494 research outputs found


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    Este trabajo aborda uno de los tópicos más arraigados en la cultura y literatura española del siglo XIX, sobre todo en las novelas publicadas entre 1840 y 1869 bajo el membrete de novela original o novela de costumbres contemporáneas, englobadas bajo el término de la novela popular. El estereotipo de la mujer frívola, coqueta, amiga del lujo y del dinero, de la mujer tentadora e intrínsecamente mala que causa la perdición del hombre.El trabajo se centra en el análisis de las formas bajo las que este tópico aparece, indaga en que clases sociales se dan los personajes que lo representan, si tienen entidad propia y si pueden tener el rol de protagonista o simplemente sirven de ejemplo de malas acciones o comportamientos que hay que condenar

    Nutritional Management in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Wellness tourism, as global phenomenon of the 21st century, has become an imperative for the successful development of health tourism destinations. Millions of tourists travel to destinations all over the world every day, with one goal - to preserve and improve their mental and physical health. Tourism market is characterised by intensive changes, so the task of the health tourism destinations’ management is to follow those changes vigilantly, in order to be able to adjust their offer to the current trends. In that way, the creation of integral health tourism product is achieved, which will meet the needs of the contemporary customers, who are becoming more demanding and sophisticated. The aim of this paper is to present the importance of wellness tourism in the contemporary offer of health tourism destinations

    Mehanizam nukleofilnih supstitucionih reakcija kompleksa Pt(IV) i dinuklearnih kompleksa Pt(II)

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    Ispitivanje kompleksa platine značajno je sa biološkog i medicinskog aspekta. Dobro je poznato da se neki kompleksi platine(II) jona, kao što su cisplatina, karboplatina i oksaliplatina, intenzivno koriste u hemioterapiji kao antitumorski reagensi. Poslednjih 40 godina veliki broj drugih jedinjenja platine(II) sintetisano je sa ciljem da se postigne bolja aktivnost i manja toksičnost u odnosu na cisplatinu. Ova istraživanja su proširena i na sintezu i karakterizaciju neklasičnih kompleksa platine, kao što su kompleksi platine(IV) ili polinuklearni kompleksi platine(II). Mehanizam na osnovu koga kompleksi platine ispoljavaju antitumorsku aktivnost još uvek nije potpuno jasan. Smatra se da je to posledica interakcije kompleksa sa molekulom DNK. Eksperimenti su pokazali da je koordinovanje cisplatine za molekul DNK kinetički kontrolisan proces. Sa druge strane, upotreba antitumorskih jedinjenja platine u medicini ograničena je pojavom mnogobrojnih sporednih efekata i rezistentnosti. Takođe, mala rastvorljivost u vodi je dodatni problem koji umanjuje kliničku upotrebu ovih jedinjenja.The chemistry of platinum complexes is important from biological and medical point of view. It is well known that some complexes of platinum(II), such as cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin, are frequently used in chemotherapy as an anticancer reagents. In the last 40 years a large number of other platinum(II) compounds are synthesized in order to achieve higher activity and lower toxicity in relation to cisplatin. These studies were extended to the synthesis and characterization of some non-classical platinum complexes, such as platinum(IV) complexes or polynuclear platinum(II) complexes. Based mechanism in which platinum complexes exhibit antitumor activity is not clear yet. But, a number of published results explain that the antitumor activity of platinum compounds is a result of complex interactions with DNA molecule. Experiments have shown that the coordination of cisplatin to DNA molecule is kinetically controlled process. On the other hand, the application of platinum anticancer compounds in medicine is limited by the numerous side effects and resistance. Also, low solubility in water is another problem which reduces the clinical use of these compounds

    Rijedak slučaj multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

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    Multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis is an infectious variety of serpiginous choroiditis. The disease is characterized by infectious etiology and overlapping clinical features in an intermediary form of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy and serpiginous choroiditis. In a 33-year-old patient, bilateral multiple placoid partially confluent chorioretinal lesions were diagnosed after a febrile flu-like episode. On the right eye, there was a progressive decrease in visual acuity. Later, the lesions had a prolonged progressive devastating clinical course and widespread distribution of placoid lesions, and took the form of serpiginoid choroiditis. We conducted extensive laboratory work-up and ancillary investigation for granulomatous diseases such as tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, and the results were not consistent with these entities. Systemic medical work-up revealed a history of exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus, herpes simplex virus 1, varicella zoster virus and cytomegalovirus. The titer of Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibodies was positive. After serological analysis positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory doses of corticosteroids were administered. Improvement of visual acuity after the introduction of causal antibiotic therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory therapy confirmed our suspicion that Mycoplasma pneumoniae was the etiologic cause of multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis.Multifokalni serpiginoidni koroiditis je infektivna varijanta serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Bolest obilježava infektivna etiologija i preklapanje kliničke slike između akutnog oblika stražnje multifokalne plakoidne pigmentne epiteliopatije i serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Nakon epizode poput febrilne gripe bolesniku u dobi od 33 godine dijagnosticirane su bilateralne, brojne, plakoidne, djelomice konfluentne korioretinalne lezije. Na desnom oku vidna oštrina se progresivno smanjivala. Kasnije su lezije poprimile prolongirani, progresivni, razarajući klinički tijek i raširenu distribuciju plakoidnih lezija u obliku serpiginoidnog koroiditisa. Proveli smo opsežne laboratorijske testove i pomoćnu dijagnostiku za granulomatozne bolesti poput tuberkuloze i sarkoidoze, ali rezultati nisu potvrdili uzročnika. Daljnja sistemska medicinska obrada je pokazala povijest izlaganja virusu humane imunodeficijencije, herpes simpleksu, varičela zoster virusu i citomegalovirusu. Povišen je bio titar IgM antitijela na Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nakon pozitivnih seroloških analiza na Mycoplasma pneumoniae primijenjena je sistemska antibiotska terapija i protuupalna doza kortikosteroida. Poboljšanje vidne oštrine nakon uvođenja uzročne antibiotske terapije u kombinaciji s protuupalnom terapijom potvrdilo je našu sumnju da je Mycoplasma pneumoniae bila etiološki uzročnik multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

    Uticaj odabranih faktora koagulacije na hemijski sastav seruma dobijenog centrifugiranjem slatkog kazeinskog gela

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    Technological operations applied during curd processing influence syneresis and total solids content of cheese. Syneresis is not a simple physical process representing whey segregation due to curd contractions. Numerous factors can influence the process of syneresis. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of various parameters (pH, quantity of CaCl2 added, temperature of coagulation and heat treatment) on induced syneresis. Reconstituted instant skim milk (control samples) and reconstituted instant skim milk heated at 87ºC for 10 min (experimental samples) were coagulated at 30ºC and 35ºC, and pH of 5.8 and 6.2 with 100, 200 and 400 mg/l of CaCl2 added. According to our results, these parameters had significant influence on nitrogen content of serum as well as on the distribution of nitrogen matter from gel into sera. Due to the formation of coaggregates the best rheological properties of gel were obtained for experimental samples coagulated with 400 mg/l of CaCl2 added at pH 5.8 and temperature of 35ºC.Tehnološke operacije koje se primenjuju za vreme obrade gruša, utiču na brzinu sinerezisa i na sadržaj suve materije sira. Sinerezis predstavlja izdvajanje surutke usled kontrakcija gruša i ne predstavlja jednostavan fizički proces. Na brzinu izdvajanja surutke odnosno sinerezis utiče veći broj faktora. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih faktora primenjenog termičkog tretmana mleka, pH, količine dodatog CaCl2 i temperature koagulacije na količinu izdvojenog seruma odnosno sinerezis. Rekonstituisano obrano mleko (kontrolni uzorak) i rekonstituisano obrano mleko termički tretirano na 87ºC/10 minuta (ogledni uzorak) je koagulisalo pri različitim temperaturama 30ºC i 35ºC, pH vrednostima 5.8 i 6.2, kao i pri dodatku 100, 200 i 400 mg/l CaCl2. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da ispitivani faktori koagulacije utiču na sadržaj azotnih materija u izdvojenom serumu. Kod oglednog uzorka u kojem je došlo do obrazovanja koagregata proteina mleka najbolje reološke osobine slatkog kazeinskog gela su dobijene pri sledećim uslovima koagulacije: 35ºC, pH 5.8 i dodatku 400 mg/l CaCl2

    Uticaj različitih temperatura sušenja sirnog zrna na sastav sirne grude dobijene od mleka u kome su obrazovani koagregati

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    The influence of different drying temperatures of curd particles in order to obtain curd particles with chemical composition characteristic for Dutch-type semi-hard cheeses was investigated. The experiments were performed with heat-treated milk at 87ºC for 10 minutes to induce chemical interaction between casein and serum proteins and to form the co-called co aggregates. The curd particles were dried at 42ºC and 45ºC for 60 minutes and two types of curd, named curd A and curd B were formed afterwards. The results of the experiments showed that the used temperatures had no significant influence on chemical composition of the curd. The average total solids of curd A was 49.09%, moisture in fat free basis (MFFB) 68.78% protein content 22.23%, lactose content 1.55%, ash 1.98%, titratable acidity 71.700T and pH 6.22. On the other side, the average values for curd B were 49.40%, 68.58%, 22.74%, 1.47%, 1.94%, 75.920T and 6.07, respectively. The use of different drying temperatures, as well as the other treatments (pressing, salting and ripening) provide conditions for semihard cheese producing, with the chemical composition similar to the Dutch-type semihard cheese prepared according to the traditional method.U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih temperatura sušenja sirnog zrna sa ciljem dobijanja sirnog zrna koje je po sastavu karakteristično za polutvrde sireve holandskog tipa. U ogledima je korišćeno mleko kod kojeg je prethodnom termičkom obradom na 870C u toku 10 minuta, obrazovan hemijski kompleks između kazeina i serum proteina, poznatih u literaturi kao koagregati proteina mleka. Sušenje sirnog zrna izvršeno je na temperaturi od 420C, i nakon toga obrazovana sirna gruda A, i na temperaturi od 450C (sirna gruda B) u vremenu od 60 minuta. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da primenjene temperature sušenja nisu imale značajnijeg uticaja na hemijski sastav dobijene sirne grude. Prosečan sadržaj suve materije kod sirne grude A iznosio je 49.09%, sadržaj vode u bezmasnoj materiji sira (VBMS) 68.78% proteina 22.23%, laktoze 1.55%, pepela 1.98%, titraciona kiselost 71.700T i pH 6.22. Prosečan sadržaj suve materije kod sirne grude B iznosio je 49.40% vode u bezmasnoj materiji sira 68.58%, proteina 22.74%, laktoze 1.47% pepela 1.94%, titraciona kiselost 75.920T i pH 6.07. Primenom različitih temperatura sušenja sirnog zrna (42ºC i 45ºC), kao i daljim tehnološkim operacijama (presovanje, soljenje i zrenje) obezbeđeni su uslovi za dobijanje sira koji po hemijskom sastavu odgovara polutvrdim sirevima holandskog tipa, proizvedenim na tradicionalan način

    Sekundarni metaboliti predstavnika roda Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) centralnog Balkanskog poluostrva i njihov hemotaksonomski značaj

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    The aim of this doctoral dissertation was the estimation of chemotaxonomic utility of secondary metabolites of the selected members from the genus Sedum L. (Crassulaceae), collected from the Central Balkan Peninsula. The study also included compatriots from the related genera (same family): Crassula L., Hylotelephum H. Ohba, Echeveria DC. and Kalanchoe Adans. Distribution of n-alkanes (C20-C35) and tirterpenes (olenanae, lupane and taraxerane) were monitored in hexane extracts by GC-MS and GC-FID techniques, while polar components, from methanol extracts, were monitored by HPLC technique. The contents of mentioned components were inputted uniformly in matrices (pattern) further used in statistical analyses: descriptive, univariate and multivariate methods. Distribution of characters was considered on the series level as a taxonomic rank. Different contents contributed to certain classification of examined taxa which was discussed with respect to already established systems of classification related to genus

    Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning

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    Using RES is one of the most important characteristics of the sustainable and resilient development. Nowadays, need to minimize CO2 emissions is obligatory, especially in the sector of urban and architectural planning, since in Serbia approximately 50% of produced energy is spent in buildings. The CO2 emission, in urban structures, can and must be reduced at the different levels: building level, block, and city level. For the city of Kragujevac, based on urban parameters defined in General Urban Plan, typical urban block was chosen and typical building structure developed. Calculation were made, based on recommendations developed by the Ministry of mining and energy and Serbian regulations, for the energy needed for domestic hot water preparation. In this paper, the influences of architectural and urban parameters on the use of solar thermal collectors at the typical building and urban block level is investigated. Recommendations are prepared for principles of urban and architectural design in order to enable the use of collectors for domestic hot water preparation and in that way CO2 emission reduction. Developed methodology for the city of Kragujevac can be applied in defining design principles in whole the country and Balkans region, not only for the use of solar thermal collectors but also for the use of other RES

    Korelacija nukleotidnih/proteinskih sekvenci genoma virusa hepatitisa tipa C sa odgovorom na terapiju i progresiju fibroze jetre

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