683 research outputs found

    The Insular Taste Cortex Contributes to Odor Quality Coding

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    Despite distinct peripheral and central pathways, stimulation of both the olfactory and the gustatory systems may give rise to the sensation of sweetness. Whether there is a common central mechanism producing sweet quality sensations or two discrete mechanisms associated independently with gustatory and olfactory stimuli is currently unknown. Here we used fMRI to determine whether odor sweetness is represented in the piriform olfactory cortex, which is thought to code odor quality, or in the insular taste cortex, which is thought to code taste quality. Fifteen participants sampled two concentrations of a pure sweet taste (sucrose), two sweet food odors (chocolate and strawberry), and two sweet floral odors (lilac and rose). Replicating prior work we found that olfactory stimulation activated the piriform, orbitofrontal and insular cortices. Of these regions, only the insula also responded to sweet taste. More importantly, the magnitude of the response to the food odors, but not to the non-food odors, in this region of insula was positively correlated with odor sweetness rating. These findings demonstrate that insular taste cortex contributes to odor quality coding by representing the taste-like aspects of food odors. Since the effect was specific to the food odors, and only food odors are experienced with taste, we suggest this common central mechanism develops as a function of experiencing flavors

    Assessing the Potential of Urban Ecology Research to Inform Municipal Sustainability Practices

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    Cities are increasingly making decisions related to sustainability, and information from the field of urban ecology may be useful in informing these decisions. However, the potential utility of this information may not translate into it actually being used. We surveyed municipal sustainability staff through the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program documenting their information needs and information sources, and used these results to identify the frequency with which urban ecologists are publishing studies of potential relevance to practitioners. We also quantified funded awards from the U.S. National Science Foundation in urban ecology that explicitly describe active partnerships with city policy makers. Our results show that urban ecologists are increasingly generating information of potential relevance to city sustainability efforts, with rapid increases in the number of articles published and grants funded on areas identified as key information needs. Our results also suggest that the transmission of information from academic urban ecologists to practitioners occurs mostly through indirect pathways, as municipal sustainability staff reported relying heavily on general web searches and government agency websites to find information. We found evidence of an increasing frequency of active collaborations between urban ecologists and policy makers from NSF grant abstracts. Our findings are consistent with previous findings that traditional models of passive communication to practitioners through academic journals results in a low efficiency of use of this knowledge, but that the potential for urban ecologists to help inform municipal sustainability initiatives through active collaborations with practitioners is great

    Absence of \u3ci\u3esodA\u3c/i\u3e Increases the Levels of Oxidation of Key Metabolic Determinants of \u3ci\u3eBorrelia burgdorferi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, alters its gene expression in response to environmental signals unique to its tick vector or vertebrate hosts. B. burgdorferi carries one superoxide dismutase gene (sodA) capable of controlling intracellular superoxide levels. Previously, sodA was shown to be essential for infection of B. burgdorferi in the C3H/HeN model of Lyme disease. We employed two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and immunoblot analysis with antibodies specific to carbonylated proteins to identify targets that were differentially oxidized in the soluble fractions of the sodA mutant compared to its isogenic parental control strain following treatment with an endogenous superoxide generator, methyl viologen (MV, paraquat). HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of oxidized proteins revealed that several proteins of the glycolytic pathway (BB0057, BB0020, BB0348) exhibited increased carbonylation in the sodA mutant treated with MV. Levels of ATP and NAD/NADH were reduced in the sodA mutant compared with the parental strain following treatment with MV and could be attributed to increased levels of oxidation of proteins of the glycolytic pathway. In addition, a chaperone, HtpG (BB0560), and outer surface protein A (OspA, BBA15) were also observed to be oxidized in the sodA mutant. Immunoblot analysis revealed reduced levels of Outer surface protein C (OspC), Decorin binding protein A (DbpA), fibronectin binding protein (BBK32), RpoS and BosR in the sodA mutant compared to the control strains. Viable sodA mutant spirochetes could not be recovered from both gp91/phox−⁄− and iNOS deficient mice while borrelial DNA was detected in multiple tissues samples from infected mice at significantly lower levels compared to the parental strain. Taken together, these observations indicate that the increased oxidation of select borrelial determinants and reduced levels of critical pathogenesis-associated lipoproteins contribute to the in vivo deficit of the sodA mutant in the mouse model of Lyme disease. This study, utilizing the sodA mutant, has provided insights into adaptive capabilities critical for survival of B. burgdorferi in its hosts

    Addressing obesity in Roma communities: : A community readiness approach

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    YesParticipation in community programmes by the Roma community is low whilst this community presents with high risk of poor health and low levels of wellbeing. To improve rates of participation in programmes compatibility must be achieved between implementation efforts and levels of readiness in the community. The Community Readiness Model (CRM) is a widely used toolkit which provides an indication of how prepared and willing a community is to take action on specific issues. We present findings from a CRM assessment for the Eastern European Roma community in Bradford, UK on issues related to nutrition and obesity. We interviewed key respondents identified as knowledgeable about the Roma community using the CRM. This approach applies a mixed methodology incorporating readiness scores and qualitative data. A mean community readiness score was calculated enabling researchers to place the community in one of nine possible stages of readiness. Interview transcripts were analysed using a qualitative framework analysis to generate contextual information. An overall score consistent with vague awareness was achieved, which indicates a low level of community readiness. This score suggests there will be a low likelihood of participation in currently available nutrition and obesity programmes. To our knowledge this is the first study to apply the CRM in the Roma community for any issue. We present the findings for each of the six dimensions that make up the CRM together with salient qualitative findings.Better Start Bradfor

    Modulation of substrate adhesion dynamics via microtubule targeting requires kinesin-1

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    Recent studies have shown that the targeting of substrate adhesions by microtubules promotes adhesion site disassembly (Kaverina, I., O. Krylyshkina, and J.V. Small. 1999. J. Cell Biol. 146:1033–1043). It was accordingly suggested that microtubules serve to convey a signal to adhesion sites to modulate their turnover. Because microtubule motors would be the most likely candidates for effecting signal transmission, we have investigated the consequence of blocking microtubule motor activity on adhesion site dynamics. Using a function-blocking antibody as well as dynamitin overexpression, we found that a block in dynein–cargo interaction induced no change in adhesion site dynamics in Xenopus fibroblasts. In comparison, a block of kinesin-1 activity, either via microinjection of the SUK-4 antibody or of a kinesin-1 heavy chain construct mutated in the motor domain, induced a dramatic increase in the size and reduction in number of substrate adhesions, mimicking the effect observed after microtubule disruption by nocodazole. Blockage of kinesin activity had no influence on either the ability of microtubules to target substrate adhesions or on microtubule polymerisation dynamics. We conclude that conventional kinesin is not required for the guidance of microtubules into substrate adhesions, but is required for the focal delivery of a component(s) that retards their growth or promotes their disassembly

    Retromer deficiency in Tauopathy models enhances the truncation and toxicity of Tau.

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    Alteration of the levels, localization or post-translational processing of the microtubule associated protein Tau is associated with many neurodegenerative disorders. Here we develop adult-onset models for human Tau (hTau) toxicity in Drosophila that enable age-dependent quantitative measurement of central nervous system synapse loss and axonal degeneration, in addition to effects upon lifespan, to facilitate evaluation of factors that may contribute to Tau-dependent neurodegeneration. Using these models, we interrogate the interaction of hTau with the retromer complex, an evolutionarily conserved cargo-sorting protein assembly, whose reduced activity has been associated with both Parkinson’s and late onset Alzheimer’s disease. We reveal that reduction of retromer activity induces a potent enhancement of hTau toxicity upon synapse loss, axon retraction and lifespan through a specific increase in the production of a C-terminal truncated isoform of hTau. Our data establish a molecular and subcellular mechanism necessary and sufficient for the depletion of retromer activity to exacerbate Tau-dependent neurodegeneration.post-print2287 K

    Streptococcal bacteraemia in patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation : the role of tooth brushing and use of chlorhexidine

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    A retrospective evaluation of 73 consecutive recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) was conducted to investigated the role of oral care and incidence of streptococcal bacteremia in patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Patients were retrospectively evaluated and divided into group A (GA=38) and group B (GB=35). During hospitalization patients from GA performed oral hygiene daily with extra soft toothbrush and toothpaste besides performing mouth cleaning with an ethanol-free 0.12% chlorhexidine solution tree times a day. In contrast GB patients performed mouth cleaning with extra soft toothbrush and toothpaste, but no chlorhexidine was used. Using the Chi square test it was observed that all patients from GA presented negative blood culture for alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus viridans and Candida albicans and only 1 patient without oral mucositis from GB presented positive blood cultures for Streptococcus intermedius (p=0.48). The results indicate that methodology used for oral care before the HSCT and the practice of tooth brushing during the period were effective in preventing streptococcal bacteremia. Moreover, our data suggest that the mouth cleaning with chlorhexidine during HSCT may be not mandatory

    Tuberculosis-Related Deaths within a Well-Functioning DOTS Control Program

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    To describe the molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB)-related deaths in a well-managed program in a low-HIV area, we analyzed data from a cohort of 454 pulmonary TB patients recruited between March 1995 and October 2000 in southern Mexico. Patients who were sputum acid-fast bacillus smear positive underwent clinical and mycobacteriologic evaluation (isolation, identification, drug-susceptibility testing, and IS6110-based genotyping and spoligotyping) and received treatment from the local directly observed treatment strategy (DOTS) program. After an average of 2.3 years of follow-up, death was higher for clustered cases (28.6 vs. 7%, p=0.01). Cox analysis revealed that TB-related mortality hazard ratios included treatment default (8.9), multidrug resistance (5.7), recently transmitted TB (4.1), weight loss (3.9), and having less than 6 years of formal education (2). In this community, TB is associated with high mortality rates

    Threats to seabirds: A global assessment

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    We present the first objective quantitative assessment of the threats to all 359 species of seabirds, identify the main challenges facing them, and outline priority actions for their conservation. We applied the standardised Threats Classification Scheme developed for the IUCN Red List to objectively assess threats to each species and analysed the data according to global IUCN threat status, taxonomic group, and primary foraging habitat (coastal or pelagic). The top three threats to seabirds in terms of number of species affected and average impact are: invasive alien species, affecting 165 species across all the most threatened groups; bycatch in fisheries, affecting fewer species (100) but with the greatest average impact; and climate change/severe weather, affecting 96 species. Overfishing, hunting/trapping and disturbance were also identified as major threats to seabirds. Reversing the top three threats alone would benefit two-thirds of all species and c. 380 million individual seabirds (c. 45% of the total global seabird population). Most seabirds (c. 70%), especially globally threatened species, face multiple threats. For albatrosses, petrels and penguins in particular (the three most threatened groups of seabirds), it is essential to tackle both terrestrial and marine threats to reverse declines. As the negative effects of climate change are harder to mitigate, it is vital to compensate by addressing other major threats that often affect the same species, such as invasive alien species, bycatch and overfishing, for which proven solutions exist