210 research outputs found


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    Background: Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) frequently results in the development of cognitive impairment, which quite often persists. The pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the development of cognitive impairment are only partially elucidated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) serum levels with cognitive impairment in AIS patients. Subjects and methods: This hospital-based case-control study was performed during December 2014 May 2018. A total number of 130 randomly selected patients were prospectively recruited from the Department of Neurology, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. The study examined 100 first-ever AIS patients, while 30 comprised the non-stroke control group of patients with discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. All participants were evaluated using the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the Frontal Assessment Battery, and the Addenbrooke\u27s Cognitive Examination-Revised. Cognitive testing and laboratory analyses were performed within the first three days of admission in all patients while AIS patients were reassessed on the 15th day of hospitalization. Results: Female stroke patients with cognitive impairment had significantly higher baseline levels of IL-6 (p<0.017), and TNF- (p<0.017) than those without cognitive impairment. In the control measurement, a significant difference in IL-6 levels (p=0.037) in male and TNF-=0.042) in female stroke patients with cognitive impairment was observed. Conclusions: These findings indicate that pro-inflammatory cytokines are probably implicated in the pathogenesis of cognitive decline in AIS patients

    Characterization of alkali-modified soy protein concentrate

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    To study the influence of the preparation mode, including mild alkali modification, of soy protein concentrate on soluble protein content and composition, some of its nutritive and functional properties were investigated. Soy protein concentrate prepared by aqueous alcohol leaching was modified in mild alkaline solutions (pH 8.0) at 40, 50 and 60° C for 60 minutes and compared with two principal types of commercial soy protein concentrate. Soluble protein content, composition and properties of soy protein concentrate, as well as their potential use are essentially determined by the preparation mode. Limited mild alkali hydrolysis increased protein solubility by 40-71%, while emulsion stability was increased by 18-56%. Major storage soybean proteins exhibited different stability to alcohol denaturation and mild alkali modification. The most susceptible were acidic -A3 - and -A5- subunits of glycinin

    Stylistics of figurative expressions in primary school Стилистика фигуральных выражений в начальной школе

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    Предмет рада Стилистика фигуративних израза у основној школи јесте попис и опис само оних стилских фигуративних јединица које се обрађују у уџбеницима књижевности и језика (како читанкама и граматикама, тако и у радним свескама и/или наставним листовима) у основним школама у Србији. У анализу је био укључен већи број уџбеника и теми се приступало и са дијахронијске и са синхронијске стране (посматрани су и старији и савремени уџбеници) како би се показале разноврсности у слободи обраде програмом предвиђених садржаја о фигуративним изразима. Праћена је поступност увођења појединих типова фигуративних израза у одређене разреде с обзиром на сложеност њихове језичке и семантичке структуре. Такође, анализиран је и начин упознавања ученика са одређеним фигуративним изразом, посебно кад је реч о стилским фигурама, тако да је праћено на ком је ученичком узрасту описно упућивано на значење дате фигуре, а на ком су ученици упознавани са самим термином, и његовим местом у терминосистему сродних фигуративних израза. Разматран је редослед појављивања стилских фигура, извршена оцена његове „утемељености” и анализиран међуоднос наставних програма и уџбеника. Анализа фигуративних израза вршена је с обзиром на двопланску вредност сваке стилеме, па је тако и свака од стилских фигура анализирана с обзиром на своју стилематичност и своју стилогеност. Врло битан аспект анализе била је и дисциплинарна припадност уведеног фигуративног израза: да ли је он обрађиван унутар садржаја књижевности, језика или садржаја културе изражавања. У анализи је посебна пажња посвећена разматрању типова књижевних текстова за основну школу с циљем да се утврди колико они представљају репрезентативне примере за упознавање ученика са стилогеним и стилематичним аспектима фигуративних израза.The subject of the work Stylistics of figurative expressions in primary school represents a list and a description of only those stylistic figurative units that are processed in textbooks of literature and language (both textbooks and grammars, and in workbooks and/or worksheets) in primary schools in Serbia. A large number of textbooks were included in the analysis, and the topic was approached from both the diachronic and synchronic sides (both older and modern textbooks were observed) in order to show the diversity in the freedom of processing the content of figurative expressions planned by the curriculum. There was monitored the gradual introduction of certain types of figurative expressions into the certain grades considering the complexity of their linguistic and semantic structure. Also, the way of introducing a certain figurative expression to the students was analysed, especially when we talk about stylistic figures, so it was monitored at which student’s age the meaning of a given figure was descriptively referred to, and at which age the students were introduced to the term itself and its place in the system of terms of related figurative expressions. The order of appearance of stylistic figures was also considered, the assessment of its ”foundation” was conducted, as well as the analysis of the interrelation of curriculum and the textbooks. The analysis of figurative expressions was performed considering the two-dimensional value of each stylistics, so each of the stylistic figures was analyzed with regard to its stylematicity and stylogenity. A very important aspect of the analysis was the disciplinary affiliation of the introduced figurative expression: whether it was processed within the contents of literature, language or the content of the culture of expression. In the analysis, special attention is paid to considering the types of literary texts for primary school with a goal to determine how well they represent the good examples of introducing students to the stylogenic and stylematic aspects of figurative expressions

    Soy protein modification: A review

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    Soy protein products such as flour, concentrates and isolates are used in food formulation because of their functionality, nutritional value and low cost. To obtain their optimal nutritive and functional properties as well as desirable flavor different treatments are used. Soybean proteins can be modified by physical, chemical and enzymatic treatments. Different thermal treatments are most commonly used, while the most appropriate way of modifying soy proteins from the standpoint of safety is their limited proteolysis. These treatments cause physical and chemical changes that affect their functional properties. This review discusses three principal methods used for modification of soy protein products, their effects on dominant soy protein properties and some biologically active compounds

    Reconstructing Deconstruction: High-Velocity Cloud Distance Through Disruption Morphology

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    We present Arecibo L-band Feed Array 21-cm observations of a sub-complex of HVCs at the tip of the Anti-Center Complex. These observations show morphological details that point to interaction with the ambient halo medium and differential drag within the cloud sub-complex. We develop a new technique for measuring cloud distances, which relies upon these observed morphological and kinematic characteristics, and show that it is consistent with H-alpha distances. These results are consistent with distances to HVCs and halo densities derived from models in which HVCs are formed from cooling halo gas.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabe, Accepted to Ap

    Regioselektivnost konjugovane adicijena monoalkil-1,4-benzohinone

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    The regioselectivity of the reaction of conjugate addition of thiols, amines, methanol and hydrogen chloride with the monoalkyl-1,4-benzoquinones avarone and 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone was investigated. It was shown that the regioselectivity of the reaction is influenced by the electrophilicity of position 5 in unprotonated 2-alkylquinones, the increased electrophilicity of position 6 in acidic medium, and by the acidity of the intermediate hydroquinones.Proučavana je regioselektivnost konjugovane adicije tiola, amina, metanola i hlorovodonika na monoalkil-1,4-benzohinone avaron i 2-tert-butil-1,4-benzohinon. Pokazano je da na regioselektivnost reakcije utiču elektrofilnost položaja 5 neprotonovanih 2-alkil-hinona i povećana elektrofilnost položaja 6 u kiseloj sredini, kao i kiselost intermedijernih hidrohinona

    Spatial Variations in Galactic H I Structure on AU-Scales Toward 3C 147 Observed with the Very Long Baseline Array

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    This paper reports dual-epoch, Very Long Baseline Array observations of H I absorption toward 3C 147. One of these epochs (2005) represents new observations while one (1998) represents the reprocessing of previous observations to obtain higher signal-to-noise results. Significant H I opacity and column density variations, both spatially and temporally, are observed with typical variations at the level of \Delta\tau ~ 0.20 and in some cases as large as \Delta\tau ~ 0.70, corresponding to column density fluctuations of order 5 x 10^{19} cm^{-2} for an assumed 50 K spin temperature. The typical angular scale is 15 mas; while the distance to the absorbing gas is highly uncertain, the equivalent linear scale is likely to be about 10 AU. Approximately 10% of the face of the source is covered by these opacity variations, probably implying a volume filling factor for the small-scale absorbing gas of no more than about 1%. Comparing our results with earlier results toward 3C 138 (Brogan et al.), we find numerous similarities, and we conclude that small-scale absorbing gas is a ubiquitous phenomenon, albeit with a low probability of intercept on any given line of sight. Further, we compare the volumes sampled by the line of sight through the Galaxy between our two epochs and conclude that, on the basis of the motion of the Sun alone, these two volumes are likely to be substantially different. In order to place more significant constraints on the various models for the origin of these small-scale structures, more frequent sampling is required in any future observations.Comment: 16 pages with 10 figures in 24 files; AASTeX format; accepted by A

    Antifungalna aktivnost terpenoida davanonskog tipa izolovanih iz Artemisia lobelii Var. canescens

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    Five tetrahydrofuran sesquiterpenes, so-called davanones, and coumarin umbelliferone isolated from Artemisia lobelii All. var. canescens (DC.) Briqu, were tested for antifungal activity. All the compounds inhibited the growth of the applied fungi. The overall activity of one of them, 2-hydroxy-2,6,10-trimethyl-7,10-epoxy-dodeca-3,11-dien-5-on, was comparable to that of the antibiotic bifonazole.Pet tetrahidrofuranskih terpenoida davanonskog tipa i kumarin umbeliferon koji su prethodno izolovani iz biljne vrste Aretemisia lobelii var. conescens ispitivani su na antifungalnu aktivnost. Sva testirana jedinjenja inhibiraju rast primenjenih kultura gljiva. Najveću aktivnost, koja se može meriti sa aktivnošću komercijalnog antibiotika bifonazola, pokazuje 2-hidroksi-2,6,10-trimetil-7,10-epoksidodeka-3,11-dien-5-on

    Antifungal activity of davanone-type sesquiterpenes from Artemisia lobelli var. conescens

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    Five tetrahydrofuran sesquiterpenes, so-called davanones, and coumarin umbelliferone isolated from Artemisia lobelii All. var. canescens (DC) Briqu, were tested for antifungal activity. All the compounds inhibited the growth of the applied fungi. The overall activity of one of them 2-hydroxy-2,6,10-trimethyl-7,10-epoxydodeca- 3,11-dien-5-on, was comparable to that of the antibiotic bifonazole.Pet tetrahidrofuranskih terpenoida davanonskog tipa i kumarin umbeliferon koji su prethodno izolovani iz biljne vrste Aretemisia lobelii var. conescens ispitivani su na antifungalnu aktivnost. Sva testirana jedinjenja inhibiraju rast primenjenih kultura gljiva. Najveću aktivnost, koja se može meriti sa aktivnošću komercijalnog antibiotika bifonazola, pokazuje 2-hidroksi-2,6,10-trimetil-7,10-epoksidodeka-3,11-dien-5-on.Projekat ministarstva br. 175