12,012 research outputs found

    Economy Law and Economic Analysis of Law and the Impact on Intellectual Property in the Common Law System

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    This article analyses the concept of economics applied to law in order to understand the school's analysis of legal phenomena by economic principles that emerged in 1960 in the United States of America, tracing the impacts on intellectual property law in the Common Law system. This study relies on the hypothetical-deductive method, with a focus on economic and legal literature, to conclude that intellectual property legislation is frequently modernized, especially at the time of major socio economic transformations such as an industrial revolution with the effect of boosting development and innovation, ensuring economic growth with the proper security and protection of industrial secrets and expertise

    Euro Area monetary policy and financial stress regimes: a threshold var approach

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    We investigate how the state of financial conditions affects the transmission of monetary policy to the euro area macroeconomy. Our main goal is to analyze the responses of output growth and inflation to monetary policy shocks during periods of low and high financial stress. Results from a Threshold Vector Autoregression model show that monetary policy is of negligible importance to the real economy during normal times. However, an effective tool to ease the state of financial conditions when the economy is already facing strains. Empirical evidence also suggests that in the short-run monetary policy cannot significantly influence the inflation rate

    Large scale agile software development compliant to IEC 62443-4-1: artefact design and tool support

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    There has been a considerable increase in the use of agile methodologies over the last years. However, applying these methodologies can be challenging, particularly for industrial control systems that must obey to rigorous operational requirements through regulations and standards, and in particular cybersecurity requirements. The current work proposes a concept for a structured and systematic integration of security activities into a DevOps pipeline, with the ambition of pursuing the capability of both secure agile development and security compliant agile software engineering. The basis for this concept is the integration of the IEC 62443-4-1 (4-1) standard, which describes secure product development in industrial control systems, with a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipeline specification. To achieve this, the security requirements, as described in the 4-1 standard, were mapped into a simple DevOps pipeline specification. As a result, all of the 4-1 activities were analysed and classified according to the possibility of being automated through tool support. Interviews with expert practitioners, from the fields of security compliance and agile software engineering, were conducted to evaluate the present work. Results have shown evidence about the possibility of providing tool support for the IEC 62443-4-1 standard and to specify a DevOps pipeline compliant to the 4-1 standard.Nos últimos anos houve um aumento considerável no uso de metodologias ágeis. No entanto, a aplicação destas metodologias pode ser um desafio, em especial para sistemas de controle industrial que têm a obrigação de obedecer a requisitos operacionais rigorosos através de regulamentos e normas, e em particular no âmbito da cibersegurança. Este trabalho propõe um conceito para uma integração estruturada e sistemática de actividades de segurança num pipeline de DevOps, com o intuito de alcançar ambas as capacidades de desenvolvimento ágil seguro e engenharia de software ágil em conformidade com segurança. A base para este conceito é a integração da norma IEC 62443-4-1 (4-1), que descreve o desenvolvimento seguro de produtos em ambientes de controle industrial, com um especificação de Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery. Para alcançar isto, foi feito um mapeamento de requisitos de segurança, de acordo com a descrição na norma 4-1, numa especificação simples de DevOps. Como resultado, todas as actividades da norma 4-1 foram analisadas e classificadas de acordo com a possibilidade de serem automatizadas através de suporte de ferramentas. Para avaliar o trabalho, foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais especializados nas áreas de conformidade em segurança de TI’s e engenharia de software ágil. Os resultados mostram evidências sobre a possibilidade de fornecer suporte de ferramentas para a automatização da norma IEC 62443-4-1 e para a especificação um pipeline de DevOps conforme com a norma 4-1

    Circular economy in the hospitality industry : awareness and implementation in Europe

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    This thesis conceptualises and examines the Circular Economy in the Hospitality Industry. Sustainability has been a subject that has risen researches attention, as today’s environmental situation is aggravating on account of humans’ actions. The Hospitality Industry is considered to be in the spotlight of this issue as it is an important contributor to large waste generations. CE measures in the industry would minimise waste creation, yet this field lacks studies. For this purpose, an investigation on CE in the Hospitality Industry was made. For this research, a multiple case method was used to gather data. Interviews were made with different hotel operators from seven European countries to understand to what extent they are familiar with CE and if they integrate these measures in their operations. In general, the cases interviewed do not apply CE practices to a wider extent. The main practices carried out by the investigated hoteliers are related to basic recycling and reducing matters. Yet, one particular case stands out from the remaining cases, as it applies several CE practices intending to protect the environment. Given the complexity of this investigation and the difficulty to assemble a greater number of interviews, the responses gathered were limited and cannot be generalised due to different implications. For future research, it would be of high value to interview a greater number of participants to provide a more comprehensive and generalised study. Also, a survey would reach a higher number of participants.Esta tese tem como objetivo de investigar e avaliar a Economia Circular na Indústria Hoteleira. A sustentabilidade tem sido um tema que tem suscitado a atenção da investigação, uma vez que a situação ambiental atual se agrava devido à ação do homem. O turismo é considerado como estando no centro das atenções desta questão por ser um importante contribuinte para as grandes gerações de resíduos. As medidas da Economia Circular na indústria hoteleira minimizariam a criação de resíduos, no entanto este tema ainda é escasso na literatura. Para este efeito, foi feita uma investigação sobre a Economia Circular na Indústria Hoteleira. Para a investigação e recolha de dados, este estudo recorreu à análise de casos múltiplos. Foram feitas entrevistas com diferentes hoteleiros de sete países da união europeia para perceber até que ponto estão familiarizados com a Economia Circular e se incluem medidas nas suas operações. Esta análise permitiu identificar a ausência de aplicação de práticas da Economia Circular dos casos entrevistados. As principais práticas levadas a cabo pelos hoteleiros investigados estão relacionadas com a reciclagem básica e a redução de resíduos. Contudo, um caso em particular destaca-se, uma vez que aplica várias práticas da Economia Circular que pretendem proteger o ambiente. Dada a complexidade desta investigação e a dificuldade de reunir um maior número de entrevistas, as respostas recolhidas foram limitadas e não podem ser generalizadas. Para investigações futuras, seria importante entrevistar um maior número de participantes para proporcionar um estudo mais abrangente e generalizado através de um inquérito

    Oral Melanoma: Histopathological and Molecular Alterations

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    Failler Albert. Benjamin Moulet, Évêques, pouvoir et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIe siècle). Territoires, communautés et individus dans la société provinciale byzantine (Byzantina Sorbonensia 25), 2011. In: Revue des études byzantines, tome 70, 2012. pp. 303-305