6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertolak pada kajian teori yang menyataka bahwa tinggi rendahnya motivasi kerja guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran abad 21 yaitu dipengaruhi oleh penerapan gaya komunikasi dan karismatik kepala sekolah. Dari asumsi tersebut dirumuskan hipotesis, semakin tinggi respon guru terhadap terhadap gaya komunikasi dan karismatik kepala sekolah maka semakin tinggi pula motivasi kerja guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran abad 21. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui signifikansi hubungan antara gaya komunikasi kepala sekolah dengan motivasi kerja para guru, Signifikansi hubungan antara kepemimpinan karismatik kepala sekolah dengan motivasi kerja para guru, dan Signifikansi pengaruh motivasi kerja guru terhadap habituasi guru dalam pembelajaran abad 21. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan penyebaran angket. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 111 guru. Analisis ketiga variabel menggunakan analisis jalur Partial Least Squares (PLS) karena dapat memvalidasi ada atau tidaknya hubungan antar variabel laten Temuan Penelitian ini, data diketahui bahwa hasil uji signifikansi menunjukkan tstatistik pvalue yaitu 8,422 < 0.000, sehingga Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara karismatik kepala sekolah dengan motivasi kerja guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran abad 21. ----- This research is based on a theoretical study which states that the high and low motivation of teachers in implementing 21st century learning is influenced by the application of the principal's communication and charismatic style. From this assumption, the hypothesis is formulated, the higher the teacher's response to the principal's communication and charismatic style, the higher the teacher's work motivation in implementing 21st century learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the significance of the relationship between the principal's communication style and teachers' work motivation, the significance of the relationship between the principal's charismatic leadership and teachers' work motivation, and the significance of the effect of teachers' work motivation on teachers' habituation in 21st century learning. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method. The data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires. The sample in this study was 111 teachers. Analysis of the three variables using Partial Least Squares (PLS) path analysis because it can validate whether or not there is a relationship between latent variables. The findings of this study, the data are known that the results of the significance test show the t-statistic pvalue which is 8.422 < 0.000, so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between the principal's charismatic and teacher work motivation in implementing 21st century learning


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    Education has a goal to create a generation that is intelligent and has good character. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Education Unit Level curriculum, K-13 or the Operational Curriculum of the SDIT Al-Fitrah Driving School in Bandung, which is based on KSDIT-AF Number 54 of 2021 and in accordance with the guidelines for developing KTSP in accordance with Permendikbud no. 81a of 2013 and This year's Al Fitrah SDIT curriculum adheres to the 2013 Curriculum. Using a qualitative descriptive approach. The object being observed is SDIT Al-Fitrah in Bandung. Data in the form of documents. The research strategy uses content analysis. The results showed that the curriculum design at SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung was designed with various patterns, including the use of a curriculum structure that applies to all general subjects and Mapel Mulok Khas Islam Terpadu for all classes. Supporting curriculum such as intracurricular, curricular and extracurricular. Then regarding implementation guidelines in the form of priority programs, self-development and life skills education. As for the implementation of independent learning, SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung has only implemented it in grades I and IV of the Driving School Program


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    Education has a goal to create a generation that is intelligent and has good character. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Education Unit Level curriculum, K-13 or the Operational Curriculum of the SDIT Al-Fitrah Driving School in Bandung, which is based on KSDIT-AF Number 54 of 2021 and in accordance with the guidelines for developing KTSP in accordance with Permendikbud no. 81a of 2013 and This year's Al Fitrah SDIT curriculum adheres to the 2013 Curriculum. Using a qualitative descriptive approach. The object being observed is SDIT Al-Fitrah in Bandung. Data in the form of documents. The research strategy uses content analysis. The results showed that the curriculum design at SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung was designed with various patterns, including the use of a curriculum structure that applies to all general subjects and Mapel Mulok Khas Islam Terpadu for all classes. Supporting curriculum such as intracurricular, curricular and extracurricular. Then regarding implementation guidelines in the form of priority programs, self-development and life skills education. As for the implementation of independent learning, SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung has only implemented it in grades I and IV of the Driving School Program

    Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Abad Ke-21: Sebuah Tinjauan Peran Guru pada Generasi Z

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    Seiring perkembangan zaman, pendidikan dan cara berpikir manusiapun terus berubah dan berkembang dengan dinamis. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya pedagogi guru&nbsp; abad 21 bagi pembelajaran Generasi Z. Adanya gap dalam proses belajar di kelas karena guru dan siswa berbeda masa belajar sehingga perlunya mengetahui kompetensi pedagogik guru abad 21 dan karakteristik manusia generasi Z. Metode kajian ini menggunakan sistematik literature review. Sebanyak 20 artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan diberbagai jurnal nasional dan internasional dan dianalisis sesuai dengan tema kajian pedagogik. Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini pada umumnya adalah adanya kesenjangan dalam penyampaian materi ajar di dalam kelas karena kurangnya pemahaman guru dalam mengenal karakteristik siswa. Siswa saat ini termasuk&nbsp; generasi Z yang mana berbeda generasi dengan gurunya sehingga guru perlu mengupgrade ilmu pedagogiknya agar menjadi sebuah kompetensi yang diharapkan di kelas. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan para guru dapat mengembangkan kompetensi pedagogiknya agar pembelajaran di kelas dapat berjalan dengan baik dan menyenangkan. &nbsp

    Pendidikan Bela Negara di Sekolah : Tinjauan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah pada Generasi Milenial

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    Bak oase gurun pasir di tengah mutu pendidikan Indonesia yang kian mengkhawatirkan. Fenomena dekadensi moral terjadi di mana-mana. Generasi milenial diharapkan memiliki peningkatan bukan sekedar dalam ranah pengetahuan, tetapi meliputi moralitas, rasa nasionlaisme, dan lain-lain. Dekadensi moral yang terjadi saat ini yaitu melalui teknologi yang berkembang dengan pesat dan membawa budaya dari luar tanpa disaring yang terkadang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi penduduk Indonesia. Metode kajian ini menggunakan sistematik literature review. Beberapa artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan diberbagai jurnal nasional dan internasional dianalisis sesuai dengan tema kajian. Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini pada umumnya adalah adanya kesenjangan dalam pembentukkan pendidikan karakter karena adanya dekadensi moral sehingga membuat nilai-nilai pancasila di negara Indonesia menurun. Adanya penerapan program kegiatan bela negara yang didukung oleh kepala sekolah merupaka upaya untuk meningkatkan eksistensi negara Indonesia dalam kehidupan


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    The introduction of inclusive education at SDN 263 Rancaloa can be equated with providing opportunities for children with special needs in Rancasari District to exercise their legal rights. In accordance with the level of specialization, students with special needs can complete the school curriculum and achieve final results at the lower secondary level. This study uses the literature study methodology. The purpose of this article review is to find out the educational management plan related to inclusion at SDN 263 Rancaloa. Planning, organizing, practicing and monitoring curricula and teaching standards are some of these tasks. This study uses the method of literature review. In-depth interviews with several key informants were conducted as part of the data collection process, and the information was then categorized according to the topic of study. The level of data validity is maintained through the use of triangulation and member check mechanisms. The findings of this study help explain how inclusive education is managed. Namely as follows: (1) inclusive education planning includes curriculum and teaching quality; (2) organizing is done by selecting inclusive education coordinators, inclusive class teachers, and subject teachers for inclusive classes; (3) debriefing is done with leadership, communication, and motivation; and (4) control is carried out once every three months. (1) inclusive education planning includes curriculum and teaching quality; (2) organizing is done by selecting inclusive education coordinators, inclusive class teachers, and subject teachers for inclusive classes; (3) debriefing is done with leadership, communication, and motivation; and (4) control is carried out once every three months. (1) inclusive education planning includes curriculum and teaching quality; (2) organizing is done by selecting inclusive education coordinators, inclusive class teachers, and subject teachers for inclusive classes; (3) debriefing is done with leadership, communication, and motivation; and (4) control is carried out once every three months