26 research outputs found

    El sujeto confesante y la construcción de la individualidad católica moderna

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    Historians and sociologists have argued that the practices of confession played a major role in the transition to modern, introspective individuality. Until the 1970s, tough, the literature had dealt mostly with Protestantism and Protestant modes of confession, first and foremost the practice of writing spiritual diaries and then reading and rereading them. The article looks at Catholic confessional practices and how they, too, have shaped modern notion of subjecthood. Centering on Foucault’s contribution, the article argue that Catholic confession, just like its Protestant avatar, paved a route to modernity.Tanto historiadores como sociólogos han defendido que las prácticas de confesión tuvieron un papel fundamental en el paso hacia una individualidad moderna, introspectiva. Sin embargo, hasta la década de los setenta del siglo XX la mayor parte de la literatura se centró en el Protestantismo y en los modos de confesión protestante, sobre todo en la práctica de escritura de diarios espirituales así como su posterior lectura y relectura. Este artículo explora las prácticas de confesión católicas y como estas, también, moldearon la noción moderna de subjetividad. Centrándose en la contribución de Foucault, el artículo defiende que la confesión Católica, al igual que su avatar protestante, allanó el camino hacia la modernidad

    La mobilisation des saints dans la Fronde parisienne d'après les mazarinades

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    The mobilization of saints in Parisian Mazarinades. M. Sluhovsky. There is no denying the political and secular, rather than religions nature of the Parisian Fronde of 1648-52. But religions symbols and vocabulary were nevertheless recruited by the rival camps who confronted each other during the civil war. Between 1649 and 1652, more than fifty Parisian Mazarinades invoked saints, angels, and hermits, imploring these divine protectors to save the city from Mazarin and to reunite the city with its God. Patron saints of Paris and of France were also implored in public processions of penance and in communal invocations. Examining these Mazarinades, as well as some devotional public rituals that took place in the city during these years, the article addresses the mobilization of religions sentiments during the Fronde. It argues that for contemporary Parisians, some Mazarinades were assumed to address issues that were both religious and political. The use of religions lexicon and rituals by the Frondeurs had a nostalgic component: it was an attempt to recreate a unified sacred community, protected by its patron saints. But it also had an important strategic purpose: to employ the ever-present (and still undiminished) power of religious practices and persons for the sanctification of political action in a period in which the modern demarcation between the sacred and the profane (or the spiritual and the political) was not yet defined.Sluhovsky Moshe. La mobilisation des saints dans la Fronde parisienne d'après les mazarinades. In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 54ᵉ année, N. 2, 1999. pp. 353-374

    Calvinist Miracles and the Concept of the Miraculous in Sixteenth-Century Huguenot Thought

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    This paper is a study of French Calvinism as a language. It was a language which employed the signifiers and the signs of the traditional Christian culture. There was persistent usages of key Catholic words in the theology of early Huguenot believers, regardless of their level of education or commitment to the cause. In an attempt to follow one such word (“miracle”: miracula or mirabilia), a large number of texts are examined, including Calvin’s own writings, the Histoire ecclésiastique, Simon Goulart’s Mémoires de l’estat de France sous Charles Neufiesme, and the personal diary of an anonymous believer in the provincial town of Millau

    B EIK

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    Jewish Homosexual Orientalism? On Hugo/Hamid Marcus’s Writings during the First Three Decades of the 20th Century

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    Wolf B. Jewish Homosexual Orientalism? On Hugo/Hamid Marcus’s Writings during the First Three Decades of the 20th Century. In: Kraß A, Sluhovsky M, Yonay Y, eds. Queer Jewish Lives Between Central Europe and Mandatory Palestine. Biographies and Geographies. Historische Geschlechterforschung. Vol 3. Bielefeld: Transcript; 2021: 239-263

    Jews and Protestants. From the Reformation to the Present

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    The volume sheds light on various chapters in the long and multifaceted history of Protestant-Jewish relations, from the Reformation to the present. Going beyond theological questions to the areas of philosophy, music, sociology, and language, it showcases current trends in present-day scholarship and opens up directions for research on this intricate topic, which bears both historical significance and evident relevance to our own time