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    In this paper we describe prime, maximal and primitive ideals in some graded subrings of polynomial rings. As applications the corresponding radicals are determined

    Getting Access Into the EU Market: A Coordination Challenge for the Brazilian Beef Chain

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    Brazil is the world beef export leader since 2004, when he Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) crisis in the United States and the severe draught in Australia dropped those countries beef exports and gave Brazilian beef chain a unique opportunity to enter in new markets. Brazil is facing now a major challenge in terms of aggregating value, since its export volume is already stabilizing. The European Union (EU) represents the most demanding market in terms of quality and one in which Brazil can get a better remuneration for its products, as long as the country beef chain can develop new relationship strategies to provide such a specific product. This study aims to present some trends in the European market as well as to discuss them as opportunities for the Brazilian beef chain, especially in terms of coordination forms, following New Institutional Economy principles. It shows that new forms of relationship within the network are emerging (like alliances and associations) and that new strategies should be focused on the consumer desires.Beef chain, Brazil, Relationship strategies, Coordination forms, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Public policy analysis and the law: a teaching experience and a research methodology

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    [eng]What are the relations between public policy analysis and the Law? How can linking these research fields contribute to the development of institutional capacities in the policymaking process? How can a teaching experience emphasize this issue? How can multiple public policy methodologies approach the Law? This paper tries to answer those questions. In Brazil, the formalistic legal logic separates both research fields (Law and Public Policy Analysis), creating obstacles that obstruct better governance in all three government branches. From the methodological point of view, this paper explores the experience of graduate students at the University of Brasilia Law School (FD/UnB), incorporating their professional experience related to the public policy cycle. The case study we explore here is the Law and Public Policy Analysis course ministered in the second half of 2015 and 2016. We present how the discipline was developed and how the students perceived the topic in their research. We connected the literature to the students’ perceptions. It seems that linking legal models to the public policy cycle tend to improve the integration and performance of policy stakeholders and the Lawyers.[spa]¿Cuáles son las relaciones entre el análisis de políticas públicas y el derecho? ¿Cómo puede la vinculación de estos campos de investigación contribuir al desarrollo de las capacidades institucionales en el proceso de formulación de políticas? ¿Cómo puede una experiencia de enseñanza enfatizar este tema? ¿Cómo pueden múltiples metodologías de políticas públicas abordar la ley? Este artículo intenta responder a estas preguntas. En Brasil, la lógica legal formalista separa ambos campos de investigación (Derecho y Análisis de Políticas Públicas), creando obstáculos que obstruyen una mejor gobernabilidad en las tres ramas del gobierno. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, este trabajo explora la experiencia de los estudiantes de postgrado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Brasilia (FD/UnB), incorporando su experiencia profesional relacionada con el ciclo de políticas públicas. El estudio que aquí exploramos es el curso de Análisis de Leyes y Políticas Públicas impartido en la segunda mitad de 2015 y 2016. Se presenta cómo se desarrolló la disciplina y cómo los estudiantes percibieron el tema en su investigación. Conectamos la literatura con las percepciones de los estudiantes. Al parecer, la vinculación de los modelos jurídicos con el ciclo de las políticas públicas tiende a mejorar la integración y el desempeño de las partes interesadas en las políticas y de los abogados.[cat]Quines són les relacions entre l'anàlisi de polítiques públiques i el dret? Com pot la vinculació d'aquests camps de recerca contribuir al desenvolupament de les capacitats institucionals en el procés de formulació de polítiques? Com pot una experiència d'ensenyament emfatitzar aquest tema? Com poden múltiples metodologies de polítiques públiques abordar la llei? Aquest article intenta respondre a aquestes preguntes. Al Brasil, la lògica legal formalista separa tots dos camps de recerca (Dret i Anàlisi de Polítiques Públiques), creant obstacles que obstrueixen una millor governabilitat en les tres branques del govern. Des del punt de vista metodològic, aquest treball explora l'experiència dels estudiants de postgrau de la Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Brasília (FD/UnB), incorporant la seva experiència professional relacionada amb el cicle de polítiques públiques. L'estudi que aquí explorem és el curs d'Anàlisi de Lleis i Polítiques Públiques im partit a la segona meitat de 2015 i 2016. Es presenta com es va desenvolupar la disciplina i com els estudiants van percebre el tema en la seva recerca. Connectem la literatura amb les percepcions dels estudiants. Pel que sembla, la vinculació dels models jurídics amb el cicle de les polítiques públiques tendeix a millorar la integració i l'acompliment de les parts interessades en les polítiques i dels advocats

    Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) in Portugal: location and innovative capacity

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    Within the service industry, the swift growth of the KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Service(s)) sector has played a crucial role in innovation processes. Above all, this role is confirmed by the fact that such entities do not turn in a simple performance in innovation activities as would be the case in simply meeting the needs of prevailing levels of demand or, more specifically, their clients. Instead, they establish bridges of knowledge and points of innovation between companies and science. The literature goes so far as to identify the origins of the third industrial revolution with the importance attributable to KIBS. While the debate on the growth of KIBS unfolds around these new specialist fields and the growth in the tertiary sector in general, there is ever growing recognition that both new manufacturing processes and new services and innovations in more general terms increasingly derive from KIBS. Our interest in KIBS derives from a position broadly defended by a wide range of authors (Muller, 2001; Howells and Tether, 2004; Toivonen, 2004; Koch and Stahlecker, 2006): the irrefutable role played by KIBS in the development of their surrounding regions. In the Thesis below, we have sought to study these companies across four fundamental research facets: (i) location; (ii) cooperation with universities; (iii) factors of innovation and (iv) innovative and competitive capacities. To approach factors of location, we deployed exploratory factorial analysis and Logit regression modelling and found that in this aspect, there was statistical significance for rural and urban KIBS. The results revealed that rural KIBS are essentially influenced by personal motivations and their owners tend to be younger and with fewer years of experience. In the case of urban KIBS, the main factor is the prevailing business conditions in the location with entrepreneurs tending to be older and with more years of experience. Our analysis of cooperation between KIBS and universities involved the application of exploratory factorial analysis and a logit regression model. Our findings show that the probability of KIBS establishing partnerships with universities rises in accordance with the levels of proximity and trust, the types of cost associated with such partnerships and the age of the entrepreneur. Furthermore, we encounter no difference in terms of either location or typology. The results also enable us to conclude that there is a statistically significant effect between the employment of staff with higher education, the age and academic background of the company owner, and the logistical probability of the company locating in rural areas. This means that, while there is little or no direct cooperation between universities and KIBS companies, there is a transfer of knowledge courtesy of the university graduates employed in these professions. The level of graduate employment is high at both rural and urban KIBS. To study the factors of innovation, we made recourse to confirmatory factorial analysis with the objective of verifying whether the strategy, the organisation, the learning, the networks and the process, influence the innovation activities ongoing at KIBS. We found that the network factor is of high importance to both KIBS types (professional and technological). However, professional KIBS also returned the strategy factor as the driver of innovation while technological KIBS attributed greatest priority to learning as a factor for innovation. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences were identified between rural and urban located KIBS. Finally, we applied structural equations for analysis of the innovative and competitive capacities of KIBS and evaluating up to just what point innovation depends on the nature of the service (technological or professional) and location (rural and urban). Firstly, the results of certain analytical processes found that the innovative capacities of the different types of rurally located KIBS displayed no statistical significance while at KIBS in urban locations, professional KIBS companies innovated less than their technological peers and the latter thereby proved able to simultaneously turn in better financial performance and hence may be deemed more competitive


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    : O presente trabalho é o resultado de um estudo bibliográfico e documental sobre as relações entre educação, trabalho e as novas tecnologias no contexto da reestruturação produtiva do capital.  Utilizou-se o método do materialismo histórico-dialético devido ser um método capaz de desvelar as contradições do fenômeno com vistas a sua transformação. O trabalho centra-se no estudo das relações existentes entre a educação e o mundo do trabalho e como a inserção das novas tecnologias educacionais tem contribuído para com os interesses do capital. Historicamente, a ciência, a técnica e a tecnologia constituíram-se em forças opressoras e reprodutoras de alienação dos trabalhadores, mas são também forças emancipadoras da sociedade humana, podendo diminuir o trabalho necessário e aumentar o tempo livre dos trabalhadores. O trabalho analisa as políticas educacionais do ponto de vista do Estado e sua vinculação com os organismos internacionais como o Banco Mundial, a fim de compreender as relações existentes entre educação, trabalho e tecnologias no processo de reprodução do capita

    Modification of polyamide 6.6 dyeing properties by grafting with poly(acrylic acid)

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    978-972-8063-67-2The wet chemical surface modification continues to be a growing area of research interest. This study describes preparation and characterization of poly (acrylic acid)-grafted polyamide 6.6 fabric. Poly(acrylic acid) has been grafted onto polyamide backbone using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as catalyst in aqueous medium. The benzoyl peroxide initiator optimum concentration was 0.03 M. The best conditions for optimum grafting reaction were reaction time 120 min, grafting temperature 85°C, monomer concentration 0.5 M and BPO concentration 0.03 M. The grafting rate was evaluated gravimetrically. The maximum grafting percentage obtained was 13.3%. All samples were characterized by Fourier–transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR). The influence of acrylic acid grafting onto polyamide 6.6 was studied in terms of dye uptake using a basic dye, Rouge Maxilon GRL. Mechanical properties were also analysed

    Precision and accuracy of sampling methods in thinned Pinus taeda L. stands

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    Different sampling methods can be used in forest surveys. It is important to know the precision and accuracy of these sampling methods, and which one is the most appropriate in specific conditions of the forest population. The aim of this study was to compare estimates of a forest inventory performed by different sampling methods with forest census results. The sampling methods evaluated were the fixed-area method and the variable-area methods of Bitterlich, Prodan, and Strand. The data were obtained in a 15-year-old thinned stand of Pinus taeda L., located in the municipality of Teixeira Soares, southern Brazil, with a total area of 12.80 ha. Initially, the forest census was carried out, and subsequently, the sample units for each sampling method were distributed in the stand, with a common starting point. The variables used to compare the sample results with the census means were quadratic diameter, number of trees, basal area, and volume, per hectare. Precision and accuracy were evaluated by sampling error and whether the confidence intervals covered the population means, respectively. The fixed-area and Bitterlich methods stood out in precision for all variables analysed. The fixed-area, Bitterlich and Strand methods with proportion to height provided more accurate estimates. The Prodan method provided inaccurate and imprecise estimates for the variables under analysis, except for the quadratic diameter

    Quando o barco abarca : transformações na carpintaria naval maranhense

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social, 2015.Esta pesquisa trata das transformações ocorridas na carpintaria naval maranhense a partir de um conjunto de eventos e intervenções operadas desde uma pesquisa pioneira que, nos anos 1980, inventariou os modelos de embarcações típicas e seus processos construtivos. O Projeto Embarcações do Maranhão (PEM), coordenado pelo engenheiro mineiro, Luís Phelipe Andrés, registrou os estaleiros, os operários navais, as técnicas de construção e os tipos de barcos de madeira encontrados no estado. Os esforços desta pesquisa repercutiram ao ponto de incentivar a construção do CVT Estaleiro Escola do Sítio Tamancão em São Luís/MA. Esta escola de técnicas possui como missão a transmissão dos saberes e conhecimentos do mestre carpinteiro naval. As ações e efeitos do PEM e as experiências como aluna do Curso de Construção de Embarcações Artesanais compõem os dados de campo que figuram este texto. A partir destes eventos, busco seguir o barco neste processo de transformações e alterações que ocorrem tanto no objeto técnico quanto nas pessoas envolvidas com os fenômenos aqui apresentados. Acompanho os desdobramentos dessa série de acontecimentos a fim de compreender como o barco abarca estas existências.This research discuss about the changes that took place in Maranhão shipbuilding from a set of events and interventions operated from a pioneering research in the 1980s, inventoried models of typical boats and their construction processes. The Maranhão Vessels Project (EMP), coordinated by the mining engineer, Luís Phelipe Andrés, recorded the shipyards, naval workers, the construction techniques and types of wooden boats found in the state. The efforts of this research had repercussions far as to encourage the construction of CVT Shipyard Tamancão Site School in São Luís/MA. This school techniques has as its mission the transmission of knowledge and expertise of the master shipwright. The actions and effects of PEM and experiences as a student of the Craft Construction Course make up the field of data contained this text. From these events, we try to follow the boat in this process of transformations and changes that occur in both the technical object as the people involved with the phenomena presented here. Follow the developments of this series of events in order to understand how the boat embraces these stocks

    Onde há rede, há renda : técnica e gênero em Raposa-MA

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, 2011.Este trabalho se propõe a refletir sobre as relações de gênero nas chamadas sociedades pesqueiras por meio do estudo das técnicas que envolvem rendeiras e pescadores em suas respectivas atividades manuais com linhas em Raposa-MA. Neste pequeno povoado, dentro da Ilha de São Luís, há uma comunidade grande de pescadores e rendeiras atuantes. Quando não estão pescando, os pescadores de Raposa estão ocupados com o trato de seus equipamentos de pesca, principalmente suas redes. Estão constantemente remendando-as e, por vezes, tecendo-as. As rendeiras praticam diversas técnicas de fazer renda: principalmente as rendas de filé e bilro. Assim, este trabalho parte de uma perspectiva relacional de gênero, incorporando o universo técnico comum a pescadores e rendeiras a fim de acessar as formas de relações entre pessoas e coisas, entre os seres e os fazeres de cada um. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work intends to reflect on gender relations in the known fishing societies through the study of techniques that involve tenants and fishermen in their respective manuals activities at Raposa-MA. In this small town in the island of São Luís is a large community of active fishermen and lace. When not fishing, the fishermen in Raposa are engaged with dealing with their gear, especially their fishnet. They are constantly tinkering with them and sometimes weaving them. The lace makers practice several techniques to make income, especially the bilro and filé. Thus, this text presents a relational perspective of gender technical universe incorporating common to fishermen and tenants in order to access the forms of relationships between people and things, between people and the practices of each one