ley que requieren alternativas basadas en la sensibilización de género. Este trabajo consiste en los resultados de una encuesta sobre la percepción de la violencia contra las mujeres con estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California en el verano de 2018, que a través de seis dimensiones (violencia física, violencia psicológica, violencia sexual, privación, normalización de la violencia y capital social) trata de entender los factores considerados violentos, al tiempo que presenta una propuesta de protocolo de atención a este problema en el campus universitario

    Homeless people with mental or psychosocial disabilities

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    Este artículo forma parte de la investigación en proceso denominada “Violación al derecho humano a la salud en agravio de personas con discapacidad mental o psicosocial en situación de riesgo” para obtener el grado de magíster en derecho. Tiene como fin exponer la problemática que se vive en Ensenada, Baja California, México, respecto al abandono por parte de las autoridades sanitarias del Estado mexicano hacia las personas con discapacidad mental o psicosocial en situación de calle, con lo que se violenta su derecho al acceso a la salud. Es tan lamentable como cierto que las personas que padecen discapacidades mentales y que se encuentran en situación de calle conforman uno de los grupos más desprotegidos de nuestra sociedad; por sus características, son vulnerables a todo su entorno y tienen dificultad para hacer valer sus derechos humanos fundamentales, por lo que están expuestos a una amplia gama de violaciones de los mismos. Esta problemática debe ser atendida en observancia de los derechos humanos que protege la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, de los instrumentos internacionales de los que forma parte y de las legislaciones competentes en materia de salud mental del Estado mexicano, para motivar a las propias autoridades en el ámbito de sus competencias, pues parecen indiferentes ante la problemática existente.This article is part of an ongoing research called “Violation of the Human Right to Health against People with Mental or Psychosocial Disability in Situation of Risk” to obtain a Master in Law degree. It aims to expose existing problems in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, regarding the abandonment by Mexican state health authorities toward homeless people with mental or psychosocial disabilities, thus violating their human right to access health services. It is as regrettable as it is true that homeless people who suffer from mental disabilites are one of the most unprotected groups in Mexico. Due to their characteristics, they are extremely vulnerable to their entire environment and they lack the capacity to assert their fundamental human rights, which is why they are exposed to a wide range of violations of these rights. This problem must be addressed in observance of the human rights protected by the Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico, international treaties of which it is a party, and by competent national legislations in matter of mental health, in order to motivate Mexican authorities within the scope of their competences, since they seem indifferent in the face of these problems

    Conceptualizacion Del Comercio Electronico

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    &nbsp;E-commerce facilitates the ability to acquire a product or services since companies have provided the necessary tools to carry this out, The importance that electronic commerce has acquired today, have been of great help to society due to the impact it has had with the development of new technologies thus creating new tools and opportunities for consumers to acquire products in a safer way and effective, becoming a new way of marketing through the Internet at any time providing the possibility of improving sales by companies as well as customer satisfaction. In this research it will be described how commerce has evolved to reach what is known as electronic commerce, we will see different points of view of various authors to know how this new type of commerce has revolutionized the world and has brought great changes to traditional commerce.El comercio electrónico facilita el poder adquirir un producto o servicios ya que las empresas han brindado las herramientas necesarias para llevar esto acabo. La importancia que el comercio electrónico ha adquirido en la actualidad, ha sido de gran ayuda para la sociedad debido al impacto que ha tenido con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías, creando así nuevas herramientas y oportunidades para que los consumidores puedan adquirir productos de una manera más segura y eficaz, convirtiéndose en una nueva forma de comercializar a través de Internet a cualquier hora, brindando la posibilidad de mejorar las ventas por parte de las empresas, así como la satisfacción del cliente. En la presente investigación se describirá como el comercio ha evolucionado para llegar a lo que se conoce como comercio electrónico, veremos diferentes puntos de vista de diversos autores para conocer como este nuevo tipo de comercio ha revolucionado al mundo y ha traído grandes cambios al comercio tradicional

    Architecture of transcriptional regulatory circuits is knitted over the topology of bio-molecular interaction networks

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    Background: Uncovering the operating principles underlying cellular processes by using 'omics' data is often a difficult task due to the high-dimensionality of the solution space that spans all interactions among the bio-molecules under consideration. A rational way to overcome this problem is to use the topology of bio-molecular interaction networks in order to constrain the solution space. Such approaches systematically integrate the existing biological knowledge with the 'omics' data. Results: Here we introduce a hypothesis-driven method that integrates bio-molecular network topology with transcriptome data, thereby allowing the identification of key biological features (Reporter Features) around which transcriptional changes are significantly concentrated. We have combined transcriptome data with different biological networks in order to identify Reporter Gene Ontologies, Reporter Transcription Factors, Reporter Proteins and Reporter Complexes, and use this to decipher the logic of regulatory circuits playing a key role in yeast glucose repression and human diabetes. Conclusion: Reporter Features offer the opportunity to identify regulatory hot-spots in bio-molecular interaction networks that are significantly affected between or across conditions. Results of the Reporter Feature analysis not only provide a snapshot of the transcriptional regulatory program but also are biologically easy to interpret and provide a powerful way to generate new hypotheses. Our Reporter Features analyses of yeast glucose repression and human diabetes data brings hints towards the understanding of the principles of transcriptional regulation controlling these two important and potentially closely related systems

    Popular Backyard Flock program reduces biosecurity risks of amateur production

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    The California Animal Health and Food Safety laboratories provide free necropsy (postmortem examination) services to owners of backyard poultry through the Backyard Flock program funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. We collected and analyzed data on the number of poultry submissions to the program between 2007 and 2012, the lab totals by location and the diseases diagnosed. During those 6 years, submissions increased 383%, with chickens representing 91% of them, and the greatest increases occurred in Santa Clara, Los Angeles and Sonoma counties. The necropsy data showed that the digestive (32.5%) and hemolymphatic (16.9%) systems were the most commonly affected. Marek's disease accounted for 13.3% of diagnoses (492 cases). With the rapid rise in the number of poultry being raised by amateur producers, biosecurity education is essential