36 research outputs found

    Ανοσοφαινοτυπική και μοριακή μελέτη της χρόνιας λεμφοκυτταρικής λευχαιμίας

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    Παρατηρήσεις έκδοσης: λείπουν οι σελίδες 52-55 από το φυσικό τεκμήριο.• Αναδιατάξεις γενετικού τόπου IGK στη χρόνια λεμφοκυτταρική λευχαιμία Αναλύσαμε αναδιατάξεις του γενετικού τόπου της κ-ελαφριάς αλυσίδας των ανοσοσφαιρινών σε 180 ασθενείς με χρόνια λεμφοκυτταρική λευχαιμία (ΧΛΛ) με κλωνοτυπική κ-ελαφριά αλυσίδα. Αναγνωρίσθηκαν 21 λειτουργικά γονίδια IGKV με συχνότερα τα: IGKV3-20, IGKV1 -39/1D-39, IGKV4-1, IGKV1-5, IGKV2-30 και IGKV1- 8. Συχνότερο γονίδιο IGKJ σε αναδιατάξεις IGKV-J ήταν το IGKJ2 και ακολουθούσαν τα IGKJ1, IGKJ4, IGKJ3 και IGKJ5. Παρατηρήθηκαν σημαντικές διαφορές ως προς τη συχνότητα αναδιάταξης με τα γονίδια IGKJ3-5 ανά γονίδιο IGKV. Το μήκος της περιοχής KCDR3 κυμαινόταν από 6 έως 11 αμινοξέα (διάμεση τιμή, 9). Ν νουκλεοτίδια ανιχνεύθηκαν σε ποσοστό 51.1% των αναδιατάξεων IGKV-J. Ενενήντα αναδιατάξεις IGKV-J (50%) ήταν “αμετάλλακτες” (>98% ομολογία); 60/90 “αμετάλλακτες” αναδιατάξεις IGKV-J είχαν ομολογία 100%. Η κατανομή των γονιδίων IGKV σε αμετάλλακτες και μεταλλαγμένες αναδιατάξεις διέφερε σημαντικά. Παράλληλη ανάλυση των μεταλλάξεων στα γονίδια IGH/IGK Πραγματοποιήθηκε σε 175/180 περιπτώσεις. Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, μεταλλαγμένες αλληλουχίες IGHV συνδυάζονταν με μεταλλαγμένες αλλυλουχίες IGK και το αντίστροφο. Οι αλληλουχίες της παρούσας μελέτης συγκρίθηκαν με αλληλουχίες από φυσιολογικά και αυτοαντιδραστικά κύτταρα από δημόσιες βάσεις δεδομένων. Η σχετική ανάλυση αποκάλυψε υποσύνολα ασθενών με ΧΛΛ με πολύ ομόλογες περιοχές CDR3 (“ομόλογα υποσύνολα”). Ειδικότερα: (ί) έξι αναδιατάξεις IGKV2-30-IGKJ2 της παρούσας μελέτης (5/6 μεταλλαγμένες) είχαν σχεδόν ταυτόσημη, όξινη, “ΧΛΛ-ειδική” περιοχή KCDR3 (MQGT[H/Y]W[+/-P]PYT). Όλες οι αλληλουχίες συνδυάζονταν με βαριές αλυσίδες που εξέφραζαν γονίδια IGHV4. Οι 4/6 αναδιατάξεις IGKV-J σχετίζονταν με IGHV4-34 βαριές αλυσίδες με ομόλογη, βασική περιοχή HCDR3S μήκους 18-20 αμινοξέων (ϋ) 3 αμετάλλακτες αναδιατάξεις IGKV1 -39/1D-39-IGKJ2 της παρούσας μελέτης είχαν ταυτόσημη, όξινη, “ΧΛΛ-ειδική” περιοχή KCDR3 (QQSYSTPPYT). Όλες συνδυάζονταν με αμετάλλακτες βαριές αλυσίδες που εξέφραζαν γονίδια IGHV1. Επίσης, 4 αμετάλλακτες αναδιατάξεις IGKV1-39/1D-39- IGKJ1/4 της παρούσας μελέτης είχαν σχεδόν ταυτόσημη, όξινη, “ΧΛΛ-ειδική” περιοχή KCDR3 [QQSYSTPL(P)T], Οι 2/4 σχετίζονταν με αμετάλλακτες βαριές αλυσίδες που εξέφραζαν γονίδια IGHV4-39 (ϋί) 4 αναδιατάξεις IGKV1-5-IGKJ1/3 της παρούσας μελέτης (3/4 μεταλλαγμένες) είχαν σχεδόν ταυτόσημη, όξινη, “ΧΛΛ-ειδική” περιοχή KCDR3 KCDR3 (QQYNSYP[W/F]T). Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης τονίζουν τη στενή σχέση ΧΛΛ-αυτοανοσίας και παρέχουν περαιτέρω ενδείξεις για το ρόλο του αντιγόνου στην παθογένεση της ΧΛΛ. • Ανάλυση των υποδοχέων της τρανσφερρίνης στη χρόνια λεμφοκυτταρική λευχαιμία Μελετήσαμε την έκφραση των TfR1/TfR2 mRNA με RT-PCR και την έκφραση του CD71 σε μονοπύρηνα κύτταρα περιφερικού αίματος με κυτταρομετρία ροής σε 118 ασθενείς με ΧΛΛ. Ενενήντα πέντε από 109 δείγματα ήταν θετικά για το CD71: το ποσοστό των CD71 (+) νεοπλασματικών Β λεμφοκυττάρων γενικά ήταν υψηλό (>90%, 23.3-100.0%). Δεν διαπιστώθηκε συσχέτιση μεταξύ της έκφρασης του CD71 και της ανεύρεσης μεταλλαγμένων γονιδίων IgH. Μετάγραφα TfRI ανιχνεύθηκαν σε όλους τους ασθενείς. Αντίθετα, mRNA μετάγραφα TfR2-a και 2-β δεν ανιχνεύθηκαν σε 50/102 ασθενείς και 9/109 ασθενείς, αντιστοίχως. Τα επίπεδα του TfRI mRNA καθορίσθηκαν σε 111/118 ασθενείς με ποσοτική RT-PCR (τουλάχιστον τρεις αντιδράσεις/δείγμα). Διακρίθηκαν τρεις ομάδες (A-C, διαφορά συγκέντρωσης μεταξύ διαδοχικών ομάδων: 1 log): (1) ομάδα I (μέγιστη συγκέντρωση), 27 ασθενείς (2) ομάδα Β, 57 ασθενείς (3) ομάδα C, 27 ασθενείς. Δεν διαπιστώθηκαν στατιστικώς σημαντικές συσχετίσεις μεταξύ της έκφρασης του TfR mRNA, της συγκέντρωσης των μεταγράφων TfRI και TfR2 mRNA και του status μεταλλάξεων των γονιδίων IGHV. Επίσης, η έκφραση των TfR1/2 mRNA δεν εμφάνισε συσχέτιση με καμία άλλη φαινοτυπική μεταβλητή (CD38, CD69). Η σχεδόν οικουμενική, υψηλή έκφραση CD71 με δεδομένη τη μεταβλητότητα των επιπέδων TfRI mRNA πιθανόν οφείλεται σε μετα-μεταγραφική ρύθμιση. Η τάση για έκφραση TfR2-a σε ασθενείς με χαμηλά επίπεδα TfRI mRNA πρέπει να διερευνηθεί περαιτέρω. Τέλος, τα αποτελέσματά μας υποδηλώνουν λειτουργική συνεργασία μεταξύ TfRI και TfR2 στα νεοπλασματικά λεμφοκύτταρα της ΧΛΛ

    Sputum Quality Assessment Regarding Sputum Culture for Diagnosing Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical relevance of specimens from the lower airways is often debatable. However, they are most commonly examined for diagnosing lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs).AIM: This study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sputum quality assessment about sputum culture for diagnosing LRTIs in children.METHODS: In six months, a total of 1485 sputum samples were quality assessed by using Bartlett’s grading system. All samples, regardless of their quality, were cultured, identified, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method.RESULTS: Among the acceptable category, defined by Bartlett’s grading system, 132 (63.2%) samples showed culture positivity of which Streptococcus pneumoniae 48 (36.4%) was most commonly isolated, followed by Moraxella catarrhalis 22 (16.7%) and Haemophilus influenza 21 (15.9%). Among the non-acceptable category, 185 (14.5%) samples were culture positive of which most commonly isolated were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 64 (34.6%), 54 (29.2%) and 28 (15.1%), respectively.CONCLUSION: Sputum quality assessment is a useful tool for distinguishing the true respiratory pathogens from possible colonising flora for which antibiotic treatment should not be highly considered. &nbsp

    Fear of the introduction of technologies and distance education in epidemic

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    Razglasitve pandemije COVID-19 je prinesla številne spremembe na delovnih mestih, še posebej v šolstvu. Po razglasitvi pandemije so vlade celega sveta, vključno s Slovenijo, predlagale preusmeritev izobraževanja iz klasičnega v izobraževanje na daljavo. Izobraževanje na daljavo je zahtevalo večjo uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT), za katero so učenci, učitelji ter ravnatelji bolj ali manj uposobljeni. Učitelji so morali preusmeriti oziroma prilagotiti svoj način poučevanja. Ena od prilagoditev je bila uporaba IKT. Predvidevamo, da vsi učitelji niso enako digitalno pismeni in zato so nekateri v času zaprtja šol doživeli tehnostres. Kaj je tehnostres in stres na delovnem mestu smo opisali v teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali tudi klasično izobraževanje in izobraževanje na daljavo, njune prednosti in slabosti ter značilnosti. V empiričnem delu smo analizirali že obstoječo razikavo. Zanimalo nas je, kako so se učitelji, učenci ter ravnatelji znašli v času zaprtja šol. Še posebej nas je zanimalo, če je bilo izobraževanje na daljavo bolj zahtevno in stresno. Na podlagi analize rezultatov že obstoječe razikave smo ugotovili, da izobraževanje na daljavo je bilo za učitelje in za učence bolj stresno in zahtevno. Ravnatelji pa so se v novonastali situaciji bolje znašli, saj so trdili, da so delali z istim tempom in samo po nekoliko prilagojenem urniku.The proclamation of the COVID-19 pandemic brought changes in school jobs. Following the declaration of a pandemic, governments around the world, including Slovenia, proposed to shift education from traditional to distance education. Distance education required greater use of information and communication technologies (ICT), for which students, teachers and principals are more or less portrayed. Teachers had to reorient or adapt their way of teaching. By adapting, they had to use ICT. We assume that teachers are not all equally literate digitally and that is why some experienced technostress at the time the school was closed. What is technostress and stress in the workplace we described in the theoretical part of the master\u27s thesis. In the theoretical part. We also described classical and distance education, their advantages and disadvantages, and characteristics. In the empirical part, we analyzed the already existing research. We were interested in how teachers, students and principals found themselves during the closed school. We were particularly interested in whether distance education was more demanding and stressful. Based on the analysis of the results of the already existing research, I prepared that distance education was more stressful and demanding for teachers and students. The principals, however, found themselves better in the new situation and claimed to have worked with the same pace and only a slightly coordinated schedule

    IT Support In Logystics

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    V današnjem času je podjetju brez informacijske tehnologije zelo težko funkcionirati. Zaradi tega so v diplomskem projektu predstavljena naslednja področja: osnovne značilnosti logistike, osnovne značilnosti informacijskih tehnologij in elektronskega poslovanja, uporaba elektronskega poslovanja v logistiki. Logistika in elektronsko poslovanje sta zelo pomembna, saj spreminjata in bosta spreminjala odnose med poslovnimi partnerji, učinkovitost dela, zadovoljevanje stranke idr. Informacijska tehnologija je za logistiko zelo pomembna, še pomembnejša pa sta sodelovanje med partnerji v logističnem omrežju in celovit pristop. Ponudnikov raznih rešitev za informatizacijo poslovanja je pri nas dovolj, vendar se v podjetjih premalo zavedajo pomena in prednosti, ki jim jih elektronsko poslovanje prinaša tudi v logistiki. E-poslovanje omogoča tesnejše sodelovanje deležnikov v oskrbovalni verigi. Spremeni se vloga kupca, ki postane osrednji element oskrbovalne verigele-ta mora s svojo fleksibilnostjo omogočati prilagajanje vsakemu kupcu in situaciji posebej. Z osredotočanjem na potrebe in pričakovanja kupcev omogoča kakovostnejšo, hitrejšo in specifičnemu kupcu prilagojeno uporabniško izkušnjo ob nakupu ter uporabi izdelka in/ali storitve.Nowadays it is very difficult for company to function without information technology. In this thesis are present the following areas, basic logistics characteristics, the basic characteristics of information technology and electronic commerce, the use of e-commerce logistics. Logistics and e-commerce are very important to change and will change the relationship between business partners, work efficiency, customer satisfaction, etc. Information Technology for Logistics is very important, even more important are the cooperation between the partners in the logistics network and a comprehensive approach. Providers of various solutions for the computerization of business in our country is enough, but enterprises are insufficiently aware of the importance and advantages offered to them by e-commerce also brings in logistics. E-commerce provides for closer cooperation of stakeholders in the supply chain. Change the role of buyer who becomes a central element of the supply chain, which should be with its flexibility to enable adaptation to each customer and the specific situation. By focusing on the needs and expectations of our customers, enabling higher quality, faster and more customer specific customized user experience when purchasing and using a product and / or services


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    In 2011, in Republic of Macedonia, 740 applications for asylum were submitted in front of the Section for asylum (SfA), Ministry of interiori. Vast majority of them were submitted by applicants coming from the world’s most vulnerable countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia. However, none of these applicants was granted with convention statusii (meaning refugee status) or complementary protection statusiii (according the Law on Asylum and Temporary Protectioniv, Article 4-a- subsidiary protection).This study is designed as an experimental research with a goal to examine whether intercultural factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion and language, have influence on the asylum decision- makingv, at the same time allowing us to fabricate the profile of the so- called “new asylum seekers”. As a sampling group (respondents) we will use all asylum seekers that applied for asylum in Republic of Macedonia from 01 of January till 31 of December 2011, therefore the research does not claim to be representative for the comparative previous period before 2011. The researched sample is represented by twenty four nationalities, including both men and women, from a range of age groups. Additionally, through examination of four individual cases from 2011, selected on the basis whether an interview was conducted with the asylum seeker, particular attention will be addressed to the process of communication in the asylum cases, as a form of intercultural communication

    Islamic banking compared with traditional banking

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    Islamske banke delujejo drugače kot tradicionalne banketisti, ki poslujejo z njimi, pravijo, da je njihovo delovanje etično. Za razliko od konvencionalnega financiranja islamske banke delujejo brez obresti ali »Riba«, ki so prepovedani v islamu. Dejavnosti islamske banke temeljijo na trgovanju. Ne uporabljajo tveganih, špekulativnih praks, ampak ustvarjajo donose na podlagi sorazmerno nizkega tveganja fizičnega premoženja ter lastnine in kovin, pri čemer se uporabljajo načela partnerstva in delitve tveganja. Stranke vedo, da njihov denar ne bo vložen v panogo, ki je prepovedana v okviru šarije, in sicer panoge, kot so tobak, alkohol, pornografija, igre na srečo ali orožje. Islamske banke vodi načelo takšnega vedenja, da delujejo v kar najboljšem interesu svojih kupcev in družbe v celoti. Vse početje bank spremlja zunanja neodvisna skupina strokovnjakov iz šharie in notranji uradnik za skladnost s šarijo. Islamske banke torej ponujajo drugačen način opravljanja bančništva, dostopen vsem, ki iščejo etično alternativo, in ne zgolj muslimanom.Islamic banking work different to conventional banking and is regarded as ethical by those who use it. Unlike convenitonal finance, islamic bankis operate without interest or " Riba", which is forbitehen in islam. Insted islamic bank activities are based on trade. They do not use risky, speculative practises, but generate returns from relatively low risk physical assets such as property and metals, using the principles of partnership and risk reward sharing. Relationships are build on trust, openess and respect. Custumers know that their money will never be invested in industries that are prohibited under "Sharia", such as tobacco, alcohol, pornography, gambling or arms. And at all thimes, islamic banks consider how they must behave, so that they in the best interests of their costumers and society as a whole. Everything that they do is routinely monitored by an external independent panel of qualified Sharia scholars and an internal Sharia compliance officer. So islamic banks offer a different way of doing banking, one that is relevant to anyone who is looking for an ethical alternative, not just Muslim

    Interactions between first and second language writing skills in Macedonian bilingual children in Australia

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    Thesis (MModLangEd)--University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education, 2009The theoretical belief arising from the interdependence hypothesis suggests that there is a common underlying proficiency in bilingual literacy development, particularly with respect to literacy skills, strategies and knowledge transfer across different languages. According to this view a strong establishment in one language not only develops skills in that language, but also facilitates the development of a second language. The aim of this research was to look at the interactions between literacy in Macedonian and English and to analyse the role of the first language literacy in second language acquisition in two dissimilar languages. Although the research explored the relationships between first language (Macedonian) and second language (English) writing skills, strategies and knowledge, the influence of motivation and the performance in English were also discussed. Namely this research investigated the skills and strategies that Macedonian bilingual children use for writing in Macedonian script and whether these strategies have a positive or negative transfer to English literacy. This research also analysed the writing behaviours, and attitude towards the two languages and how they affect the transfer of literacy skills and strategies. To address the aim of this research and gain an in-depth understanding about bilingual children's language acquisition and development a qualitative case-study method was employed. The subjects for this research were six nine year old children from a Macedonian/ English bilingual school. They were asked to write recounts in both languages, Macedonian and English, in order to investigate the transfer of skills, strategies and knowledge across both languages. The think-aloud protocols were used to look into the writing process and to categorise the types of writing strategies that the children can transfer from Macedonian to English literacy. This method was used to observe children's writing processes while writing and simultaneously discussing what thoughts were going through their mind. The childrens' attitudes towards learning in two languages were discovered by using semistructured interviews. The official results from the literacy assessment conducted at the school were also analysed and compared. The discussion of findings from the six children focussed on the transferable skills and strategies and the relationship between Macedonian and English writing. This research confirms that writing behaviours and strategies that the children displayed were consistent across both languages, even though the languages have different writing systems. In fact this research provided a better understanding of children's biliteracy development from an early age in a bilingual setting. Results of the study indicated that there is an interdependent ability between the first language and the second language writing and that there is a positive transfer of skills, strategies and knowledge from Macedonian to English. Therefore the conclusion is that the development of the stronger language literacy (Macedonian) facilitates literacy development in the second language (English) and that access to two languages from an early age and the possibility of learning those languages can facilitate literacy development

    Addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy

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    Gospodarstvo je veja ekonomije, ki se nenehno razvija. Nove rešitve v obliki blaga, izdelkov in storitev se nenehno izumljajo, da bi odpravili težave in ovire v vsakdanjem življenju ljudem. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih, od razcveta spleta, so se vedenja in navade potrošnikov zaradi novih spletnih produktov in storitev spremenile, pri čemer gospodarski subjekti uporabnikom in potrošnikom vedno znova zagotavljajo posodobljenje rešitve na digitalnem področju. S pomočjo globalizacije in naprednega tehnološkega razvoja, nove, inovativne digitalne storitve so na voljo potrošnikom, kot so računalniška programska oprema, aplikacije na pametnem telefonu ali spletna platforma družbenih medijev. Podjetja so zdaj sposobna doseči konkurenčnost na svetovnem trgu, na videz brez truda in z veliko nižjimi stroški, kot bi jih moralo nositi običajno podjetje za dostavo fizičnega izdelka ali storitve. V začetku tega stoletja je bilo ustanovljenih več podjetij z nekonvencionalnimi modeli upravljanja in novo tehnologijo. Kljub napredku in razvoju teh podjetij pa davčni sistemi na mednarodni in nacionalni ravni niso sledili tem spremembam. Zastarela davčna zakonodaja, je prerasla v spekter, v katerem multinacionalne korporacije v digitalnem sektorju gospodarstva, zlasti tiste z močno globalno prisotnostjo, izkoriščajo pravne vrzeli, da bi se bistveno izognile davkom njihov dobiček v državah, v katerih so prisotni in iz katerih pridobivajo dobiček, v primerjavi z drugimi sektorji. Slabosti v sedanjih pravilih ustvarjajo priložnosti za erozijo davčne osnove in preusmerjanje dobička (BEPS), kar od oblikovalcev politik zahteva pogumne poteze, da bi ponovno vzpostavili zaupanje v sistem in zagotovili, da so dobički obdavčeni tam, kjer potekajo gospodarske dejavnosti in se ustvarja vrednost. Poleg tega Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD) izvaja projekt BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting), ki se ukvarja z izzivi davčne optimizacije in izogibanja davkom s strani multinacionalk v digitalnem gospodarstvu. Ta projekt predstavlja dvostebersko rešitev za obravnavo problematike BEPS, pri čemer prvi steber projekta BEPS preprečuje izogibanje davkom, drugi steber pa se osredotoča na pravično razdelitev dobička med državami glede na dejansko gospodarsko dejavnost. Skupni cilj projekta BEPS in drugih prizadevanj OECD je zagotoviti pregledno in pošteno davčno obravnavo v digitalnem gospodarstvu ter spodbuditi države k sodelovanju pri reševanju izzivov, povezanih z davčno optimizacijo.Economics is a branch of the economy that is constantly developing. New solutions in the form of goods, products and services are constantly being invented to solve problems and obstacles in people\u27s daily lives. In the last two decades, since the rise of the Internet, consumer behaviors and habits have changed due to new online products and services, with business entities providing users and consumers with an updated digital solution time and time again. With the help of globalization and advanced technological development, new, innovative digital services are available to consumers, such as computer software, smartphone applications or online social media platforms. Businesses are now able to compete in the global marketplace, seemingly effortlessly and at a much lower cost than a typical business would have to bear to deliver a physical product or service. At the beginning of this century, several companies were founded with unconventional management models and new technology. Despite the progress and development of these companies, tax systems at the international and national level have not kept up with these changes. Outdated tax legislation has grown into a spectrum in which multinational corporations in the digital sector of the economy, especially those with a strong global presence, exploit legal loopholes to significantly avoid taxes on their profits in the countries in which they are present and from which they derive profits, compared to other sectors. Weaknesses in the current rules create opportunities for base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), requiring bold moves from policymakers to restore confidence in the system and ensure that profits are taxed where economic activity takes place and value is created. In addition, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) implements the BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) project, which deals with the challenges of tax optimization and tax avoidance by multinationals in the digital economy. This project presents a two-pillar solution to address the BEPS issue, with the first pillar of the BEPS project preventing tax avoidance and the second pillar focusing on the fair distribution of profits between countries based on actual economic activity. The common goal of the BEPS project and other efforts of the OECD is to ensure transparent and fair tax treatment in the digital economy and to encourage countries to cooperate in solving the challenges related to tax optimization