108 research outputs found

    Using Empathy-Centric Design in Industry: Reflections from the UX Researcher, the Client, and the Method Expert

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    Empathic design provides tools and frameworks supporting designers to understand users’ experiences with products or services. However, how does one hand over this empathic understanding of users to other internal stakeholders shaping the service experience? In this contribution, we reflect on a three-year implementation of an empathy-centric design approach in an industrial context with a low user experience maturity from three different professional viewpoints: ours as UX researchers, the one of a company manager, and an expert researcher on empathy in design. These narrative introspective accounts unveil some of the main benefits, opportunities, and challenges of implementing an empathy-centric design approach in the industry. We discuss and confront them to prior work. We contribute to the field of empathic design with rich in-situ research insights and principles for a successful empathic approach

    The socio-economic impact of running-related injuries:A large prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of running‐related injuries (RRIs) on activities of daily living (ADL), work, healthcare utilization, and estimated costs. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with data from a randomized controlled trial. METHODS: Adult recreational runners who registered for a running event (distances 5 to 42 km) were included in this study. Minimum follow‐up duration was 3 months (preparation, event participation, and post‐race period). Injuries were registered using a standardized definition. Primary outcome measure was a standardized 5‐item survey on limitations in ADL. The survey data were categorized to the number of injured runners with complete/moderate/no limitations. This outcome was expressed as the percentage of injured runners with any limitation (complete or moderate limitations amalgamated). Secondary outcomes were work absenteeism, the number of healthcare visits per injured runner, and estimated direct medical and indirect costs per participant and per RRI. RESULTS: 1929 runners (mean [SD] age 41 [12] years, 53% men) were included in this study and 883 runners (46%) sustained a RRI during the course of the study. Injured runners reported the highest limitations (% with any limitation) of RRIs during the first week of injury on sports and leisure activities (70%) and transportation activities (23%). 39% of the injured runners visited a healthcare professional. Work absenteeism due to the RRI was reported in 5% of the injured runners. The total mean estimated costs were €74 per RRI and €35 per participant. CONCLUSIONS: Injured runners are mainly limited in their transportation activities and during sports and leisure. While the estimated costs of RRIs are not high when expressed per participant, the absolute costs may be substantial due to the popularity of running

    Normative ultrasound values for Achilles tendon thickness in the general population and patients with Achilles tendinopathy:A large international cross-sectional study

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    The objective of the study was to obtain adjusted ultrasonographic reference values of the Achilles tendon thickness (maximum anterior–posterior distance) in adults without (previous) Achilles tendinopathy (AT) and to compare these reference values with AT patients. Six hundred participants were consecutively included, comprising 500 asymptomatic individuals and 100 patients with clinically diagnosed chronic AT. The maximum tendon thickness was assessed using Ultrasound Tissue Characterization. A multiple quantile regression model was developed, incorporating covariates (personal characteristics) that were found to have a significant impact on the maximum anterior–posterior distance of the Achilles tendon. A 95% reference interval (RI) was derived (50th, 2.5th-97.5th percentile). In asymptomatic participants median (95% RI) tendon thickness was 4.9 (3.8–6.9) mm for the midportion region and 3.7 (2.8–4.8) mm for the insertional region. Age, height, body mass index, and sex had a significant correlation with maximum tendon thickness. Median tendon thickness for the midportion region was calculated with the normative equation −2.1 + AGE × 0.021 + HEIGHT × 0.032+ BMI × 0.028 + SEX × 0.05. For the insertional region, the normative equation was −0.34 + AGE × 0.010+ HEIGHT × 0.018 + BMI × 0.022 + SEX × −0.05. In the equations, SEX is defined as 0 for males and 1 for females. Mean (95% CI) difference in tendon thickness compared to AT patients was 2.7 mm (2.3–3.2, p &lt; 0.001) for the midportion and 1.4 mm (1.1–1.7, p &lt; 0.001) for the insertional region. Compared to the asymptomatic population 73/100 (73%) AT patients exhibited increased tendon thickening, with values exceeding the 95% RI. This study presents novel reference values for the thickness of midportion and insertional region of the Achilles tendon, which were adjusted for personal characteristics. Our novel web-based openly accessible calculator for determining normative Achilles tendon thickness (www.achillestendontool.com) will be a useful resource in the diagnostic process. Trial registration number: This trial is registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (NL9010).</p

    Normative ultrasound values for Achilles tendon thickness in the general population and patients with Achilles tendinopathy:A large international cross-sectional study

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    The objective of the study was to obtain adjusted ultrasonographic reference values of the Achilles tendon thickness (maximum anterior–posterior distance) in adults without (previous) Achilles tendinopathy (AT) and to compare these reference values with AT patients. Six hundred participants were consecutively included, comprising 500 asymptomatic individuals and 100 patients with clinically diagnosed chronic AT. The maximum tendon thickness was assessed using Ultrasound Tissue Characterization. A multiple quantile regression model was developed, incorporating covariates (personal characteristics) that were found to have a significant impact on the maximum anterior–posterior distance of the Achilles tendon. A 95% reference interval (RI) was derived (50th, 2.5th-97.5th percentile). In asymptomatic participants median (95% RI) tendon thickness was 4.9 (3.8–6.9) mm for the midportion region and 3.7 (2.8–4.8) mm for the insertional region. Age, height, body mass index, and sex had a significant correlation with maximum tendon thickness. Median tendon thickness for the midportion region was calculated with the normative equation −2.1 + AGE × 0.021 + HEIGHT × 0.032+ BMI × 0.028 + SEX × 0.05. For the insertional region, the normative equation was −0.34 + AGE × 0.010+ HEIGHT × 0.018 + BMI × 0.022 + SEX × −0.05. In the equations, SEX is defined as 0 for males and 1 for females. Mean (95% CI) difference in tendon thickness compared to AT patients was 2.7 mm (2.3–3.2, p &lt; 0.001) for the midportion and 1.4 mm (1.1–1.7, p &lt; 0.001) for the insertional region. Compared to the asymptomatic population 73/100 (73%) AT patients exhibited increased tendon thickening, with values exceeding the 95% RI. This study presents novel reference values for the thickness of midportion and insertional region of the Achilles tendon, which were adjusted for personal characteristics. Our novel web-based openly accessible calculator for determining normative Achilles tendon thickness (www.achillestendontool.com) will be a useful resource in the diagnostic process. Trial registration number: This trial is registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (NL9010).</p

    Mobility, Mood and Place—Co-Designing Age-Friendly Cities: A Report on Collaborations between Older People and Students of Architecture

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    Mobility, Mood and Place explores how places can be designed collaboratively to make pedestrian mobility easy, enjoyable and meaningful for older people. The built environment often excludes marginalised groups such as older people, single mothers and others with special needs. ‘Co-design’ is emerging as an important approach in architectural and urban design, which diversifies stakeholder participation and representation. Participatory co-design approaches can include such stakeholders so as to address their priorities and ensure that other stakeholders empathise with their perspective. This can enhance students’ methodological flexibility and empathy. This paper critically reflects on architecture students’ experiences, together with older adults (including stroke-survivors and those with dementia), in producing co-design research on age-friendly environments and offers some methodological insights. It also discusses competing objectives between a co-design research project that involved students of architecture and landscape design on post-graduate academic programmes. Finally, the paper will offer contributions to architects interested in designing places that take into account the needs of older people

    Living Lab: A Methodology between User-Centred Design and Participatory Design

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    Living Labs have received limited attention in the literature despite their diffusion throughout Europe and recent interest from policy makers. This limited attention is linked to the newness of the phenomenon, the high heterogeneity of cases and the consequent lack of definitions and acknowledged frameworks for scholarly analyses. In this work, we argue that the originality of the Living Lab phenomenon resides in the introduction of a new methodology. Using an analysis of the literature and case studies, we propose a new definition, position this methodology among other design methodologies and highlight its peculiarities. We underline the co-creative potentialities, the awareness of users and the real-life settings. Furthermore, our case-based research allows us to identify four different specifications for this methodology, and therefore four different types of Living Labs, based on the openness of the user involvement and the adopted platform technology

    Service design: Tuning the industrial design profession

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    Design is not only about the design and production of goods, but is increasingly addressing complex social issues nowadays. Roles of designers are becoming more and more varied, and at the same time other professionals are increasingly using design tools in their business, organizational or other innovation projects. New terms such as ‘service design’, ‘design thinking’, or even ‘co-creation’ are quite popular at the moment, but confusing as well: depending on the discipline people mean very different processes or methodologies with these terms. In this paper, we zoom in on the rise of service design. Service design is a user-centred approach to design, just as industrial design is. The contexts of users and their needs, motivations and feelings are starting points for the design process. In the form of a think tank, we critically reflected on current developments in design practice in order to tune the industrial design profession to the latest developments of design practice. Besides a better understanding of what service design brings and how it relates to industrial design practice, we explicitly formulated suggestions for current industrial design curricula, since many new graduated design students do projects in, and find jobs in service design projects.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Service design by industrial designers

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    Delft104 p.: illus.; 24 c
