102 research outputs found

    Perception of affect in unfamiliar music

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    This thesis comprises a body of work that investigates affect perception of unfamiliar music, with a focus on both the role of potentially culture-independent psychoacoustic features that are intrinsic to a musical signal (e.g. roughness, harmonicity, spectral entropy, and average pitch) and extrinsic culture-dependent features (e.g. familiarity through exposure and evaluative conditioning). Much previous research in music perception has suggested that extrinsic features are of more importance than intrinsic features, but has not systematically tested the impact of intrinsic features on responses to unfamiliar music. The thesis discusses four experiments conducted to test the role of the above mentioned features using musical stimuli that are unfamiliar to participants. By using musical stimuli that are unfamiliar to participants, additional evidence can be provided for the cultural- independence of the tested intrinsic features. In order to achieve this unfamiliarity, two approaches were used. The first approach examined affective responses to chords from the unfamiliar microtonal Bohlen-Pierce system in Western listeners, the second approach tested affective responses to Western musical harmony in remote villages in Papua New Guinea, with varying levels of familiarity with Western music. The results of the listening experiments using Bohlen-Pierce suggest that the tested underlying culture-independent psychoacoustic features consistently impact affective rat- ings more strongly than do the experimentally manipulated culture-dependent factors of familiarity and evaluative conditioning. The results from the cross-cultural experiment suggest a strong role of familiarity on valence ratings of Western cadences and melodies. In summary, by using unfamiliar music (through the use of an unfamiliar microtonal system or through cross-cultural research) we can show that, in addition to extrinsic culture-dependent features, intrinsic features are fundamental for affect perception in music

    Testing an acoustic model of the P-center in English and Japanese

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    The notion of the “perceptual center” or the “P-center” has been put forward to account for the repeated finding that acoustic and perceived syllable onsets do not necessarily coincide, at least in the perception of simple monosyllables or disyllables. The magnitude of the discrepancy between acoustics and perception—the location of the P-center in the speech signal— has proven difficult to estimate, though acoustic models of the effect do exist. The present study asks if the P-center effect can be documented in natural connected speech of English and Japanese and examines if an acoustic model that defines the P-center as the moment of the fastest energy change in a syllabic amplitude envelope adequately reflects the P-center in the two languages. A sensorimotor synchronization paradigm was deployed to address the research questions. The results provide evidence for the existence of the P-center effect in speech of both languages while the acoustic P-center model is found to be less applicable to Japanese. Sensorimotor synchronization patterns further suggest that the P-center may reflect perceptual anticipation of a vowel onset.</p

    Explaining L2 lexical learning in multiple scenarios : cross-situational word learning in L1 Mandarin L2 English speakers

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    Adults commonly struggle with perceiving and recognizing the sounds and words of a second language (L2), especially when the L2 sounds do not have a counterpart in the learner’s first language (L1). We examined how L1 Mandarin L2 English speakers learned pseudo English words within a cross‐situational word learning (CSWL) task previously presented to monolingual English and bilingual Mandarin‐English speakers. CSWL is ambiguous because participants are not provided with direct mappings of words and object referents. Rather, learners discern word‐object correspondences through tracking multiple co‐occurrences across learning trials. The monolinguals and bilinguals tested in previous studies showed lower performance for pseudo words that formed vowel minimal pairs (e.g., /dit/‐/dɪt/) than pseudo word which formed consonant minimal pairs (e.g., /bɔn/‐/pɔn/) or non‐minimal pairs which differed in all segments (e.g., /bɔn/‐/dit/). In contrast, L1 Mandarin L2 English listeners struggled to learn all word pairs. We explain this seemingly contradicting finding by considering the multiplicity of acoustic cues in the stimuli presented to all participant groups. Stimuli were produced in infant‐directed‐speech (IDS) in order to compare performance by children and adults and because previous research had shown that IDS enhances L1 and L2 acquisition. We propose that the suprasegmental pitch variation in the vowels typical of IDS stimuli might be perceived as lexical tone distinctions for tonal language speakers who cannot fully inhibit their L1 activation, resulting in high lexical competition and diminished learning during an ambiguous word learning task. Our results are in line with the Second Language Linguistic Perception (L2LP) model which proposes that fine‐grained acoustic information from multiple sources and the ability to switch between language modes affects non‐native phonetic and lexical development

    Perceived emotions of harmonic cadences

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    Harmonic cadences are chord progressions that play an important structural role in Western classical music – they demarcate musical phrases and contribute to the tonality. This study examines participants’ ratings of the perceived arousal and valence of a variety of harmonic cadences. Manipulations included the type of cadence (authentic, plagal, half, and deceptive), its mode (major or minor), its average pitch height (the transposition of the cadence), the presence of a single tetrad (a dissonant four-tone chord), and the mode (major or minor) of the cadence’s final chord. With the exception of average pitch height, the manipulations had only small effects on arousal. However, the perceived valence of major cadences was substantially higher than for minor cadences, and average pitch had a medium-sized positive effect. Plagal cadences, the inclusion of a tetrad, and ending on a minor chord all had weak negative effects for valence. The present findings are discussed in light of contemporary music theory and music psychology, as knowledge of how specific acoustic components and musical structures impact emotion perception in music is important for performance practice, and music-based therapies

    Visit-to-visit lipid variability: clinical significance, effects of lipid-lowering treatment, and (pharmaco)genetics

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    In recent years, visit-to-visit variability of serum lipids has been linked to both clinical outcomes and surrogate markers for vascular disease. In this article, we present an overview of the current evidence connecting this intraindividual variability to these outcome measures, discuss its interplay with lipid-lowering treatment, and describe the literature regarding genetic factors of possible interest. In addition, we undertook an explorative genome-wide association analysis on visit-to-visit variability of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, examining additive effects in 2530 participants from the placebo arm of the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk trial. While we identified suggestive associations (P &#60; 1 × 10−6) at 3 different loci (KIAA0391, amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1 neuronal [ACCN1], and Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 [DKK3]), previously published data from the genome-wide association study literature did not suggest plausible mechanistic pathways. Given the large degree of both clinical and methodological heterogeneity in the literature, additional research is needed to harmonize visit-to-visit variability parameters across studies and to definitively assess the possible role of (pharmaco)genetic factors

    М.К. Янгель біля витоків вітчизняного ракетобудування

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    Висвітлено життєвий шлях академіка М.К.Янгеля, його внесок у розвиток вітчизняного ракетобудування, забезпечення обороноздатності СРСР.Освещены жизненный путь академика М.К.Янгеля и его вклад в развитие отечественного ракетостроения, обеспечение обороноспособности СССР.An account of the life path of the academician М. К. Yangel, his contribution in the national spacecraft and of defense capacity building of the USSR is contained

    PNG Voices: Listening to Australia's Closest Neighbour: Papua New Guinean Perspectives on Australia and the World

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    In 2021, a broad coalition of researchers embarked on an unprecedented endeavour: to ask hundreds of ordinary Papua New Guineans about the strengths and challenges of Papua New Guinea (PNG), their dreams for PNG’s future, and how they see Australia’s relationship with PNG. PNG is Australia’s closest neighbour, and the single largest recipient of Australian development assistance. The two nations share a prehistory, and more recently, a colonial history. But despite this apparent closeness, few Australians today can say that they know how people in PNG feel about their own communities or about Australia, or about the impacts of Australian tax monies in PNG. The present study, PNG Voices, represents the first time, to our knowledge, that an Australian institution has sought the opinions of a wide swathe of PNG citizens about their realities and their perception of Australia. We asked 536 Papua New Guineans, originating in 21 of PNG’s 22 Provinces, to reflect on: the strengths and assets of their communities and of PNG as a whole; the challenges facing their communities and PNG as a whole; their dreams for their communities; Australia and Australians, and Australia’s relationship with PNG; the types of foreign investment in PNG by different actors. In sum, this has been the first major survey of Papua New Guinean attitudes toward PNG and Australia’s role in it. The key findings of PNG Voices do not always make for easy reading. Some readers may find points of dissonance between how some in PNG view Australia and how the Australia-PNG relationship is framed and understood by Australian policymakers. Let those points, along with the detail and subtleties of the responses as a whole, guide renewed reflection on Australia’s relationship with PNG and, perhaps, recalibration of Australian policies with our closest neighbour

    BMI Development of Normal Weight and Overweight Children in the PIAMA Study

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    Background: There is evidence that rapid weight gain during the first year of life is associated with overweight later in life. However, results from studies exploring other critical periods for the development of overweight are inconsistent. Objective: The objective was to investigate BMI development to assess at what ages essential differences between normal weight and overweight children occur, and to assess which age intervals the most strongly influence the risk of overweight at 8 years of age. Methods: Longitudinal weight and height data

    Discovery and Fine-Mapping of Glycaemic and Obesity-Related Trait Loci Using High-Density Imputation

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    Reference panels from the 1000 Genomes (1000G) Project Consortium provide near complete coverage of common and low-frequency genetic variation with minor allele frequency ≥0.5% across European ancestry populations. Within the European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology (ENGAGE) Consortium, we have undertaken the fi

    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of HDL cholesterol response to statins

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    BACKGROUND: In addition to lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), statin therapy also raises high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. Inter-individual variation in HDL-C response to statins may be partially explained by genetic variation.METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify variants with an effect on statin-induced high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) changes. The 123 most promising signals with p&lt;1×10(-4) from the 16 769 statin-treated participants in the first analysis stage were followed up in an independent group of 10 951 statin-treated individuals, providing a total sample size of 27 720 individuals. The only associations of genome-wide significance (p&lt;5×10(-8)) were between minor alleles at the CETP locus and greater HDL-C response to statin treatment.CONCLUSIONS: Based on results from this study that included a relatively large sample size, we suggest that CETP may be the only detectable locus with common genetic variants that influence HDL-C response to statins substantially in individuals of European descent. Although CETP is known to be associated with HDL-C, we provide evidence that this pharmacogenetic effect is independent of its association with baseline HDL-C levels.</p