6 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Study of Mukhapaka and its Modern Counterpart

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    Oral hygiene is very important for everybody’s health. Mukhapaka (stomatitis) is the disease that spreads throughout the mouth. It is the inflammation of mucous membrane of lips, tongue, and cheek. It is common problems faced by all persons. Though, it may seem like a minor problem but it inhibits the daily activities. Stomatitis occurs due to hot, spicy and greasy foods, smoking, tobacco chewing, several drugs, infections, Vitamin B12 deficiency etc. Ayurveda has described four types of Mukhapaka: Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Raktaja. Different types of Mukhapaka have different types of symptoms. Pain relievers, mouth washes, lotions, corticosteroids, Vit. B12 are used to treat stomatitis. In present era, world is looking at Ayurveda for its valuable contribution in the treatment of any ailment. Sarvasara Mukharogas are named as Mukhapaka, as they diffusely spread in the Mukha (oral cavity)

    A Critical Modern Review on BRVO (Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion)

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    Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) may be a common reason behind retinal vascular disease. General vascular diseases corresponding to cardiovascular disease and induration of the arteries are risk issues for BRVO. Age is additionally a powerful risk factor for BRVO. And lots of epidemiological studies have confirmed that the prevalence will increase with increasing age. It happens most often between the ages of sixty and seventy years. Men and ladies are affected equally. Age, systemic hypertension and also the retinal artery changes related to it, together with blood vessel nicking and retinal arteriolar narrowing, are well-established risk factors for BRVO. Other vessel risk factors, reminiscent of diabetes, smoking, hyperlipidemia, chamber fibrillation, urinary organ dysfunction, and atherosclerosis, have conjointly been related to an exaggerated risk of BRVO. The pathologic interruption of blood vessel flow in eyes with BRVO nearly always happens at a blood vessel crossing. Patients with BRVO gift with unexpected painless loss of vision or a visible field defect. Prognosis and we have a tendency to the effectiveness of various treatment choices. So it's necessary to grasp the explanation of BRVO. BRVO could be a common reason behind vision loss, however several treatment options are accessible and rising therapies are under investigation. Here, we gift a review of the chance factors, pathological process in BRVO, clinical features, natural history, clinical evaluation, diagnostic workup, clinical treatments for BRVO patients also as connected clinical trials also are reviewed

    An Ayurvedic Perspective on Computer Vision Syndrome

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    Eye sight is the God’s best present to mankind, the blessing that permits us to peer our environment and sense the exquisite beauty of God’s creation. According to John Ruskin, an English Author, poet and artist, “The best element a human soul does in this globe is to peer something, and inform what is noticed in a simple way. To see vividly is poetry, prophecy and religion- all in one.” Computers have become a crucial part of day-to-day life. Everyone, in one or other condition, gets the essentiality to use computer, seeing that the usage of games, several computer programmes etc., the usage of computer system is multiplied to such an extent that several jobs are now based completely on the usage of computers. Nowadays the person’s profession demands more than 8 hours of computer work in a day. Since the computer is involved with vision and eyes, it has some impact on the eye and surrounding muscles. Most of these symptoms are due to dryness of eyes which is produced by monitor light and reduced blinking. A high degree of success (Sheedy and Parsons, 1990) has been attained in resolving the signs and symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome via way of applying the following two- fine approaches: 1. Careful diagnosis and treatment of visual conditions that lead to CVS signs & symptoms. 2. In- workplace diagnosis and management of workstation ergonomic deficiencies. But no remedial measures for therapy of this syndrome succeed in the area of modern science. It is out of query to affirm the existence of similar syndrome in historic documents, as the disorder is the result of modern invention. But there is room to recognize the ailment via Ayurvedic spectacles and to systematically follow the Ayurvedic remedies for the modern ailment. In Ayurveda, Computer Vision Syndrome could be correlated to Shushkakshipaka of Sarvagata Netraroga

    Allergic Rhinitis: A Critical Modern Review

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    Allergic rhinitis addresses a hyperactivity of the resistant framework in any case harmless particles making a fiery reaction where none is required. Allergic Rhinitis is clinically represented by a mixture of two or additional nasal symptoms: running, blocking, itching and sneezing. Allergic rhinitis is regularly partitioned by age, seriousness, and duration of symptoms. Investigation represents how epidemiologic evaluations on the commonness of hypersensitive or allergic rhinitis shift considerably with whether both clinical appraisal and testing were utilized to make the determination. The treatment of allergic rhinitis should combine allergen avoidance, pharmacotherapy and allergen immunotherapy. Treatments of allergic rhinitis include intranasal corticosteroids, oral and topical antihistamines, decongestants, intranasal cromolyn, intranasal anticholinergics. First-generation and Second-generation oral antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids are the most effective modality for treating allergic rhinitis. Immunotherapy is an efficient immune-modulating treatment that ought to be counseled if pharmacologic medical care for allergic rhinitis isn't effective or not tolerated. This article provides an overview of the prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and appropriate management of the allergic rhinitis

    Structure and mechanism of ATP-dependent phospholipid transporters

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