2,365 research outputs found

    Open- and closed-system characteristics of a tilted plutonic system, Klamath Mountains, California

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    The Wooley Creek batholith and Slinkard pluton are adjacent plutons with identical U-Pb zircon ages of 161 +4/−2 Ma. The plutons dip toward each other, which suggests that they are connected in the subsurface. Geologic and thermochemical evidence shows that the Slinkard pluton is the structurally lowest part of the system and the Wooley Creek batholith the structurally highest, with a total structural relief of at least 15 km. The wall rocks adjacent to the highest level of the Wooley Creek batholith are intruded by mafic to felsic dikes derived from the subjacent pluton. The Slinkard pluton is predominantly quartz diorite but grades from two-pyroxene diorite to sparse muscovite-biotite granite and shows little evidence of contamination except near contacts. The Wooley Creek batholith grades upward from two-pyroxene gabbro to biotite-hornblende granite and has a central zone in which injected mafic magma was trapped and mixed. Major and trace element data are consistent with closed-system fractionation of the Slinkard pluton and lower (adjacent) Wooley Creek batholith, but with open-system differentiation of the upper Wooley Creek batholith and roof-zone dikes. Andesitic roof-zone dikes show trace element enrichment similar to the central mixed zone of the Wooley Creek batholith and may have differentiated at that central level of the system

    Genetic mapping of legume orthologs reveals high conservation of synteny between lentil species and the sequenced genomes of Medicago and chickpea.

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    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is a global food crop with increasing importance for food security in south Asia and other regions. Lens ervoides, a wild relative of cultivated lentil, is an important source of agronomic trait variation. Lens is a member of the galegoid clade of the Papilionoideae family, which includes other important dietary legumes such as chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and pea (Pisum sativum), and the sequenced model legume Medicago truncatula. Understanding the genetic structure of Lens spp. in relation to more fully sequenced legumes would allow leveraging of genomic resources. A set of 1107 TOG-based amplicons were identified in L. ervoides and a subset thereof used to design SNP markers for mapping. A map of L. ervoides consisting of 377 SNP markers spread across seven linkage groups was developed using a GoldenGate genotyping array and single SNP marker assays. Comparison with maps of M. truncatula and L. culinaris documented considerable shared synteny and led to the identification of a few major translocations and a major inversion that distinguish Lens from M. truncatula, as well as a translocation that distinguishes L. culinaris from L. ervoides. The identification of chromosome-level differences among Lens spp. will aid in the understanding of introgression of genes from L. ervoides into cultivated L. culinaris, furthering genetic research and breeding applications in lentil

    Sprinchorn (Carl) Personal and Artistic Papers, 1903-1970

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    The Carl Sprinchorn papers are the work of an artist and art historian. He was in contact with many of the important artists of the early 20th century such as Marsden Hartley and Rex Slinkard. The papers include correspondence, art exhibition materials, unpublished manuscripts, and notes of Sprinchorn during his working life.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/findingaids/1093/thumbnail.jp

    Phenol content of grape skins and the loss of ability to make anthocyanins by mutation

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    Because berry size varies so much, the total content of phenols extractable from skins can be higher for some varieties with white berries than for some with red. When recalculated as mg of extractable phenol per unit of berry surface, values for representative white Vitis vinifera varieties were invariably lower (0.042--0.122 mg GAE/cm2) and outside the range for representative red varieties (0.132--0.424 mg GAE/cm2). This is discussed as evidence that the mutation losing the ability to make anthocyanins in grapes does not lead to diversion of precursors to other phenols.Der Phenolgehalt in der Haut der Traubenbeere und der Verlust der Anthocyanbildung durch MutationDa die Größe der Traubenbeeren beträchtlichen Schwankungen unterliegt, kann der Gesamtgehalt der aus der Beerenhaut extrahierbaren Phenole - bezogen auf die Einzelbeere oder das Beerengewicht - bei Rebsorten mit weißen Beeren größer sein als bei roten Sorten. Wurden die Phenolgehalte (ausgedrückt als Gallussäure-Äquivalente, GAE) auf die Einheit der Beerenoberfläche bezogen, so lagen die Werte repräsentativer weißer Vitis-vinifera Sorten stets niedriger (0,042-0,122 mg GAE/cm2) und außerhalb des Schwankungsbereiches repräsentativer roter Sorten (0,132-0,424 mg GAE/cm2). Diese Befunde werden dahingehend interpretiert, daß die für den Verlust der Anthocyanbildung verantwortlichen Mutationen nicht auch eine Umwandlung der Präcursoren in andere Phenole nach sich ziehen

    Roswell Daily Record, 06-25-1906

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    A 390 Project in the Department of Speech (March 8-9, 1963)

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    Program for A 390 Project in the Department of Speech (March 8-9, 1963)

    Estimating Baseline Population Parameters of Urban and Wildland Black Bear Populations Using a DNA-Based Capture-Mark-Recapture Approach in Mono County, California

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    Prior to European settlement, black bear (Ursus americanus) were far less abundant in the state of California. Estimates from statewide harvest data indicate the California black bear population has tripled in the last 3 decades. Bears inhabit areas they formally never occurred (e.g., urban environments) and populations that were at historically low densities are now at high densities. Though harvest data are useful and widely used as an index for black bear population size and population demographics statewide, it lacks the ability to produce precise estimates of abundance and density at local scales or account for the numerous bears living in non-hunted areas. As the human population continues to expand into wildlife habitat, we are being forced to confront controversial issues about wildlife management and conservation. Habituated bears living in non-hunted, urban areas have been and continue to be a major concern for wildlife managers and the general public. My objective was to develop DNA-based capture-mark-recapture (CMR) survey techniques in wildland and urban environments in Mono County, California to acquire population size and density at local scales from 2010 to 2012. I also compared population density between the urban and wildland environment. To my knowledge, DNA-based CMR surveys for bears have only been implemented in wildland or rural environments. I made numerous modifications to the techniques used during wildland DNA-based CMR surveys to survey bears in an urban environment. I used a higher density of hair-snares than typically used in wildland studies, non-consumable lures, modified hair-snares for public safety, included the public throughout the entire process, and surveyed in the urban-wildland interface as well as the city center. These methods were efficient and accurate while maintaining human safety. I determined that there is likely a difference in population density between the urban and wildland environments. Population density was 1.6 to 2.5 times higher in the urban study area compared to the wildland study area. Considering the negative impacts urban environments can have on wildland bear populations, this is a serious management concern. The densities I found were similar to those found in other urban and wildland black bear populations. The baseline data acquired from this study can be used as part of a long-term monitoring effort. By surveying additional years, population vital rates such as apparent survival, recruitment, movement, and finite rate of population change can be estimated