2,513 research outputs found

    Approaching literature review for academic purposes: The Literature Review Checklist

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    A sophisticated literature review (LR) can result in a robust dissertation/thesis by scrutinizing the main problem examined by the academic study; anticipating research hypotheses, methods and results; and maintaining the interest of the audience in how the dissertation/thesis will provide solutions for the current gaps in a particular field. Unfortunately, little guidance is available on elaborating LRs, and writing an LR chapter is not a linear process. An LR translates students’ abilities in information literacy, the language domain, and critical writing. Students in postgraduate programs should be systematically trained in these skills. Therefore, this paper discusses the purposes of LRs in dissertations and theses. Second, the paper considers five steps for developing a review: defining the main topic, searching the literature, analyzing the results, writing the review and reflecting on the writing. Ultimately, this study proposes a twelve-item LR checklist. By clearly stating the desired achievements, this checklist allows Masters and Ph.D. students to continuously assess their own progress in elaborating an LR. Institutions aiming to strengthen students’ necessary skills in critical academic writing should also use this tool

    A racionalidade substantiva das práticas de autogestão: uma análise sobre as dinâmicas organizativas de mulheres na economia solidária sob a perspectiva da história oral

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    Purpose  – The research aims to discuss substantive rationality in the context of Solidarity Economy (SE) and women's self-management practices in the Solidarity and Feminist Economy Network [SFEN], based on the voices of women themselves.Design/methodology/approach – The research uses an exploratory and qualitative, from the perspective of thematic oral history. It is a search for representativeness of other forms of organization through otherness and a post-colonial view of the Administration.Findings - The productive groups of women of the SFEN are configured as substantive organizations. Under the self-management paradigm, reveal an alternative way of producing and commercialization, bringing together the dimensions of work and life in order to allow the construction of an inclusive economy, which could be alignment with the enclave “isonomy” of Guerreiro Ramos.Research limitations/implications – As an exploratory study, it was not possible in this article go deepen the gender issue in the daily practice of women in the productive group.Practical implications – The use of the self-management paradigm in an inclusive economy situation presents these production groups with a real alternative to understanding themselves as active participants in the economy.Social implications - The study brings the reflection of the participants of the productive groups about their active position in society, generates a self-assessment of their activities, serving the analysis also as an opening for reassessments and reapplications of the self-knowledge process of such groups.Originality/value – There is a gap in management research discussing solidarity economy, self-management, feminist organizations and substantive organizations by Guerreiro Ramos.Objetivo - A pesquisa tem o objetivo de discutir a racionalidade substantiva no contexto da Economia Solidária (ES), e  das práticas de autogestão de mulheres da Rede Economia Solidária e Feminista [RESF], a partir das vozes das próprias mulheres.Design/metodologia/abordagem - A pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, a partir da perspectiva da história oral temática, em uma busca por representatividade de outras formas de organização por meio da alteridade e de uma visão pós-colonial da Administração.Achados - Os grupos produtivos de mulheres da RESF configuram-se como organizações substantivas. Suas dinâmicas organizativas, sob o paradigma da autogestão, permitem a construção de uma economia inclusiva, que se baseia em valores, pratica a democracia, compartilha os processos de tomada de decisão, e, por conseguinte, os processos de aprendizagem, seguindo o enclave “Isonomia” de Guerreiro Ramos.Limitações da pesquisa– como um estudo exploratório não foi possível neste artigo aprofundar a questão gênero na pratica cotidiana das mulheres no grupo produtivo.Implicações práticas– O uso do paradigma da autogestão em uma situação de economia inclusiva expõe a esses grupos produtivos uma alternativa real de se compreenderam como participantes ativos da economia.Implicações sociais – O estudo traz a reflexão das participantes dos grupos produtivos sobre sua posição ativa na sociedade gera uma auto valoração de suas atividades, servindo a análise também como uma abertura para reavaliações e reaplicações do processo de autoconhecimento de tais grupos.Originalidade  – Há uma lacuna de pesquisas em administração discutindo economia solidária, autogestão, organizações feministas  e organizações substantivas de Guerreiro Ramo

    Fatores que influenciam as atitudes dos indivíduos em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável: um estudo com discentes da área de negócios

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    Purpose: This study aimed to identify factors influencing the attitudes of individuals towards sustainable development, in its different dimensions.Design/methodology/approach: For the scope of the study, were admitted students from presential courses in Administration and Accounting Sciences from two Higher Education Institutions (HEI) located in the State of Bahia. Questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. For the test of hypothesis, a multiple linear regression analysis was made, with a data base of 254 questionnaires.Findings: There was evidence that the knowledge about sustainability influences, in a positive and significant way, the student attitude in Dimensions Environmental, Economic, Social and Education. Results indicate that students with left-wing political conceptions have a tendency of showing more positive attitudes regarding sustainable development in Social and Education Dimensions. Finally, evidence was obtained about negative and significant relation between family income with Environmental and Economic Dimensions.Research Implications: Conceptually, in this study a fourth dimension of attitudes regarding sustainability was incorporated to the traditional tripod of sustainability, thus transforming it in a tetrahedron.Practical Implications: The meaning and importance of those evidences are discussed and can contribute to generate policies on education for sustainability.Originality/value: The study contributes to enable a better understanding about the formative process, the conscience, the attitude and the behaviors around sustainability questions in the field of management, which are relevant for reaching one of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations.Objetivo: Este estudo teve o propósito de identificar fatores que influenciam as atitudes de indivíduos em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, em suas diferentes dimensões.Design/Metodologia/Abordagem: Para o escopo do estudo, admitiram-se discentes de cursos presenciais em Administração e Ciências Contábeis de duas Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas no Estado da Bahia. Empregou-se o questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados. Para o teste de hipóteses, realizou-se análise de regressão linear múltipla com uma base de dados de 254 questionários.Resultados: Houve evidências de que o conhecimento sobre sustentabilidade influência de forma positiva e significante a atitude discente nas Dimensões Ambientais, Econômicas, Sociais e de Educação. Os resultados apontaram que discentes com concepções políticas de esquerda tendem a apresentar atitudes mais positivas em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, nas Dimensões Ambientais e Sociais, e que o gênero feminino apresenta atitudes mais positivas nas Dimensões Sociais e de Educação. E, por fim, obtiveram-se indícios de relação negativa e significante da renda familiar com as Dimensões Ambientais e Econômicas.Implicações da Pesquisa: Conceitualmente, neste estudo, uma quarta dimensão de atitudes em relação à sustentabilidade foi incorporada ao tradicional tripé da sustentabilidade, transformando-o em um tetraedro.Implicações Práticas: O significado e a importância dessas evidências são discutidos e podem contribuir para a geração de políticas de educação para a sustentabilidade.Originalidade/valor: O estudo contribui para possibilitar uma melhor compreensão sobre o processo formativo, a consciência, a atitude e os comportamentos em torno das questões de sustentabilidade no campo da gestão, que são relevantes para alcançar um dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos pelas Nações Unidas

    Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a cell surface protein involved in fungal adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins and interaction with cells

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    The pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis, a pulmonary mycosis acquired by inhalation of fungal airborne propagules, which may disseminate to several organs and tissues, leading to a severe form of the disease. Adhesion to and invasion of host cells are essential steps involved in the infection and dissemination of pathogens. Furthermore, pathogens use their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix components to establish infection. Here, we report the characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of P. brasiliensis as an adhesin, which can be related to fungus adhesion and invasion. the P. brasiliensis GAPDH was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and polyclonal antibody against this protein was obtained. By immunoelectron microscopy and Western blot analysis, GAPDH was detected in the cytoplasm and the cell wall of the yeast phase of P. brasiliensis. the recombinant GAPDH was found to bind to fibronectin, laminin, and type I collagen in ligand far-Western blot assays. of special note, the treatment of P. brasiliensis yeast cells with anti-GAPDH polyclonal antibody and the incubation of pneumocytes with the recombinant protein promoted inhibition of adherence and internalization of P. brasiliensis to those in vitro-cultured cells. These observations indicate that the cell wall-associated form of the GAPDH in P. brasiliensis could be involved in mediating binding of fungal cells to fibronectin, type I collagen, and laminin, thus contributing to the adhesion of the microorganism to host tissues and to the dissemination of infection.Univ Fed Goias, Inst Ciencias Biol, Mol Biol Lab, BR-74001970 Goiania, Go, BrazilUniv Brasilia, BR-70910900 Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Estadual Julio Mesquita Filho, Araraquara, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    The variability of isokinetic ankle strength is different in healthy older men and women

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    Context: In the elderly, weak lower limb muscles impair functional tasks' performance. Objective: To evaluate the healthy elderly's ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion maximum torque and its variability in two sets of 5 RM isokinetics evaluation. Method: 50 women (68.0 ± 4.6 years old) and 50 men (72.7 ± 8.5 years old) did two sets of ankle plantar flexor and dorsiflexor isokinetic tests at 30°/s. Peak torque, total work, and coefficient of variation were analyzed. Results: Men did the strongest plantarflexion torque (p < 0.05) and dorsiflexion torque (p < 0.05); their highest peak torque occurred at set 2 (p < 0.05), while the largest plantarflexion torque variability (p < 0.05), dorsiflexion torque variability (p < 0.05), and the largest plantarflexion torque variability occurred at set 1 (p < 0.05). Men did the highest plantarflexion and dorsiflexion total work (p < 0.05) at set 2 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Older men are stronger than older women. The torque variability, in men, was higher during the first set, suggesting an adaptation to the isokinetics evaluation. Clinicians and researchers should consider that different muscles might need different numbers of sets and trials to measure their maximal muscle strength

    Academic job satisfaction and motivation : findings from a nationwide study in Portuguese higher education

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    Published online: 31 Jul 2014Academic staff is a key resource in higher education institutions (HEIs) and therefore has a major role in the achievement of the objectives of these institutions. Satisfied and well-motivated academic staff can build a national and international reputation for themselves and their institutions. Moreover, the performance of academic staff impacts student learning. In this context, the study of academic staff job satisfaction and motivation to perform their professional activities becomes crucial, especially as higher education is traversed by multiple changes. The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the findings of a nationwide study on satisfaction and motivation of academics. All academics working in Portuguese HEIs were invited to complete a survey online. The data obtained from 4529 academics were extensively analyzed and findings are presented here along with their implications for HEIs in Portugal.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Effect of concurrent training in unilateral transtibial amputees using Paralympic athletes as a control group

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    Context: Transtibial Amputation (TA) predisposes to a sedentary lifestyle. Objectives: To evaluate the efficiency of a short-term (8-week) Concurrent Training (CT) program in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees (UTA) and to compare it with the physical condition of a group of Paralympic athletes in preparation for the Rio de Janeiro Paralympics. Design: This was a longitudinal, prospective and controlled trial study. Methods: Thirty-four male subjects with UTA and using prostheses for six months or more were selected for this study. They were divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) ‒ 17 non-athlete and untrained UTA and Group 2 (G2) ‒ 17 paralympic athletes with active UTA in the training phase. G1 was evaluated before and after eight weeks of CT and G2 made a single evaluation for control. All were submitted to anamnesis, clinical evaluation (blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and heart rate) and cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a lower limb cycle ergometer, and isokinetic knee dynamometry. The CT of G1 included resistance exercise and aerobic interval training on a stationary bicycle and G2 followed the training of the Paralympic teams. Results: Patients were retested by the same methods after CT. The two most important central dependent variables (maximal oxygen uptake and muscular strength) increased by 22% and knee extensor and flexor strength by 106% and 97%, respectively. Conclusion: After eight weeks of CT, there was an improvement in general functional condition, muscle strength, and cardiorespiratory performance improving protection against chronic diseases and quality of life

    Thermoelectric Properties of N-Type Poly (Ether Ether Ketone)/Carbon Nanofiber Melt-Processed Composites

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    The thermoelectric properties, at temperatures from 30 °C to 100 °C, of melt-processed poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) composites prepared with 10 wt.% of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) are discussed in this work. At 30 °C, the PEEK/CNF composites show an electrical conductivity (σ) of ~27 S m−1 and a Seebeck coefficient (S) of −3.4 μV K−1, which means that their majority charge carriers are electrons. The origin of this negative Seebeck is deduced because of the impurities present in the as-received CNFs, which may cause sharply varying and localized states at approximately 0.086 eV above the Fermi energy level (EF) of CNFs. Moreover, the lower S, in absolute value, found in PEEK/CNF composites, when compared with the S of as-received CNFs (−5.3 μV K−1), is attributed to a slight electron withdrawing from the external layers of CNFs by the PEEK matrix. At temperatures from 30 °C to 100 °C, the σ (T) of PEEK/CNF composites, in contrast to the σ (T) of as-received CNFs, shows a negative temperature effect, understood through the 3D variable-range hopping (VRH) model, as a thermally activated hopping mechanism across a random network of potential wells. Moreover, their nonlinear S (T) follows the same behavior reported before for polypropylene composites melt-processed with similar CNFs at the same interval of temperatures

    Facial paralysis associated with acute otitis media

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    Acute otitis media with facial paralysis is not a very frequent association. AIM: the goal of the present investigation was to asses the evolution of facial paralysis caused by acute otitis media. STUDY FORMAT: clinical-retrospective. MATERIALS AND METHODS: we studied 40 patients with this association, from a total of 2758 cases of facial paralysis seen during this time in the department of facial nerve disorders. All the patients were clinically assessed and had epidemiological data, prognostics and evolution. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: the paralysis was of sudden onset in 95% of the cases. Recovery was of 85% for grade I (House-Brackman) and 15% for grade II (House-Brackman). Treatment was clinical, with antibiotics and steroids - yielding good results. In those patients with electrical bad prognosis, facial nerve decompression turned their evolution into a favorable one.A otite média aguda com paralisia facial não é uma associação muito freqüente. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a evolução da paralisia facial decorrente de otite média aguda. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram estudados 40 pacientes com esta associação de patologias, num total de 2758 casos de paralisa facial atendidos neste período no setor de distúrbios do nervo facial. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente com dados epidemiológicos, prognósticos e evolutivos. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: A paralisia foi súbita em 95% dos casos. A recuperação foi de 85% para o grau I (House-Brackman) e 15% para o grau II (House-Brackman). O tratamento foi clínico com antibiótico e corticoterapia com bons resultados. Nos pacientes com mau prognóstico elétrico a descompressão do nervo facial fez com que a evolução fosse favorável.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoSciEL