6 research outputs found

    Social Security: Personal Investment Accounts (PIAS)

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    Today, the Social Security payroll tax is the largest tax that the average American family pays.  Social Security is also the largest government program in the United States, with almost half of all government receipts going to pay for Social Security. Concerns about the long-term solvency of Social Security have produced numerous options for Social security reform.  Among the more interesting proposals was that made by President Bush that would allow individuals to manager their own private investment accounts (PIAs).  In this paper, we examine the potential effects of PIAs be ones age and gender.  We also examine the tax consequences of the proposed PIAs and other potential concerns of PIAs. &nbsp

    Economic Conditions And How It Effects Trade Between The U.S. And India

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    This paper examines the economic conditions that effect trade between the U.S. and India. Examining the existing economic conditions of both countries is important to determine the current and future trade issues that both countries may face. Since India’s formation in 1947 and up until 1991, India was a closed economy with strict controls and regulations regarding trade. After a severe economic crisis in 1991 India started opening its borders to foreign trade, embraced globalization and drastically liberalized its trade policy.  However, the exploding population in India is having strong economic and environmental implications for India and how it relates to the rest of the world.