2,235 research outputs found

    Coulomb entangler and entanglement testing network for waveguide qubits

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    We present a small network for the testing of the entanglement of two ballistic electron waveguide qubits. The network produces different output conditional on the presence or absence of entanglement. The structure of the network allows for the determination of successful entanglement operations through the measurement of the output of a single qubit. We also present a simple model of a dynamic coulomb-like interaction and use it to describe some characteristics of a proposed scheme for the entanglement of qubits in ballistic electron waveguides.Comment: 12 pages of text plus 7 figures: total 19 page

    Women\u27s employment initiatives as a means addressing poverty: A comparative study of Canadian and Chilean examples

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    The well-being of economically marginalized women and their families is increasingly threatened in the current context of precarious employment and diminishing state intervention. In advanced welfare states, global competition and neo-liberal economic thinking have prompted the dismantling of social programs. In other countries, political and economic crises have led to the uncontested application of neo-liberal economic policies. These transformations create severe economic hardship as well as social exclusion and political disempowerment. Women\u27s employment initiatives have shown some ability to address economic needs at the individual family level However, given a theoretical framework that emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying socio-political factors, important questions remained. This international, comparative study examines women\u27s employment initiatives as a means of addressing poverty – discovering the particular practices that make programs effective, exploring the potential within the initiatives for social mobilization to challenge broader issues, and comparing the features across different settings and contexts. A multiple, holistic case study design was used, working within the constructivist paradigm and taking a blended standpoint and orientational qualitative approach, to look at a government and a non-governmental program in each of Canada and Chile. Field research methods included observation, participant-observation, interviews, focus groups, and examination of program materials. Tentative findings were checked with participants prior to providing a formative evaluation to each program. Evidence was found of effective practices in each of the programs. A comparative analysis revealed similarities in the government and non-government settings and substantial contrasts between the Canadian and Chilean contexts. Interesting themes emerged in relation to individual, family, and collective outcomes. Participants benefited from having instructors or mentors with similar characteristics and backgrounds to their own. Couple relationships were affected by the women\u27s participation in the employment initiatives — negatively in Canada and positively in Chile. Collective outcomes and social mobilization activities were more evident in the group enterprises fostered through the Chilean initiatives than in Canada\u27s more individualistic context; and the importance of the intentionality of social mobilization within the program objectives was clear. Recommendations are provided regarding effective program practices, increased social mobilization, the essential role of the state, and further research

    Responsabilidade educacional, recursos adequados e resultados: Uma introdução

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    This special issue furthers the conversation begun in the August 2014 of edition of Education Policy Analysis Archives in the article Accountability for College and Career Readiness: Developing a New Paradigm by Linda Darling-Hammond, Gene Wilhoit, and Linda Pittenger. That paper posits that as schools across the country take on the challenge of preparing all children for success in college, career, and life, states must in turn move toward creating more aligned systems of assessment and accountability. The authors recommend, “an accountability approach that focuses on meaningful learning, enabled by professionally skilled and committed educators, and supported by adequate and appropriate resources, so that all students regardless of background are prepared for both college and career when they graduate from high school” (p. 1). In this, the third of three focused volumes of EPAA, we hope to further that discussion and debate by focusing, one issue at a time, on each of the three elements of a truly responsible accountability system: 1) meaningful learning, 2) professional capacity and accountability, and 3) equitable and wisely used resources.Este número especial continua la conversación iniciada en el 08 2014 de la edición de la Archivos Analíticos de Política Educativa (EPAA) Accountability for College and Career Readiness: Developing a New Paradigm by Linda Darling-Hammond, Gene Wilhoit and Linda Pittenger. Ese artículo planteaba que mientras las escuelas de todo el país asuman el reto de preparar a todos los estudiantes para ser exitosos tanto en los estudios universitarios, carreras profesionales, y la vida, los Estados deben a su vez avanzar hacia la creación de sistemas alineadoss de evaluación y de responsabilidad educativa Los autores recomiendan “un enfoque de responsabilidad educativa que se centra en aprendizajes significativos, apoyado por educadores profesionales cualificados y comprometidos, con el recursos adecuados y apropiados, de manera que todos los estudiantes independientemente de su origen se estén adecuadamente listos para completar los estudios universitarios, y carreras profesionales, cuando se gradúan de la escuela secundaria” (p. 1). Esta tercera parte de una serie de tres, quiere fomentar la discusión y el debate, centrándose en cada uno de los tres elementos de un sistema de responsabilidad educativa más autentico: 1) el aprendizaje significativo, 2) capacidad profesional y la responsabilidad educativa y 3) recursos equitativos y utilizados de maner a eficaz.Esta edição especial continua a conversa começada em agosto 2014 na Arquivos Analíticos de Política Educativa (EPAA) Accountability for College and Career Readiness: Developing a New Paradigm by Linda Darling-Hammond, Gene Wilhoit and Linda Pittenger. O artigo argumenta que, enquanto as escolas de todo o país assumem o desafio de preparar os alunos para ser bem sucedidos, tanto na universidade, as carreiras professionais e a vida, os Estados devem virar-se para a criação de sistemas alinhados avaliação e responsabilidade educativa Os autores recomendam “abordagem de responsabilidade educativa que se concentram em aprendizagens significativos apoiado por profissionais qualificados e educadores comprometidos, com recursos adequados e apropriados de modo que todos os alunos, independentemente da sua origem estejam devidamente preparados para completar os estudos universitários e carreiras profissionais quando se formarem no ensino médio” (p. 1). Esta terceira parte de uma série de três, se propõe fomentar a discussão e o debate, centrando-se em um dos três elementos da responsabilidade educativa: 1) a aprendizagem significativa, 2) capacidade profissional e responsabilidade educativa, 3) financiamento distribuído de forma igualitária e utilizado de maneira eficaz

    On the estimation of surface gravity-wave fields in the vicinity of an array of wave recorders

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    The optimum estimator for a surface-wave field in the vicinity of an array of wave recorders is determined for a linear sea. Examples for a single-component and a four-component array are presented

    Erratum and Errata

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    ERRATUM in On properties of seawater defined by temperature, salinity, and pressure, by George Veronis; Journal of Marine Research 30(2): 227–255. ERRATA in On the estimation of surface gravity-wave fields in the vicinity of an array of wave recorders, by R. L. Snyder and Linda Smith; Journal of Marine Research 31(1): 51–60

    Phosphorylation of Spinophilin Modulates Its Interaction with Actin Filaments

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    Spinophilin is a protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)- and actin-binding protein that modulates excitatory synaptic transmission and dendritic spine morphology. We report that spinophilin is phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation of spinophilin was stimulated by treatment of neostriatal neurons with a dopamine D1 receptor agonist or with forskolin, consistent with spinophilin being a substrate for PKA in intact cells. Using tryptic phosphopeptide mapping, site-directed mutagenesis, and microsequencing analysis, we identified two major sites of phosphorylation, Ser-94 and Ser-177, that are located within the actin-binding domain of spinophilin. Phosphorylation of spinophilin by PKA modulated the association between spinophilin and the actin cytoskeleton. Following subcellular fractionation, unphosphorylated spinophilin was enriched in the postsynaptic density, whereas a pool of phosphorylated spinophilin was found in the cytosol. F-actin co-sedimentation and overlay analysis revealed that phosphorylation of spinophilin reduced the stoichiometry of the spinophilin-actin interaction. In contrast, the ability of spinophilin to bind to PP1 remained unchanged. Taken together, our studies suggest that phosphorylation of spinophilin by PKA modulates the anchoring of the spinophilin-PP1 complex within dendritic spines, thereby likely contributing to the efficacy and plasticity of synaptic transmission

    The effect of sex, ethnic group and the endorsement of masculine/feminine personality traits on the perception, use and ownership of selected sportswear apparel

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    The purpose of this research study was to assess the nonverbal conm1unication of the masculinity/femininity of selected sportswear items to ownership, use, and endorsement of expressive and instrumental personality traits. A total of 240 subjects enrolled in psychology courses at East Carolina University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro participated in the study during the fall semester, 1983. The Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) was used to assess an individual's endorsement of expressive and instrumental traits. The score from the PAQ classified subjects into one of four groups: sex-typed masculine, sex-typed feminine, androgynous, and undifferentiated. Perception, use and ownership of apparel items were derived from administration of the Andro Clo Instrument, Results from principal axis factor analysis indicated that six factors (Form, Preference, Use, lmage, Appearance, and Occasion) are derived to describe sportswear apparel items. Most variables loading on these six factors loaded exclusively on a specific factor for one sex, ethnic or PAQ group. Comparisons of factor analyses for the apparel categories indicated the importance of an Occasion Factor for androgynous apparel items, an Image Factor for masculine apparel items and a combined Preference/Image Factor for feminine apparel items

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    Analog Exercise Hardware to Implement a High Intensity Exercise Program During Bed Rest

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    Background: In order to evaluate novel countermeasure protocols in a space flight analog prior to validation on the International Space Station (ISS), NASA's Human Research Program (HRP) is sponsoring a multi-investigator bedrest campaign that utilizes a combination of commercial and custom-made exercise training hardware to conduct daily resistive and aerobic exercise protocols. This paper will describe these pieces of hardware and how they are used to support current bedrest studies at NASA's Flight Analog Research Unit in Galveston, TX. Discussion: To implement candidate exercise countermeasure studies during extended bed rest studies the following analog hardware are being utilized: Stand alone Zero-Gravity Locomotion Simulator (sZLS) -- a custom built device by NASA, the sZLS allows bedrest subjects to remain supine as they run on a vertically-oriented treadmill (0-15 miles/hour). The treadmill includes a pneumatic subject loading device to provide variable body loading (0-100%) and a harness to keep the subject in contact with the motorized treadmill to provide a ground reaction force at their feet that is quantified by a Kistler Force Plate. Supine Cycle Ergometer -- a commercially available supine cycle ergometer (Lode, Groningen, Netherlands) is used for all cycle ergometer sessions. The ergometer has adjustable shoulder supports and handgrips to help stabilize the subject during exercise. Horizontal Squat Device (HSD) -- a custom built device by Quantum Fitness Corp (Stafford, TX), the HSD allows for squat exercises to be performed while lying in a supine position. The HSD can provide 0 to 600 pounds of force in selectable 5 lb increments, and allows hip translation in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Prone Leg Curl -- a commercially available prone leg curl machine (Cybex International Inc., Medway, MA) is used to complete leg curl exercises. Horizontal Leg Press -- a commercially available horizontal leg press (Quantum Fitness Corporation) is used for leg press and heel raise exercises. Minor modifications were made to the device including adding 200 lbs to the weight stack, raising the frame by 12 inches, making the footplate adjustable, and providing removable handles. Conclusion: A combination of novel and commercial exercise hardware are used to mimic the exercise hardware capabilities aboard the ISS, allowing scientific investigation of new countermeasure protocols in a space flight analog prior to flight validatio