90 research outputs found

    Fragmentation and Defamiliarization as a Process: V. B. Shklovsky Rereads L. N. Tolstoy

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    The paper examines crucial topics of reflection on the nature of art in L. N. Tolstoy’s works (1890–1900) in the light of their interpretations by V. B. Shklovsky. The principal part of these reflections is the search for a new mode of writing, “beyond any form,” which Shklovsky inherits and analyzes in his fragmentary aphoristic prose. The fragmentary forms in the late period of Tolstoy’s works and Shklovsky’s writing stem from the era of dramatic, rapid, and irreversible changes at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. The paper pays particular attention to aspects of Shklovsky’s interpretation of Tolstoy’s technique of defamiliarization (ostranenie) and examination of the contexts of Tolstoy’s thought, which combine the themes of freedom, memory, and imagination in the existential, ethical, and aesthetic registers. Shklovsky translates Tolstoy’s existential thought into an aesthetic register, considering it as a result of a long process of emerging new forms in art

    Agressão de adolescentes como forma de manifestação de comportamento desviante

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    The aim of research is identify Aggression of teenagers as form of manifestation of deviant behavior. This is an analytical-descriptive study in which a questionnaire was used to collect data. the results showed that teenagers are more aggressive and hostile than students. This is due to the onset of accelerating the pace of physical development, puberty, hormonal alteration of the body, which, in turn, leads to emotional instability. Schoolchildren and students have their own psychological characteristics of aggressiveness, which was shown by factor analysis.El objetivo de la investigación es identificar la agresión de los adolescentes como forma de manifestación de conducta desviada. Este es un estudio analítico-descriptivo en el que se utilizó un cuestionario para recopilar datos. Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes son más agresivos y hostiles que los estudiantes. Esto se debe al inicio de la aceleración del ritmo de desarrollo físico, la pubertad y la alteración hormonal del cuerpo, lo que, a su vez, conduce a la inestabilidad emocional. Los escolares y los estudiantes tienen sus propias características psicológicas de agresividad, lo que se demostró mediante el análisis factorial.O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar a agressão de adolescentes como forma de manifestação de comportamento desviante. Este é um estudo analítico-descritivo em que um questionário foi usado para coletar dados. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes são mais agressivos e hostis que os estudantes. Isto é devido ao início da aceleração do ritmo de desenvolvimento físico, puberdade, alteração hormonal do corpo, que, por sua vez, leva à instabilidade emocional. Alunos e alunos têm suas próprias características psicológicas de agressividade, o que foi demonstrado pela análise fatorial


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    In article the essence of the author’s concept of structural creation of system of an assessment and forecasting of stability of the enterprise is stated. The main objective of the developed concept consists of aspiration to provide sustainable functioning and enterprise development by monitoring of indicators and providing with information of experts of various levels of management and creation of the monitoring system of indicators of a sustainable development of the enterprise

    Standard Thermodynamic Functions of Tripeptides N-Formyl-L-Methionyl-L-Leucyl-L-Phenylalaninol and N-Formyl-L-Methionyl-L-Leucyl-L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester

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    The heat capacities of tripeptides N-formyl-l-methionyl-l-leucyl-l-phenylalaninol (N-f-MLF-OH) and N-formyl-l-methionyl-l-leucyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester (N-f-MLF-OMe) were measured by precision adiabatic vacuum calorimetry over the temperature range from T = (6 to 350) K. The tripeptides were stable over this temperature range, and no phase change, transformation, association, or thermal decomposition was observed. The standard thermodynamic functions: molar heat capacity C[subscript p,m], enthalpy H(T) – H(0), entropy S(T), and Gibbs energy G(T) – H(0) of peptides were calculated over the range from T = (0 to 350) K. The low-temperature (T ≤ 50 K) heat capacities dependencies were analyzed using the Debye’s and the multifractal theories. The standard entropies of formation of peptides at T = 298.15 K were calculated.National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (Grant EB-003151)National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (Grant EB-001960)National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (Grant EB-002026)Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Contract 14.B37.21.0799


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    Purpose of Study: The article is devoted to the study of the organization of educational activities of volunteers as a social and educational project. It is established that the strategic goal of the new generation of Federal-state educational standards is the formation of graduates ' competences. A framework of competence approach helps to gradually transfer the student from learning activities to his future professional activities. In this article, the authors identify the activities of volunteers as one of the ways to adapt students to real working conditions. The article reveals the essence of volunteer activity, which allows to acquire new and improve existing competencies as a social and educational project. In the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin, the development of volunteer activities proceeds through the work of The center "territory of opportunities", implemented within the framework of the project "Social and educational environment", in which a sufficient number of stakeholders are involved, providing students with the opportunity for further employment. The article also highlights the activities carried out by the Center, for which volunteer students are offered a lot of special courses (social design, robotics, ZD-modeling). On the basis of the revealed facts, the positive effect of volunteer activity for all participants of this process is established. Methodology: The paper presents an analysis of employed student volunteers. As practice shows, students engaged in volunteer activities, quickly enough to get a job in the profession, unlike students who do not have the experience of volunteering. 49% of volunteers work on a permanent or partial basis, while students without volunteer experience employ only one in three students (33%) [Pavlov, Kindaev, Vinnikova, & Kuznetsova, (2016)]. In order to identify the positive impact of this activity on the development of students as professionals, we have shown the activities Of the center "territory of opportunities", which operates in the Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin. Results: Results showed ha students engaged in volunteer activities are more satisfied with their leisure time compared to ordinary students. In addition, the study showed that those students who have devoted their time to participate in volunteer activities are employed much faster than students who have not engaged in volunteering. Implications/Applications: The higher education institutions should make every effort to improve the conditions in which volunteer activities are carried out and offer ample opportunities for the development of the student's personality because students can easily employ both in the learning process and after graduating from high school

    Organization of virtual interaction in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

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    The organization of the educational process should be carried out taking into account the epidemiological situation and following the requirements that are due to quarantine measures. The leadership of vocational schools is looking for ways to conduct classes in a safe environment, assessing the potential risks for teachers and students. Higher schools implement the possibilities of electronic technologies as a factor in ensuring the safety of subjects of the educational process for communication between students and teachers at a distance. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of organizing virtual interaction between students and teachers within the framework of e-learning during the spread of coronavirus infection. The article reveals the possibilities of electronic technologies that allow communicating at a remote distance. The preparation of students in critical conditions is carried out using various electronic means that promote active interaction. The results of the study reflect the opinion of students of higher educational institutions about the use of virtual interaction tools. The results obtained using the Likert scale allow us to say that the majority of the respondents are active participants in virtual interaction and are ready to continue to communicate using the presented means despite the existing difficulties

    Desarrollo de habilidades creativas de los estudiantes en instituciones de educación superior

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    main purpose of vocational training in higher education is training of a competitive highly qualified graduate. The requirements for his professional and creative level of development increase with increasing role of creative abilities in professional activities implementation. The purpose of the article is to describe experience of students’ creative abilities development. The authors identified the stages of students’ creative abilities development: organizational and preparatory; activity-evaluation; designing, during which students develop original projects, develop creative abilities and readiness for creative activity. The article describes the experience of project training in the branch of Tyumen industrial University in Surgut. The stages of project preparation "Drilling rig, combined with installation of a rod depth pump (hereinafter –RSP) are analyzed in detail. The paper also provides examples of project tasks performed by students in the study of pedagogical courses. Criteria for evaluating creative abilities were developed. In order to achieve high results, students plan their own individual activities and team activities in detail, make non-standard decisions during the project, show flexibility in resolving conflicts and originality of ideas. Modern high school, acting in terms of competence approach, using project activities, contributes to developing an independent and creative personality of future professional.El objetivo principal de la formación profesional en la educación superior es la formación de un graduado competitivo altamente calificado. Los requisitos para su nivel de desarrollo profesional y creativo aumentan con el papel cada vez mayor de las habilidades creativas en la implementación de actividades profesionales. El propósito del artículo es describir la experiencia del desarrollo de habilidades creativas de los estudiantes. Los autores identificaron las etapas del desarrollo de las habilidades creativas de los estudiantes: organizacionales y preparatorias; evaluación de actividad; diseño, durante el cual los estudiantes desarrollan proyectos originales, desarrollan habilidades creativas y preparación para la actividad creativa. El artículo describe la experiencia de capacitación en proyectos en la rama de la Universidad industrial de Tyumen en Surgut. Las etapas de preparación del proyecto "Plataforma de perforación, combinadas con la instalación de una bomba de profundidad de varilla (en adelante, RSP) se analizan en detalle. El documento también proporciona ejemplos de tareas de proyectos realizadas por estudiantes en el estudio de cursos pedagógicos. Criterios para evaluar habilidades creativas se desarrollaron. Con el fin de lograr altos resultados, los estudiantes planean sus propias actividades individuales y actividades de equipo en detalle, toman decisiones no estándar durante el proyecto, muestran flexibilidad para resolver conflictos y originalidad de ideas. Preparatoria moderna, actuando en términos de competencia El enfoque, utilizando actividades de proyecto, contribuye al desarrollo de una personalidad independiente y creativa del futuro profesional

    Capacitación interna para empleados de empresas de servicios que utilizan tecnología de la información

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    The article reveals the structure of the content of in-house training and retraining of employees, reflects the principles on which training is based and the functions that are performed by in-house professional training. Throughout the world and in Russia in particular, the subject of increased attention is the introduction of information technology. Therefore, the authors consider the in-house training of employees of the service company using the designated technologies. The agency Registration Agency, a limited liability company, was considered in the article. In 2018, among its employees, a survey was conducted that revealed the desire of employees to improve their skills through electronic courses provided by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It was attended by 30 respondents. After the meeting, employees were asked to undergo training on the organization of personal effectiveness. The training was conducted successfully and, based on the data obtained, we concluded that there is a need for further closer cooperation between organizations, therefore, we presented a plan of interaction between Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin and the Registration Agency limited liability company, the result of which in the future should be the achievement of benefits for both parties, that is, an increase in the intensification of the organization’s activities "and The effectiveness of the training of future graduates of the “Service” field of study.El artículo revela la estructura del contenido de la capacitación interna y el reciclaje de los empleados, refleja los principios en los que se basa la capacitación y las funciones que realiza la capacitación profesional interna. En todo el mundo y en Rusia en particular, el tema de mayor atención es la introducción de la tecnología de la información. Por lo tanto, los autores consideran la capacitación interna de los empleados de la empresa de servicios utilizando las tecnologías designadas. La agencia, la Agencia de Registro, una compañía de responsabilidad limitada, fue considerada en el artículo. En 2018, entre sus empleados, se realizó una encuesta que reveló el deseo de los empleados de mejorar sus habilidades a través de cursos electrónicos proporcionados por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. Asistieron 30 encuestados. Después de la reunión, se pidió a los empleados que recibieran capacitación sobre la organización de la efectividad personal. La capacitación se realizó con éxito y, en base a los datos obtenidos, concluimos que existe la necesidad de una cooperación más estrecha entre las organizaciones, por lo tanto, presentamos un plan de interacción entre la Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, cuyo nombre es Kozma Minin y la Agencia de Registro limitada empresa de responsabilidad, cuyo resultado en el futuro debería ser el logro de beneficios para ambas partes, es decir, un aumento en la intensificación de las actividades de la organización "y la efectividad de la capacitación de futuros graduados del campo de estudio" Servicio"


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    In article the essence of the author’s concept of structural creation of system of an assessment and forecasting of stability of the enterprise is stated. The main objective of the developed concept consists of aspiration to provide sustainable functioning and enterprise development by monitoring of indicators and providing with information of experts of various levels of management and creation of the monitoring system of indicators of a sustainable development of the enterprise.В статье излагается суть авторской концепции структурного построения системы оценки и прогнозирования устойчивости предприятия. Основная цель разработанной концепции состоит в стремление обеспечить устойчивое функционирование и развитие предприятия путем мониторинга показателей и обеспечение информацией специалистов различных уровней управления и создания системы контроля показателей устойчивого развития предприятия