40 research outputs found

    Dietary inclusion of peptides and the effect on the regional expression of the oligo-peptide transporter PepT1 (Slc15a1) in the intestine of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    PepT1 (Peptide Transporter 1, SLC15A1) is a proton-coupled peptide transporter responsible for uptake of short peptides and peptide-like drugs from the intestinal lumen into enterocytes. A PepT1-type transporter has recently been sequenced for Atlantic cod and found to be expressed along the whole post-gastric intestine including pyloric caeca. In the present thesis the effect of dietary inclusion of peptides and amino acids on expression of PepT1 mRNA in different regions of juvenile Atlantic cod intestine was investigated. Five groups of cod weighing 10-15 grams were fed for 46 days with a diet containing approximately 42% crude protein, either as fishmeal (FM diet) or 30 % of the fish meal substituted by either whole fish hydrolysate (FH diet), retenate after ultra filtration of fish hydrolysate (UFR diet), retenate after nano filtration of fish hydrolysate (NFR diet) or a mix of free amino acids (FAA diet). After 14 days (T1) and at the end of the experiment (46 days; T3), three fish were sampled from each group and the intestine divided into five segments, namely pyloric caeca (S1) and the remainder of the intestine from the pyloric caeca to the anus divided into four equally long segments (S2 to S5). Total RNA isolated from each segment was subjected to a two-step quantitative RT-PCR using SYBR green and Atlantic cod elongation factor 1 alpha as reference gene. For all diets PepT1 was found to be expressed in all segments, suggesting that for juvenile Atlantic cod the whole intestine is involved in peptide absorption. The different groups of fish showed a similar PepT1 mRNA expression in all segments, but differences in regional expression were found. At T3 the regional expression profile showed statistical differences in PepT1 expression between segments in the FAA and UFR fed fish (diets included amino acids or larger sized peptides). Both groups had a higher expression in S2 and S3 (mid intestine) then pyloric caeca (S1) and S5. A similar trend was also observed for the UFR at T1, while the FAA fed fish had a low and stable expression in all segments at T1. No significant differences in PepT1 expression were found between segments in the FM, FH or the NFR fed group for any time. These results suggest that for diets where 30% of the fish meal has been replaced by fish hydrolysate containing short peptides (FH and NFR) the involvement of the pyloric caeca in peptide absorption is similar to the remainder of the intestine, while diets with no or low amounts of short chained peptides included (FAA and UFR) have a lower involvement of pyloric caeca in peptide absorption compared to mid intestine. A general higher expression of PepT1 was found at T3 then at T1 in all segments except S4, but no interaction between time and diet was found, indicating that some developmental or growth related changes in PepT1 expression occurs during this life stage of Atlantic cod. These results suggest that dietary peptides of various chain lengths as well as free amino acids affect the regional expression of PepT1 mRNA in the intestine of juvenile Atlantic cod. The signaling pathways responsible for PepT1 regulation still remains to be described

    Stock status of edible crab along the Norwegian coast

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    Taskekrabben (Cancer pagurus) er en viktig kommersiell krabbeart i Norge og finnes i betydelige mengder langs kysten helt nord til Troms med sporadisk forekomst til Nordkapp. Etter 2007 har de årlige landingene vært rundt 5000 tonn årlig, og de to siste årene har de ligget høyere enn gjennomsnittet for perioden. Totalt sett er utviklingen i landinger stabil med regionale svingninger som kan forventes. Variasjon i landingene kan ha mange forskjellige årsaker, blant annet endringer i mottaksstruktur (konkurser/selskaps-avviklinger og flytting av fiskemottak fra et område til et annet), forandringer i lokal utbredelse av krabber, eller endring i adferd og vandringsmønster som følge av miljøsvingninger (f.eks. matmengde og -fordeling, og temperatur). Det er bekreftet i tidsserien fra taskekrabbe-referansefiskere som viser ingen betydelige endringer i størrelsessammensetningen eller fangstratene. Regionale trender i bestandsutviklingen er sammenlignbar med de vi fant i andre undersøkte tidsserier: garn- og rusetoktet som den eneste fiskeriuavhengige datakilden, data fra den kystnære referanseflåten, og data fra leppefisk-referansefiskerne. Alle disse datasettene er ikke rettet mot taskekrabben, og detaljerte analyser er nødvendig for å finne ut om en eller flere av tidsseriene kan bidra til overvåking av taskekrabbebestanden. Generelt er fangstratene fra taskekrabbe-referansefiskerne mer nøyaktig og anses som beste tidsserie for utviklingen av krabbebestanden enn fangstratene til garnfiskerne som prøver å unngå bifangst av krabbe. Vi konkluderer også at bifangst i fisket etter leppefisk og bruk til agn har ikke en stor påvirkning på den totale norske taskekrabbebestanden, men tatt i betraktning størrelsen av leppefisk-fiskeriet, kan agnbruk derfor likevel utgjøre et betydelig regionale uttak av taskekrabber. Fangst til agnbruk bidrar derfor sammen med fritidsfisket til et betydelig uregistrert uttak og mer kunnskap om disse uregistrerte landingene er nødvendig. Regulering av fiskeriet med minstemål er per i dag tilstrekelig, men en økning av minstemålet i sør kan bidra til å øke bærekraften i fisket i sørlige områdene.publishedVersio

    Populasjonsovervåking av brunbjørn. DNA-analyse av prøver innsamlet i Norge i 2015

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    Det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge har i 2015 samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for syvende år på rad. Totalt ble det samlet inn 1 293 prøver i 2015 (860 ekskrementprøver, 422 hårprøver, 10 vevsprøver og 1 blodprøve). Av disse prøvene var 57 % positive for brunbjørn, og det ble påvist 128 ulike bjørner, hvorav 53 hunnbjørner og 75 hannbjørner. Dette er en reduksjon sammenlignet med forrige år da det ble påvist 54 hunnbjørner og 82 hannbjørner, og er også det laveste antallet registrert de siste syv årene. Over samme periode har andelen hunnbjørner økt, og var i 2015 andelen økt til 41 %. Beregninger av antall ynglinger i samme periode ligger relativt stabilt på ca. 6 ynglinger. Som tidligere år er forekomsten av brunbjørn i hovedsak konsentrert i fylkene Finnmark (49), Hedmark (43) og Nord-Trøndelag (19). Av det totale antallet i 2015 er 70 %( 89 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør omtrent samme gjenfunnsandel som forrige år.publishedVersio

    Monitoring of the Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga brown bear population in 2007 and 2011 using hair-trapping

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    The trans-border brown bear population of Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored using genetic analyses of feces collection since 2005. In addition in 2007, hair traps were systematically placed out in the area to collect hairs for genetic analysis, to more precisely determine the minimum numbers of bears. In 2011, we repeated this hair trap study, using the exact same methodology as in 2007, to make a direct comparison of the results from the two years. Brown bear DNA was detected in 68 of 88 hair samples (77%) obtained from hair traps in 2011 and for 56 of these samples, a complete DNA profile could be determined. We identified 20 different bears in 2011, 12 females and 8 males. Only one bear was found in more than one country (Norway and Russia). We detected 11 bears in Norway, 7 bears in Finland and 3 bears in Russia in 2011. Four of these 20 bears were previously unknown, all four from Finland. A comparison of the results from 2007 and 2011 showed that we detected fewer bears in hair traps in 2011 (20 bears) than in 2007 (24 bears), but this modest difference may be coincidental. However, we observed a large drop in the yield of hair samples in the traps in 2011 compared to 2007 (88 versus 196 samples). This observation may be suggestive of some reduced activity of bears within the study area in 2011. In addition, only five (21%) of the bears caught in hair traps in 2007 were recaptured in 2011, which indicates a substantial turnover of individuals and may indicate that more frequent hair trapping monitoring would be beneficial to reliably track changes in the population. Additional samples (mainly scats) collected opportunistically in the field within the Russian and Finnish parts of the study area in 2011 detected four male bears in the Finnish part that had not been detected by hair traps. No additional samples from Norway were included to this study and any comparisons between the hair-trapping and opportunistic sampling at this point remains difficult. However, the results indicate that both methods combined are currently the most feasible methods to monitor brown bear numbers in an area.publishedVersio

    In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca)

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    In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak through center. They were recorded from the surface to ~ 60–70 m depth, mainly neutrally buoyant, in temperatures between 8 and 24°C. Lack of tissue samples has until now, prohibited confirmation of species. However, in 2019 scuba divers secured four tissue samples from the Norwegian coast. In the present study, DNA analysis using COI confirms species identity as the ommastrephid broadtail shortfin squid Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839); these are the first confirmed records from the wild. Squid embryos at different stages were found in different egg masses: (1) recently fertilized eggs (stage ~ 3), (2) organogenesis (stages ~ 17–19 and ~ 23), and (3) developed embryo (stage ~ 30). Without tissue samples from each and every record for DNA corroboration we cannot be certain that all spherical egg masses are conspecific, or that the remaining 86 observed spheres belong to Illex coindetii. However, due to similar morphology and size of these spheres, relative to the four spheres with DNA analysis, we suspect that many of them were made by I. coindetii.publishedVersio

    Life history and distribution of the edible crab (Cancer pagurus) in Norway - Effect of temperature and other environmental parameters at high latitudes

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    The overall aim of this study has been to provide information on how environmental conditions in Norway might affect the life history and distribution of the edible crab (Cancer pagurus). The results show that the size at which female crabs reach physiological maturity vary little, and just randomly, across northern Europe, and among latitudinally separated areas within Norway. Analysis of geographical differences in the frequency of molting show that female crabs at more northern latitudes have a slower growth, and consequently have a higher age at maturity. The results also show that peak periods of molting occur later at higher latitudes, indicating that the reproductive cycle of crabs in the north is delayed compared to further south. It is believed that these spatial differences in frequency and timing for onset of molting are due to geographical differences in temperature. Evidence that crabs in the north live under sub optimal thermal conditions is found in laboratory experiments, showing that individuals from northern and southern latitudes have the same lower thermal tolerance, and a common and rather warm thermal preference (~13 °C). Video transects conducted in Sognesjøen, on the west coast of Norway, revealed a high abundance of crabs at depths of ~400 meters, and show that the topography of Norway, with its deep fjords, force some crabs in some areas to move to depths greater than depth limitations given for this species in popular fact sheets

    En sammenligning av trening med høy og lav intensitet i rehabiliteringen av patellar tendinopati blant idrettsutøvere

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    Tittel: En sammenligning av trening med høy og lav intensitet i rehabiliteringen av patellar tendinopati blant idrettsutøvere.    Problemstilling: Får man bedre effekt av å trene med høy vs lav intensitet ved rehabilitering av langvarig patellar tendinopati hos idrettsutøvere.      Metode: Oppgaven har benyttet litteraturstudie som metode. Det ble gjennomført systematiserte søk i databasene PubMed og Google Scholar i uke 45, 2021. PEDro sitt scoringssystem for kvalitetsvurdering av randomiserte kontrollerte studier ble benyttet. VISA-p ble brukt som hovedutfallsmål for effekt av trening. Kategorien for trening med høy intensitet ble definert som ≥80% av 1RM, eller ≤8RM, mens lav intensitet ble definert som ≤60% av 1RM, eller ≥15RM.      Resultat: Det ble inkludert åtte randomiserte kontrollerte studier som undersøkte trening som behandling for patellar tendinopati. Fire av studiene oppga data for treningsgrupper som benyttet høy intensitet. Syv av studiene oppga data for treningsgrupper som benyttet lav intensitet. Seks av åtte studier oppga statistisk signifikant bedring av VISA-p fra baseline til 12 uker. Én studie oppga ikke hvorvidt forbedringen av VISA-p var signifikant eller ikke. Én studie fant en ikke-signifikant forbedring av VISA-p etter 12 uker.     Konklusjon: Det ble det funnet like resultater hos treningsgrupper som har trent med høy og lav intensitet. Basert på dette virker det ikke som man får bedre effekt, målt ved VISA-p, av å trene med høy intensitet sammenlignet med lav intensitet i rehabiliteringen av patellar tendinopati blant idrettsutøvere. Ytterligere forskning som undersøker dette spesifikt er nødvendig for å bekrefte eller avkrefte våre funn. 

    Some observations of Cancer pagurus Linnaeus, 1758 (Decapoda, Brachyura) in deep water

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    Available species information pages and fact sheets define 100 to 200 m as the maximum depth of occurrence for Cancer pagurus. We here present some observations from video transects conducted in Sognesjøen, Norway, where numerous individuals of adult C. pagurus were observed at more than 400 m depth. Within the area investigated, 81 live crabs, 3 dead crabs/exuviae, and 32 areas with concentrated shell remnants were counted. In addition, several areas were covered with obvious crawling tracks from crabs. Spatial variation in the density of live crabs, remnants, and tracks varied between 0 and 52 crabs/100 m2. Size estimations based on 19 individuals showed an average carapace width of 14.5 cm. Possible explanations for why the crabs are present at these depths, are discussed

    Some observations of Cancer pagurus Linnaeus, 1758 (Decapoda, Brachyura) in deep water

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    Available species information pages and fact sheets define 100 to 200 m as the maximum depth of occurrence for Cancer pagurus. We here present some observations from video transects conducted in Sognesjøen, Norway, where numerous individuals of adult C. pagurus were observed at more than 400 m depth. Within the area investigated, 81 live crabs, 3 dead crabs/exuviae, and 32 areas with concentrated shell remnants were counted. In addition, several areas were covered with obvious crawling tracks from crabs. Spatial variation in the density of live crabs, remnants, and tracks varied between 0 and 52 crabs/100 m2. Size estimations based on 19 individuals showed an average carapace width of 14.5 cm. Possible explanations for why the crabs are present at these depths, are discussed