7,839 research outputs found

    Unusual light spectra from a two-level atom in squeezed vacuum

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    We investigate the interaction of an atom with a multi-channel squeezed vacuum. It turns out that the light coming out in a particular channel can have anomalous spectral properties, among them asymmetry of the spectrum, absence of the central peak as well as central hole burning for particular parameters. As an example plane-wave squeezing is considered. In this case the above phenomena can occur for the light spectra in certain directions. In the total spectrum these phenomena are washed out.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures (included via epsf

    Interactions between pesticides and pathogen susceptibility in honey bees

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    There exist a variety of factors that negatively impact the health and survival of managed honey bee colonies, including the spread of parasites and pathogens, loss of habitat, reduced availability or quality of food resources, climate change, poor queen quality, changing cultural and commercial beekeeping practices, as well as exposure to agricultural and apicultural pesticides both in the field and in the hive. These factors are often closely intertwined, and it is unlikely that a single stressor is driving colony losses. There is a growing consensus, however, that increasing prevalence of parasites and pathogens are among the most significant threats to managed bee colonies. Unfortunately, improper management of hives by beekeepers may exacerbate parasite populations and disease transmission. Furthermore, research continues to accumulate that describes the complex and largely harmful interactions that exist between pesticide exposure and bee immunity. This brief review summarizes our progress in understanding the impact of pesticide exposure on bees at the individual, colony, and community level

    The GSC-II-based survey of ancient cool white dwarfs I. The sample of spectroscopically confirmed WDs

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    The GSC-II white dwarf survey was designed to identify faint and high proper motion objects, which we used to define a new and independent sample of cool white dwarfs. With this survey we aim to derive new constraints on the halo white dwarf space density. Also, these data can provide information on the age of thick disk and halo through the analysis of the luminosity function. On the basis of astrometric and photometric parameters, we selected candidates with mu > 0.28 as/yr and R_F > 16 in an area of 1150 square degrees. Then, we separated white dwarfs from late type dwarfs and subdwarfs by means of the reduced proper motion diagram. Finally, spectroscopic follow-up observations were carried out to confirm the white dwarf nature of the selected candidates. We found 41 white dwarfs of which 24 are new discoveries. Here we present the full sample and for each object provide positions, absolute proper motions, photometry, and spectroscopy.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&

    The Power of General Relativity

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    We study the cosmological and weak-field properties of theories of gravity derived by extending general relativity by means of a Lagrangian proportional to R1+δR^{1+\delta}. This scale-free extension reduces to general relativity when δ0\delta \to 0. In order to constrain generalisations of general relativity of this power class we analyse the behaviour of the perfect-fluid Friedmann universes and isolate the physically relevant models of zero curvature. A stable matter-dominated period of evolution requires δ>0\delta >0 or δ<1/4\delta <-1/4. The stable attractors of the evolution are found. By considering the synthesis of light elements (helium-4, deuterium and lithium-7) we obtain the bound 0.017<δ<0.0012.-0.017<\delta <0.0012. We evaluate the effect on the power spectrum of clustering via the shift in the epoch of matter-radiation equality. The horizon size at matter--radiation equality will be shifted by 1\sim 1% for a value of δ0.0005.\delta \sim 0.0005. We study the stable extensions of the Schwarzschild solution in these theories and calculate the timelike and null geodesics. No significant bounds arise from null geodesic effects but the perihelion precession observations lead to the strong bound δ=2.7±4.5×1019\delta =2.7\pm 4.5\times 10^{-19} assuming that Mercury follows a timelike geodesic. The combination of these observational constraints leads to the overall bound 0δ<7.2×10190\leq \delta <7.2\times 10^{-19} on theories of this type.Comment: 26 pages and 5 figures. Published versio

    Hunting for brown dwarf binaries and testing atmospheric models with X-Shooter

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    The determination of the brown dwarf binary fraction may contribute to the understanding of the substellar formation mechanisms. Unresolved brown dwarf binaries may be revealed through their peculiar spectra or the discrepancy between optical and near-infrared spectral type classification. We obtained medium-resolution spectra of 22 brown dwarfs with these characteristics using the X-Shooter spectrograph at the VLT. We aimed to identify brown dwarf binary candidates, and to test if the BT-Settl 2014 atmospheric models reproduce their observed spectra. To find binaries spanning the L-T boundary, we used spectral indices and compared the spectra of the selected candidates to single spectra and synthetic binary spectra. We used synthetic binary spectra with components of same spectral type to determine as well the sensitivity of the method to this class of binaries. We identified three candidates to be combination of L plus T brown dwarfs. We are not able to identify binaries with components of similar spectral type. In our sample, we measured minimum binary fraction of 9.13.0+9.99.1^{+9.9}_{-3.0}. From the best fit of the BT-Settl models 2014 to the observed spectra, we derived the atmospheric parameters for the single objects. The BT-Settl models were able to reproduce the majority of the SEDs from our objects, and the variation of the equivalent width of the RbI (794.8 nm) and CsI (852.0 nm) lines with the spectral type. Nonetheless, these models did not reproduce the evolution of the equivalent widths of the NaI (818.3 nm and 819.5 nm) and KI (1253 nm) lines with the spectral type.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Electromagnetic and corpuscular emission from the solar flare of 1991 June 15: Continuous acceleraton of relativistic particles

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    Data on X-,γ-ray, optical and radio emission from the 1991 June 15 solar flare are considered. We have calculated the spectrum of protons that producesγ-rays during the gradual phase of the flare. The primary proton spectrum can be described as a Bessel-function-type up to 0.8 GeV and a power law with the spectral index ≈3 from 0.8 up to 10 GeV or above. We have also analyzed data on energetic particles near the Earth. Their spectrum differed from that of primary protons producingγ-ray line emission. In the gradual phase of the flare additional pulses of energy release occurred and the time profiles of cm-radio emission andγ-rays in the 0.8–10 MeV energy band and above 50 MeV coincided. A continuous and simultaneous stochastic acceleration of the protons and relativistic electrons at the gradual phase of the flare is considered as a natural explanation of the data

    Spitzer Mid-Infrared Photometry of 500 - 750 K Brown Dwarfs

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    Mid-infrared data, including Spitzer warm-IRAC [3.6] and [4.5] photometry, is critical for understanding the cold population of brown dwarfs now being found, objects which have more in common with planets than stars. As effective temperature (T_eff) drops from 800 K to 400 K, the fraction of flux emitted beyond 3 microns increases rapidly, from about 40% to >75%. This rapid increase makes a color like H-[4.5] a very sensitive temperature indicator, and it can be combined with a gravity- and metallicity-sensitive color like H-K to constrain all three of these fundamental properties, which in turn gives us mass and age for these slowly cooling objects. Determination of mid-infrared color trends also allows better exploitation of the WISE mission by the community. We use new Spitzer Cycle 6 IRAC photometry, together with published data, to present trends of color with type for L0 to T10 dwarfs. We also use the atmospheric and evolutionary models of Saumon & Marley to investigate the masses and ages of 13 very late-type T dwarfs, which have H-[4.5] > 3.2 and T_eff ~ 500 K to 750 K.Comment: To be published in the on-line version of the Proceedings of Cool Stars 16 (ASP Conference Series). This is an updated version of Leggett et al. 2010 ApJ 710 1627; a photometry compilation is available at http://www.gemini.edu/staff/slegget