187 research outputs found

    The BIOEXPLOIT Project

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    The EU Framework 6 Integrated Project BIOEXPLOIT concerns the exploitation of natural plant biodiversity for the pesticide-free production of food. It focuses on the pathogens Phytophthora infestans, Septoria tritici, Blumeria graminis, Puccinia spp. and Fusarium spp. and on the crops wheat, barley, tomato and potato. The project commenced in October 2005, comprises 45 laboratories in 12 countries, and is carried out by partners from research institutes, universities, private companies and small-medium enterprises. The project has four strategic objectives covered in eight sub-projects. These objectives relate to (i) understanding the molecular components involved in durable disease resistance, (ii) exploring and exploiting the natural biodiversity in disease resistance, (iii) accelerating the introduction of marker-assisted breeding and genetic engineering in the EU plant breeding industry, and (iv) coordinating and integrating resistance breeding research, providing training in new technologies, disseminating the results, and transferring knowledge and technologies to the industry

    Endogenous cellulases in stylet secretions of cyst nematodes

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    This thesis describes the identification ofβ-1,4-endoglucanases (cellulases) in stylet secretions of the two cyst nematodes species, Globodera rostochiensis and Heterodera glycines . A novel method was developed to raise monoclonal antibodies that were directed to subventral oesophageal gland secretions. These monoclonal antibodies were used to characterise and to immunopurify two secretory proteins. Partial sequence data from these proteins enabled the cloning of two homologous genes from each of the two cyst nematode species.The predicted amino acid sequences revealed a high similarity with bacterial cellulases, whereas no homology was found with eukaryotic cellulases. Evidence is provided for the endogenous origin the nematode cellulases that may have been acquired from bacteria by horizontal gene transfer.</p

    Comparative genomics of two inbred lines of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis reveals disparate effector family-specific diversification patterns

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    This work was funded as part of a grant by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as part of the Applied and Technical Science domain (TTW) under grant no. 14708. PT: bioinformatics and computational biology analyses were supported by the University of St Andrews Bioinformatics Unit (AMD3BIOINF), funded by Wellcome Trust ISSF award 105621/Z/14/Z.Background: Potato cyst nematodes belong to the most harmful pathogens in potato, and durable management of these parasites largely depends on host-plant resistances. These resistances are pathotype specific. The current Globodera rostochiensis pathotype scheme that defines five pathotypes (Ro1 - Ro5) is both fundamentally and practically of limited value. Hence, resistant potato varieties are used worldwide in a poorly informed manner. Results : We generated two novel reference genomes of G. rostochiensis inbred lines derived from a Ro1 and a Ro5 population. These genome sequences comprise 173 and 189 scaffolds respectively, marking a ≈ 24-fold reduction in fragmentation as compared to the current reference genome. We provide copy number variations for 19 effector families. Four dorsal gland effector families were investigated in more detail. SPRYSECs, known to be implicated in plant defence suppression, constitute by far the most diversified family studied herein with 60 and 99 variants in Ro1 and Ro5 distributed over 18 and 26 scaffolds. In contrast, CLEs, effectors involved in feeding site induction, show strong physical clustering. The 10 and 16 variants cluster on respectively 2 and 1 scaffolds. Given that pathotypes are defined by their effectoromes, we pinpoint the disparate nature of the contributing effector families in terms of sequence diversification and loss and gain of variants. Conclusions : Two novel reference genomes allow for nearly complete inventories of effector diversification and physical organisation within and between pathotypes. Combined with insights we provide on effector family-specific diversification patterns, this constitutes a basis for an effectorome-based virulence scheme for this notorious pathogen.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Computational and phylogenetic validation of nematode horizontal gene transfer

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    Sequencing of expressed genes has shown that nematodes, particularly the plant-parasitic nematodes, have genes purportedly acquired from other kingdoms by horizontal gene transfer. The prevailing orthodoxy is that such transfer has been a driving force in the evolution of niche specificity, and a recent paper in BMC Evolutionary Biology that presents a detailed phylogenetic analysis of cellulase genes in the free-living nematode Pristionchus pacificus at the species, genus and family levels substantiates this hypothesis

    Het wonder van de wortelknobbelaaltjes: de unieke moleculaire interacties tussen een obligate parasiet en haar waardplanten

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    Wortelknobbelaaltjes (Meloidogyne spp.) behoren tot de meest geavanceerde parasieten onder de ziekteverwekkers van planten. Ze onderscheiden zich van veel obligaat biotrofe pathogenen door hun brede waardplantenreeks. Eenmaal gevestigd in het wortelstelsel onttrekken ze vervolgens gedurende enkele weken voedingsstoffen aan de plant via speciaal daarvoor aangelegde voedingsstructuren - de reuzecellen. Ze kunnen zich al naar gelang de omstandigheden dat vereisen, op allerlei manieren voortplanten.De laatste jaren zijn door de toepassing van moleculaire technieken een aantal bijzondere ontdekkingen gedaan die betrekking hebben op deze aanpassingen. Ingegaan wordt op de ontwikkelingen met nadruk op de genen, die betrokken zijn bij de parasitaire levensstijl van de nematod

    Comparative genomics among cyst nematodes reveals distinct evolutionary histories among effector families and an irregular distribution of effector-associated promoter motifs

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    JvS, MH and SvdE were supported by a grant from the Applied and Technical Science domain (TTW) of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under grant no. 14708. PT received support from the University of St Andrews Bioinformatics Unit (AMD3BIOINF), funded by Wellcome Trust ISSF award 105621/Z/14/Z. MS benefitted from funding by a VENI grant (17282) from the NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences.Potato cyst nematodes (PCNs), an umbrella term used for two species, Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis, belong worldwide to the most harmful pathogens of potato. Pathotype-specific host plant resistances are an essential handle for PCN control. However, the poor delineation of G. pallida pathotypes hampers the efficient use of available host plant resistances. Long-read sequencing technology allowed us to generate a new reference genome of G. pallida population D383 and, as compared to the current reference, the new genome assembly is 42 times less fragmented. For comparison of diversification patterns of six effector families between G. pallida and G. rostochiensis, an additional reference genome was generated for an outgroup, the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii (IRS population). Large evolutionary contrasts in effector family topologies were observed. While VAPs diversified before the split between the three cyst nematode species, the families GLAND5 and GLAND13 only expanded in PCN after their separation from the genus Heterodera. Although DNA motifs in the promoter regions thought to be involved in the orchestration of effector expression ('DOG boxes') were present in all three cyst nematode species, their presence is not a necessity for dorsal gland-produced effectors. Notably, DOG box dosage was only loosely correlated with expression level of individual effector variants. Comparison of the G. pallida genome with those of two other cyst nematodes underlined the fundamental differences in evolutionary history between effector families. Re-sequencing of PCN populations with deviant virulence characteristics will allow for the linking of these characteristics with the composition of the effector repertoire as well as for the mapping of PCN diversification patterns resulting from extreme anthropogenic range expansion.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The TIR-NB-LRR pair DSC1 and WRKY19 contributes to basal immunity of Arabidopsis to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita

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    BackgroundRoot-knot nematodes transform vascular host cells into permanent feeding structures to withdraw nutrients from the host plant. Ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana can display large quantitative variation in susceptibility to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, which is thought to be independent of dominant major resistance genes. However, in an earlier genome-wide association study of the interaction between Arabidopsis and M. incognita we identified a quantitative trait locus harboring homologs of dominant resistance genes but with minor effect on susceptibility to the M. incognita population tested.ResultsHere, we report on the characterization of two of these genes encoding the TIR-NB-LRR immune receptor DSC1 (DOMINANT SUPPRESSOR OF Camta 3 NUMBER 1) and the TIR-NB-LRR-WRKY-MAPx protein WRKY19 in nematode-infected Arabidopsis roots. Nematode infection studies and whole transcriptome analyses using the Arabidopsis mutants showed that DSC1 and WRKY19 co-regulate susceptibility of Arabidopsis to M. incognita.ConclusionGiven the head-to-head orientation of DSC1 and WRKY19 in the Arabidopsis genome our data suggests that both genes may function as a TIR-NB-LRR immune receptor pair. Unlike other TIR-NB-LRR pairs involved in dominant disease resistance in plants, DSC1 and WRKY19 most likely regulate basal levels of immunity to root-knot nematodes
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