164 research outputs found

    Checklist of the vascular flora of the Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone

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    Background The Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone, defined here as the area comprising Australia, New Guinea, and Southeast Asia (Indonesia to Myanmar), straddles the Sunda and Sahul continental shelves and is one of the most biogeographically famous and important regions in the world. Floristically, it is thought to harbour a large amount of the world's diversity. Despite the importance of the area, a checklist of the flora has never before been published. Here we present the first working checklist of vascular plants for the Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone. The list was compiled from 24 flora volumes, online databases and unpublished plot data. Taxonomic nomenclature was updated, and each species was coded into nested biogeographic regions. The list includes 60,415 species in 5,135 genera and 363 families of vascular plants. New information This is the first species-level checklist of the region and presents an updated census of the region's floristic biodiversity. The checklist confirms that species richness of the SSCZ is comparable to that of the Neotropics, and highlights areas in need of further documentation and taxonomic work. This checklist provides a novel dataset for studying floristic ecology and evolution in this biogeographically important region of very high global biodiversity

    Change in Phylogenetic Community Structure during Succession of Traditionally Managed Tropical Rainforest in Southwest China

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    Tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia are facing increasing and ever more intense human disturbance that often negatively affects biodiversity. The aim of this study was to determine how tree species phylogenetic diversity is affected by traditional forest management types and to understand the change in community phylogenetic structure during succession. Four types of forests with different management histories were selected for this purpose: old growth forests, understorey planted old growth forests, old secondary forests (∼200-years after slash and burn), and young secondary forests (15–50-years after slash and burn). We found that tree phylogenetic community structure changed from clustering to over-dispersion from early to late successional forests and finally became random in old-growth forest. We also found that the phylogenetic structure of the tree overstorey and understorey responded differentially to change in environmental conditions during succession. In addition, we show that slash and burn agriculture (swidden cultivation) can increase landscape level plant community evolutionary information content

    Distinctive soil archaeal communities in different variants of tropical equatorial forest

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    Little is known of how soil archaeal community composition and diversity differ between local variants of tropical rainforests. We hypothesized that (1) as with plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, the soil archaeal community would differ between different variants of tropical forest; (2) that spatially rarer forest variants would have a less diverse archaeal community than common ones; (3) that a history of forest disturbance would decrease archaeal alpha- and beta-diversity; and (4) that archaeal distributions within the forest would be governed more by deterministic than stochastic factors. We sampled soil across several different forest types within Brunei, Northwest Borneo. Soil DNA was extracted, and the 16S rRNA gene of archaea was sequenced using Illumina MiSeq. We found that (1) as hypothesized, there are distinct archaeal communities for each forest type, and community composition significantly correlates with soil parameters including pH, organic matter, and available phosphorous. (2) As hypothesized, the “rare” white sand forest variants kerangas and inland heath had lower archaeal diversity. A nestedness analysis showed that archaeal community in inland heath and kerangas was mainly a less diverse subset of that in dipterocarp forests. However, primary dipterocarp forest had the lowest beta-diversity among the other tropical forest types. (3) Also, as predicted, forest disturbance resulted in lower archaeal alpha-diversity—but increased beta-diversity in contrast with our predictions. (4) Contrary to our predictions, the BetaNTI of the various primary forest types indicated community assembly was mainly stochastic. The possible effects of these habitat and disturbance-related effects on N cycling should be investigated

    From the high Arctic to the equator: do soil metagenomes differ according to our expectations

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    Comparing the functional gene composition of soils at opposite extremes of environmental gradients may allow testing of hypotheses about community and ecosystem function. Here, we were interested in comparing how tropical microbial ecosystems differ from those of polar climates. We sampled several sites in the equatorial rainforest of Malaysia and Brunei, and the high Arctic of Svalbard, Canada, and Greenland, comparing the composition and the functional attributes of soil biota between the two extremes of latitude, using shotgun metagenomic Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing. Based upon “classical” views of how tropical and higher latitude ecosystems differ, we made a series of predictions as to how various gene function categories would differ in relative abundance between tropical and polar environments. Results showed that in some respects our predictions were correct: the polar samples had higher relative abundance of dormancy related genes, and lower relative abundance of genes associated with respiration, and with metabolism of aromatic compounds. The network complexity of the Arctic was also lower than the tropics. However, in various other respects, the pattern was not as predicted; there were no differences in relative abundance of stress response genes or in genes associated with secondary metabolism. Conversely, CRISPR genes, phage-related genes, and virulence disease and defense genes, were unexpectedly more abundant in the Arctic, suggesting more intense biotic interaction. Also, eukaryote diversity and bacterial diversity were higher in the Arctic of Svalbard compared to tropical Brunei, which is consistent with what may expected from amplicon studies in terms of the higher pH of the Svalbard soil. Our results in some respects confirm expectations of how tropical versus polar nature may differ, and in other respects challenge them

    Phylogeography of three closely related myrmecophytic pioneer tree species in SE Asia: implications for species delimitation

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    Members of the Euphorbiaceae are ecologically important elements of Southeast Asian forests. Species of the pioneer tree genus Macaranga, which is also known for its association with ants, are often abundant in disturbed areas. Phylogenetic studies suggested a recent radiation of section Pachystemon which comprises the majority of obligate myrmecophytes within Macaranga. In the present study, we analyzed the genetic structure of three closely related species of this section (M. constricta, M. griffithiana, and M. motleyana) with the aim of resolving their controversial taxonomy and historical biogeography. Chloroplast DNA haplotypes proved to be species-specific and showed a strong phylogeographic pattern. Nuclear microsatellite data supported the taxonomic distinctness of M. griffithiana and M. motleyana, but gave ambiguous results for M. constricta. Genetic differentiation was stronger each within M. griffithiana and M. motleyana than between M. constricta and M. griffithiana, highlighting problems of defining species boundaries. We found no indication for introgression or hybridization events. The high intraspecific morphological variation of the Bornean endemic M. motleyana was partly reflected by similar patterns of genetic variation. The pronounced genetic structure indicates a comparatively long diversification for this species. In contrast, the weak genetic differentiation within M. griffithiana, as well as the widespread distribution of its most common chloroplast haplotype from peninsular Malaysia up to Indochina, indicates a recent expansion in this area. Despite their morphological similarity and close relatedness, all species possess their own specific ant-partners with a corresponding distribution pattern

    Biogeography of the Sunda Shelf revisited: Insights from Macaranga section Pruinosae (Euphorbiaceae)

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    The Southeast Asian region of Sundaland is among the world’s major biodiversity hotspots. The region’s biodiversity coupled with its complex and dynamic geographic and climatic histories makes it an ideal region to study the various factors that determine the diversification and distribution patterns of tropical biota. Here we investigate the biogeographic patterns in the partly myrmecophytic Macaranga section Pruinosae to reveal some of the factors that play a role in determining the distribution of biota in Sundaland. We used single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) data derived from GBS, a next generation sequencing technique, in maximum likelihood and cluster analyses to determine phylogenetic relationships and population structures within this taxonomic section. Bayesian inference based on secondary calibration points and ancestral area reconstruction analyses were performed to infer spatial–temporal origins of the major lineages in the section. The results from these analyses were further substantiated using nuclear microsatellite data obtained from a broader sample set of two widely distributed species within the section: Macaranga gigantea and Macaranga pruinosa. Phylogenetic and cluster analyses reveal four well-defined, discrete species groups within section Pruinosae, all of which but one originated in Borneo with the crown node dated at 3.58 mya. Biogeographic patterns within the species reveal a biogeographic barrier between east and west Sundaland besides bringing to light the role played by various geological factors, especially the Crocker Range, on Borneo. Patterns also reveal a biogeographic barrier between the Bangka/Belitung islands and Sumatra for ant-free, swamp-adapted species. This study provides evidence that geographic barriers, edaphic conditions, and ecological adaptations are tightly linked and that their mutual interaction determines the diversification and distribution of species

    A Rapid and Accurate MinION-Based Workflow for Tracking Species Biodiversity in the Field

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    Genetic markers (DNA barcodes) are often used to support and confirm species identification. Barcode sequences can be generated in the field using portable systems based on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) MinION sequencer. However, to achieve a broader application, current proof-of-principle workflows for on-site barcoding analysis must be standardized to ensure a reliable and robust performance under suboptimal field conditions without increasing costs. Here, we demonstrate the implementation of a new on-site workflow for DNA extraction, PCR-based barcoding, and the generation of consensus sequences. The portable laboratory features inexpensive instruments that can be carried as hand luggage and uses standard molecular biology protocols and reagents that tolerate adverse environmental conditions. Barcodes are sequenced using MinION technology and analyzed with ONTrack, an original de novo assembly pipeline that requires as few as 1000 reads per sample. ONTrack-derived consensus barcodes have a high accuracy, ranging from 99.8 to 100%, despite the presence of homopolymer runs. The ONTrack pipeline has a user-friendly interface and returns consensus sequences in minutes. The remarkable accuracy and low computational demand of the ONTrack pipeline, together with the inexpensive equipment and simple protocols, make the proposed workflow particularly suitable for tracking species under field conditions

    Digital Mapping Of Invasive Acacia Mangium Willd. Trees Along Telisai-Lumut Highway Along The Andulau Forest Reserve

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    Invasive alien Acacia trees have become a serious environmental problem in Brunei Darussalam, spreading into the vulnerable heath and mixed dipterocarp forest ecosystem where it has started replacing the native flora and contributing to forest fire. In this work, we study the spread of Acacia trees by analyzing images taken by drones along a newly developed highway within the vicinity of Andulau Forest Reserve in Brunei Darussalam. Based on the analysis, we aim to understand the Acacia spread and its habitat preference, which will be a critical factor in planning the future roadmap to maintain a sustainable and healthy forest ecosystem, and safety from potential forest fires. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) were utilized to capture high-resolution images along the Telisai-Lumut highway and were subsequently analyzed images using ArcGIS software, to map and study the Acacia’s distribution and habitat preferences, which will aid in understanding of Acacia’s rapid dispersion. Our preliminary results show highest Acacia density and numbers closer to the highway. The barren loose sandy soil combined with the open terrain limits local forest tree growth but seems to provide good habitat for Acacia trees. Our results suggest that the highway provides an important dispersal opportunity for Acacia trees, bringing them in direct proximity of an undisturbed forest reserve. This may increase the risk of spread of this species into the forest, and importantly, given the fire proneness of Acacia, may lead to wildfires that threaten the neighbouring forest reserve. Keeping vegetation short and removing Acacia’s close to the highway may mitigate these risks. Efforts such as spreading awareness on Acacia’s invasiveness, identification and removal of Acacia trees, habitat restoration projects and meticulous evaluation for any introduced species should be done