877 research outputs found

    Practices in primary health care oriented toward the harmful consumption of drugs

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    Objective To analyze the practices of primary care focused on the harmful consumption of drugs. Method This is a qualitative study, developed with a dialectical-critical approach. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 10 employees of a basic health unit (UBS). Results The demands are not accepted, and if they go beyond the barriers shaped by the historical absence of health care practices for drug users and moralistic and preconceived ideologies, they are not reinterpreted as health needs; practices that meet these demands and go beyond the barriers are poor; the functionalist approach, which explains drug use as a disease and considers drug users as deviants, supports the few existing practices. Conclusion primary health care is mistakenly focused on addiction; it lacks structural elements of the production process in health and internal dynamics of the working processes that would foster the development of collective practices

    Complete Genome Sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Strain CF13, Recovered from Sputum from an Australian Cystic Fibrosis Patient.

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolate CF13 is a multidrug-resistant isolate that was recovered in Sydney, Australia, in 2011, from a sputum sample from an individual with cystic fibrosis. The genome sequence of CF13 was completed using long- and short-read technologies

    High-yield methods for accurate two-alternative visual psychophysics in head-fixed mice

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    Research in neuroscience relies increasingly on the mouse, a mammalian species that affords unparalleled genetic tractability and brain atlases. Here we introduce high-yield methods for probing mouse visual decisions. Mice are head-fixed, which facilitates repeatable visual stimulation, eye tracking, and brain access. They turn a steering wheel to make two-alternative choices, forced or unforced. Learning is rapid thanks to intuitive coupling of stimuli to wheel position. The mouse decisions deliver high-quality psychometric curves for detection and discrimination, and conform to the predictions of a simple probabilistic observer model. The task is readily paired with two-photon imaging of cortical activity. Optogenetic inactivation reveals that the task requires the visual cortex. Mice are motivated to perform the task by fluid reward or optogenetic stimulation of dopaminergic neurons. This stimulation elicits larger number of trials and faster learning. These methods provide a platform to accurately probe mouse vision and its neural basis

    Representações cotidianas: uma proposta de apreensão de valores sociais na vertente marxista de produção do conhecimento

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    Propõe-se um arcabouço teórico-metodológico, na vertente marxista de construção do conhecimento, para compreensão de valores sociais pela captação de representações cotidianas. Pressupõe-se que a investigação científica congrega diferentes instâncias: epistemológica, teórica e metodológica, que coerentemente às demais instâncias propõem um conjunto de procedimentos e técnicas operacionais de apreensão e análise da realidade em estudo, expondo o objeto investigado. O estudo de valores revela a essencialidade da formação de juízos e escolhas; há valores que refletem a ideologia dominante, perpassando todas as classes sociais, mas também há valores que refletem os interesses de classe, esses não são universais, são constituídos nas relações e atividades sociais. Fundamentando-se na teoria marxista da consciência, as representações cotidianas constituem formulações discursivas, opinativas ou de convicção, emitidas por sujeitos sobre sua realidade, mostrando-se coerente forma de compreensão e exposição de valores sociais: grupos focais mostram-se apropriados para apreender opiniões enquanto entrevistas demonstram potencialidades para expor convicções

    Adaptive Immunity against Leishmania Nucleoside Hydrolase Maps Its C-Terminal Domain as the Target of the CD4+ T Cell–Driven Protective Response

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    Nucleoside hydrolases (NHs) show homology among parasite protozoa, fungi and bacteria. They are vital protagonists in the establishment of early infection and, therefore, are excellent candidates for the pathogen recognition by adaptive immune responses. Immune protection against NHs would prevent disease at the early infection of several pathogens. We have identified the domain of the NH of L. donovani (NH36) responsible for its immunogenicity and protective efficacy against murine visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Using recombinant generated peptides covering the whole NH36 sequence and saponin we demonstrate that protection against L. chagasi is related to its C-terminal domain (amino-acids 199–314) and is mediated mainly by a CD4+ T cell driven response with a lower contribution of CD8+ T cells. Immunization with this peptide exceeds in 36.73±12.33% the protective response induced by the cognate NH36 protein. Increases in IgM, IgG2a, IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies, CD4+ T cell proportions, IFN-γ secretion, ratios of IFN-γ/IL-10 producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and percents of antibody binding inhibition by synthetic predicted epitopes were detected in F3 vaccinated mice. The increases in DTH and in ratios of TNFα/IL-10 CD4+ producing cells were however the strong correlates of protection which was confirmed by in vivo depletion with monoclonal antibodies, algorithm predicted CD4 and CD8 epitopes and a pronounced decrease in parasite load (90.5–88.23%; p = 0.011) that was long-lasting. No decrease in parasite load was detected after vaccination with the N-domain of NH36, in spite of the induction of IFN-γ/IL-10 expression by CD4+ T cells after challenge. Both peptides reduced the size of footpad lesions, but only the C-domain reduced the parasite load of mice challenged with L. amazonensis. The identification of the target of the immune response to NH36 represents a basis for the rationale development of a bivalent vaccine against leishmaniasis and for multivalent vaccines against NHs-dependent pathogens

    Phenotypic redshifts with self-organizing maps: A novel method to characterize redshift distributions of source galaxies for weak lensing

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    Wide-field imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) rely on coarse measurements of spectral energy distributions in a few filters to estimate the redshift distribution of source galaxies. In this regime, sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects limit the attainable accuracy of redshift calibration and thus of cosmological constraints. We present a new method to combine wide-field, few-filter measurements with catalogs from deep fields with additional filters and sufficiently low photometric noise to break degeneracies in photometric redshifts. The multi-band deep field is used as an intermediary between wide-field observations and accurate redshifts, greatly reducing sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects. Our implementation of the method uses self-organizing maps to group galaxies into phenotypes based on their observed fluxes, and is tested using a mock DES catalog created from N-body simulations. It yields a typical uncertainty on the mean redshift in each of five tomographic bins for an idealized simulation of the DES Year 3 weak-lensing tomographic analysis of σΔz=0.007\sigma_{\Delta z} = 0.007, which is a 60% improvement compared to the Year 1 analysis. Although the implementation of the method is tailored to DES, its formalism can be applied to other large photometric surveys with a similar observing strategy.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; matches version accepted to MNRA
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