597 research outputs found
O saneamento ambiental compreende entre suas vertentes a coleta, tratamento, disposição final de efluentes domésticos, o controle de vetores e focos de doenças e a organização da ocupação e de uso do solo. A ausência ou a precariedade do saneamento promovem problemas ambientais. De acordo com o Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento (SNIS, 2015), o saneamento básico da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB) é, praticamente, inexistente. Desse modo, o objetivo do artigo foi evidenciar os serviços de saneamento básico no setor de esgotamento sanitário na RMB e as doenças de veiculação hídrica, entre os anos de 2011 a 2015, por meio de indicadores. Constatou-se que a operação e manutenção em 15 estações de tratamento e 36 estações elevatórias de esgoto na RMB sofrem contínua degradação do sistema físico e eletromecânico. Assim sendo, o lançamento do esgoto sem tratamento e a precariedade do tratamento da água para consumo humano desencadeia um conjunto de causas de doenças de veiculação hídrica, onde foram notificados 87% (n=4418) casos de dengue, 2% (n=120) de hepatites virais, 0,6% (n=30) de esquistossomose, 3,5% (n=179) de febre tifoide e 6,5% (n=331) de leptospirose, das quais se constataram 14,81% (n=8) casos de óbitos relacionados à dengue e 85,2% (n=46) à leptospirose. Conclui-se, que há necessidade de estudos de monitoramento da qualidade da água dos corpos receptores das unidades coletoras e de tratamento de esgoto sanitário, cujos diagnósticos poderão servir de ferramentas para fomentar ações de conscientização e esclarecimentos à população quanto aos riscos à saúde
Residência pedagógica: a prática das observações realizadas de forma remota e sua importância na formação de professores de Química
Devido à pandemia da covid-19, as atividades da segunda edição do Programa de Residência Pedagógica (PRP) ocorreram de forma remota. Atentos a esse cenário, objetivamos neste artigo relatar as observações realizadas de forma remota do PRP subprojeto da Química do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). A escola vinculada a esse subprojeto está localizada na cidade de Areia – PB e as observações foram desenvolvidas nas turmas do Ensino Médio. A partir dessa experiência, pode-se afirmar que a tecnologia manteve a educação viva durante o período de pandemia, sendo o elo entre docentes e discentes, e todo o corpo educacional, tornando possível o ensino remoto. Assim, embora tenham ocorrido diversos empecilhos, prevaleceram a adaptação e a reinvenção da educação. Entretanto, infelizmente, esse momento evidenciou ainda mais as desigualdades sociais e econômicas em nossa região, visto que muitos alunos não podiam participar das atividades síncronas, devido à falta de recursos como internet, celulares e computadores. Ademais, podemos afirmar que esse momento foi extremamente importante para nossa formação docente, principalmente no que diz respeito ao uso de tecnologias, tendo em vista que passamos a conhecer diversos aplicativos e plataformas, os quais serão utilizados em nossas regências
Pedagogical residency: the practice of observations carried out remotely and its importance in the training of chemistry teachers
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the second edition of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) occurred remotely. Aware of this scenario, this paper aimed to report remotely made observations from the PRP subproject of Chemistry at the Centro de Ciências Agrárias at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). The school linked to this subproject is located in the city of Areia – PB and the observations were developed in high school classes. From this experience, it can be inferred that technology kept education alive during this pandemic period. This was due to the link between teachers and students, and the entire educational team, making remote teaching possible. Despite several obstacles, adaptation and reinvention of education prevailed. Unfortunately, however, this moment further highlighted the social and economic inequalities in our region, since many students could not participate in synchronous activities due to the lack of resources such as the internet, cell phones and computers. Furthermore, we can say that this moment was extremely important for our teacher training, especially with regard to the use of technologies, considering that we learned about many different applications and platforms, which will be further used in our regencies.Devido à pandemia da covid-19, as atividades da segunda edição do Programa de Residência Pedagógica (PRP) ocorreram de forma remota. Atentos a esse cenário, objetivamos neste artigo relatar as observações realizadas de forma remota do PRP subprojeto da Química do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). A escola vinculada a esse subprojeto está localizada na cidade de Areia – PB e as observações foram desenvolvidas nas turmas do Ensino Médio. A partir dessa experiência, pode-se afirmar que a tecnologia manteve a educação viva durante o período de pandemia, sendo o elo entre docentes e discentes, e todo o corpo educacional, tornando possível o ensino remoto. Assim, embora tenham ocorrido diversos empecilhos, prevaleceram a adaptação e a reinvenção da educação. Entretanto, infelizmente, esse momento evidenciou ainda mais as desigualdades sociais e econômicas em nossa região, visto que muitos alunos não podiam participar das atividades síncronas, devido à falta de recursos como internet, celulares e computadores. Ademais, podemos afirmar que esse momento foi extremamente importante para nossa formação docente, principalmente no que diz respeito ao uso de tecnologias, tendo em vista que passamos a conhecer diversos aplicativos e plataformas, os quais serão utilizados em nossas regências
Schistosomiasis of liver graft as a differential diagnosis of abnormal liver tests after transplantation: report of two cases
Schistosomiasis is a major health problem that affects over 200 million people worldwide. There are few reports of Schistosoma mansoni found in liver transplants as well as scarce information about the course of the disease and the long-term effects on the graft. Herein, we report two cases of schistosomiasis in liver transplant recipients who presented abnormal serum liver enzymes, with evidence of gradual improvement after antiparasitic treatment. Furthermore, we discuss the possible role of screening the parasite infection in potential liver transplant recipients from endemic areas
Students’ interests in biodiversity: links with health and sustainability
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that sustainable actions to preserve biodiversity are critical to preventing new microorganisms from harming human health. In this sense, education and encouraging young people’s interest in local biodiversity are crucial to promoting its preservation and sustainability. This research studied the biodiversity interests of 14–15-year-old students in São Paulo State, focusing on the links between biodiversity and human health. The criterion of maximum variation was used to constitute a heterogeneous sample of students. Students answered a four-point Likert questionnaire. The items in this questionnaire were divided into categories related to the interest of young people in biodiversity, and these were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Wilcoxon test). Categories of biodiversity linked to “health or human utility” were of higher interest to young people than those with no links to human benefits, such as “diversity of organisms”. These findings, along with the literature, showed that young people are interested in biodiversity issues associated with human health. Therefore, teaching biodiversity should reflect on new possibilities for making a more sustainable environment and promoting social and environmental justice, fundamental aspects of promoting and guaranteeing human health.This research was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)(grant #2018/21756-0,
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grant#2019/08689-4, São Paulo Research Foundation
(FAPESP), grant# 2016/05843-4, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)), the FOUNDATION FOR
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (FCT), grant number SFRH/BD/79512/2011 and RESEARCH CENTRE ON CHILD STUDIES (R&D Unit 317 of FCT; projects UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/2020)
and the CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education—Personnel)
The Partner’s Involvement in the Prenatal Routine Through the Pregnant Women Perspective / A Participação do Parceiro na Rotina Pré-Natal Sob a Perspectiva da Mulher Gestante
Objetivo: Analisar como a gestante percebe a participação do parceiro na rotina pré-natal. Método: Estudo descritivo exploratório de abordagem qualitativa. Coleta de dados entre março e junho de 2016, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com 11 gestantes, a partir da 28ª semana de gestação, sendo estes submetidos à análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática. Resultados: Das participantes do estudo, apenas uma teve acompanhamento integral do parceiro, outras cinco relataram a presença apenas na realização da ultrassonografia obstétrica. Daquelas que relataram ausência, o trabalho foi apontado como principal fator, também se observou que questões de gênero influenciam nesta ausência, pois a gestação é vista como momento exclusivo da mulher. Considerações finais: É imprescindível que os serviços de saúde estejam sensíveis à inserção do parceiro nesta rotina, e que hajam parcerias intersetoriais entre a saúde, o setor jurídico e a educação que possam estimular esta mudança
A influência dos pais no aumento do excesso de peso dos filhos: uma revisão de literatura/ The influence of parents in increasing the excess of children's weight: a literature review
É exatamente na infância onde ocorre a formação dos hábitos alimentares. É nessa fase que as crianças formam preferências alimentares que se estenderão pelo resto de suas vidas. A alimentação dos pais exerce um fator determinante na influencia da preferência alimentar e no excesso de peso de seus filhos. O estudo presente estabelece como problema: Como os hábitos alimentares dos pais interferem no aumento do excesso de peso dos seus filhos? Desta maneira, o objetivo passa a revisar na literatura a relação entre o comportamento alimentar da família e seu reflexo no excesso de peso das crianças. Para fundamentar o estudo, optou-se por desenvolver uma pesquisa bibliográfica do tipo revisão sistemática. As bases de dados utilizadas para pesquisa foram Scielo, Lilacs, Medline. Foram utilizados artigos que buscaram compreender a influencia dos pais no aumento do excesso de peso dos filhos e os impactos causados pela má alimentação. Observou-se que os pais tem total influência no comportamento alimentar dos filhos e que os mesmos se espelham nas escolhas alimentar dos pais, que muitas vezes apresentam sobrepeso e índice massa corporal elevada. Conclui-se que os pais são os principais responsáveis pela escolha alimentar de seus filhos e que os mesmos podem contribuir para o excesso do peso de seus filhos
Purification of a lectin with antibacterial activity from Bothrops leucurus snake venom
A novel lectin was isolated from Bothrops leucurus snake venom using a combination of affinity and gel filtration chromatographies. the lectin (BIL) agglutinated glutaraldehyde-treated rabbit and human erythrocytes with preference for rabbit erythrocytes. Galactose, raffinose, lactose, fetal bovine serum and casein inhibited lectin-induced rabbit erythrocyte agglutination. BIL, with a molecular mass of 30 kDa and composed of two subunits of 15 kDa, showed dependence on calcium. BIL is an acidic protein with highest activity over the pH range of 4.0-7.0 and stable under heating to 70 degrees C. Fluorescence emission spectra showed tryptophan residues partially buried within the lectin structure. the percentages of secondary structure revealed by circular dichroism were 1% alpha-helix, 44% beta-sheet, 24% beta-turn and 31% unordered. BIL showed effective antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 31.25, 62.25 and 125 mu g/mL, respectively. in conclusion, B. leucurus snake venom contains a galactoside-binding lectin with antibacterial activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Fed Pernambuco, Dept Bioquim, BR-50670420 Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Bahia, Dept Zool, BR-40170210 Salvador, BA, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco, Dept Zool, BR-50670420 Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Estadual Oeste Parana, Ctr Engn & Ciencias Exatas, BR-85903000 Toledo, Parana, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
The relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and the risk of cervical cancer in young women has been the subject of intense scrutiny in the scientific literature. This topic, which is extremely important for women's health, has sparked debates and investigations due to the prevalence of the use of these contraceptives and the significant incidence of cervical cancer in young women. Understanding this possible association is crucial to inform contraceptive practices and cervical cancer prevention strategies. Objective: To evaluate and consolidate the available evidence on the relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and the risk of cervical cancer in young women, using studies and articles published in the last 10 years. Methodology: strictly adhered to the PRISMA checklist, using the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases to identify relevant studies. The selected descriptors were combined oral contraceptives, cervical cancer, young women, risk and association. The search covered articles published in the last 10 years. The inclusion criteria included studies that focused exclusively on young women, directly investigated the relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer, and were published in the last 10 years. On the other hand, studies with participants outside the specific age range, research that did not directly address the association in question and articles that were not fully available or did not qualify as systematic reviews or primary studies were excluded. This methodological approach provided a comprehensive and careful analysis of the existing evidence on the topic. Results: 18 articles were selected. Analysis of studies revealed a diversity of perspectives on the association between combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer risk in young women. Key topics included possible biological mechanisms, variations in the types of contraceptives used, and the influence of confounding factors. Conclusion: Given the complexity of the data analyzed, this review highlights the need for careful approaches in interpreting the relationship between combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer in young women. Future research is crucial to fully clarify this association and provide more precise guidance for clinical practice.The relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and the risk of cervical cancer in young women has been the subject of intense scrutiny in the scientific literature. This topic, which is extremely important for women's health, has sparked debates and investigations due to the prevalence of the use of these contraceptives and the significant incidence of cervical cancer in young women. Understanding this possible association is crucial to inform contraceptive practices and cervical cancer prevention strategies. Objective: To evaluate and consolidate the available evidence on the relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and the risk of cervical cancer in young women, using studies and articles published in the last 10 years. Methodology: strictly adhered to the PRISMA checklist, using the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases to identify relevant studies. The selected descriptors were combined oral contraceptives, cervical cancer, young women, risk and association. The search covered articles published in the last 10 years. The inclusion criteria included studies that focused exclusively on young women, directly investigated the relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer, and were published in the last 10 years. On the other hand, studies with participants outside the specific age range, research that did not directly address the association in question and articles that were not fully available or did not qualify as systematic reviews or primary studies were excluded. This methodological approach provided a comprehensive and careful analysis of the existing evidence on the topic. Results: 18 articles were selected. Analysis of studies revealed a diversity of perspectives on the association between combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer risk in young women. Key topics included possible biological mechanisms, variations in the types of contraceptives used, and the influence of confounding factors. Conclusion: Given the complexity of the data analyzed, this review highlights the need for careful approaches in interpreting the relationship between combined oral contraceptives and cervical cancer in young women. Future research is crucial to fully clarify this association and provide more precise guidance for clinical practice
Childhood vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps has been a crucial measure in preventing neurological complications. These potentially debilitating and, in extreme cases, fatal diseases have significant impacts on public health. Among the most serious complications, the neurological consequences that can affect the cognitive and motor development of children stand out. With the introduction of large-scale immunization programs, there has been a substantial reduction in the incidence of these diseases, providing not only individual protection, but also contributing to the eradication of outbreaks in communities. Objective: To analyze scientific literature from the last 10 years to comprehensively understand how vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps impacts the prevention of neurological complications in children. Methodology: The review was conducted following the PRISMA checklist guidelines. We used the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases to search for relevant articles. The descriptors were "vaccination", "measles", "rubella", "mumps" and "neurological complications". Inclusion criteria covered studies published in the last 10 years, focused on children and addressing post-vaccination neurological effects. Exclusion criteria included studies with unrepresentative samples and lack of detailed information on neurological outcomes. Results: The analysis revealed a significant reduction in neurological complications associated with measles, rubella and mumps after the implementation of vaccination programs. Studies have highlighted the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing encephalitis and other neurological sequelae. Additionally, a decline in hospitalizations related to these complications was observed. Conclusion: This systematic review reinforces the importance of vaccination in preventing neurological complications in children resulting from measles, rubella and mumps. Analysis of the last 10 years reinforces the effectiveness of vaccines, highlighting not only the individual benefits, but also the public health gains in preventing outbreaks and reducing the serious consequences associated with these diseases.Childhood vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps has been a crucial measure in preventing neurological complications. These potentially debilitating and, in extreme cases, fatal diseases have significant impacts on public health. Among the most serious complications, the neurological consequences that can affect the cognitive and motor development of children stand out. With the introduction of large-scale immunization programs, there has been a substantial reduction in the incidence of these diseases, providing not only individual protection, but also contributing to the eradication of outbreaks in communities. Objective: To analyze scientific literature from the last 10 years to comprehensively understand how vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps impacts the prevention of neurological complications in children. Methodology: The review was conducted following the PRISMA checklist guidelines. We used the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases to search for relevant articles. The descriptors were "vaccination", "measles", "rubella", "mumps" and "neurological complications". Inclusion criteria covered studies published in the last 10 years, focused on children and addressing post-vaccination neurological effects. Exclusion criteria included studies with unrepresentative samples and lack of detailed information on neurological outcomes. Results: The analysis revealed a significant reduction in neurological complications associated with measles, rubella and mumps after the implementation of vaccination programs. Studies have highlighted the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing encephalitis and other neurological sequelae. Additionally, a decline in hospitalizations related to these complications was observed. Conclusion: This systematic review reinforces the importance of vaccination in preventing neurological complications in children resulting from measles, rubella and mumps. Analysis of the last 10 years reinforces the effectiveness of vaccines, highlighting not only the individual benefits, but also the public health gains in preventing outbreaks and reducing the serious consequences associated with these diseases
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