785 research outputs found

    Pathology in Africa: back to basics

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    Item does not contain fulltext1 april 201

    An Outlook on the Localisation and Structure-Function Relationships of R Proteins in Solanum

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    The co-evolution of plants and plant-pathogens shaped a multi-layered defence system in plants, in which Resistance proteins (R proteins) play a significant role. A fundamental understanding of the functioning of these R proteins and their position in the broader defence system of the plant is essential. Sub-project 3 of the BIOEXPLOIT programme studies how R proteins are activated upon effector recognition and how recognition is conveyed in resistance signalling pathways, using the solanaceous R proteins Rx1 (from S. tuberosum spp. andigena; conferring extreme resistance against Potato Virus X), I-2 (from S. lycopersicon; mediating resistance to Fusarium oxysporum) and Mi-1.2 (from S. lycopersicon; conferring resistance to Meloidogyne incognita) as model systems. The results obtained in this project will serve as a model for other R proteins and will be translated to potential applications or alternative strategies for disease resistance. These include the modification of the recognition specificity of R proteins with the aim to obtain broad spectrum resistance to major pathogens in potato

    Maximum PV-penetration in low-voltage cable networks

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    As a consequence of the increasing amount of PV-systems connected to the LV-network the question arises whether these networks are able to cope with large amounts of PV. In this paper it is investigated whether problems have to be expected in typical LV networks in the Netherlands. It is shown that exceeding of the regulatory voltage levels is the first limiting factor for integration of PV, followed by overloading of components. In most parts of the network no problems will arise as a consequence of PV, as it is not possible to place enough PV panels to cause problems. Areas with increased risk can be identified on forehand

    Method for evaluating smart grid concepts and pilots

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    A large number of smart grid pilots are initiated worldwide to explore the potential of smart grids. At this stage, there is a clear need to identify how the results of these pilots can be evaluated. To enable the use of the methodological approaches applied for the estimation of the costs and benefits of smart grids, the results need to be generalized based on specific input assumptions. To this end, it is required to unravel the input-output relationship between the smart grid input and the change in the consumers’ load profile. Therefore, when evaluating smart grid pilots, it is important to take into account which smart grid input variables are used to stimulate load shifting. These input variables are defined by the smart grid concept, and reflect the objectives of the involved stakeholders. This paper describes the challenges of and requirements for the evaluation of smart grid concepts and pilots. Furthermore, the proposed evaluation method is illustrated by describing two different smart grid concepts and their pilot setup

    Progress in the Modelling of Critical Thresholds and Dynamic Modelling, including Impacts on Vegetation in Europe : CCE Status Report 2010

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    Wat weten we over de relatie tussen stikstofdepositie en biodiversiteit? Dit rapport laat zien hoe de huidige kennis het Europese luchtbeleid op dit terrein kan ondersteunen. In Europa staat de biodiversiteit onder druk door onder andere een te hoge stikstofdepositie. De opstellers gaan in op de invloed van stikstofdepositie op de bodem en relevante chemische bodemprocessen. De bodem heeft invloed op de diversiteit van plantensoorten. Het kwantificeren van het verlies aan biodiversiteit zoals dat in dit rapport staat ondersteunt het Europese milieubeleid. Voorts beschrijft het rapport de effecten van de verschillende scenario's die zijn opgesteld om emissies terug te brengen. Het gaat om het reduceren van emissies voor verzuring, vermesting en zware metalen. Deze emissies zijn destijds internationaal vastgelegd in protocollen (LRTAP Conventie Gotenburg, 1999, en Aarhus, 1998). De scenario's zijn gemaakt door het Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) in samenwerking met haar internationale partners. Deze scenario's geven inzicht in de effecten van luchtverontreiniging op de gezondheid en het milieu. Inzichten die zowel door de verenigde naties als de Europese commissie worden gebruikt voor haar beleid.This report describes the status of the impact assessment of nitrogen, sulphur and heavy metal depositions in Europe and the progress made regarding the relation between nitrogen deposition and loss of biodiversityMinisterie van Infrastructuur en Milie

    Introducing smart grids : practical experience of a DSO

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    One of the main issues for Distribution System Operators is the introduction of so-called smart grids. Enexis B.V., one of the major Distribution System Operators in The Netherlands started two years ago with the preparation of a large-scale roll-out of distribution automation, which can be considered as a part, or form of a smart grid. In the preparation and the pilot phase of the project it became clear however that a lot of practical issues had to be solved before smart grids can be rolled out. This contribution describes the experiences of Enexis and compares theory and practice of the introduction of smart grids

    Method for evaluating smart grid concepts and pilots

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    A large number of smart grid pilots are initiated worldwide to explore the potential of smart grids. At this stage, there is a clear need to identify how the results of these pilots can be evaluated. To enable the use of the methodological approaches applied for the estimation of the costs and benefits of smart grids, the results need to be generalized based on specific input assumptions. To this end, it is required to unravel the input-output relationship between the smart grid input and the change in the consumers’ load profile. Therefore, when evaluating smart grid pilots, it is important to take into account which smart grid input variables are used to stimulate load shifting. These input variables are defined by the smart grid concept, and reflect the objectives of the involved stakeholders. This paper describes the challenges of and requirements for the evaluation of smart grid concepts and pilots. Furthermore, the proposed evaluation method is illustrated by describing two different smart grid concepts and their pilot setup

    Asset management argunents for smart grids

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    This paper describes how Essent Netwerk has developed a strategy for the automation of its medium voltage network. Using Asset Management techniques, it was demonstrated that the application of a new distribution automation concept results in an improvement of network reliability and enables the temporisation of asset replacement programs. Both these benefits were quantified and appeared to outweigh the cost of the new strategy by fa

    Asset management argunents for smart grids

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    This paper describes how Essent Netwerk has developed a strategy for the automation of its medium voltage network. Using Asset Management techniques, it was demonstrated that the application of a new distribution automation concept results in an improvement of network reliability and enables the temporisation of asset replacement programs. Both these benefits were quantified and appeared to outweigh the cost of the new strategy by fa
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