231 research outputs found
Challenges and opportunities for energy recovery from municipal solid waste in the Russian Federation
Energy recovery from municipal solid waste (MSW) is currently a key factor in waste management in Russia, as can be seen from the corresponding changes in the state regulatory framework. The paper presents a comparative assessment of different waste flow characteristics; it focuses on pre-treatment options and the method of subsequent thermal treatment. It reflects the basic method of untreated MSW incineration and other advanced technologies which have different levels of waste preparation. Step-by-step research has been carried out in a large Russian city in order to determine different technological approaches to recovering energy from MSW. The study included: 1) field studies of the composition and characterization of MSW; 2) laboratory studies of MSW thermal properties, i.e. moisture, ash content and calorific value; 3) several options for waste treatment schemes with equipment of different technical specifications; 4) analysis of material flow, energy flow and key substance flow according to these considered schemes. The research revealed that for all seasons a significant proportion of MSW (almost 40%) is represented by fines (below 50 mm). On average, the energy potential of MSW (the total content of waste paper, polymers, textiles, wood, multilayer packaging, leather, rubber, footwear) amounts to about 40%. It was found that MSW calorific value depends on fraction size, since screening (over 50 mm) is characterized by high moisture and low content of valuable components, compared to MSW greater than 50 mm in size. Pre-processing and treatment of MSW allows solid recovered fuel (SRF) to be obtained with a calorific value similar to brown coal. The energy balance of the process allows the conclusion that 33.8% of initial MSW energy potential is concentrated in residues from the sorting process, since it has a relatively low calorific value of 4.8 MJ/kg, but a high mass fraction of 47.9%. In the process of MSW treatment and solid fuel production, most of the chlorine and mercury (80% and 55% respectively) is removed by the rest of the sorting process. The data obtained in the study can be used in selecting the optimal option for energy recovery from MSW. © 2019 WIT PressACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A 03.21.0006
Мультифакторное моделирование атеросклероза на крысах = Multifactorial modeling of atherosclerosis in rats
Savitskiy I. V., Sliusar A. A., Miastkovskaja I. V. Мультифакторное моделирование атеросклероза на крысах = Multifactorial modeling of atherosclerosis in rats. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(3):233-240. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.55402
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).
755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7
© The Author (s) 2016;
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This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Received: 05.03.2016. Revised 20.03.2016. Accepted: 23.03.2016.
УДК 616-092.9
Мультифакторное моделирование атеросклероза на крысах
И. В. Савицкий, А. А. Слюсарь, И. В. Мястковская
Одесский национальный медицинский университет, Одесса, Украина
В статье рассмотрена новая методика экспериментального атеросклероза на крысах линии Wistar, которая берет в своем начале полиэтиологическую теорию развития заболевания. Был проведен эксперимент и полученные результаты оценивали степень взаимодействия факторов нагрузки, которые заключались в одновременной постановке экспериментального гипотиреоза при помощи Мерказолила, иммуносупрессии Метилпреднизолоном на фоне гепатотоксического действия раствора этилового спирта и классической атерогенной диеты. В работе приведены предварительные данные за две недели, которые достигли границы верхней нормы у одной из групп, а так же значительное достоверное повышение уровня ЛПоНП выше нормы.
Ключевые слова: экспериментальный атеросклероз, патогенез заболевания, сердечно-сосудистая патология.
Multifactorial modeling of atherosclerosis in rats
I. V. Savitskiy, A. A. Sliusar, I. V. Miastkovskaja
Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine
The article describes a new method of experimental atherosclerosis in rats of Wistar line, which originates in the theory that disease has a multifactorial ethiology. Experiment and the results can show the interaction of atherogenic factors, which consisted in the simultaneous staging of experimental hypothyroidism using Mercazolilum, methylprednisolone immunosuppression on the background of hepatotoxic action of ethyl alcohol solution and atherogenic diet. This work shows the preliminary data for two weeks, in which the upper border of biochemical rate was reached in one of the groups, as well as a significant increase in the level of VLDL above normal.
Keywords: experimental atherosclerosis, the pathogenesis of the disease, cardiovascular disease
Для вирішення сучасних ресурсоємних завдань у різних галузях науки та техніки академічний ГРІД-сегмент було розвинуто до національного рівня (УНГ). Він увійшов до світових ГРІД-інфраструктур, наприклад EGI, та широко застосовується в прикладних проектах у різних галузях. Так, для завдань медичних популяційних досліджень неінфекційних захворювань з вико ристанням ГРІД-інфраструктури в Україні було створено проект MedGrid. У рамках даного проекту вже проведено роботи щодо накопичення електрокардіограм у форматі SCP на сховищах даних УНГ з реплікацією та проведення масових досліджень накопичених даних. У результаті співпраці з лікарями провідних закладів охорони здоров'я виявилося, що актуальними є завдання проведення аналізу та візуалізації окремих медичних досліджень із можливістю надання віддалених телемедичних консультацій
Virtual laboratory MolDynGrid has been established in the frame of the Ukrainian academic grid infrastructure for the calculations of molecular dynamics of biological macromolecules.The integrated environment is introduced in virtual laboratory MolDynGrid for the automation of computational calculations. А web-portal of virtual laboratory has been created (http://moldyngrid.org), which is composed of computational, analytical and educational blocks аnd data base of molecular dynamics simulations.Виртуальная лаборатория MolDynGrid создана в рамках украинской академической грид-инфраструктуры для проведения расчетов молекулярной динамики биологических макромолекул. В виртуальной лаборатории MolDynGrid внедрена интегрированная среда для автоматизации компьютерных расчетов. Создан веб-портал виртуальной лаборатории (http://moldyngrid.org), который состоит из расчетного, аналитического и обучающего блоков и базы данных траекторий молекулярной динамики.Віртуальна лабораторія MolDynGrid створена в рамках української академічної грід-інфраструктури для проведення розрахунків молекулярної динаміки біологічних макромолекул. В віртуальній лабораторії MolDynGrid впроваджене інтегроване середовище для автоматизації комп’ютерних розрахунків. Створено веб-портал віртуальної лабораторії, що складається з розрахункового, аналітичного і навчального блоків та бази даних траєкторій молекулярної динаміки
Performance of a small size telescope (SST-1M) camera for gamma-ray astronomy with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The foreseen implementations of the Small Size Telescopes (SST) in CTA will
provide unique insights into the highest energy gamma rays offering fundamental
means to discover and under- stand the sources populating the Galaxy and our
local neighborhood. Aiming at such a goal, the SST-1M is one of the three
different implementations that are being prototyped and tested for CTA. SST-1M
is a Davies-Cotton single mirror telescope equipped with a unique camera
technology based on SiPMs with demonstrated advantages over classical
photomultipliers in terms of duty-cycle. In this contribution, we describe the
telescope components, the camera, and the trigger and readout system. The
results of the commissioning of the camera using a dedicated test setup are
then presented. The performances of the camera first prototype in terms of
expected trigger rates and trigger efficiencies for different night-sky
background conditions are presented, and the camera response is compared to
end-to-end simulations.Comment: All CTA contributions at arXiv:1709.0348
Development of a strategy for calibrating the novel SiPM camera of the SST-1M telescope proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
CTA will comprise a sub-array of up to 70 small size telescopes (SSTs) at the
southern array. The SST-1M project, a 4 m-diameter Davies Cotton telescope with
9 degrees FoV and a 1296 pixels SiPM camera, is designed to meet the
requirements of the next generation ground based gamma-ray observatory CTA in
the energy range above 3 TeV. Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) cameras of
gamma-ray telescopes can achieve good performance even during high night sky
background conditions. Defining a fully automated calibration strategy of SiPM
cameras is of great importance for large scale production validation and online
calibration. The SST-1M sub-consortium developed a software compatible with CTA
pipeline software (CTApipe). The calibration of the SST-1M camera is based on
the Camera Test Setup (CTS), a set of LED boards mounted in front of the
camera. The CTS LEDs are operated in pulsed or continuous mode to emulate
signal and night sky background respectively. Continuous and pulsed light data
analysis allows us to extract single pixel calibration parameters to be used
during CTA operation.Comment: All CTA contributions at arXiv:1709.0348
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