194 research outputs found

    Plasticity of morphological paradigms

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    The aim of this work is to explain, in a paradigmatic framework, the occurrence of event nouns with the suffix - ação having an intensive/iterative meaning in Brazilian Portuguese, which does not occur in European Portuguese (e.g., viajação ‘intensive and iterated travel’, passeação ‘intensive and iterated walk’). The paradigmatic approach to word formation has been recently reinforced against rule conceptions. Studies such as Štekauer 2014; Antoniová and Štekauer 2015; Blevins et al. 2019; Blevins 2016; Booij 2007; Baeskow 2015; Ortner and Ortner 2015; Spencer 2013; Fradin 2018 have emphasised the domain of word formation as a mental network of paradigms, against the vision that only inflection operates paradigmatically. The aim of this study is to bring experimental and empirical evidence to the plasticity of word-formation paradigms. Paradigms are conceived of as dynamic patterns mentally organised in networks. The relationships between items that build a paradigm may be of different types, as highlighted by Pounder (2000), Štekauer (2014) or Van Marle (1985). Following Rodrigues and Rodrigues (2018), we call the axis of the paradigm the feature that is responsible for the cohesion of the paradigm, i.e., for the relationship between the items belonging to the paradigm. We will focus on paradigms organised around different axes. The axis of one of the paradigms is the relationship between the syntactic and the semantic categories (which Bonami & Strnadová 2019 call content) of the involved members of the pairs of the paradigm, specifically event/result/state noun1 verbs (Table 1). We call this kind of paradigm a categorial macro-paradigm (built upon a macro-pattern). Micro-paradigms result from specialisations (Lindsay & Aronoff 2013, Aronoff & Lindsay 2014, 2015, Aronoff 2016, Rodrigues in press) and selectional restrictions inside the categorial macro-paradigm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-paradigms or word formation patterns in interface: evidence from Portuguese

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    Our aim is to demonstrate with Portuguese word-formation data collected from corpora that derivational paradigms are mental patterns dynamically organized around more than one axis in what we call cross-paradigms. Cross-paradigms are structured by affixes which may put different base-organized paradigms into interface. This hypothesis is supported by recent psycholinguistic approaches to the mental lexicon such as Libben (2014) (cf. Libben’s concepts on morphological transcendence and morphological superstates), according to whom the mental lexicon is not as an «inert knowledge store, [but] as a dynamic cognitive system that allows for lexical activity.» (Libben 2014: 209). Our hypothesis is also founded on linguistic works such as Corbin (1987), which, as demonstrated by Booij (2007), presents a paradigmatic perspective on word-formation, and on Blevins (2016). Following Štekauer (2014: 359), we consider derivational paradigms as «based on formal realization of a cognitive category by an affixation process.» According to Pounder (2000), different materials can organize each paradigm. It is not just a specific morpheme that functions as the axis of a certain paradigm. The axis may correspond also to the word-class, semantic rules, and other features labelled under ‘lexical paradigm’ by Pounder. Our work sticks to two main different paradigm relationships: the lexeme-base-class-organized paradigm and the affix-organized one. Giving examples from Portuguese, a lexeme-base-class organized paradigm is illustrated by deverbal nouns with different suffixes such as avaliação ‘evaluation’, matança ‘slaughter’, congelamento ‘freezing’, aterragem ‘landing’ and soldadura ‘soldering’. The axis of this paradigm corresponds to the base lexeme the nouns correlate with, which is a verb (avaliar ‘to evaluate’, matar ‘to kill’, congelar ‘to freeze’, aterrar ‘to land’, soldar ‘to solder’)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling word-formation paradigms: networks visually representing their multidimensionality, complexity and theoretical infiniteness

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    Our work focuses on modelling word-formation paradigms. We propose that networks (Newman 2010) provide the means to model and visually represent word-formation paradigms. Networks enable us to represent paradigms at both the large scale and the small scale, bringing visual and conceptual evidence to the multidimensional relationships that shape paradigms (Štekauer (2014) and to the dynamics of the mental lexicon The relationships between the items of a paradigm can be founded on different features (Pounder 2000, van Marle 1985, Štekauer 2014), such as word class, semantic rules or formal features (Pounder labelled these features lexical paradigms). Štekauer (2014: 359) refers to semantic structures (AGENT, INSTRUMENT, ACTION) and to the formal realisation of these categories (suffixation in -ation, -ment, etc.). The feature that is responsible for cohesion among items of the paradigm is called the axis of the paradigm by Rodrigues & Rodrigues (2018). Bonami & Strnadová (2019: 170) use the term paradigmatic system to refer to relationships between pairs based on content (which includes syntactic and semantic categories). The term series is reserved for the relationships between pairs based on the share of a derivational affix (Hathout 2009). Bearing these aspects in mind, we consider that a network model serves as the basis to describe and visualise the multiple and complex relationships built within and by derivational paradigms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variação semântica nas nominalizações em -ção no português do Brasil e europeu

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    O presente trabalho tem como suporte teórico a perspetiva paradigmática aplicada à morfologia derivacional (Hathout & Namer, 2018). Este estudo centra-se numa análise psicolinguística de deverbais que apresentam os sufixos -ção, -mento e -ão. Os derivados dos dois primeiros sufixos não disponibilizam um semantismo de [intensidade/iteratividade], enquanto que o último sufixo provê os seus produtos deste semantismo (contemplação, aluimento vs. empurrão, abusão) No entanto, dados coligidos a partir de corpora e de recolhas no Google mostram que o sufixo -ção, no português do Brasil, mas não no português europeu, está a desenvolver um semantismo de [intensidade/iteratividade] (e.g. viajação, passeação) (Rocha, 1999). O presente trabalho procede a uma abordagem experimental, de carácter psicolinguístico, baseada em tarefas de decisão semântica, levada a cabo com falantes nativos de português do Brasil e de português europeu. Os resultados do experimento revelam que apenas os falantes de português do Brasil identificam o semantismo de [intensidade/iteratividade] nos deverbais em apreço e que os falantes europeus não o fazem, mesmo quando os deverbais se encontram inseridos em co-textos que favorecem a interpretação desse semantismo. Para além de os resultados da abordagem experimental corroborarem a variação em curso entre a morfologia derivacional no PE e no PB, o estudo permite compreender que, comparando as duas variedades da língua, o sufixo -ção se encontra em fase de construção de um novo paradigma intercruzado (Rodrigues & Rodrigues, 2018) no português do Brasil, mas não no português europeu. Estes novos dados apresentam implicações teóricas para a abordagem paradigmática na morfologia derivacional; a saber: os paradigmas derivacionais dispõem de intra- e interplasticidade, mostrando, assim, mais uma vantagem explicativa em relação às regras derivacionais, que não permitem essa plasticidade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    iSensA - A System for Collecting and Integrating Sensor Data

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    The idea of monitoring several types of parameters in various environments has been motivating significant research works in Internet of Things (IoT). This paper presents the design and construction of iSensA, a system for integrating and collecting information from sensors. The solution implements a multi-sensor monitoring system and then expands the monitoring concept to an IoT solution, by employing multi-network access, Web services, database and web and mobile applications for user interaction. iSensA system is highly configurable, enabling several monitoring solutions with different types of sensors. Experiments have been performed on real application scenarios to validate and evaluate our proposition.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Physician empathy and patient enablement: survey in the Portuguese primary health care

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    Background: Empathy is the capacity to understand and resonate with the experiences of other people. Patient enablement is the degree to which a patient feels strengthened in terms of being able to deal with, understand and manage their disease. Methods: Secondary cross-sectional analysis of existing data from 2 independent datasets (456 primary health care patients), with the application of two validated questionnaires, Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy (JSPPPE) and Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI). Objective: Evaluate medical empathy and patients’ enablement after consultation with their family doctors and to verify if there was an association between these two concepts. Results: The median value of JSPPPE-VP score was 6.60 (interquartile range 1.00) and of PEI/ICC score was of 1.83 (interquartile range 0.67). Regarding empathy (JSPPPE-VP), patients taking chronic medication had a slight but significantly higher median score than patients not taking them (6.70 versus 6.60, P = 0.049), although regression modelling did not confirm any relevant predictor of JSPPPE-VP score. Regarding enablement (PEI/ICC), we found significantly higher scores on younger patients, as well as, on more educated and professionally active ones (P < 0.001). Multivariable linear regression and Poisson regression modelling confirmed such variables as statistically significant potential predictors. Conclusions: A significant positive association was found between empathy score (JSPPPE-VP) and enablement score (PEI/ICC), when adjusted to sociodemographic cofactors. On this linear regression model, age category and educational level were also significantly associated with empathy score, with the same pattern found on bivariate analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Based Electrochemical Sensing in Protein Detection

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    Protein detection is paramount across various scientific, clinical, and industrial domains. Accurate and sensitive detection of proteins is pivotal for understanding biological processes, diagnosing diseases, drug development, environmental monitoring, and ensuring food safety. Traditional protein detection methods encounter sensitivity, specificity, and ease of use challenges. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), with their tailored molecular recognition sites, offer a novel approach to address these limitations. When combined with electrochemical techniques, MIP-based electrochemical methods have emerged as a revolutionary technology, showcasing enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. This article provides a comprehensive overview of MIP-based electrochemical methods for protein detection, including the principles, engineering aspects, advantages, and potential applications. The aim is to elucidate the potential of this cutting-edge technology in reshaping protein detection and its promising role in advancing biosensing technologies

    Anode heel effect attenuation in lumbar spine radiography: can the use of aluminium filters improve clinical practice of radiographers?

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to design an aluminiumbased fi lter to reduce the anode heel eff ect in lumbar spine radiographs. Methods: Initially, lumbar spine examinations were observed in a public imaging department to determine standard exposure parameters. Then, the characterization of the anode heel eff ect was made using the Unfors Xi R/F detector and, based on the data collected, aluminium fi lters were designed with a wedge shape and thicknesses ranging from 0.1 to 4.0 mm. The assessment of the entrance skin dose (ESD) reduction was performed on the anthropomorphic phantom with and without fi lters, using the universal dosimeter UNIDOS E equipped with an ionization chamber. Finally, the image quality assessment was performed with the Pehamed Phantom Digrad A+K and image quality surveys were applied to radiographers and radiologists. Results and Discussion: Uniformity of the beam was achieved, especially with fi lter number 2, which presents a signifi cant variation of 9% between the cathodic and anodic side. This fi lter contributes to ESD reduction of 35% and 36% for AP and lateral projection, respectively. Also, according to radiographers and radiologists, it improves the image quality of lumbar spine radiography. Conclusion: The use of aluminium fi lters can be advantageous in the clinical practice of radiographers when performing lumbar spine radiographs since it allows the standardization of the anode heel eff ect, reduces the radiation dose to the patient and does not compromise image quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel magnetic stimulation methodology for low-current implantable medical devices

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    Recent studies highlight the ability of inductive architectures to deliver therapeutic magnetic stimuli to target tissues and to be embedded into small-scale intracorporeal medical devices. However, to date, current micro-scale biomagnetic devices require very high electric current excitations (usually exceeding 1 A) to ensure the delivery of efficient magnetic flux densities. This is a critical problem as advanced implantable devices demand self-powering, stand-alone and long-term operation. This work provides, for the first time, a novel small-scale magnetic stimulation system that requires up to 50-fold lower electric current excitations than required by relevant biomagnetic technology recently proposed. Computational models were developed to analyse the magnetic stimuli distributions and densities delivered to cellular tissues during in vitro experiments, such that the feasibility of this novel stimulator can be firstly evaluated on cell culture tests. The results demonstrate that this new stimulative technology is able to deliver osteogenic stimuli (0.1-7 mT range) by current excitations in the 0.06-4.3 mA range. Moreover, it allows coil designs with heights lower than 1 mm without significant loss of magnetic stimuli capability. Finally, suitable core diameters and stimulator-stimulator distances allow to define heterogeneity or quasi-homogeneity stimuli distributions. These results support the design of high-sophisticated biomagnetic devices for a wide range of therapeutic applications.This work was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the grant references SFRH/BPD/117475/2016, SFRH/BD/129340/2017 and IF/01089/2015, and by the European Structural and Investment Funds, through the project reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031132 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007679. It was also support by the TEMA - Centre for Mechanical Technology & Automation (UID/EMS/00481/2013-FCT and CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022083) and CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UID /CTM /50011/ 2013).in publicatio

    Clube Português do Pâncreas Recommendations for Chronic Pancreatitis: Medical, Endoscopic, and Surgical Treatment (Part II)

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a complex disease that should be treated by experienced teams of gastroenterologists, radiologists, surgeons, and nutritionists in a multidisciplinary environment. Medical treatment includes lifestyle modification, nutrition, exocrine and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency correction, and pain management. Up to 60% of patients will ultimately require some type of endoscopic or surgical intervention for treatment. However, regardless of the modality, they are often ineffective unless smoking and alcohol cessation is achieved. Surgery retains a major role in the treatment of CP patients with intractable chronic pain or suspected pancreatic mass. For other complications like biliary or gastroduodenal obstruction, pseudocyst drainage can be performed endoscopically. The recommendations for CP were developed by Clube Português do Pâncreas (CPP), based on literature review to answer predefined topics, subsequently discussed and approved by all members of CPP. Recommendations are separated in two parts: "chronic pancreatitis etiology, natural history, and diagnosis," and "chronic pancreatitis medical, endoscopic, and surgical treatment." This abstract pertains to part II.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio