761 research outputs found

    I am, therefore they like : engaging Millennials on Facebook through brand personality

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    Every second consumers are exposed to an enormous amount of information on social media channels, requiring for brand’s message to stand out from the rest of content that reaches their target audience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the identity that better reflects the brand’s strategy to effectively target the audience and achieve a performance improvement. This dissertation examined different Facebook’s Content strategies that Compal and Super Bock use to engage with Millennials and identified the Brand’s Personality. To this end, secondary data was collected from each of the two brands Facebook pages, in which 100 posts were assessed, being collected the number of interactions and evaluated the Personality of each brand’s post based on the Aaker's (1997) Dimensions of Brand Personality framework. The analysis was made through Kruskal-Wallis H Test and descriptive analysis, using SPSS. Results have shown that Super Bock leads to a higher Engagement Rate, through it’s Exciting and Sincere Personality that is portrayed through a Facebook’s Content Strategy focused on momentary content and incentive for the audience to participate in the brand’s messages. Overall, the findings of this dissertation may help companies to understand the impact of the Brand’s Personality on its Facebook’s Content Strategy and which Personality, aligned with the Content Strategy, leads to a higher Engagement Rate.Diariamente milhares de consumidores são expostos a uma vasta quantidade de informação partilhada nas redes sociais, criando assim, a necessidade das marcas se destacarem do restante conteúdo partilhado, direcionado ao seu público-alvo. Assim, torna-se essencial perceber a identidade que melhor define a estratégia da marca, para que deste modo seja possível alcançar efetivamente a audiência e melhorar o desempenho da marca. A presente dissertação examinou as diferentes Estratégias de Conteúdo utilizadas pela Compal e Super Bock no Facebbok, identificando a Personalidade das marcas e o seu impacto nos índices de compromisso. Por conseguinte, foram recolhidos dados secundários das páginas de Facebook onde foi feita uma análise detalhada a 100 publicações de cada uma referentes marcas. Posteriormente, foi feita um cálculo das suas interações e uma avaliação da sua personalidade, com base na proposta de Dimensões da Personalidade da Marca desenvolvida por Aaker (1997). A análise foi realizada por meio de Kruskal-Wallis H Testes e de uma Análise Descritiva, através do SPSS. Os resultados identificaram a Super Bock como a marca que resulta num maior índice de compromisso. Consequentemente, verificou-se uma Excitante e Sincera Personalidade retratada no decorrer de uma estratégia focada num conteúdo momentâneo, e incentivo para que a audiência participe nas mensagens da marca. De uma forma geral, os resultados deste estudo podem ajudar as empresas a perceber o impacto que a personalidade da marca tem na estratégia de conteúdo do Facebook e qual a personalidade, alinhada com a estratégia da marca, que proporciona um maior índice de comprometimento

    MEC vs MCC: performance analysis of interactive and real-time applications

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    A evolução das redes de telecomunicações tem promovido o desenvolvimento de novas aplicações para dispositivos móveis. Algumas destas aplicações exigem requisitos computacionais e energéticos que vão para além das capacidades dos dispositivos móveis. Neste contexto, pode ser utilizada a arquitetura Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), que permite executar as aplicações em datacenters na cloud e aliviar o processamento nos dispositivos móveis. No entanto, algumas aplicações mais exigentes, e.g. interativas e de tempo real, são mais sensíveis ao atraso no processamento e comunicação da informação. Para estas aplicações, a arquitetura Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) pode ser utilizada como uma tecnologia intermédia que disponibiliza recursos computacionais e de armazenamento a partir da periferia da rede. Este artigo apresenta um estudo que avalia o desempenho das arquiteturas MCC e MEC na execução de duas aplicações tomadas como representativas do espectro das aplicações interativas, de tempo real e de processamento intensivo: o Fluid e o FaceSwap. São apresentados resultados que permitem quantificar o desempenho destas arquiteturas em diferentes circunstâncias.Telecommunication networks evolution is driving the development of new applications for mobile devices. Some of these applications are resource-intensive and push computational and energy demands of mobile devices beyond the mobile hardware capabilities. In this context, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) architecture emerges as a solution for offloading mobile devices that allows to execute these applications in cloud datacenters thus reducing the processing demand in mobile devices. However, more demanding applications, e.g. interactive and real-time applications, are sensitive to processing and communications delay. For these applications, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) can be used as an intermediary technology, providing computing and storage resources in the network edge. This paper presents a study carried out to evaluate the performance of MEC and MCC architectures when executing two applications, Fluid and FaceSwap, representative of real time and computing intensive applications. A set of scenarios were designed to quantify the performance of these architectures in different settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Body composition comparison between gender in institutionalized elderly

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar sobre a existência de diferenças entre sexos, da composição corporal de idosos institucionalizados.The purpose of this Study was to compare the body composition differences between gender in institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do A ao Ω: caminhos da massificação cultural através da ideia do Deus que aceita morrer

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    Com o trabalho aqui apresentado, pretendemos compreender como se processou a massificação cultural de um dos fenómenos mais importantes da mitologia antiga, a morte e ressurreição de um deus, aspeto fundamental na construção do monoteísmo cristão. Metodologicamente, usaremos a comparação e dividimos a realidade analisada em dois grandes grupos: Idade do Bronze e Idade do Ferro, uma correspondente a uma sociedade fechada e a outra com um universo democratizado e globalizado possível após a explosão das expansões grega e fenícia, e com a invenção da escrita alfabética muito mais acessível. Partimos de quatro ciclos mitológicos da Idade do Bronze (referentes a Gilgameš, Inanna, Osíris e Baal) para compreender como se construiu a inevitabilidade dessa temática nestes grandes ciclos, tratando alguns dos aspetos simbólicos mais importantes (a descida ao Mundo Inferior, a Morte, a luta primordial, o Caos, o banquete sacrificial e a ressurreição, a par do paralelo ideológico com a própria de monarca e de monarquia). Na Idade do Ferro, num contexto cultural onde emerge o indivíduo numa relação muito mais forte com a divindade, percebendo-se a chegada dos anseios de imortalidade, veremos vários textos que nos mostram como se popularizaram os conteúdos tratados para a Idade do Bronze, mas agora já fora das paredes dos palácios, perto dos portos comercias, e das novas dinâmicas populacionais. Desaguamos na figura de Jesus e na forma como alguns elementos se consolidaram ao longo de milénios e se encontram reunidos também nas narrativas do messias cristão, funcionando, plenamente, como uma metodologia semântica de transmissão cultural, de evangelização mediante a língua religiosa que era esta simbologia da morte, então tão transversal ao Mediterrâneo.With the work here presented, we intend to unravel the process of cultural massification of one of the most important phenomena of old mythology: the death and resurrection of a god, one fundamental feature in the erection of christian monotheism. Methodologically, we'll resort on a comparison between two big groups in which we divide the reality we'll analyze: the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The first corresponds to a closed society, whereas the in the second we find a democratized and globalized universe, a reality only possible due to the explosion of Greek and Phoenician explorations, and to the invention of the more accessible alphabetic writing. We'll depart with four Bronze Age mythological cycles (which refer to Gilgameš, Inanna, Osir and Baal) to comprehend how the inevitability of the death in these great cycles was built, managing some of the most important symbolic aspects (the fall to the underworld, death, the primordial fight, Chaos, the sacrificial banquet and the resurrection, alongside with the ideological parallel of the own idea of monarch and monarchy). In the Iron Age, we find a cultural context from which emerges a much stronger bond between the individual and the divinity. Here, after we perceive the arrival of the aspiration for immortality, we'll notice multiple texts that reveal how the Bronze Age mythological content was popularized, but now beyond the walls of the palaces: near the commercial harbors and the new populational dynamics. We end up in the figure of Jesus, and in the way some mythological elements consolidated throughout the millenniums can be found reunited under the narratives of the christian messiah, operating fully as a semantic methodology of cultural transmission, an evangelization through this religious idiom: the symbology of death, then already so widespread in the Mediterranean.Programa Doutoral em Estudos Culturai

    Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players?

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar sobre a existência de relação entre os níveis de força e a coordenação motora em basquetebolistas pertencentes ao escalão de sub-18.The aim of this study was to analyse the relation between the strength levels and motor coordination in young basketball players.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players?

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relation between the strength levels and motor coordination in young basketball players. The sample of this study was composed by 12 basketball players with 15.83 (± 0.55) years old from the U-18 category. The players participate in the inter-regional, national championship round and national cup in 2015/2016 season. The upper limbs strength was evaluated with the push-up exercise, counting the number of repetitions in 30 seconds. The lower limbs strength was evaluated in centimetres with the horizontal jump without preparatory sprint. The motor coordination was evaluated with 6 cones separated by 1,5m in the diagonal. The athletes with ball, skirted the cones and ended with layup finalization, this exercise was measured in seconds. Spearman correlation test was accessed with a significance level of 5%. No significant correlation was observed between upper limbs strength and motor coordination (F =-0,259; p =0.208). However, a negative significant correlation was observed between lower limbs strength and coordination was observed (F =-0,539; p =0,035). Thus, basketball coaches should perform specific strength training seasons intending to improve the motor coordination. Improving strength levels may contribute for motor coordination improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The International Conference BBC'22 aims to provide an opportunity for all academic and non-academics to share their personal experiences and projects, presenting their contributions and getting feedback from other attendees.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of a strength training program in physical education classes

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    Trabalho apresentado em 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 5-8 de julho 2017, Bochum, AlemanhaN/

    Transthoracic single port with peroral assistance : an animal experiment to assess a less invasive technique for human esophageal atresia repair

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    Prova tipográfica.Thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia has becoming the gold standard in many centers since it allows a better cosmetic result and avoids the musculoskeletal sequelae of a thoracotomy. Natural Orifices Transluminal Endocopic Surgery (NOTES) is a new surgical paradigm and its human application was already started in some procedures. In the present study, we explore the feasibility to perform an esophago-esophageal anastomosis using a single transthoracic single port combined with a peroral access in a rabbit model to simulate repair of esophageal atresia by hybrid NOTES in a human newborn. Adult male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, n=28) were utilized to perform the surgical protocol. We used a transthoracic telescope with a 3 mm working channel and a flexible endoscope with a 2.2 mm working channel by peroral access. We performed total esophagotomy with peroral scissors followed by an esophago-esophageal anastomosis achieved with rigid transthoracic scope helped by peroral operator. Extracorporeal transthoracic knots were performed to complete anastomosis. The anastomoses were examined in loco and ex loco, after animal sacrifice. We successfully accomplished a complete esophageal anastomosis in all rabbits using a combination of transthoracic and peroral 3mm instruments. This study provides important insights for a possible translation of hybrid NOTES to human newborns with esophageal atresia. Forward studies to accomplish their feasibility in human newborns will still be necessary.2010 IPEG Research Gran
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