61 research outputs found

    Reversibility of developmental heat and cold plasticity is asymmetric and has long-lasting consequences for adult thermal tolerance

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    The ability of insects to cope with stressful temperatures through adaptive plasticity has allowed them to thrive under a wide range of thermal conditions. Developmental plasticity is generally considered to be a non-reversible phenotypic change, e.g. in morphological traits, while adult acclimation responses are often considered to be reversible physiological responses. However, physiologically mediated thermal acclimation might not follow this general prediction. We investigated the magnitude and rate of reversibility of developmental thermal plasticity responses in heat and cold tolerance of adult flies, using a full factorial design with two developmental and two adult temperatures (15 and 25°C). We show that cold tolerance attained during development is readily adjusted to the prevailing conditions during adult acclimation, with a symmetric rate of decrease or increase. In contrast, heat tolerance is only partly reversible during acclimation and is thus constrained by the temperature during development. The effect of adult acclimation on heat tolerance was asymmetrical, with a general loss of heat tolerance with age. Surprisingly, the decline in adult heat tolerance at 25°C was decelerated in flies developed at low temperatures. This result was supported by correlated responses in two senescence-associated traits and in accordance with a lower rate of ageing after low temperature development, suggesting that physiological age is not reset at eclosion. The results have profound ecological consequences for populations, as optimal developmental temperatures will be dependent on the thermal conditions faced in the adult stage and the age at which they occur

    Temperature responses in a subarctic springtail from two geothermally warmed habitats

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    Common-garden experiments with populations sampled along natural thermal gradients help to reveal local adaptation, disentangle environmental and genetic effects, and ultimately predict, by analogy, future biotic responses to climate change. In this regard, geothermal habitats are useful model systems as they exhibit dramatic changes in soil temperature. The springtail Protaphorura pseudovanderdrifti has apparently coped with such local geothermal warming in Iceland, as this species occurs along a more than half-century-old geothermal gradient in a grassland and persists along a newly emerged temperature gradient in a previously non-geothermal planted spruce forest. We measured thermal reaction norms for development and walking speed and acute cold shock tolerance of P. pseudovanderdrifti originating from the grassland and forest geothermal gradients. Temperature-dependent juvenile development showed little variation among subpopulations from the recently warmed forest, probably due to insufficient evolutionary time, but springtails from the warmed grassland plots had significantly steeper reaction norms than their counterparts from the corresponding unwarmed plot. In contrast, cold tolerance and locomotory activity showed no conclusive clinal pattern despite significant within-habitat variation. There appeared to be significant differences between habitats, as springtails from the forest had more temperature-sensitive developmental rate and locomotory activity, walked faster, and exhibited more variable cold tolerance than grassland springtails did. The planting of a forest, therefore, seems to have exerted a stronger effect on the thermal phenotype of P. pseudovanderdrifti than the emergence of a geothermal gradient. Thus, habitat properties may be no less important in shaping thermal reaction norms than the mean temperature. These local-scale findings suggest that, in addition to warming per se, global transformation of communities may drive the evolution of thermal phenotypes to an extent comparable with the effect of rising environmental temperature

    Can we predict ectotherm responses to climate change using thermal performance curves and body temperatures?

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    Thermal performance curves (TPCs), which quantify how an ectotherm\u27s body temperature (Tb ) affects its performance or fitness, are often used in an attempt to predict organismal responses to climate change. Here, we examine the key - but often biologically unreasonable - assumptions underlying this approach; for example, that physiology and thermal regimes are invariant over ontogeny, space and time, and also that TPCs are independent of previously experienced Tb. We show how a critical consideration of these assumptions can lead to biologically useful hypotheses and experimental designs. For example, rather than assuming that TPCs are fixed during ontogeny, one can measure TPCs for each major life stage and incorporate these into stage-specific ecological models to reveal the life stage most likely to be vulnerable to climate change. Our overall goal is to explicitly examine the assumptions underlying the integration of TPCs with Tb , to develop a framework within which empiricists can place their work within these limitations, and to facilitate the application of thermal physiology to understanding the biological implications of climate change

    Enchytraeus albidus Microarray: Enrichment, Design, Annotation and Database (EnchyBASE)

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    Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta) is an ecologically relevant species used as standard test organisms for risk assessment. Effects of stressors in this species are commonly determined at the population level using reproduction and survival as endpoints. The assessment of transcriptomic responses can be very useful e.g. to understand underlying mechanisms of toxicity with gene expression fingerprinting. In the present paper the following is being addressed: 1) development of suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) libraries enriched for differentially expressed genes after metal and pesticide exposures; 2) sequencing and characterization of all generated cDNA inserts; 3) development of a publicly available genomic database on E. albidus. A total of 2100 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were isolated, sequenced and assembled into 1124 clusters (947 singletons and 177 contigs). From these sequences, 41% matched known proteins in GenBank (BLASTX, e-value≤10-5) and 37% had at least one Gene Ontology (GO) term assigned. In total, 5.5% of the sequences were assigned to a metabolic pathway, based on KEGG. With this new sequencing information, an Agilent custom oligonucleotide microarray was designed, representing a potential tool for transcriptomic studies. EnchyBASE (http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/enchybase/) was developed as a web freely available database containing genomic information on E. albidus and will be further extended in the near future for other enchytraeid species. The database so far includes all ESTs generated for E. albidus from three cDNA libraries. This information can be downloaded and applied in functional genomics and transcription studies

    Lipid remodelling in the reef-building honeycomb worm, Sabellaria alveolata, reflects acclimation and local adaptation to temperature

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    Acclimation and adaptation, which are key to species survival in a changing climate, can be observed in terms of membrane lipid composition. Remodelling membrane lipids, via homeoviscous adaptation (HVA), counteracts membrane dysfunction due to temperature in poikilotherms. In order to assess the potential for acclimation and adaptation in the honeycomb worm, Sabellaria alveolata, a reefbuilding polychaete that supports high biodiversity, we carried out common-garden experiments using individuals from along its latitudinal range. Individuals were exposed to a stepwise temperature increase from 15 °C to 25 °C and membrane lipid composition assessed. Our results suggest that S. alveolata was able to acclimate to higher temperatures, as observed by a decrease in unsaturation index and 20:5n-3. However, over the long-term at 25 °C, lipid composition patterns are not consistent with HVA expectations and suggest a stress response. Furthermore, unsaturation index of individuals from the two coldest sites were higher than those from the two warmest sites, with individuals from the thermally intermediate site being in-between, likely reflecting local adaptation to temperature. Therefore, lipid remodelling appears limited at the highest temperatures in S. alveolata, suggesting that individuals inhabiting warm environments may be close to their upper thermal tolerance limits and at risk in a changing climate

    Climate gradients, and patterns of biodiversity and biotic homogenization in urban residential yards

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    Residential yards constitute a substantive biodiverse greenspace within urban areas. This biodiversity results from a combination of native and non-native species and can contribute to biotic homogenization. Geographical climatic patterns affect the distribution of native species and may differently affect non-native species. In this study, we examined biodiversity and biotic homogenization patterns of yard-dwelling land snails across 12 towns in Oklahoma and Kansas (USA). The 3 x 4 array of towns incorporated a N-S winter temperature gradient (mean low January temperature range = -8.4 to 0.1°C) and an E-W annual rainfall gradient (annual rainfall range = 113.8 to 61.3 cm/yr). Ten yards per town were surveyed. We hypothesized that mild winter temperatures and greater annual rainfall would be associated with greater snail abundance and richness, and that the presence of non-native species would contribute to biotic homogenization. Non-native snails were present and often abundant in all towns. Snail communities varied with both rainfall and cold temperature. Contrary to our prediction, snail abundance was inversely related to annual rainfall–likely because drier conditions resulted in greater yard watering that both augmented rainfall and maintained moist conditions. Sørensen similarity between towns for the entire land snail community and for only non-native species both showed distance-decay patterns, with snail composition becoming less similar with increasing distance—patterns resulting from species turnover. The biotic homogenization index also showed a distance-related pattern, such that closer towns were more likely to have biotic homogenization whereas more distant towns tended to have biotic differentiation. These results support the concept that biotic homogenization is more likely regionally and that climatic changes over distance result in species turnover and can reduce spatially broad biotic homogenization.Funding was provided by the University of Oklahoma: SRI funds, Oklahoma Biological Survey small grants program, and University Libraries (all to EAB). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Open Access fees paid for in whole or in part by the University of Oklahoma LibrariesYe

    Evaluation of life-history traits in Folsomia candida exposed to combined repeated mild heat shocks with phenanthrene

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    Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. In nature, organisms are often exposed to climatic stressors and contaminants simultaneously, and the effects of contaminants may be modified by climate change and vice versa. Here, the effects of repeated mild heat shocks (0–5 times, 30 °C for 6 h), alone or combined with phenanthrene (PHE) (80 mg kg−1 dry soil), on life-history traits of the springtail Folsomia candida were investigated. The survival, growth, maturation, and reproduction of single juvenile springtails were assessed over a period of 37 days. Increasing number of heat bouts or PHE exposure did not have significant negative effects on overall survival at the termination of the experiment, but the interaction between the two stressors led to complex interactions for the dynamics of survival during the test. Neither body growth nor time to first oviposition was influenced by heat or PHE, but a reduction of egg production with increasing number of heat bouts was observed, and there was an interaction between the two stressors. Further, a trade-off between the number of eggs produced and egg size was observed, indicating that females invested the same amount of energy in reproduction despite exposure to stressful temperature and PHE. These results indicate that egg production (in terms of the number of eggs) was a more sensitive indicator of the combined effects of mild heat shocks and PHE than growth, and there was a trade-off between survival and egg production

    Temperature-Dependent Toxicokinetics of Phenanthrene in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta)

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    Although the toxicokinetics of organic pollutants in soil invertebrates under optimal and constant temperature has been widely reported, their uptake, elimination, and bioaccumulation under suboptimal temperatures, and especially daily fluctuating temperature (FT) regimes have received only little research attention. In this study, the uptake, elimination, and bioaccumulation of phenanthrene (PHE) in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta) under different constant temperatures, and an FT regime were investigated in a natural soil. In general, the PHE concentrations in worm tissues reached steady state within 14 days at different temperatures. The uptake (ku) and elimination (ke) rate constants and the bioaccumulation increased with increasing temperature likely because of an increased diffusivity of PHE into the worms and an increased metabolic rate. Interestingly, the bioaccumulation factor of PHE in E. albidus showed a positive relationship with temperature because the slope of the ku-temperature relationship was larger than that of the ke-temperature relationship. Further, the uptake and elimination rate constants were larger under the FT regime than at the constant average of the fluctuating temperature. These findings suggest that, climatic conditions, especially daily fluctuating temperatures, should be considered for the assessment of the toxicokinetics of organic pollutants in terrestrial organisms