4,934 research outputs found

    Radar interferometric studies of comets

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    Our objectives are to use radio interferometry to study composition, velocity distribution, maser excitation, and plasma interactions of cometary gas. Two new cometary chemistry programs were started with radio interferometers: (1) the VLA used to search for HC3N emission from Comet Brorsen-Metcalf at 3.3 cm wavelength; and (2) the BIMA millimeter array used to observe Comet Austin in HCN

    Observations of formaldehyde and search for cyanoacetylene in Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)

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    The Very Large Array (VLA) was used in September 1989 to search Comet P/Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o) for the 1 sub 11-1 sub 10 transition of formaldehyde (H2CO) at 4,829.659 MHz and for the J equals 1-0, F equals 2-1 rotational transition of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) at 9098.3321 MHz. A new technique was used in reducing the data. Data blocks which were either 3x3 pixels, 5x5 pixels, or 9x9 pixels were examined for a signal from H2CO. Using this approach, different pixel clusters within the field of view can be sampled to optimize the coupling of the synthesized beam to the gas distribution. HC3N is of immediate interest as a cometary molecule because it may be a reservoir of carbon and a source of cometary CN. Our search for HC3N emission at 3.3 cm wavelength demonstrated that for this molecule the VLA can be expected to reach significant levels of sensitivity in many comets

    A Region-based Approach for Sparse Parallel Computing

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    This paper introduces a technique for parallel sparse computation by extending the array-language concept of regions---regular programmer-specified index sets used for specifying array computations. We introduce the notion of sparse regions which can represent an arbitrary set of indices. Sparse regions inherit the benefits of regular regions, including conciseness, a direct encapsulation of parallelism, and support for language performance models that highlight parallel overheads. We show that region-based array languages can benefit from the use of sparse regions, both in terms of the semantic richness available to the programmer and the execution times of the resulting program. We also demonstrate that regions result in efficient implementations as compared to array-based approachs, due to their role in amortizing sparse overheads and enabling optimizations

    First Acetic Acid Survey with CARMA in Hot Molecular Cores

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    Acetic acid (CH3_3COOH) has been detected mainly in hot molecular cores where the distribution between oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) containing molecular species is co-spatial within the telescope beam. Previous work has presumed that similar cores with co-spatial O and N species may be an indicator for detecting acetic acid. However, does this presumption hold as higher spatial resolution observations become available of large O and N-containing molecules? As the number of detected acetic acid sources is still low, more observations are needed to support this postulate. In this paper, we report the first acetic acid survey conducted with the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) at 3 mm wavelengths towards G19.61-0.23, G29.96-0.02 and IRAS 16293-2422. We have successfully detected CH3_3COOH via two transitions toward G19.61-0.23 and tentatively confirmed the detection toward IRAS 16293-2422 A. The determined column density of CH3_3COOH is 2.0(1.0)×1016\times 10^{16} cm2^{-2} and the abundance ratio of CH3_3COOH to methyl formate (HCOOCH3_3) is 2.2(0.1)×101\times 10^{-1} toward G19.61-0.23. Toward IRAS 16293 A, the determined column density of CH3_3COOH is \sim 1.6 ×1015\times 10^{15} cm2^{-2} and the abundance ratio of CH3_3COOH to methyl formate (HCOOCH3_3) is \sim 1.0 ×101\times 10^{-1} both of which are consistent with abundance ratios determined toward other hot cores. Finally, we model all known line emission in our passband to determine physical conditions in the regions and introduce a new metric to better reveal weak spectral features that are blended with stronger lines or that may be near the 1-2σ\sigma detection limit.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ; Revised citation in session 2, references remove

    Observational Results of a Multi-Telescope Campaign in Search of Interstellar Urea [(NH2_2)2_2CO]

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    In this paper, we present the results of an observational search for gas phase urea [(NH2_2)2_2CO] observed towards the Sgr B2(N-LMH) region. We show data covering urea transitions from \sim100 GHz to 250 GHz from five different observational facilities: BIMA, CARMA, the NRAO 12 m telescope, the IRAM 30 m telescope, and SEST. The results show that the features ascribed to urea can be reproduced across the entire observed bandwidth and all facilities by best fit column density, temperature, and source size parameters which vary by less than a factor of 2 between observations merely by adjusting for telescope-specific parameters. Interferometric observations show that the emission arising from these transitions is cospatial and compact, consistent with the derived source sizes and emission from a single species. Despite this evidence, the spectral complexity, both of (NH2_2)2_2CO and of Sgr B2(N), makes the definitive identification of this molecule challenging. We present observational spectra, laboratory data, and models, and discuss our results in the context of a possible molecular detection of urea.Comment: 38 pages, 9 Figures, accepted in the Astrophysical Journa

    Multi-Dimensional Damage Detection

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    Methods and systems may provide for a structure having a plurality of interconnected panels, wherein each panel has a plurality of detection layers separated from one another by one or more non-detection layers. The plurality of detection layers may form a grid of conductive traces. Additionally, a monitor may be coupled to each grid of conductive traces, wherein the monitor is configured to detect damage to the plurality of interconnected panels in response to an electrical property change with respect to one or more of the conductive traces. In one example, the structure is part of an inflatable space platform such as a spacecraft or habitat

    Multi-Dimensional Damage Detection

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    Methods and systems may provide for a structure having a plurality of interconnected panels, wherein each panel has a plurality of detection layers separated from one another by one or more non-detection layers. The plurality of detection layers may form a grid of conductive traces. Additionally, a monitor may be coupled to each grid of conductive traces, wherein the monitor is configured to detect damage to the plurality of interconnected panels in response to an electrical property change with respect to one or more of the conductive traces. In one example, the structure is part of an inflatable space platform such as a spacecraft or habitat

    The Roles of Estrogen, Nitric Oxide, and Dopamine in the Generation of Hyperkinetic Motor Behaviors in Embryonic Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Both estrogen (E2) and nitric oxide (NO) have been shown to affect motor function, in part, through regulation of dopamine (DA) release, transporter function, and the elicitation of neuroprotection/neurodegeneration of healthy neurons, as well as in neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Currently, the “gold standard” treatment for PD is the use of levodopa (l-DOPA). However, patients who experience long-term l-DOPA and a monamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) treatment may develop unwanted side effects such as hyperkinesia which can be exacerbated by female Parkinsonian patients also on E2 replacement therapy. The current study was designed to determine whether embryonic zebrafish treated with either E2 or l-DOPA/MAOI develop a de novo-induced hyperkinetic movement disorder that relies on the NO pathway to elicit this hyperkinetic phenotype. Results from this study indicate that 5 days post-fertilization (dpf), fish treated with an l-DOPA + MAOI co-treatment or E2 elicited the development of a de novo hyperkinetic phenotype. In addition, the de novo l-DOPA + MAOI- and E2-induced hyperkinetic phenotypes are dependent on NO and E2 for its initiation and recovery. In conclusion, these findings point to the central role both NO and E2 play in the facilitation of de novo hyperkinesia

    Hypothalamic over-expression of VGF in the Siberian hamster increases energy expenditure and reduces body weight gain

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    VGF (non-acronymic) was first highlighted to have a role in energy homeostasis through experiments involving dietary manipulation in mice. Fasting increased VGF mRNA in the Arc and levels were subsequently reduced upon refeeding. This anabolic role for VGF was supported by observations in a VGF null (VGF-/-) mouse and in the diet-induced and gold-thioglucose obese mice. However, this anabolic role for VGF has not been supported by a number of subsequent studies investigating the physiological effects of VGF-derived peptides. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of TLQP-21 increased resting energy expenditure and rectal temperature in mice and protected against diet-induced obesity. Similarly, ICV infusion of TLQP-21 into Siberian hamsters significantly reduced body weight, but this was due to a decrease in food intake, with no effect on energy expenditure. Subsequently NERP-2 was shown to increase food intake in rats via the orexin system, suggesting opposing roles for these VGF-derived peptides. Thus to further elucidate the role of hypothalamic VGF in the regulation of energy homeostasis we utilised a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector to over-express VGF in adult male Siberian hamsters, thus avoiding any developmental effects or associated functional compensation. Initially, hypothalamic over-expression of VGF in adult Siberian hamsters produced no effect on metabolic parameters, but by 12 weeks post-infusion hamsters had increased oxygen consumption and a tendency to increased carbon dioxide production; this attenuated body weight gain, reduced interscapular white adipose tissue and resulted in a compensatory increase in food intake. These observed changes in energy expenditure and food intake were associated with an increase in the hypothalamic contents of the VGF-derived peptides AQEE, TLQP and NERP-2. The complex phenotype of the VGF-/- mice is a likely consequence of global ablation of the gene and its derived peptides during development, as well as in the adult