9 research outputs found
VINERS Method for the Multiple Criteria Analysis and Neuromarketing of Best Places to Live
The best and worst places to live have been analysed in the world for many years and multiple criteria analysis has been used for that purpose. The quality of housing and its environment, pollution, green places, public spaces, physical movement and health, crime rates and individual safety, the wellbeing of youngsters, unemployment, job value, economic scarcity, governance, circadian rhythm, weekly rhythm and other factors are the focus of such analyses that aim to determine levels of positive emotions and happiness in built environment. Questionnaires are the most common tool for such analyses, where inhabitants are asked to rank their happiness experience as a whole in built environment. Many studies demonstrate that happy people are effective in multiple areas of their life including job efficiency, salary, health, human relations, etc. The innovative aspect of this research stems from the fact that biometric technologies (affective attitudes, emotional and physiological states) and the VINERS method developed by the authors are used to determine the best places to live and to serve neuro ads of homes for sale. To do this, rational segments of homebuyers are determined according to their demographic profiles (age, gender, education, marital status, families with children, main source of income), consumer psychographics and behaviour (happy, sad and angry along with valence and heart rate) and then select a rational video ad for such rational segment. The aim of our research is to develop the VINERS Method for the Multiple Criteria Analysis and Neuromarketing of Best Places to Live (VINERS method) by combining the Somatic Marker Hypothesis, biometrics, neuromarketing and COPRAS method. This article presents a case study to demonstrate the VINERS method put to practice
The nexus between tax reformation, financial development and economic recovery: The case of Malaysia
The main purpose of this paper is to establish the plausibility and the dynamic nexus between financial developments, economic growth and tax revenue in Malaysia. The analysis of these relationships is vital considering the instability of the global economy which has affected growth. In this study, we employed annual time series data covering the period of 1970–2015. Using advanced co-integration and causality analysis, we found strong evidence on the relationship between each of the examined variables. The results from this study provide evidence on the taxes-growth nexus for Malaysia. An inverted U-shaped relationship is found between financial development and tax collection, while a U-shape reflects the economic condition. The nexus between economic growth and tax revenue enhances fiscal policies in the creation of transparent and mature financial systems which will further boost the collection of government revenues in Malaysia. The results of this study may provide an avenue for researchers and policymakers to understand the nature of the relationship between the examined variables and further assist in the formulation of new policies for economic sustainability
Savidirektyviojo kalbos mokymosi pažangos registro formos
The paper presents the problem of control in self-directed language learning. The necessity
for the registers of learners' progress is expressed both by teachers and students and the conclusion
to frame learning process is drawn. On the basis of some widely spread methods fostering the
development of self-directed language learning, that is problem-based learning, project method,
case-based /earning, several registers for students progress could be introduced in second language
learning environment The article analysis some types of progress registers: learning journals and logs,
reflective diaries and language learning portfolio with the main focus on learning journals.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lisabonos strategijoje numatyta viena iš aktualiausių problemų – svetimųjų kalbų mokėjimo problema tobulinant ekonominius ir socialinius santykius. Autonominių studijų, vadinamų savidirektyviosiomis studijomis, uždavinys yra sudaryti besimokantiesiems sąlygas patiems tobulinti svetimosios kalbos studijas ir prisiimti atsakomybę už jas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad studentams reikia dėstytojo, kuris galėtų atlikti konsultanto, informacijos teikėjo ar partnerio vadmenį naudojant naujus mokymo metodus, kurie skatina autonomiškumą ir norą patiems vertinti bei kontroliuoti savo studijų eigą. Atliktas tyrimas leidžia teigti, kad studentų mokymosi pažanga turėtų būti fiksuojama ir registruojama ir vienas iš efektyviausių būdų, skatinančių studentų atsakomybės jausmą, yra mokymosi žurnalai. Respondentų atsakymai rodo, kad naujų metodų, pavyzdžiui, projekto metodas, bylų / atvejų analizė, naudojimas svetimosios kalbos studijoms skatina dėstytojo ir studento dialogą ir suteikia studentams visavertes akademines studijas aukštojoje mokykloje
Which energy mix for the UK (United Kingdom)? An evolutive descriptive mapping with the integrated GAIA (graphical analysis for interactive aid)–AHP (analytic hierarchy process) visualization tool
Although Multi-Criteria Decision Making methods have been extensively used in energy planning, their descriptive use has been rarely considered. In this paper, we add an evolutionary description phase as an extension to the AHP method that helps policy makers to gain insights into their decision problems. The proposed extension has been implemented in an open-source software that allows the users to visualise the difference of opinions within a decision process, and also the evolution of preferences over time. The method was tested in a two-phase experiment to understand the evolution of opinions on energy sources. Participants were asked to provide their preferences for different energy sources for the next twenty years for the United Kingdom. They were first asked to compare the options intuitively without using any structured approach, and then were given three months to compare the same set of options after collecting detailed information on the technical, economic, environmental and social impacts created by each of the selected energy sources. The proposed visualization method allows us to quickly discover the preference directions, and also the changes in their preferences from first to second phase. The proposed tool can help policy makers in better understanding of the energy planning problems that will lead us towards better planning and decisions in the energy sector